[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will recruit some of the villagers to fight with him against Belgaroth’s forces and to set off in search of Aelfgar, the legendary Elf-Spear.

If you are going to search for Aelfgar, you must know where it is – but do you know how to get there? If you do, you will have found three clues that give you directions to the Elf-Spear’s resting-place. There is a number hidden somewhere in each clue. Put the three numbers together in sequence, in the order in which you found them, to give you a fourth three-digit number, and turn to that paragraph. If you do not have all the clues, you will have to abandon your quest for Aelfgar and head south (turn to 48).


Belushi Jackson has all of the clues. Please make your votes on where to go next before 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Looking back at the two verses we paid two resurrections for, the answer is to declaim, "Three seven eight!"
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; we will turn to paragraph 378.

The Ballad of Sir Rhyaddan the Crusader spoke of Aelfgar resting in the Shrine of the Templars. Of course – you just hope that it is still there. The whereabouts of the Shrine, however, has always been a closely guarded secret. It is said in the legends of your holy order that only the most worthy have any chance of finding the place and, even then, they may not be admitted. The ballad said, ‘T’wards the sunrise,’ eastwards; ‘Through the forest old,’ surely the ancient forest of Lein; and “High upon a barren peak,’ in the hills somewhere. Beyond the forest lies the eastern edge of the Banarask Hills … that must be where the Shrine lies.

Leading Firemane away from the road, you set off into the great untamed expanse of woodland that is older than Ruddlestone itself. Leafless branches like skeletal fingers reach out across your path through the bracken. Suddenly you catch sight of a riderless horse between the trees. Directing Firemane towards the steed, you see that its fine saddle and harness are those of a knight, and they bear the insignia of the Templars. It does not take you long to find the rider – and you are horrified when you see who it is. Slumped against a tree is your old friend, Sir Connor of Achenbury. The two of you served together at the Demonkeep Outpost and, like you, he too entered the order of the Elite Knights of Telak. His tunic is torn and bloodstained and several arrows protrude from his chest. Hearing you approach, Connor manages to lift his head and open his eyes. ‘Ah, a friendly face … It has been a long time. I only wish we were meeting again in happier circumstances … Orc Wolf-Riders … carrying the banner of Caer Skaal …’ Connor is failing fast. If you have a Healing Draught or a tot of Aranandus’s Restorative Potion that you would like to give to your dying friend, turn to 267. If you haven’t, turn to 72.

Belushi Jackson has two tots of Aranandus’s Restorative Potion. Please make your votes on whether to use one before 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Save our dying friend.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, save him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Save him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

Save him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Save friend.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will give a tot of Aranandus’s Restorative Potion to his dying friend.

Connor manages to swallow the liquid and recovers sufficiently to tell you what has befallen him: ‘I was ambushed … Archers … There were three of them … riding wolves … And their banners bore the gauntlet and sword symbol of Belgaroth’s forces …’ You tell Connor quickly of your quest and swear by Telak’s golden sword that you will do all you can to avenge him. The knight manages a weak smile and then, although his breath is coming in short bursts, he speaks again: ‘Yesterday I encountered two Chaos Warriors raiding a farm on the southern edge of the forest. Before I slew them, I overheard part of a conversation. They said that Belgaroth has gained the support of the Chaos Beast Lord, Murgrim the Cruel, and his horde of Chaos Beast Men. One of them also said that the Beast Men have captured the Bird of Light and mentioned something about a prophecy.’ Connor suddenly cries out in pain. ‘I’m afraid there is nothing more you can do for me … Go now and do your duty.’ Turn to 72.

And then he is dead. (Write down the word ‘Ronnoc’ on your Adventure Sheet.) If you wish, you may take Connor’s Magic Sword, which will harm undead and Demons but confers no other bonuses, and his shield, which bears the motif of a rampant lion (when you use this in battle, you may reduce an opponent’s Attack Strength by 1 point). Having offered a prayer to Telak for Connor’s soul, you remount Firemane and set off in pursuit of his murderers. Test your Skill, subtracting 2 from the dice roll if you have the Tracking Special Skill. If you succeed, turn to 37. If you fail, turn to 397.

I will take Connor’s Magic Sword and shield, equip his Magic Sword, and put the Assassin’s Dagger in Firemane’s saddle, unless somebody objects to this. To keep things somewhat realistic, I will only allow one shield to be used at a time.

Belushi Jackson has the Tracking Special Skill. Rolling the dice and applying the modification yielded a 3, which is obviously less than Belushi Jackson’s Skill, so he passes the Skill Test.

You manage to follow the tracks left by the Wolf-Riders south-eastwards through the forest. You cross streams and jump boulders in your pursuit of the Orcs – until at last you find them. Mounted on their snarling lupine steeds, the Orcs, adorned with their grisly trophies from past battles and carrying the banners of Belgaroth’s Chaos army, turn to face you, bows at the ready. As you gallop towards them, the evil inhuman creatures let fly with their arrows. Roll one dice and divide the result by 2 (rounding fractions down). This is the number of arrows that hit you (lose 2 STAMINA points for each hit). Before they have a chance to fire again, you charge the Orcs. Fight each Wolf-Rider in turn.


During this battle, if you do not have the Ride Special Skill you must reduce your Attack Strength by 1 point. If you defeat all three opponents, turn to 136.

Rolling the dice and applying the modification yielded a 3, so Belushi Jackson loses 6 Stamina from the 3 arrows that hit him. Belushi Jackson has the Ride Special Skill, so he does not lose any Attack Strength during the battle.

The fights:
[spoiler](First Orc Wolf-Rider)
Round 1: First Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 21;
First Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: First Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 9, Player Attack Strength: 22;
First Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: First Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 19;
First Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 18

(Second Orc Wolf-Rider)
Round 1: Second Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Second Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Second Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Second Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: Second Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 12, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Second Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 18

(Third Orc Wolf-Rider)
Round 1: Third Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 22;
Third Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Third Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Third Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: Third Orc Wolf-Rider Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 21;
Third Orc Wolf-Rider Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 18[/spoiler]

As expected, Belushi Jackson flawlessly defeats all three Orc Wolf-Riders.


You have avenged the death of your friend, Connor the Templar (add 1 to your HONOUR score). The Orcs possess nothing of any use to you, so you set off again. With a thud, a white arrow embeds itself in a tree next to you. The shaft is engraved with runes that you cannot read but which you know are Elven in origin. Six slender, white-haired figures almost melt out of the forest, their bows trained on you. These are the Guardian Elves of the Forest of Lein who patrol and tend the ancient woodland. ‘Stranger,’ says one of the Elves, ‘what are you doing so far into the forest?’ The Guardian Elves of Lein are unerring servants of Good so you have nothing to lose in telling them of your encounter with the Orcs, your quest and your search for Aelfgar. ‘Come with us,’ says the Elf. Dismounting, you lead Firemane through the trees, following the Elves.

You have not gone far when you find yourself standing at the edge of a grove of trees which is beautiful beyond description. On the far side of the lush lawn, which is covered with bright flowers even at this time of year, stands a six-sided plinth of pure white stone, engrave with what you suspect are prayers. You are greeted by a female Elf who possesses an almost unearthly beauty, long flowing white hair, pale skin, and large, deep-green eyes. The leader of the Elf patrol relays to her what you have told him, then she addresses you. ‘Templar, I am Elaina, Sorceress-Priestess of the Guardian Elves of Lein. The times are troubled indeed and our beloved forest is sickening. Your quest is of great importance, and if you are worthy to attain Aelfgar then some perils you will face will be lessened. However, if we are to help you, we must know that you intend the forest only good.’ If you have a twisted staff, turn to 315. If you do not, turn to 194.

Belushi Jackson has a twisted staff.

Showing Elaina the Arch-Cleric’s staff, you tell her how you vanquished the Darkthorn and its servants. ‘By this heroic action you have helped in part to restore the elemental powers of the forest and halt the sickness affecting it. Erillia, the Elf Mother, will bless you for this, and you certainly deserve our aid.’ The sorceress-priestess takes an ornate bottle from an Elf and hands it to you. ‘This bottle contains some of the very life-blood of Lein: sap taken from the trees in this ancient forest. Keep it safe and use it wisely, and the prophecy will be fulfilled.’ Before the Elves lead you away from their sacred grove and vanish back into the undergrowth, they also give you an Elven Amulet. Filled with hope once more, you hurry on your way. Turn to 278.

The day draws on as you ride through the ancient woodland. Having crossed a river, the further you travel the stronger grows the sense of mystery that pervades your consciousness. You also feel increasingly that you are being watched, which is quite unsettling. Every time you look around you detect a slight movement in the undergrowth but nothing to be seen causing it. It is then that you hear the sound of something large moving among the trees, a little way off to your left. It could be a forest creature, such as a bear. Do you want to try to discover what is making the noise (turn to 69) or will you ignore it and continue on your present path (turn to 324)?


Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 18 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 12 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Magic Sword (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
5 Provisions
2 Purses
Aranandus’s Restorative Potion (one tot, restores STAMINA to Initial level)
Griffin Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Assassin’s Dagger (weapon in Firemane’s saddle)
Connor’s Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength, may not be used alongside the Griffin Shield)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
RESURRECTIONS: 3[/spoiler]
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Investigate, it might be that puma from Lost in the Mountains of Death we didn't see,
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote acknowledged; Belushi Jackson will try to discover what is making the noise.

As you are hacking your way through the undergrowth, a large trunk suddenly moves into your path, blocking your way. Two branches reach towards you from the tree and, hidden in the thick cracked bark, you make out a mouth and a pair of small but incredibly ancient eyes. You have disturbed one of the gardeners of the forest: a Tree Man. The plant-like creature lumbers forward on its splayed roots, ready to deal with you as it deals with all trespassers.

TREE MAN       SKILL 8       STAMINA 8

Both branches (with 8 STAMINA points each) will lash out at you each Attack Round, so it will be as if you are fighting two opponents. The Tree Man is far too strong to kill, but if you sever its two main branches (reduce both their STAMINA scores to zero) it will retreat back into the forest, leaving you to go on your way. Turn to 324.


The fight:
[spoiler](Targeting First Branch)
Round 1: First Branch Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 18, Second Branch Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 17;
First Branch Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: First Branch Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 21, Second Branch Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 19;
First Branch Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: First Branch Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 20, Second Branch Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 23;
First Branch Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 18
Round 4: First Branch Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 17, Second Branch Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 22;
First Branch Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 18

Round 5: Second Branch Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Second Branch Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 18
Round 6: Second Branch Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 14;
Second Branch Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 16
Round 7: Second Branch Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Second Branch Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 16
Round 8: Second Branch Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Second Branch Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 16
Round 9: Second Branch Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Second Branch Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 16[/spoiler]

The Tree Man gets a lucky blow of 2 Stamina damage to Belushi Jackson before our hero manages to sever its two main branches.


The sun is sinking towards the horizon as dusk approaches, and under the trees a grey twilight permeates every nook and hollow. Firemane steps warily over tree boles and exposed roots and you start to think about making camp for the night. You bring your steed to a halt in a small clearing that is littered with fallen leaves and with a fungus-covered log lying at its edge. As you dismount, you hear a rustling sound and stare in startled amazement as the leaves draw themselves together into a shape that then stands upright; the figure now looks like a man covered from head to toe in leaves. At the same time, the ‘log’ starts to unfold with a creaking sound and, looking like a humanoid with bark for skin and with fungus growing out of it, gets to its feet. The leaf-man stretches out an arm towards you and you recover your amazed state. Will you move to defend yourself (turn to 297) or wait for these strange humanoids to make the first move (turn to 76)?

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 16 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 12 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Magic Sword (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
5 Provisions
2 Purses
Aranandus’s Restorative Potion (one tot, restores STAMINA to Initial level)
Griffin Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Assassin’s Dagger (weapon in Firemane’s saddle)
Connor’s Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength, may not be used alongside the Griffin Shield)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
RESURRECTIONS: 3[/spoiler]
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Wait for them to make the first move.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

Agreed, they actually don't look like enemies.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Wait. I suspect that Moss Man and Treebeard are friends.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Wait for it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will wait for these strange humanoids to make the first move.

With a voice like the sound of rustling leaves, the first creature speaks. ‘You have trespassed in the forest,’ it says. ‘It is many years since a mortal has wandered this far. You must come with us.’ The bark-and-fungus humanoid takes Firemane’s reins and prepares to leave the clearing. Will you go with these strange creatures (turn to 368) or will you attack them now (turn to 297)?

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Go with strange creatures.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Go with them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, go with them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Go with them.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

Go with the Ent parodies.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will go with these strange creatures.


You find yourself in a large clearing with a roof formed by a canopy of branches. Emerging from among the trees and out of the undergrowth come more of the strange plant-like people you have already encountered. They look as if they are clothed entirely in leaves, moss, bark, bracken and fungus, but you know now that these are not clothes. Some of the men and women have long green hair plaited with ivy and other plants. They are all watching you intently, and you feel the same scalp-tingling sensation you had in the forest when you thought you were being watched. These man-like creatures are the Wodewose, also referred to in folklore as the Green Men. They are primal spirits of the woods, ancient elemental beings of nature. Two of the Wodewose hold your arms while your weapon is taken from you. You are then led to the far side of the clearing and made to kneel on the ground in front of a screen of branches. The branches are drawn apart and you find yourself facing a huge figure, seated on a great chair that seems to be rooted in the earth. The figure is a giant of a man, wearing a robe of leaves. His beard and hair are green and matted with moss, and his skin is grey and cracked like bark, covered with knotty brown veins. The giant’s eyes are ringed like the stumps of branches, and when he speaks his voice is like the creaking of branches in the wind. ‘I am the Lord of the Forest,’ he says. ‘You have trespassed in the forest and your progress has been observed. This woodland comes under my protection and I cannot allow it to be harmed by careless humans. However, before I pass judgement on you, you may speak and defend your actions.’ Quickly you relate the events that have taken place so far on your adventure and explain the nature of your quest.

Read through the following list of actions that you may have carried out to date in the forest or possessions you may have acquired, and total the number of points for all that apply:

For trespassing in the forest       +3 points
For hunting a wild boar in the forest       +2 points
For having some of the fungus Ironbane       +2 points
For having a Cleric’s Talisman       -1 point
For having a twisted staff       -1 point
For having the potion Witherwell       +4 points
For having an Elven Amulet       -1 point
For fighting Orc Wolf-Riders       -1 point
For fighting a Tree Man       +4 points
For killing one of the Wodewose       +5 points

Roll two dice. If the total is less than or equal to the number of points you have scored, turn to 92. If the total is higher, turn to 280.


Belushi Jackson has trespassed in the forest, hunted a wild boar in the forest, has some of the fungus Ironbane, has a Cleric’s Talisman, has a twisted staff, has an Elven Amulet, has fought Orc Wolf-Riders, and has fought a Tree Man. All of these actions result in a total of 7 points. Rolling the dice yielded a 6, which is less than the total number of points.

‘I have made my judgement,’ the Lord of the Forest intones. ‘You have caused harm to these ancient woodlands and you are a danger to all who dwell here. Therefore I pronounce that you be given to the forest to pay for your crimes,’ These words spoken, the Wodewose surround you and dispense justice. Your adventure is over.

Well, that was tragic. A resurrection is used to send Belushi Jackson back to paragraph 278, when he hears the sound of the Tree Man. This time, he wisely ignores the noise and continues on his present path by heading to paragraph 324, where he encounters the leaf-man and its companion. Since it is known that that attacking the Wodewose fares poorly in the Lord of the Forest’s eyes, Belushi Jackson waits for these strange humanoids to make the first move by heading to paragraph 76. He goes with the strange creatures to the Lord of the Forest by heading to paragraph 368.

The new total is 3 points, and rolling the dice yielded a 5, so we will now go to paragraph 280 instead.

‘Although you have committed crimes against the forest, your intentions are of the greatest good and ultimately you seek peace for these ancient woodlands,’ says the Lord of the Forest. ‘Therefore I pronounce that you may pass freely through these lands in your search for the Elf-Spear.’ Forest maidens return your weapon and hand back Firemane’s reins to you. The Wodewose watch you depart, then dissolve into the undergrowth. However, you know that they will still be keeping an eye on your movements while you remain in the great forest.

When night falls you are still within the confines of the Forest of Lein. Having tethered Firemane, you settle down to sleep. You are woken by the sound of pounding hoofs. Galloping straight towards you and clearly visible in the darkness is a knight, riding a fiery steed. The warrior is dressed in orange and carries a shield bearing the image of a flame. In one hand he wields a blazing fire-sword. The horse’s mane and tail seem to be on fire, while wisps of scintillating flame fly from its hoofs. You must face the fiery warrior in combat.


If you are hit by the fire-sword, you must lose 3 STAMINA points rather than the usual 2. If you are victorious in your struggle against the knight, turn to 33.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 10, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 21, Player Attack Strength: 15;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 10, Player Stamina: 15
Round 3: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 8, Player Stamina: 15
Round 4: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 24;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 15
Round 5: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 15
Round 6: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 15
Round 7: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 21, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 12
Round 8: Knight of the Flame Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Knight of the Flame Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 12[/spoiler]

The Knight of the Flame deals 6 Stamina damage to Belushi Jackson before falling to him.

You awaken with a start just as the first rays of dawn are penetrating the depths of the forest. Restore 2 STAMINA points and add 1 day to the Time Elapsed. But what of your adversary? Was your battle with the knight all a dream? Looking around, you notice a shield lying against a tree: on it is the image of a flame. If you want to take this shield, in battle you may reduce any opponent’s Attack Strength by 1 point. (You may carry only one shield at a time.) You have successfully bested the Champion of the Shrine in combat and have earned the right to finish your journey. As you ride on, the ground gradually rises and eventually you leave the forest. You find yourself at the edge of a chasm which stretches as far as the eye can see to the east and west. It is too wide even for Firemane to leap across – but there is no need for that, since a narrow stone bridge spans the gorge. On the end-pillars of the bridge is engraved the badge of the Templars: a cruciform sword inside a ring inscribed with the Oath. Mist rises from the depths of the chasm so that you cannot see the bottom. There is only one way to go, and you guide Firemane on to the bridge. Do you suffer from the Fear of Heights? If you do, turn to 169. If you don’t, turn to 245.

Unless somebody objects, I will have Belushi Jackson take the Flame Shield. Belushi Jackson does not suffer from the Fear of Heights.

Important Note: Due to obtaining great renown for winning a difficult battle against the Champion of the Shrine and also because of the difficulty of an upcoming Honour check in the following paragraph, I will also have Belushi Jackson gain 1 Honour for the victory.

Having crossed safely, you follow the track that leads from the gorge south-eastwards through the rocky hills. This boulder-strewn wilderness makes a complete contrast to the sheltered paths of the forest. A cold wind ships across the bleak grey highlands, making you shiver at its chill touch. The landscape becomes even more odd-looking as the track leads you between the half-buried bones of some leviathan from a bygone age. And then you see it. Set into the side of a rocky hillock are two great stone doors, flanked by the statues of two armoured warriors: the Shrine of the Templars. You dismount and approach the doors. A deep, booming voice makes you start, echoing out across the barren hilltops: ‘Who seeks entrance to the sacred Shrine of the Templar Knights of Telak the Swordbearer?’ You give your name and await a response. If your HONOUR score is 11 or greater, turn to 330. If it is less than 11, turn to 257.

Belushi Jackson’s Honour score is 11, so we will head to paragraph 330.

The voice addresses you, saying simply, ‘Enter.’ The great stone doors swing open and you step between them into the shrine. You walk along a pillared corridor, lit by a golden glow from the ceiling, past statues of knights and warriors, standing to attention or at prayer, your footsteps on the stone floor the only sound. The corridor ends at a large circular chamber, the floor of which is a mosaic showing the badge of the Templars. In front of you is another set of double doors, but these are plated with gold and adorned with two huge dragon carvings. The beauty and majesty of the place fill you with awe and wonder. Even as you are marvelling at the intricacies of the decoration of the shrine, something is happening in the centre of the room. If you suffer from the Fear of Spiders, turn to 366. If you are afflicted with the Fear of Snakes, turn to 273. If you have the Fear of Heights, turn to 165. If you suffer from none of these fears, turn to 222.

Belushi Jackson does not suffer from any of these fears.

Once again, everything is as it was when you entered the chamber. You move towards the gilded doors, but there is yet another surprise in store for you. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turn to see yourself standing on the other side of the mosaic. However, as you watch, your double undergoes a horrifying transformation. First it begins to grow in size, then terrible sores appear on its skin; they burst open, revealing decaying flesh beneath. Its hands become cruel talons and unholy fires burn within its eyes. At the same time your double’s armour and weapon tarnish, and its tunic becomes a grave-shroud. What will you do? Will you attack the horror (turn to 113) or wait to see what happens (turn to 58)?

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 14 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 12 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Magic Sword (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
5 Provisions
2 Purses
Aranandus’s Restorative Potion (one tot, restores STAMINA to Initial level)
Griffin Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Assassin’s Dagger (weapon in Firemane’s saddle)
Connor’s Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength, may not be used with other shields)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength, may not be used with other shields)
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Wait for it.

I like the idea of the wood trial thing with plusses and minuses, though a bit random for an insta kill, IMHO.
Queen of Swords
Posts: 2844
Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:13 pm

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, let's wait to see what happens.
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