Kaelik Elementalist [Tome of Trees]

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Kaelik Elementalist [Tome of Trees]

Post by Kaelik »

"The consistent Elementalist can not care much for description and classification, for these depend in the first instance on ‘mere qualities’ whel he is concerned with essences. The Elementalist’s problems, like the pure intellectualist’s, are always ultimate problems. For both anything this side of the absolute is only appearance."

An Elementalist casts badass elemental effects every round, but must follow the ebb and flow of the elements, changing which badass abilities are available. Elementalists primary attribute is Intelligence, since they have to understand D&D physics way better than other people to properly create their effects.

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2
Good Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref Saves Bad Will
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Wis), Swim (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Bluff (Cha) Knowledge (All) (Int), Balance (Dex), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Disguise (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex)
1:Elemental Affinity, Minor Pure Channels
2:Minor Pure Wards, Elemental Manipulation
3:Minor Combined Channels
4:Commune with Elements, Elemental Senses
5:Minor Tri Channels
6:Minor Combined Warding
7:Major Pure Channels
8:Elemental Transport
9:Major Combined Channels
10:Minor Tri Warding
11:Major Tri Channels
12:Elemental Minions
13:Great Pure Channels
14:Major Pure Ward
15:Great Combined Channels
16:Elemental Resurrection
17:Great Tri Channels
18:Major Combined Ward
19:Reactive Elemental Attack
20:Major Tri Warding

Proficiencies: An Elementalist is proficient with light armor, light shields, simple weapons, and anything probably made of elements.

Elemental Affinity (Ex): An Elementalist has a natural essential connection to the elements along two axes. At all times he is either Favored Earth, Balanced, or Favored Air on the Earth/Air Axis. At all times he is either Favored Fire, Balanced, or Favored Water on the Fire/Water Axis.

An Elementalist cannot use Channels of an element they are not Favored of or Balanced on the axis of. Additionally, a Warding that is not Favored or Balanced of at least one of their elements turns off.

When an Elementalist Channels an element, they move away from Favored of that element one step. The same applies when they use Elemental Abilities besides Wards, such as Manipulation, Commune, Senses, Transport, Minions, or Resurrection.

When an Elementalist is Favored of an element, they gain bonuses to their channels as described in the channel entries.

For example, an Elementalist that is currently Favored Fire and Balanced Earth/Air can use a Minor Fire Channel with a bonus or Minor Earth or Air Channel without bonuses. If he uses Minor Fire, he will then be Balanced on both axes. If he uses Minor Earth, he will be Favored Fire and Air. If instead he has access to a Combined Channel of Earth and Fire, he moves to Favored Air and Balanced Fire/Water. He would obtain the bonus to the Combined Channel. If he had access to a Tri Channel of Fire Earth and Air, and used it, he would move to Balanced on both axes, since the Movement of Air and Earth will counteract each other.

Minor Pure Channels (Sp): Minor Pure Channels and all future abilities labeled as Channels in the Elementalist Description have at least one element attached to them, and can only be used when all their elements are either Favored or Balanced on the appropriate axes. Elemental Channels are Spell Like Abilities with no material, verbal, or somatic components. However, each one requires a simple movement or gesture that can be performed as easily as a purely mental action but has visible manifestations allowing witnesses to detect both the elements involved and the Elementalist as the actor.

All saving throws for all Channels are DC 10+1/2 Character Level+Int Modifier.

At level 1 an Elementalist can use a Minor Pure Channel of each of the four elements.
Fire: Close 10ft Radius Fire Burst doing 1d6 damage per Character level +Int mod in fire damage Ref Half. Favored: Medium Range Spread.
Water: Medium Single Target Nauseate for 2 Rounds Fort Negates. Favored: Int Mod targets.
Earth: Long 30ft Radius Difficult Terrain Instantaneous Effect. Favored: Ref save or fall prone those in area.
Air: Medium Effect 30ft by 10ft Wall of Solid Air. Invisible. Negates first attack that hits it or stops movement of first creature to move into it. Disperses after contact. Favored: Immediate Action Channeling.

Minor Pure Wards (Su): At level 2 an Elementalist can have a limited number of defensive Wards of his element. An Elementalist can only have one of each Ward Set equipped at a time. So he can only have one Minor Pure Ward equipped at a time.

An Elementalist is further limited in that he can only have one ward using each Element equipped at a time. So a much higher level Elementalist could have a Tri Warding of Fire, Air, and Earth, but would then only be able to have a single additional warding equipped that is Pure Water.

Equipping a different set of Wards is a Full Round Action that can completely trade out current wards for any legal set of wards. If an Elementalist is not Favored of Balanced in at least one of the elements that make it up, it remains equipped, but is deactivated, providing no benefit. Yes, this means Tri Wardings never turn off.

At level 2 an Elementalist can equip one Minor Pure Ward:

Fire: Fire and Cold Immunity.
Water: Acid Immunity and +5 Insight Bonus to Will saves.
Earth: DR 5/Adamantium (DR 10/Adamtium at level 6, DR 15/- at level 12).
Air: +5 Deflection Bonus to AC and Feather Falling.

Elemental Manipulation (Su): At level 2 an Elementalist can grab ahold of some element and start working it into what he wants or influence it otherwise. This can emulate the following effects, as well as do whatever else the DM lets you do.

Fire: Control Temperature (24 hour duration, Minimum 1 Temperature Band, does not stack with self)
Water: Control Water (2 Hour Duration)
Earth: Stone Shape or Earth Shape (usable on dirt or mud), but effective 1 minute casting time. (Must physically work the stone or Earth into Shape)
Air: Gust of Wind (5 Round Duration)

Using one of these abilities moves you away from Favored on that axis and has a Standard Action activation unless otherwise specified.

Minor Combined Channels (Sp): At level 3 an Elementalist can use two elements to create Combined Channels. The Elementalist must have access to both (Balanced or Favored on the appropriate axis) and using one moves them away from Favored on each axis. They gain Favored bonuses if either element is Favored.

Magma (Fire + Earth): Close Ranged Touch 1d8 per CL+Int Fire damage and entangled one round. Favored: Immobilized.
Lightning (Fire + Air): 100ft Line, Will Save or Blinded 3 Rounds. Favored: 5 Rounds.
Mud (Earth + Water): Medium Create 4 5ft square piles of Mud with duration of 2 minutes. Can be created in squares of other characters, if they make the save, they can choose to move out of the mud to any valid square. On a failed save, they are trapped but can escape with DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check as full round action. They can't move out of the mud while trapped, but can attack or cast spells. Each square has 60HP and hardness 5. Favored: 5 Squares.
Fog (Air + Water): Long Range 20ft Radius Fog Cloud. Favored: Fort save vs Nausea for 2 rounds.

Commune with Elements (Su): At level 4 an Elementalist can talk to different elements. This is an always active ability that works like the spell Stone Tell, but applies to any element. For the purposes of Water, it only knows about the body it is currently in (River/Lake/Ocean) and is vaguer the larger the area covered. For the purposes of Air, it knows the general area, and about things from the direction it was blown from, IE divining information about the nearby mountains that the wind is blowing out of is fine, but not "Where is the nearest City?"

Elemental Senses (Su): At level 4 an Elementalist gains additional senses based on their current Elemental Affinity.

Fire: Deathwatch: 30ft. Favored: See in Darkness (like a Devil)
Water: Blindsense 20ft. Favored: Blindsense 60ft.
Earth: 30ft Tremorsense. Favored: 100ft Tremorsense
Air: Eagle Eyes (Half Distance Penalty to Spot). Favored: Seeing Visual Illusions passively is interacting with them, triggering save.

Minor Tri Channels (Sp): At level 5 an Elementalist can create Tri Channels.

Force (Fire + Air + Earth): Close Effect Resilient Sphere 5 round duration. Favored: 10 Rounds.
Ice (Water + Air + Earth): Long Range Effect Spear 6d8 damage piercing and cold. Ranged Attack Roll at +5. Favored: Fort save or Stunned for 2 rounds on hit.
Stone (Earth + Water + Fire): Stone Shape. Favored: Can be used to trap people in stone with a Reflex save to avoid entrapment.
Mind (Air + Water + Fire): Single Target Will Save or Dazed and Stunned for 2 rounds. Favored: Two targets.

Minor Combined Warding (Su): At level 6 an Elementalist can have a Combined Warding.

Magma: +5 Natural Armor and melee attacks, hit or miss, do 1d6 per 2 CL+Int mod fire damage to the attacker.
Lightning: +30ft enhancement to move speed.
Mud: Immune to Crits.
Fog: 20% Concealment Miss Chance.

Major Pure Channels (Sp): At level 7 an Elementalist can create stronger Pure Channels.

Fire: Long Range 40ft wide cylinder instantaneous does 1d6 per CL fire damage. Favored: Lasts two rounds. Ongoing damage and repeats.
Water: Water Tentacles (As Evard’s Black Tentacles). Favored: If grappled, the tentacles prevent you from breathing (unless you breathe water).
Earth: Either Rock to Mud, Mud to Rock, or Move Earth. Move Earth has the casting time of the spell. Favored: Can emulate both Rock to Mud and Mud to Rock right after each other in one action.
Air: Solid Fog, but doesn’t grant concealment (The interpretation where a run action can move you 20ft). Favored: The interpretation where you can only move 5ft even with a double move, so you just use a move action to move 5ft and then your standard action.

Elemental Transport (Su): At level 8 an Elementalist gains the passive transportation options of the elements he currently has affinity to including if balanced. He loses them if he loses access to the element which can trigger falling or the need to hold breath.

Fire: +30ft insight bonus to all other movement speeds
Water: Water Breathing and swim speed of 100ft
Earth: 10ft Burrow Speed, can go through stone and can leave tunnels or not at choice.
Air: 30ft Good Fly speed.

While Favored of an element, the Elementalist can further use additional movements. Activating these does not push the Elementalist away from Favored.

Fire: The Elementalist can tag a fire, and so long as that fire continues to burn, they can spend a standard action to Recall to that fire. They can only have one such fire, and they don’t know its current status, they just fail to recall if it has been put out.
Water: As a full round action an Elementalist can drastically change the currents of a river or ocean or other liquid body. The currents push anyone or anything in them at a speed of 300ft per round on the first round, and 1000ft per round on each subsequent round in a specific direction. This effect is about 500ft in radius from the Elementalist and lasts until he spends a full round action to stop it. The direction can also be changed with a full round action.
Earth: By spending a full round action preparing, the Elementalist can Earthglide for 5 rounds.
Air: The Elementalist and up to 8 other creatures are effected as by the Wind Walk spell with a duration of 24 hours.

Major Combined Channels (Sp): At level 9 an Elementalist can create stronger Combined Channels.

Magma: Wall of Magma appears. Treat as Wall of Stone except that 1) You can’t create it on people, and if you do they get free movement to move to either side. 2) The wall does 1d6 per CL+Int mod damage to anyone standing adjacent to it or attacking it with a melee weapon. It also does this damage to weapons that attack it, but hardness and half damage from fire apply as normal to damaging objects.
Lightning: Out to Long Range can shoot a lightning blast (RTA) that strikes the opponent, stunning them and dazing them for 3 rounds if they fail a Will save. Immunity to electricity renders you immune to this stun and daze. Favored: The Lightning doesn’t require a RTA and can arc to an additional target within 20ft.
Mud: Fill mouth and lungs with mud. On a failed Fort save, the target must begin holding breath, this prevents any verbal components or speech. The only way to remove the Mud is with a DC 30 Heal check or the careful application of teleportation, transmutation, or disintegration magic (Casting time of any spell or item used for that is effectively increased by one full round and a DC 25 spellcraft check must be made for the spell to cure it). Which transmutation spells work is DM decision, but things like polymorph and enlarge person can be used. Also the level 1 spell Deep Breath defeats this. Favored: On a failed save, they immediately begin suffocation as if they have held their breath for 2xCon score rounds already.

This spell does effect “objects” but will have limited effect because of the breathless nature of many constructs and undead. Will still prevent verbal components.
Fog: Cloudkill. Favored: 5HD or below killed no save. 8HD or below are save or die.

Minor Tri Warding (Su): At level 10 an Elementalist can have a Tri Warding.

Force: A Force shield blocks all magic missiles and provides +10 shield bonus to AC (overlaps and does not stack with any other shield bonuses you have) and Cover against Area of Effect spells.
Ice: Ice Armor captures and reflects any ray or ranged touch attack spells or abilities cast or directed at you back at the originator with their own attack rolls and effects.
Stone: Hardness equal to Character level.
Mind: Immunity to Mind Affecting Effects.

Major Tri Channels (Sp): At level 11 an Elementalist can create stronger Tri Channels.

Force: Wall of Force. But can only have one up. Favored: Immediate Action to activate.
Ice: Wall of Ice but with a swift action casting time. Can only have one up at a time. Favored: The effect offers no save.
Stone: Flesh to Stone or Stone to Flesh. Favored: +2 to DC.
Mind: A powerful Burst of mind energy shoots out 80ft in every direction. Every creature except those you designate who is not Immune to Mind Affecting or immune to Non-lethal damage must make a Will save. On failure, they take non lethal damage equal to their maximum HP +10. On success, they take half that.

Elemental Minions (Su): At level 12 an Elementalist can create an Elemental of any CR under his cap as a minion that follows any orders given in a language or communication method it can understand. He can have any number of such minions so long as their total CR = Elementalist level minus 4. These can be pretty much any odd type elementals that your DM allows in addition to the standard four elementals in the MM I. The duration instantaneous, but so is the effect that kills any elementals in existence if you create more that exceed your cap.

This process takes 1 hour whether creating one small elemental or multiple huge ones.

Great Pure Channels (Sp): At level 13 an Elementalist can create even stronger Pure Channels.

Fire: Firestorm. Favored: Clings doing damage again next round.
Water: Effect 120ft Cone of Water. Pushes all creatures to the end of the effect on a failed Fort or Ref save, does effect objects. Does 1d4 per CL bludgeoning damage, no save. Does 2d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5ft a creature could have been moved by the wall when slammed into a wall. When used under water offers no save against movement. Favored: Only Fort Save is allowed.
Earth: Earthquake. Favored: Can use to create a straight tunnel 20ft wide up to 400ft long.
Air: Control Weather. Casting time of 1 minute. Favored: Control Winds.

Major Pure Ward (Su): At level 2 an Elementalist can have a stronger Pure Warding.

Fire: Fire and Cold Immunity also anyone striking you in melee takes 1d6 fire damage per 2 CL.
Water: Acid Immunity and +10 Insight bonus to Will saves.
Earth: DR 15/- +5 Natural Armor bonus to AC.
Air: Windwall, +5 Deflection bonus to AC, and Feather Falling.

Great Combined Channels (Sp): At level 15 an Elementalist can create even stronger Combined Channels.

Magma: You throw a ball of Superhot Magma that on a Ranged Touch Attack causes them to make a Fort save that effects objects or die. This is not a Death effect, but Fire Immunity prevents it. Favored: Fire Immunity doesn’t effect it.
Lightning: Chain Lightning. Favored: Half Untyped Damage.
Mud: You turn all stone to mud everywhere within a mile. This probably has bad consequences on architecture in the region.
Fog: Fog spreads out to 1 mile and lasts forever until dispersed by wind (though natural wind can also do so). As Fog Cloud. Favored: For you and anyone holding hands with you when you activate it, creatures more than 30ft away have total concealment and less have concealment. Operates still as Fog Cloud for everyone else.

Elemental Resurrection (Su): At level 16 an Elementalist can designate with a touch a fire, a small pool of water, a patch of dirt, and any individual air molecule. All of these can exist at the same time, but designating a second item of any of those replaces the first. A living Elementalist gains no special information about the status of their designated elements. However, when an Elementalist dies, they know if any of their designated elements has stopped functioning. If they haven’t, he can choose any of the four, and resurrect at them, returning to life in a new young nearly identical body that is exactly the same, but erases all aging penalties to stats, and also death from aging to be basically as far away as it can be for an adult of the Elementalist’s species.

Each designated element can lose effectiveness or otherwise be prevented from resurrecting the Elementalist. Additionally, each element requires different times before the resurrection. If the chosen element should be contaminated before the resurrection triggers, the Elementalist can choose another. If all are, he dies.

Fire: One day; If the fire goes out or is on another plane when the Elementalist dies resurrection is no longer valid.
Water: 1d4 days; if the pool of water is filled with enough dirt to become mud or is evaporated, or is diluted in enough other water to no longer be a small pool, or is on another plane from the Elementalist when they die, resurrection is no longer valid.
Earth: 1d4 weeks; if the dirt should be scattered to the winds, or diluted in liquid, resurrection is no longer valid.
Air: One year; if the air molecule it transported to another plane from the Elementalist after he dies, or the Elementalist dies while on another plane, resurrection is no longer valid.

Anyone holding a piece of the Elementalist’s corpse before resurrection and after death has a compass pointing to any remaining valid resurrection elements on their plane or the knowledge that something exists on another plane they would also have a mental compass pointing to. No further information besides the compass is given.

All resurrection locations that are still valid both before the Elementalist’s death and after death before resurrection detect as Overwhelming Evocation and Conjuration magic until defiled or contaminated and their function can be identified with an identify spell or Analyze Dweomer.

Great Tri Channels (Sp):


Major Combined Ward (Su):


Reactive Elemental Attack (Ex):

Major Tri Warding (Su):

Last edited by Kaelik on Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Pseudo Stupidity
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Post by Pseudo Stupidity »

This is excellent, but you should convert it to Pathfinder so my scrubby friends will be able to use it.
sandmann wrote:
Zak S wrote:I'm not a dick, I'm really nice.
Zak S wrote:(...) once you have decided that you will spend any part of your life trolling on the internet, you forfeit all rights as a human.If you should get hit by a car--no-one should help you. If you vote on anything--your vote should be thrown away.

If you wanted to participate in a conversation, you've lost that right. You are a non-human now. You are over and cancelled. No concern of yours can ever matter to any member of the human race ever again.
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Post by Kaelik »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This is excellent, but you should convert it to Pathfinder so my scrubby friends will be able to use it.
I mean... is there anything at all that would need to change for it to run under Pathfinder?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
Pseudo Stupidity
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Post by Pseudo Stupidity »

Kaelik wrote:
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This is excellent, but you should convert it to Pathfinder so my scrubby friends will be able to use it.
I mean... is there anything at all that would need to change for it to run under Pathfinder?
You need to say "Pathfinder" and add some fiddly ACFs and a bunch of goddamn stupid things to track. Maybe make every ability, even the minor pure channels, be limited to rounds per day.

Note: This is a joke. I think it can be run in PF with no alterations.

In all seriousness you don't specify the action for things like minor pure channel, and that can be confusing unless standard actions are assumed (and they probably are).
Last edited by Pseudo Stupidity on Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
sandmann wrote:
Zak S wrote:I'm not a dick, I'm really nice.
Zak S wrote:(...) once you have decided that you will spend any part of your life trolling on the internet, you forfeit all rights as a human.If you should get hit by a car--no-one should help you. If you vote on anything--your vote should be thrown away.

If you wanted to participate in a conversation, you've lost that right. You are a non-human now. You are over and cancelled. No concern of yours can ever matter to any member of the human race ever again.
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Post by Kaelik »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:
Kaelik wrote:
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This is excellent, but you should convert it to Pathfinder so my scrubby friends will be able to use it.
I mean... is there anything at all that would need to change for it to run under Pathfinder?
You need to say "Pathfinder" and add some fiddly ACFs and a bunch of goddamn stupid things to track. Maybe make every ability, even the minor pure channels, be limited to rounds per day.

Note: This is a joke. I think it can be run in PF with no alterations.

In all seriousness you don't specify the action for things like minor pure channel, and that can be confusing unless standard actions are assumed (and they probably are).
The rules specify a default of supernatural being "standard" and SLAs being either "as the spell or standard action if not emulating a spell" or "standard action" as the default, depending on where you read.

If I ever reference a spell that has a different than standard action casting time I specify the cast time to avoid that second ambiguity, IE:

"Earth: Either Rock to Mud, Mud to Rock, or Move Earth. Move Earth has the casting time of the spell. Favored: Can emulate both Rock to Mud and Mud to Rock right after each other in one action."
Last edited by Kaelik on Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by RobbyPants »

Are there special rules I missed for qualifying for tri-channels?

Looking at the combined ones, the rules are:
The Elementalist must have access to both (Balanced or Favored on the appropriate axis) and using one moves them away from Favored on each axis. They gain Favored bonuses if either element is Favored.
So, if this uses the same, you'd have to be balanced on the axis where both elements are required (say Air-Earth for Force), and you could be balanced or favored for the third (so, Fire for Force). You'd still be favored for Force if you were favored for Fire, but using this would only shift you on Fire, right? Since you're required to have balance in both Air and Earth, there'd be no shift on that axis, because you're effectively shifting in each direction, if I'm understanding this.
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Post by Kaelik »

RobbyPants wrote:Are there special rules I missed for qualifying for tri-channels?

Looking at the combined ones, the rules are:
The Elementalist must have access to both (Balanced or Favored on the appropriate axis) and using one moves them away from Favored on each axis. They gain Favored bonuses if either element is Favored.
So, if this uses the same, you'd have to be balanced on the axis where both elements are required (say Air-Earth for Force), and you could be balanced or favored for the third (so, Fire for Force). You'd still be favored for Force if you were favored for Fire, but using this would only shift you on Fire, right? Since you're required to have balance in both Air and Earth, there'd be no shift on that axis, because you're effectively shifting in each direction, if I'm understanding this.
Yes, that is all correct.

Technically the part of the rules that makes it so is placed earlier in the Minor Pure Channel description, and the combined part just restates it.

"Minor Pure Channels and all future abilities labeled as Channels in the Elementalist Description have at least one element attached to them, and can only be used when all their elements are either Favored or Balanced on the appropriate axes. "
Last edited by Kaelik on Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

I like this class. I had to read over how channelling works a couple of times to understand it, but I figure anyone playing one would also do that, and then not sit confused at the table. Your elementalist-based classes are definitely my favourite.

It's a bit of a pain having to read back up from an entry to see what level it comes online because you don't say "Elemental Resurrection (Su): starting at level sixteen..." and all that, but I absolutely understand not being fucked typing that shit out every single time, just like including BAB and Good Saves up with the hit die and crap takes a lot less time than shoving them in the table.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:I like this class. I had to read over how channelling works a couple of times to understand it, but I figure anyone playing one would also do that, and then not sit confused at the table. Your elementalist-based classes are definitely my favourite.

It's a bit of a pain having to read back up from an entry to see what level it comes online because you don't say "Elemental Resurrection (Su): starting at level sixteen..." and all that, but I absolutely understand not being fucked typing that shit out every single time, just like including BAB and Good Saves up with the hit die and crap takes a lot less time than shoving them in the table.
I should probably fix that, but I sort of jammed it into a pretty predictable pattern of

Odd levels:

Pure, Combined, Tri

Minor, Major, Great.

Even levels:

every other even level is a ward following the same pattern (except it breaks down super late past 17th when I don't know what to do anymore)

Every Other even level: The other things I wanted to jam into the class.

so 4 is elemental senses, 8 is transports, 12 is minions, 16 is resurrection

EDIT: Added levels in descriptions.
Last edited by Kaelik on Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by RobbyPants »

I like that the resource mechanic is relatively simple and thematic. I'd probably just draw four squares on my note sheet I used to track stuff like HP and whatnot, and grab four tokens of some sort, shifting them in pairs along each axis. It's nice in that when you gain levels, you don't have to worry about more points or slots or anything.

I also like the dual/triple combining of elements to get concepts that aren't strictly air/earth/fire/water, so the class is more broad while still sticking to a common theme.
Last edited by RobbyPants on Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Yeah when I came up with the "resource management" idea one of my favorite parts was that you never have to change the management as you level.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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