[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Thaluikhain »

That seems reasonable, try Lock.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Beroli »

Shaking with fear, you clear your mind, summon the word and speak it aloud. A warm tingle spreads through you, collecting in a ball of energy at your fingertips. You send the spell flying towards the rampaging Kreehuls, and you watch as it crashes into the water, instantly freezing its surface. At least a thousand creatures stand trapped by your magic, croaking in fear and anger. Your feet are free, and you carefully navigate around the Kreehuls' flailing arms.

(It seems to be quite a bit more effective this time. Practice or luck?)

The Kreehuls have been temporarily thwarted but, in a forest of such size, it seems likely that more will arrive soon. The statue of the Sitting Prophet is not the figurine Credas led you to believe it was. (Did he? I didn't think he talked enough to lead you to believe much of anything.) In vain you try to shift it, and succeed only in straining your back. Dejected, you slump down against one of its chubby legs and stare out into the jungle. Green eyes stare back at you from the darkness as more Kreehuls prepare for another assault. Your situation seems hopeless.

But you do have the small jar of syrup.

You produce the jar and notice that the Dragonfly you saw earlier is still hovering high above you. As you remove the lid, you see it fly closer, drawn by the scent of the sticky orange paste inside. An idea blossoms in your mind. Acting quickly, you smear the bald head of the Prophet with the sweet goo and wait. The Kreehuls again begin to advance, sensing that their sacred idol is in danger. Then suddenly, amid a din of beating wings, the air is filled with Dragonflies. Greedily they bear down on the rich paste, jostling for position and ignoring you completely. As they eat, you gather the ends of their silken threads and tie them secuely to the Prophet's arms. Gorged on their meal, the insects lift off, only to find the idol attached to them. The Kreehuls croak their battle-cry and attack, sending the Dragonflies into a frenzy. The statue shifts. Again it moves, until finally it works free from its muddy seat. You grab the Sitting Prophet's arm as it is carried up and hang on, high above the sea of angry Kreehuls. As you rise slowly out of the clearing and above the green canopy, you can hear their distressed croaking until it is drowned out by the beating of wings.

The Dragonflies carry you for many miles, gradually sinking lower as they begin to tire. You notice, thankfully, that the jungle is giving way to countryside. A few of the insects stop beating their wings and hang limply by their threads. Those which remain can only just keep you a short distance above the ground. Then they too begin to tire and finally give up. The statue thuds to the ground, sending you tumbling. You find yourself sitting on a rough dirt track. The light begins to fade, and you rest for the night.

The sound of crackling wood wakes you while it is still dark. A fire glows in the darkness some distance away, and two dark shapes are silhouetted against the flames.

Go over to investigate?
Go back to sleep?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Maior
Skill: 10/10
Stamina: 16/19
Luck: 7/7

Jeweled dagger
Provisions: 5
Brooch with Izkhao
Filthy clothes
Chang whistle
His Highness ?????'s battle-plans
Jar of orange syrup
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go over to investigate. Going back to sleep is just asking to be killed by the two dark shapes.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Thaluikhain »

Second that.

Also, I'm glad we only had to realise we could cast Lock, if we had to guess that we should use the syrup t attract a horde of dragonflies and tie them to a statue and fly away on it...that would have taken me a few guesses.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, investigate.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Beroli »

'They attacked from yonder ridge--thousands of them, swinging evil-looking swords about their heads.' The smaller of the two peasants points off into the darkness with the broken shaft of an arrow. "The garrison troops didn't stand a chance. Boys they were, didn't know one end of a halberd from the other. Reckon we're in for some bad times if Feior's lot take over.' You walk into the firelight and hail the men, but they leap like startled deer and run off into the night. Gazing into the fire's blaze you notice that it is fuelled by thousands of broken arrows. You return to the Prophet. The rest of the night passes peacefully.

You are roughly woken up by the slobbering tongue of a fly-ridden buffalo.

'Better get that thing out of the way,' a voice mumbles from behind the beast. A haggard old fellow of many years peers vaguely down at you. Picking yourself up from the ground, you see that the man and his pudgy wife are sitting on top of a large wagon.

Look them in the eye and order them to help you transport the Sitting Prophet?
Wait to see what they are going to do?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Maior
Skill: 10/10
Stamina: 16/19
Luck: 7/7

Jeweled dagger
Provisions: 5
Brooch with Izkhao
Filthy clothes
Chang whistle
His Highness ?????'s battle-plans
Jar of orange syrup
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I don't like the idea of this, but Maior is in a desperate situation here. I vote to look them in the eye and order them to help him transport the Sitting Prophet.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, we might as well get their help.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by SGamerz »

Order them around like their boss.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Beroli »

'You can't just go orderin'...' The peasant breaks off his ranting as his eyes meet yours.

His wife prods him. 'Well, go on then, get on with it.' She kicks him off his perch, and they both set about helping you manhandle the idol on to the cart. After much heaving and grunting, you succeed and set off towards Credas's cliff-top retreat.

When Credas sees what you have brought, his face turns ashen. 'I...I--but how did you...?' he mutters. Then he stares at you intently. 'I never guessed such evil could be purged,' he says to no one in particular. 'I have committed a great crime.'

You know of the recent battle that took place on the fields to the south. You tell Credas about it.

He sighs. 'Before we do what must be done I will tell you something of your history. You are one of the two children of Bezenvial, who ruled this island with steel, fire and death until he was cast down. The Triurge of Aven deleated him in a battle that lasted many days: his cityport was destroyed and Bezenvial himself banished to the shadow realms. Now only one of the Triurge lives: for I am the last.'

'The Sitting Prophet is a potent force for Harmony, and I sent you to fetch it because I knew that, if you were a true child of your father, the idol would destroy you utterly. But somehow you have been cleansed of your evil heritage. Not so your brother, Feior, who seeks to fulfil Bezenvial's prophecy that one of his children would rule the Isles of the Dawn once more. He must be defeated, or else the people will be ground under the iron heel of oppression. We must use every power at our disposal. Do you have the power of Mutation?'

You do.

Credas walks towards the Prophet and holds out his hands to touch it, 'You must use your power now. For the good of the Isles, I must become one with this idol.' Nausea washes over you as the power builds within. You hardly dare watch as Credas's form melts and fuses with the bronze idol. When you have finished, you stagger back to rest.

The mouth of the Prophet opens, and Credas speaks, his voice resonating with a metallic twang. 'Now you must unite an army to meet Feior in battle and destroy his forces. Without soldiers he has no real power. I will rouse the Kreehuls to action: for too long they have been hunted and slaughtered by man. Go now, and may your fate be kind, for the sake of the Isles.'

You did not rob the merchant earlier and have nothing from him.

You head out into the countryside. Although time is short, you have much ground to cover. First you must decide how you will start to recruit soldiers.

Search for Merzei?
Recruit an outlaw band?
Try to hire mercenaries?
Follow your instincts?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Maior
Skill: 10/10
Stamina: 16/19
Luck: 7/7

Jeweled dagger
Provisions: 5
Brooch with Izkhao
Filthy clothes
Chang whistle
Feior's battle-plans
Jar of orange syrup
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to search for Merzei, as he is one of the few allies that Maior has so far.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, search for Merzei (though I'm curious about what happens if we follow our instincts. Probably more aimless wandering).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by SGamerz »

It looks like the only decent choice anyway. "Follow your instincts" sounds too vague to tell whether it'd be good or bad. Mercenaries and bandits are probably only loyal to money, and it's not like we have any riches to bribe or buy them with.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Beroli »

Travelling among the villages of this region you hear tell of a rabble-rouser who has been stirring the peasants to action. After a day spent searching you find the village in which Merzei is staying. True to form, he is standing in the middle of the street, haranguing the local populace. 'Throw off the yoke of oppression!' he shouts. 'Resist those who exploit you! Join with me and bring the Council to power!'

When he has finished his speech, you approach him and tell him that you need men to fight against Feior.

Merzei does know you as someone who has previously expressed allegiance to his cause.

'You are a true agent of the cause,' Merzei says. 'I am almost ready to rouse the people to action, and this war may prove just the thing to spark them off.'

Stay to help Merzei raise his peasant army?
Arrange to rendezvous with him later and try to recruit other soldiers?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Maior
Skill: 10/10
Stamina: 16/19
Luck: 7/7

Jeweled dagger
Provisions: 5
Brooch with Izkhao
Filthy clothes
Chang whistle
Feior's battle-plans
Jar of orange syrup
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Thaluikhain »

Oh, raise a peasant army. I bet having a wizard zap a few oppressors would be good for PR.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, stay. I'm not sure there are other soldiers to recruit, and leaving might mean we seek out mercenaries and outlaws, neither of which sound particularly reliable without any means of paying them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by SGamerz »

While I'm not exactly optimistic about our chances to recruit other forces, I think we should still make the attempt. Merzei can probably raise the peasant army just fine by himself.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Merzei knows his business, leave him to it. More allies is more better.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Thaluikhain »

I'll change my vote to a half vote to avoid tie.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I trust Merzei to take care of things on his own so I think we should look for more allies.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to arrange to rendezvous with him later and try to recruit other soldiers in order to expand the potential number of recruits.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Beroli »

Parting company with Merzei wins 4 to 1.5. You have another choice to make.

Look for mercenaries to recruit?
Try to find Merzei?
Try to find the king's army?
Recruit outlaws to the cause?
Follow your instincts?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Maior
Skill: 10/10
Stamina: 16/19
Luck: 7/7

Jeweled dagger
Provisions: 5
Brooch with Izkhao
Filthy clothes
Chang whistle
Feior's battle-plans
Jar of orange syrup
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Post by Queen of Swords »

King's army. The mercenaries are not likely to be reliable unless we have some means of paying them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to try to find the king’s army, as that is the only new option that popped up.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 42: Black Vein Prophecy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

King's army sounds good to me.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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