[Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

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[Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

Going back to a non-FF gamebook for the time being...


This an old gamebook series, all by Dave Morris, although some of them (including this one) are co-written with different partners. In this case, the co-author is Yve Newham (who didn't seem to have written any other gamebooks that I know of). Each book is a standalone adventure unrelated to the rest of the series.


Like FF, the general ruleset for the series is fairly simplistic. There are also 3 stats: VIGOUR, PSI and AGILITY.

VIGOUR is determined by 2D6 + 20. This is the equivalent of STAMINA/HIT POINT/LIFE POINT/ENDURANCE/etc, the score that we need to keep above 0 in order to stay alive, and which we will lose every time we get injured.

PSI and AGILITY are both determined by 1D6 +3. PSI is our resistance to magic and sensitivity to psychic impressions. AGILITY is tested for physical feats, like climbing walls and leaping across chasms. These 2 stats don't change as often, but can still increase or decrease by certain factors, such as magical equipment or crippling injury.

Rolling for our stats:

VIGOUR = 5+3+20 = 28
PSI = 1+3 = 4
AGILITY = 4+3 = 7


Combat is even simpler than FF. Opponents only have a VIGOUR stat. There's no SKILL score or equivalent. Every combat gives you the odds of hitting or getting hit determined by dice roll for that specific fight (e.g. rolling 2-6 means you get hit, rolling 7-12 means you hit the opponent). Each hit generally does 3 damage to VIGOUR. One thing to note is that in general, having to fight multiple opponent is almost always very much stacked against you. Other than the odds of you getting hit are higher, rolling low numbers will lead to you losing more VIGOUR for getting hit my multiple opponents. This is in contrast with FF, where a high SKILL usually still gives you an advantage even against multiple foes.

Sometimes, we are allowed to ESCAPE from combat, and when we do that, the enemy gets one more swing at you, and his success is determined by you rolling 2D6 against AGILITY. Failing the roll means you get hit for 3 VIGOUR damage.

There are no provision system or similar equivalents for regular healing.


This is pretty generic system. No limits to number of items carried, and we will just add items to our adventure sheet when we pick them up. We start with these default items in this book:

30 Gold Pieces
Bow and seven arrows

And that's it for the rules. Nothing complicated.

Now, as to the story...

Lynton is a prosperous market town that has grown rich and fat on its bustling trade. The jewellers and craftsmen of the town are without peer; its cuisine is unsurpassed for many leagues; wealthy patrons ensure a flourishing of the arts. An excellent place to visit, for someone with gold to spend...

You push away your breakfast platter of gruel and glower at your sagging money-pouch. Soon it will be time to move on. Lynton is, you decide, altogether too peaceful - no one has need of services such as yours.

There is a tall young man crossing the dew-soaked green who shares your despondent mood. 'By all the Fates!' he mutters to himself as he passes. 'Is there no adventurer of true mettle in this wretched town?' Noting the young man's fine clothes and rings, you leap up and fall into stride beside him, quickly making an introduction.

He turns and says keenly, 'I am Jasper, head of the wealthy Faze family since my father's untimely death some months ago. My brothers and I require a warrior to undertake an extremely dangerous quest. We have sent word far and wide, and many freebooters have applied for the position. In every case, their boastfulness has exceeded their courage and skill. We are on the point of despair, but if you can prove yourself worthy then you stand to profit richly.'

You accompany Jasper to the Faze mansion, an imposing edifice that stands proudly in some thirty acres of grounds. He takes you to meet his four brothers and they waste no time in beginning their stringent tests. You demonstrate your fighting skill using a wooden practice sword, effortlessly flooring Jasper's ox-like bodyguard. An archery butt is reduced to splintered wood as you send one arrow after another unerringly along the target range. When, blindfolded, you are required to dodge skittles tossed by Jasper and his brothers, your sixth sense and your co-ordination are shown to be almost superhuman. You are questioned closely on your past adventures and have no trouble listing the proper way of dealing with any monster from a basilisk to a vampire. With each test, Jasper's smile broadens. Eventually he throws down the book in which he has been keeping notes. 'Enough!' he cries. 'There can be no doubt - you are the champion we seek.'

You accompany Jasper to his study, where he explains the quest to you. The Castle of Lost Souls,' he begins abruptly, 'is where the demon Slank imprisons the spirits of those who pledge themselves to him.' He puts a glass of brandy into your hand; you drain it without thinking. 'My father, Luther Faze, died a wealthy man, but in his younger days he was but a struggling merchant. One day he came across an ornate bronze jar among his trinkets and wares. Unable to remember where he had got it, he read the inscription on the bottom. Immediately the arch-demon Slank stepped from out of nowhere!

'After some haggling, my father concluded a deal with Slank - to wit, that he should prosper and grow rich in order to leave wealth for his sons and a dowry for his lovely daughter. For this price the demon would have his soul. 'Father died six months ago. As you can see from this mansion and the estates, the demon kept his side of the bargain. While Father lay on his deathbed, then, Slank waited to take his soul to the Castle. None of us could see Slank, of course, but we caught the odour of damnation in the room - and Father had already told me, his eldest son, about the deal. Just as father breathed his last, a single tear fell from our sister Elvira's eyes on to his face...

'We learned the rest later, and I'll explain how in a moment. The demon took father's soul through low hills and swamps to where the Castle lurks enshrouded by mist. Father heard the demon chuckle as he closed the doors behind them. Gathering his courage, he turned round and cast the teardrop into Slank's face. The demon howled in pain and ran off through the Castle, clutching his eye which now sizzled and smoked where the tear struck it.

'Father was - is - no fool. Seeing that in goodness lay the means to destroy the evil demon, he barricaded himself in the Castle library and sat down to work out the necessary weapons. The action of killing Slank can be thought of as a spell which requires six components: a crystal ball, a four leaf clover, the ashes of a saint, the hair of a nun, a metal fragment from the armour of a chivalrous knight, and a tear from my sister's eyes. Luckily Father also found a book of necromancy and used its spells to appear to us in a dream. He told us what to do, and that we should seek out a bold adventurer to be the family's champion. I hardly need to say that if you can rescue our father's soul from Slank's castle, we will pay you a sizable fortune in gold and gems.'

You smile and accept. Jasper reaches into his pocket and takes out a glass phial containing a single glistening teardrop. 'Here is one of the items you will need. I wish you all speed in finding the other five.'

You take the tear (record it on your Character Sheet) and set out at once. You have an uncanny feeling that you are about to become embroiled in the strangest adventure of your life!
So, sounds like a typical scavenger hunt and demon-slaying quest thus far...

Resolving to be systematic in your quest, you decide to begin by finding the crystal ball and the four leaf clover. You remember passing an inn called The Four Leaf Clover just off the market square, and this seems as good a place as any to commence the search.

A short walk across town brings you to the inn. As you enter the tap-room, the first thing you notice is a horse brass in the shape of a four leaf clover which hangs above the bar. You may try stealing this if you think it will serve your purposes - or you could ask the innkeeper if he knows where there is some clover to be found. If you prefer, you could strike up a conversation with some of the customers in the bar. Will you join a group of gypsies, several farm workers having lunch or a trio of adventurers, presumably would-be champions who failed Jasper's tests?
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ???
VIGOUR: 28/28
PSI: 4
Equipment: Sword, Lantern, Tinder-box, Dagger, Bow and seven arrows, Girl's teardrop
Gold: 30 GP
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ask the innkeeper. I’m pretty sure we need the plant and not a sign.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to ask the innkeeper if he knows where there is some clover to be found, as I doubt that the brass clover will work in this adventure.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

The innkeeper says that there are sometimes four leaf clovers to be found in the beer garden at the back '...Hence the name of the inn!' he chuckles. You go out through the door he indicates and find yourself in the beer garden. Several elegantly dressed merchants are seated on a wooden bench. Their merriment turns to incredulity as they watch you get down on your hands and knees and start to peer at the lawn. After nearly an hour you are on the point of giving up when you spot what you are looking for; with a cry of triumph you pluck the four leaf clover. Note it down on your Character Sheet and turn to 124.
Hey, that was easy!
You hear some traders talking about a fete that is being held on the other side of town. You make your way there, thinking that perhaps you will meet someone who knows where you can get a crystal ball. You pass through the south gate of the town and almost at once find yourself in a milling throng of townsfolk and gypsies. Nearby, a group of people have gathered in a ring. They are shouting and cheering, and you stop to see what all the noise is about. There is a tall thin man with a scarlet bandanna around his head accepting coins from the people around him. He is taking bets on the outcome of a cock fight.

If you wish to place a bet yourself, turn to 77.
If you decide to pass by, turn to 129.
Are we interested in betting on cockfighting?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ???
VIGOUR: 28/28
PSI: 4
Equipment: Sword, Lantern, Tinder-box, Dagger, Bow and seven arrows, Girl's teardrop, Four leaf clover
Gold: 30 GP
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to pass by, as gambling is generally a waste of time in adventures like this.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I doubt the gambler has any of the items we're looking for.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

You are jostled by a crowd of excited townsfolk. A man in a long violet robe catches your eye. He has been performing conjuring tricks - to the obvious delight of his audience, who are clapping and throwing silver coins. As you watch, he brushes his fingers together and creates a flare of light and a puff of green smoke. If you decide to pass by, turn to 140. If you want to wait and buy one of the magical charms he has for sale, turn to 68.
Do we want to buy some magic charms?
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to wait and buy one of the magical charms that he has for sale, as I have a feeling that it will be useful later in the story.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Thaluikhain »

Buy magic charms. As this is a Dave Morris book, in particular look for ones that protect from disembodied heads.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

He offers you a Luck Charm for 20 Gold Pieces. If you decline this and continue to wander around the fete, turn to 140. If you buy the Charm, pay him the 20 Gold Pieces and turn to 225.
There's nothing about protecting us from disembodied heads, but do we want to buy is anyway?
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

I missed out on a picture earlier for the very first section. Have inserted it now.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

It's a little expensive, but I vote to buy it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

We spend 2/3 of our gold for the Lucky Charm.
A Luck Charm can be used three times only, so you must keep track of how often you use it. Any time you are required to make a dice roll (including a combat roll) you can activate the Charm instead. Using the Charm means that you do not need to roll the dice - you can proceed as if you had rolled whatever score you wanted. You must decide in advance when you use the Charm; you cannot use it to change the outcome of a dice roll after you have attempted and failed. Remember that this item will work only three times, so use its powers wisely.
Definitely useful, although it means I should probably pause for votes every time a die needs to be rolled, unless you can suggest some general ground rules on when or not to use it when our odds are better/worse than a certain level?
A short fat man blunders carelessly into you as he emerges from behind a caravan. He murmurs an indistinct apology as he brushes past. Roll one die. If you roll a 4 or better then you have your wits about you - turn to 109. On a roll of 1-3, your attention is elsewhere - turn to 193.
And we have one such case right away! Looks like a 50/50 odds. Do we want to use the Charm here?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ???
VIGOUR: 28/28
PSI: 4
Equipment: Sword, Lantern, Tinder-box, Dagger, Bow and seven arrows, Girl's teardrop, Four leaf clover, Luck Charm (can be used up to 3 times to pass any dice roll)
Gold: 10 GP
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Beroli »

Use the charm.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to ask for vote for the Luck charm when our hero (who I vote to name as Johnny in honor of the main character in the 2001 film Haunted Castle) has 10 Vigour or less, or when we have a less than 50% chance of success. This is not one of those situations, so I vote not to use the Charm.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I bet this guy steals a random item (which could be the luck charm, or even worse one of our quest items) so use the luck charm.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

Our newly-bought charm is used to help us remain alert:
You catch sight of the glint of a knife as the fat man tries to cut the strings of your money pouch. Your blood boils and you pull your sword from its scabbard with a bellow of rage. The Cutpurse attempts to escape by running between two tents, but a pile of crates blocks his way and he has to turn and face your wrath.


Roll two dice:
score 2 to 4 - You are wounded; lose 3 VIGOUR
score 5 to 12 - The Cutpurse loses 3 VIGOUR

If you win, turn to 237.
So yeah, this will be the standard interface for combats in this series. Theoretically, you can use the Charm for this fight too, but this is one of the weakest opponents, so we shouldn't be in too much danger.

Round 1 - We roll a 6. The Cutpurse is at 6 VIGOUR.
Round 2 - We roll a 5. The Cutpurse is at 3 VIGOUR.
Round 3 - We roll a 5. The Cutpurse is defeated.
You check the little man's pockets and find several pilfered money pouches. His ill-gotten gains amount to 17 Gold Pieces. He also wears a cornelian ring in the shape of a skull, which you may take if you wish. Remember to note anything you take in the appropriate box on your Character Sheet. You find some grass to clean the blood from your sword, then step out from between the tents as if nothing had happened.
Well, we just got back almost enough money to make up for what we spent on the Charm. Please vote on whether you wish to take the ring.
You see a young couple outside the beer tent: a swarthy gypsy lad and his plump country maid. You ask where you could find someone with a crystal ball, and without looking away from the eyes of his paramour the lad replies, 'You want Gypsy Gayl. She's the best fortune teller for twenty leagues and more.' He points towards her caravan.
You climb the steps of the brightly painted caravan, push aside the silk curtain across the doorway, and cautiously enter. It is dimly lit. There is a strange herbal smell - incense, perhaps? Exotic and colourful fabrics hang down in drapes, disguising the size of the caravan's interior. You feel heady and disorientated, as though you have stepped from the noise and bustle outside into another world.

As your eyes adjust to the gloom, you notice with a start a figure who sits at a velvet covered table. She is clad in the same brilliant colours that adorn the caravan. You are pleasantly surprised to discover that Gypsy Gayl is no wizened crone, but a ravishing sultry beauty with red-gold hair and long-lashed eyes of sea green. She beckons you forward. Finally you notice her crystal ball on the table. It shimmers and reflects all the myriad colours in the room.

You have fleetingly considered several plans, and now must decide which to use. Will you:

Ask her to tell your fortune?
Suggest she reads her own fortune?
Try to steal her crystal ball?
Invite her to join you in a drink and spend some time looking around the fete?
How do we approach this? (And remember to vote on whether you wish to take the cutpurse's ring.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ???
VIGOUR: 28/28
PSI: 4
Equipment: Sword, Lantern, Tinder-box, Dagger, Bow and seven arrows, Girl's teardrop, Four leaf clover, Luck Charm (can be used up to 32 times to pass any dice roll)
Gold: 27 GP
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to take the ring, and ask her to tell Johnny's fortune.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

If you have any money left, you must cross her palm with a Gold Piece. She gazes into her crystal ball. There she sees much of your past and a little of your future. A soft smile plays on her lips. 'Your intentions are clear to me,' she says. 'If you desire my crystal ball you must pay more than gold for it...'

Suddenly she draws a slender dagger and pricks your finger with the point of it. A single droplet of dark blood falls on to the ball and seems to be absorbed into its glistening surface. You reel with momentary weakness; you have permanently lost 1 point from your normal VIGOUR score. A Salve of Healing will not restore this, and nor will anything else. In exchange for the drop of lifeblood, Gayl gives you a second crystal ball which she takes from a casket behind her. You accept it and leave, feeling you have indeed paid dearly for this item.
Apparently, we only pay her if we have the gold, but she tells our fortune either way?

1 point of permanent VIGOUR actually doesn't seem like too high a price for what is probably an essential quest item, although I'd certainly have appreciated it more if she'd asked whether we're willing to pay it beforehand...
You now have the crystal ball you needed. Make sure you have noted it down on your Character Sheet. Do you have the four leaf clover as well? If not, turn to 256. If you have this item, turn to 273.
We already have that item...
Now that you possess the crystal ball, the teardrop and the four leaf clover, all you need is a fragment of a chivalrous knight's armour. Will you:

Go to the joust being held tomorrow?
Go to see Hrothgar, a scholar who is renowned for his private collection of arms and armour?
Look for an actual knight, or an armour collector?

Character Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ???
VIGOUR: 27/27
PSI: 4
Equipment: Sword, Lantern, Tinder-box, Dagger, Bow and seven arrows, Girl's teardrop, Four leaf clover, Luck Charm (can be used up to 32 times to pass any dice roll), Cornelian skull-shaped ring, Crystal ball
Gold: 26 GP
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Thaluikhain »

If the joust is tomorrow, I vote we check on the collector today.

(And the blood magic thing is classic Dave Morris)
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, 1 permanent point of Vigor is small potatoes.

I have to wonder if Hrothgar’s private armor collection won’t be from knights at all, let alone chivalrous ones. So I think we should go to the joust.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go to the joust, as Hrothgar's armour collection won't necessarily be from chivalrous knights.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by SGamerz »

You walk around the field where the joust is taking place. Amongst the various knights parading back and forth on horseback or cuffing their indolent squires you see a very gallant looking knight with a noble lady. Using the most courtly and chivalrous phrases, he is declaring his boundless love for her. She offers him a band of green silk finished with gold - the symbol of her favour - and he accepts with a self-effacing smile. You have found your man. You approach him. Will you:

Explain your quest and ask for his help?
Steal his helmet when he isn't looking?
Resort to low cunning?
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to explain our quest and ask for his help, as the knight probably will lend a hand if he is indeed chivalrous.
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Re: [Let's Play] Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook 6: Castle of Lost Souls

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Explain our quest and ask for his help.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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