Lets Play - Falcon 2: Mechanon

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Post by SlyJohnny »

Try jetpack this time.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I simultaneously overthought and underthought the missile thing. That's a rather impressive level of confusion on my part, and probably a sign that I shouldn't post right before falling asleep.

Anyhow, the hunter seeker is still the more immediate threat, so try evading it.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Just as the hunter-seeker reaches you the jet pack carries you straight upwards. The mine hits the ground just behind the spot where you had been standing and there is a hissing and a groat cloud of steam as it buries itself several feet into the rock beneath the steel floor. Yelov crouches low on the raildroid as the interceptor makes another attack run. You fire a rocket at it which blows one of its side planes off and the interceptor spins, out of control, into an energy wall where it explodes.

You turn your attention to Yelov once again just as he fires his blaster at you. The beam which it emits does not crackle and it is a glassy purple. It has been modified to deliver a higher intensity beam by the wardroids of Mechanon. You use your jetpack to throw yourself out of the path of the beam but not before your battlesuit takes 2 points of damage. The heat is so intense that the suit cannot protect you fully and you suffer serious burns. Lose 3 Endurance points. If you are still alive, will you use on Yelov:

Your particle disruptor?
A rocket?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Disruptor seems harder to dodge.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

The battlesuit picks you up automatically. You are like a doll with a weight at its bottom that cannot be knocked down. but you can do nothing as Yelov steps towards you and uses his blaster to heat the armour of your battlesuit to boiling point You scream in panic and agony as you are roasted to death like a lobster in a pot.

So, try rocket, or go back further and try something else?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Try rocket.

How the fuck did that description even relate to shooting a particle disruptor weapon though...
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, I’m wondering if this is a false choice. Fire the rocket missiles for now.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Personally, I suspect an editorial error leading to the wrong section.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Yelov ducks but the rocket never reaches him. The exhaust from its engine flares brightly but it slows down and is held motionless in mid air. You stare in awe as it is suddenly thrown as if by a giant invisible hand into an energy field where it explodes harmlessly. The raildroid is evidently equipped with a directional gravity beam of enormous power. When the rocket exploded the air behind Yelov rippled like water. You guess that there is an invisible force field which keeps an atmosphere breathable for Yelov in the tunnel which appears to be open to the stars at its end. Will you:

Fire two rockets at Yelov simultaneously?
Aim your particle disrupter at what you hope is the generator for the invisible force field?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Shoot the weak point for massive damage (with the particle disruptor).
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

You play the beam of your particle disruptor over the generator as Yelov takes aim again. There is a sudden flash behind him and a gust of wind rushes past you and out of the tunnel, now that the invisible force field is destroyed. Noxious vapours stream in around you and Yelov is propelled, choking, to a hatch in the side of the tunnel that opens by the raildroid's grav-beam. You fire a rocket and then jet towards him, but he is through the hatchway in a twinkling. The droid's shield blocks the rocket, but the explosion damages its circuitry and it jars to a standstill. Using your particle disrupter you carve a hole in the tunnel wall and fly through it, after Yelov.

As you step through, a worker droid rushes to repair the hole you have made as air starts to whistle out into the tunnel. You have entered a colossal circular room which is crammed with computer banks. Coloured lights flash as fast as the eye can see. Yelov has, unwittingly, led you to the Central Computer. This enormous room is a single computerised brain which controls the whole of the factory planet. You marvel at its size but remembering the complexity of the task it fulfils you are not surprised it throws out enough light to illuminate a small city. Yelov is standing in front of the computer which is the brain of Mechanon, Its tones are very calm and reassuring, but it is saying, There is an organic hostile within my perimeter, Yelov. You assured me that this could never happen. Mechanon is at risk - exterminate the being at once.' Yelov spins to look at you and there is a frown of concentration on his face. He is trying to exert the power of his will over yours. His mind is strong and his will to live burns as hotly as ever. If yours does not, you will lose this battle of wills. Make a Power of Will Roll.

If you score 7-12, got a 2 and a 5, so:

Sweating with the effort inside your battlesuit, you manage to throw off his attempt to take control of your mind, but his mind is as quick as his reflexes and before you can attack him he hurls a blast of mental energy at you. You use your Power of Will to overcome his Thinkstrike which threatens to reduce you to a grovelling animal. Make a Power of Will Roll.

If you score 6-12, got a 4 and a 4, so:

Somehow you withstand the blast of Yelov's unhinged hatred but Yelov now has a plasma pistol in his hand. The computer's tones are slightly higher pitched as it says, 'Yelov, I told you to exterminate the being. Why do you wait?' You leap over one of the computer's fifteen foot tall memory banks - the powered battlesuit will make such a leap easily but Yelov is a crack marksman. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 6-12, got a 1 and a 2, so:

Yelov's plasma pistol rips into your battlesuit, twisting and rupturing its armour, and you lose 10 Endurance points as the plasma gets through to your midriff. If you are still alive, you recover, but the speed with which Yelov now rushes you shows that both of his legs are bionic. He is having himself transformed into a walking death machine. He punches you with his bionic arm which is twenty times as powerful as any man's. You hurtle backwards and smash into a computer terminal. Subtract 1 from your Suit Armour. The computer screams at Yelov not to hurt it.

Yelov rushes in to strike you again but you drive your powered fist towards his face. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 7-12, got 2 and 6, so:

Your blow catches the metallic mask that is one side of Yelov's face and he is thrown backwards, stunned. His plasma pistol whirls through the air and lands some way behind him. You step forward, intent on using the strength of your battered suit to smash his head as Yelov staggers to his feet, when the computer activates a grab used for moving the data banks. You try to dodge its metal claws as it closes in on you. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 6-12, got a 6 and a 4, so:

You manage to dodge the huge grab and, using it as cover, you fire at Yelov with your particle disrupter. He has wrenched a huge girder from the floor in his one bionic hand and arm and is swinging its end towards you. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 6-12, got a 2 and a 5, so:

The beam of your particle disruptor flays Yelov's bionic arm until there is nothing left but smoke. His nerves react as though you had blown off his real arm again and he collapses to the floor. You step towards him to finish it, but the computer opens a hatchway beneath your feet and you fall through it. You blast with your jetpack but the hatchway closes, trapping you at the neck. The floor starts to buckle under the surge of the jets and you pound the floor with your power-suited fists. You tear feverishly at the warping metal as Yelov begins to recover. Make an Evasion Roll as you try to burst free from the trap.

If you score 5-12, got a 5 and a 3, so:

You surge upwards through the splintered floormetal with a whine of power. Yelov gropes for his plasma pistol but you are too quick for him. Your particle disruptor drills into his chest and a look of primeval terror crosses his face as his very being pours out of him in a stream of atoms. Within seconds he has been spread in a thin coat all over the Central Computer. There is nothing left to show the world that you have defeated the greatest villain of all time.

The computer's tones are calm once more as it says, 'You must leave now, intruder.' Ignoring it, you look around for what may be the computer's core. It is difficult to tell one part of the enormous electronic brain from another so you decide to use your particle disruptor on all of it. As its memory banks are destroyed one by one the computer threatens you that the whole planet will explode, killing you, if you continue. As your beam of destruction creeps towards a large steel pyramid the computer's tone changes to a wheedling whine. 'Cease immediately, intruder, or I shall launch the planet killer at Earth.' Still ignoring it, you play your beam across the pyramid which seems to melt away to nothing as if by magic. Suddenly everything goes haywire. Lights flash everywhere and then dim as the main generators shut down. You manage to find your way back out of the tunnel in the darkness by the searchlight of your battlesuit helmet and climb into your Strike Fighter once more. The sound of distant explosions rocks the tunnel as you climb into your crash-couch. To your relief the ion drives are operational again now that they have cooled down, and you gun the fighter through the blackness of the tunnel, aiming for the white pin pricks of the stars of Mechanon's night sky at its end. There is a blinding flash and the tunnel is filled with light as another immense explosion rocks the complex, and the walls begin to cave in on you. You make it to the end of the tunnel just in time and hurtle skyward.

The surface of Mechanon is wreathed in flames and as you watch a fuel refinery explodes, sending a pillar of flame into the upper atmosphere. The droids are motionless, the space-artillery tubes hang down limply. Mechanon is dead. As the Strike Fighter climbs away from the stricken planet, something happens which you can hardly comprehend, let alone believe. The planet splits into two flaming halves. Its centre has been mined out centuries ago and from the hollowness within flies a ship as large as a mountain. It rumbles skyward on the thrust of a hundred colossal fusion tubes. This must be the planet killer which the computer launched. Its size alone would mean that Earth would be destroyed if it hit a continent at two-tenths the speed of light, but you can tell at a glance that it is a single flying bomb. The planet killer accelerates towards hyper-space speed and CAIN confirms that it is almost certainly on course for Earth. Will you:

Try to destroy the planet killer?
Ask CAIN if there are any other options?

There is a picture here. That was a lot of dice rolling, but at least Falcon has properly got rid of Yelov, instead of taking him in alive so someone can let him go again.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If we had brought Yelov in alive, TIME would have probably just built him a bigger and stronger cyborg body, with extra weaponry this time around.

Ask CAIN about other options; I doubt that the planet killer will be as simple to take care of as "try to destroy it."
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

Always check for additional options.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

CAIN responds, 'It is not within the capability of this Strike Fighter to destroy the planet killer. There is only one thing that can be done. You will have to break the First Law of TIME, Falcon. There is a timehole, fifty millenia ago, on Danikos. You must try and change history so that the Danikoi will never build Mechanon. Remember, Falcon, the Danikoi were far more ad-vanced than any other species in the galaxy at that time. You must try to convince them not to allow Earth to be destroyed. You set coordinates for Danikos fifty thousand years ago. Your Strike Fighter has no Autodoc but you have time to dress any wounds you have suffered while you are in the void of null-space. Restore up to 2 points of lost Endurance points

You re-materialise high above a green world circled with bands of white cloud. You guide your Strike Fighter towards the largest city that you can see as you skim the rolling hills and plains of Danikos. CAIN says you have been detected but your radar, although covered in moving blips, does not show any aircraft moving to intercept you. You finally set your Fighter down in a sandy square. All of the buildings that you have seen so far look like the palaces of times still to come on Earth. Each is overburdened with exquisitely complicated carvings and orna-mental turrets and domes. A small crowd gathers - the Danikoi are spindly, tall humanoids with sparkling eyes of gold, without iris or pupil. They have no body hair. There are no weapons in sight and you blow the hatch seal and step out. You approach the crowd who show no fear despite your formidable array of weaponry and the outlandish whine of your power suit. Your translator synthesises your speech as a metallic humming when you ask to be taken to their decision makers. There is a ripple of humming laughter and one of them invites you to a party instead, but eventually you manage to convince them to do as you ask.

You are taken to the Speaking House, a building neither more nor less grandiose than any of the Others, and given the chance to speak to those who have volunteered to play a part in governing the planet. There are twenty-seven of the Danikoi who recline on plush couches that float in the air. They elect one called the Disputer to argue against you. You have no choice but to tell them you are a Time Traveller and the reasons you have journeyed to their world and time. Your own people on Earth and the Federation will be killed if they allow Mechanon to be turned into a lasting monument to their technological knowhow. They hear you out without interruption and when you have finished the Disputer says that they have no plans to build a factory planet anywhere. You reply that they will begin building on Mechanon in five thousand years. There is a general hum and one of the Danikoi asks you why their descendants should wish to do this. You reply, 'I know only that they will choose to do so. In my time, fifty millenia from now, it is history.' The hum this time is louder. The Disputer stands and asks you to prove that you are a Time Traveller. Will you:

Call up CAIN and ask him if there is a useful prophecy you can make?
Lead them to the Strike Fighter, show them the Variac Drive and explain the principles of time travel?

(Oh, time meddling shenanigans.)
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Go big or go home - show off the Variac Drive.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SlyJohnny »

Don't trust these assholes with our time machine. Cain will have something we can use.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I see no reason not to ask CAIN first.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »


You contact CAIN using your battlesuit access terminal (BAT) and it is able to help you. It is fashionable at this period of the history of the Danikoi for eminent Danikoi to prophesy what will happen 500 years after they die. One such prophecy is due to be read in a month's time. CAIN is able to tell you exactly what it will say. You ask the decision makers to read the prophecy now instead of waiting the last few days. They consult a computer terminal and order the prophecy to be read. It causes a great hum of laughter but it is exactly as you predicted and they believe you are a traveller in time. The Disputer now says, 'I believe your story, but the events of fifty millenia in the future have no meaning for we who must eat, laugh and love in the short span of our own lives. Why should we care about the future?' There is a chorused hum of agreement amongst the Danikoi. Will you say:

That Earth will become the head and protector of a Federation of planets, one of which is Danikos, for the time will come when you can no longer protect yourselves?
That the future is important: 'Surely you want your children to live happy lives - what of their children, and their children's children? Surely you would not condemn an entire generation of your people to untimely death?'
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Let's not say anything to suggest that their future isn't bright and rosie, and that it would be in their best interests to ignore our quest and jack our time machine. Option 2.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Tell them that their future is important.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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