[Let's Play]Grailquest 2: The Den of Dragons

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Post by Omegonthesane »

Do we have any basis to make a decision on? Otherwise agreed with Darth.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

There is a hum of machinery. A vibration thrills through your body. For a moment you feel dizzy, disoriented. A spiral of light emerges from the plate beneath your feet and coils around you. Your head spins. You feel dizzy...

Then blackness.

Go to 108.
...yeah, this teleports us back to the familiar section where we first entered the cavern:
You are within a bone-dry natural cavern, the floor of which is liberally scattered with bones and skulls, many animal, some human, and several of creatures you do not immediately recognise. Nothing stirs here, you are aware only of silence. There are three exits on the northern wall of this entrance cavern. Which will you choose?

Left-hand exit: go to 98.

Right-hand exit: go to 99.

Centre exit: go to 102.

And just one more thing, Pip. The exit corridors are narrow. As you examine them in the flickering light of your torch you see that they twist and turn. In your heart of hearts you know that this may be your fateful choice. For in this part of your adventure, there will be no turning back. Onward. To glory... or to death!

Clearly, that was the wrong combination with the levers. And yes, there was only a random 25% chance of getting it right the first time. At least it doesn't kill us or make us lose any item. Still we need to find our way back.

98 doesn't lead to any new sections, but there are still 6 trolls there that we can kill for Exp.

102 will take us back to the water where I assume we still have to roll for the boat. And since we didn't kill the Medusa, we'd have to roll to get past it again.

99 gives us access to a section we haven't been to before, 105.

So which route do we take here? The same old route where we risk the boat and the Medusa again (I assume the Minotaur will let us past since we already beat him)? Or try a new section at 105?

And let me know if you want to kill the trolls this time.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

99 to 105.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

We go back to 99 and this time ignore the pile of dragon dung that we already searched, heading on to 105:
You find yourself near the entrance of another cavern. There is, however, a branch passage on your right.

To enter the cavern, go to 114.
To take the corridor to your right, go to 120.
We've been to both sections, and it's a no-brainer here. 114 leads to the killer-fungi, 120 leads to the Minotaur. So back to 120.

We say hi to the Minotaur and pass through back to 137. Presumably the two surviving dwarves haven't come back, so we have to pick another combination of the levers this time:
Push all three levers up and go to 139.
Push all levers down and go to 141.
Push one lever up and two down and go to 144.
Push two levers up and one down and go to 147.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

One up, two down.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, I doubt it's all up or all down.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

One up and two down takes us to 144:
Go to 108.
Yes, that's literally all that section contains.

We're once again back at where we started in the Dragon Cavern.

Now we know the shortest path back to the levers so we can just walk straight back.

I think we've already explored every other areas in the caverns (other than beyond the levers), so the only thing left for us to do besides go back to the levers is to go kill the trolls for Exp, and risk taking on the Medusa for her treasure.

What do we do next?

1) Go kill the trolls?
2) Try the Medusa?
3) Back to the levers and push all 3 up?
4) Back to the levers and push all 3 down?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Triple down before someone fully forms a crass statement about going down three times.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

Darkness. And out of the darkness something hurls itself upon you. Something large and very nasty, not to say hairy. Fangs snap only centimetres from your throat. Talons rake against your chest. Vicious snarls and growls sound in your ears. All in all, it looks as if you're in for another fight.

The monster (or whatever it is) has 80 LIFE POINTS. It also has first strike against you. It hits successfully on a roll of 5 or better and does +2 damage. Go to it, Pip!

If the monster kills you, go to 14.
If you kill the monster, go to 152.
Well, this one doesn't teleport us back, but man, strongest enemy Pip has faced thus far!
Pushing all 3 levers up was the best option, as it gives us a chance to proceed without going through this fight.
Do we use any spell or item here?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

I set up a fight simulator and 10 out of 10 simulations had us winning. Probably more than that out of more than that since it was a spreadsheet and rerolled everything every time it recalculated and I don't remember seeing it report "Lose" without being forced.

Trust in our +5 damage and DR 4.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Fight it out, use the globule wand if we drop to potentially one hit from death.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Let's go with SlyJohnny's plan (which is just Omegon's with a safety strat so really I'm just joining the bandwagon here).
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

The Monster rolls 4 and misses!
Pip rolls 2+3 = 5 and hits for 1+5 = 6 damage. Monster is at 74.
The Monster rolls 6 and hits for 1+2-4 = no damage!
Pip rolls 7+3 = 10 and hits for 6+5 = 11 damage. Monster is at 63.
Monster rolls 3 and misses.
Pip rolls 7+3 = 10 and hits for 6+5 = 11 damage. Monster is at 52.
Monster rolls 5 and hits for 0+2-4 = no damage.
Pip rolls 11+3 = 14 and hits for 10+5 = 15 damage. Monster is at 47.
Monster rolls 8 and hits for 3+2-4 = 1 damage. Pip is at 37.
Pip rolls 4+3+ 7 and hits for 3+5 = 8 damage. Monster is at 39.
Monster rolls 7 and hits for 2+2-4 = 0 damage.
Pip rolls 7+3 = 10 and hits for 6+5 = 11 damage. Monster is at 28.
The Monster rolls 4 and misses!
Pip rolls 6+3 = 9 and hits for 5+5 = 10 damage. Monster is at 18.
The Monster rolls 6 and hits for 1+2-4 = no damage!
Pip rolls 7+3 = 10 and hits for 6+5 = 11 damage. Monster is at 7.
The Monster rolls 11 and hits for 6+2-4 = 4 damage. Pip is at 33.
Pip rolls 3+3 = 6 and hits for 2+5 = 7 damage!
The Monster is killed!
Indeed, Pip's magic gear and Luckstone combination are more OP than I thought. The monster took some killing, but only scratched us twice in the process.
A very strange thing has happened. With the monster dead, you can now see all around the chamber. It is as if the monster somehow absorbed all the light and, now it's dead, things have gone back to normal. The only thing is, you can't see the monster itself. There is an area of darkness lying on the floor, and if you prod it you can feel a hairy pelt, talons and the rest. But you can't see anything. Looks as though you've kill some sort of magical Darkness Monster. Very odd.

But enough of philosophy. The chamber - and it's a proper chamber, not a cave - is pretty spartan. There is a heap of straw in one corner, presumably for the Darkness Monster to sleep on before you put it to sleep for good. Apart from that and a feeding dish, nothing else. Except the wand, of course.

The wand, which has a small leather thing at one end, is hanging from a nail on the west wall. It is made from ebony and tipped with jade. As you touch it, you can feel the familiar electric crackle of powerful magic, but neither waving it nor pointing it produces and observable result. Nonetheless, a wand is a wand, and magic is magic, so you tuck it away in the hope it may come in handy later.

There is only one door to this chamber. It leads to 151.
You exit the chamber into a tunnel cut through solid rock, which has all the indications of a natural fissure widened here and there to allow clear passage. One thing does occur to you quite strongly. Whatever that great machine was, whoever put it here, it has sent you to a different place... and there is no way back! Never mind, Pip: a brave adventurer can still go forward. Which is exactly what you do until, quite suddenly, you reach another cavern.

You hesitate. This cave is very different from any you have seen before. It looks for all the world as if it had been formed from liquid rock, for the surfaces are smooth and the whole cave funnels downwards at a steep incline. You move forward cautiously, aware of the narrowing of the walls around you. Further and further you move, senses alert, as the funnel effect grows more and more pronounced. Oh no! The funnel is blocked!

What now, Pip? The boulder blocking the only exit looks massive: far too large to move. You may have a try, of course (one try only), by rolling two dice.

Throw 10, 11 or 12 to move the obstacle by brute force.
If you fail in this throw, a Fireball will clear the way for you.
If you have no Fireballs left, or would prefer to save them, try using the wand you found. It will gently dissolve the boulder into mud... but at the fearful cost of 25 of your LIFE POINTS (which may kill you, of course, so count them first otherwise you'll end up in 14).
Once you manage to get past this obstacle, by whatever means, go to 153.
Minor glitch in the text: it's actually possible to reach this section without fighting the Darkness Monster and finding the wand, but the text assumes you did find the wand.

Well, obviously, brute force is the first thing to try, since it costs nothing.

Dice roll = 5. Alas, even with the Luckstone it won't be sufficient tis time.

We haven't cast Fireball yet. First we use the Snuffbox.

Dice roll = 5+3 = 8. Pip is back at full LP (38).

Do we spend a Fireball here, or spend 25 LP using the wand?

Pip's LIFE POINTS: 38/38
Permanent Life Points: 2

Excalibur Jr. (hits on 4, damage +5)
Dragonskin Jacket (damage taken -4)
Luckstone (modifies all of Pip's dice rolls by 3 in his favour)
Double-headed Copper Coin (can be used to win any gambling games)
Tinglering x3
Magic Wooden Duck (can neutralize any magic once per book)
Globule Wand (roll 6+ during combat to hit, allows 4 free strikes before foe gets free), 5 charges remaining.
Carpentry Hammer
Rope (15m coil)
Sack (six)
Container of oil
Climbing spikes
Bandages (15m roll)
Change of boots
Quill and powdered ink
Food pack (10 days rations)
Cooking utensils
Healing Potion (4 doses)
War Hammer (+3 damage)
Daggers x4
Snuffbox of Healing (can restore 2D6 LP every new section)
Large Key
Snake Venom Antidote
Wand from Darkness Monster


POW 2/3
PILL 3/3
PAD 3/3
PIP 3/3
PIN 3/3
PiR2 1/3
Firefingers 11/18
Fireballs 2/2

2 Kangaroo-things
Phantom of the Village Church
Water Weird
4 Martial Monks
Irish Wolfrat
10 Dwarves
Darkness Monster

No. of Deaths:
None yet
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We have near-unlimited healing so just spend the life points.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Pip burns 25 LP to dissolve the boulder, and is now at 12 LP!
A short passage, still decending, stops abruptly at the head of a flight of steps. They are crudely cut--very crudely cut--and worn smooth as if by the tread of many feet over aeons of time. But what feet have trod here? Not those of adventurers, surely, for only the strong, brave, intelligent adventurer could survive long enough to reach this spot: and such are rare. No, Pip, those steps have been worn smooth by some creature of the cave, some creature of darkness and evil intent.

Is that a sound you hear below? A gentle, sinister sound. A slither...

The creature sliding up the steps is green, a little more than two metres in length with blood-red eyes and a long, flicking tongue. A very long flicking tongue, bulbous at the end. Flick! That tongue snakes towards you like a whiplash. Roll two dice to discover if you are fast enough to avoid it.

Score 2-8 and you've managed to avoid it.
Score 9-12 and the tongue wraps around you like flypaper, trapping your arms and drawing you reluctantly into that gaping maw. Take the time to be digested, then go to 14.

Escaping the tongue doesn't mean you're out of the woods by any means. It simply gives you the opportunity to fight the Slither. The creature has no more than 20 LIFE POINTS but if it scores even a single hit, you are trapped and digested. The Slither strikes successfully on a roll of 8 or better.

If you are killed in the fight, go to 14.
If you kill the Slither (and very good riddance if you do) go to 154.

Dice roll = 10, but our Luckstone saves us by bringing it down to 7! We avoid the first flick of the tongue!

We can probably kill the Slither in 2-3 rounds, but there's some danger of it getting an insta-kill. Our armour doesn't help in this case, since it doesn't kill by damage.

Do we want to do something to make sure it doesn't hit us (like immobilizing it with the Globule Wand or casting PILL)?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Give the Slither a chill PILL (an awful pun for sure, but maybe it likes bad puns) and make it die laughing.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Slither rolls 6 (!!!)
Pip rolls 4+3 = 7! Pip gets first move!

Pip rolls 7+3 = 10 and succeeds in casting PILL! The Slither is disabled for 3 rounds. Pip is now at 9 LP after casting the spell.
Slither is too busy laughing to attack.
Pip rolls 8+3 = 11 and hits for 7+5 = 12 damage. Slither is at 8.
Slither is too busy laughing to attack.
Pip rolls 9+3 = 12 and hits for 8+5 = 13 damage. Slither is killed.
You stare about you in the evil-smelling and menacing darkness before you make your way carefully down the steps into a smallish chamber. Another chamber, Pip, definitely man-made, but very old and long-abandoned by all appearances. The rotted remnants of a door hang by the entrance. The ceiling is half-hidden by spider webs. An exit to the north leads into another passage, slanting downwards. But between you and the exit are some items of considerable interest: a chest, well-preserved despite its age, and a newish-looking scroll dropped near the exit tunnel.

If you wish to read the scroll first, go to 170.
If you wish to open the chest first, go to 156.

Pip rolls 7 as he uses the Snuffbox and is now at 16/38 LP.

Which loot do we go for first?

Pip's LIFE POINTS: 16/38
Permanent Life Points: 2

Excalibur Jr. (hits on 4, damage +5)
Dragonskin Jacket (damage taken -4)
Luckstone (modifies all of Pip's dice rolls by 3 in his favour)
Double-headed Copper Coin (can be used to win any gambling games)
Tinglering x3
Magic Wooden Duck (can neutralize any magic once per book)
Globule Wand (roll 6+ during combat to hit, allows 4 free strikes before foe gets free), 5 charges remaining.
Carpentry Hammer
Rope (15m coil)
Sack (six)
Container of oil
Climbing spikes
Bandages (15m roll)
Change of boots
Quill and powdered ink
Food pack (10 days rations)
Cooking utensils
Healing Potion (4 doses)
War Hammer (+3 damage)
Daggers x4
Snuffbox of Healing (can restore 2D6 LP every new section)
Large Key
Snake Venom Antidote
Wand from Darkness Monster


POW 2/3
PILL 2/3
PAD 3/3
PIP 3/3
PIN 3/3
PiR2 1/3
Firefingers 11/18
Fireballs 2/2

2 Kangaroo-things
Phantom of the Village Church
Water Weird
4 Martial Monks
Irish Wolfrat
10 Dwarves
Darkness Monster

No. of Deaths:
None yet
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Reading time!
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

The scroll, which was plainly written very recently, reads:

'I, Ethelbert, monk and warrior, loyal subject of Arturus Rex, son of Uthur Pendragon and rightful Liege Lord of the Realm of Avalon, do hereby attest that by the grace of God and fleetness of foot, I have avoided the foul slithering creature which guards this accursed chamber and have, to my misfortune, explored the chest herein.

Be warned, you who may follow after me, that while the chest contains an artifact of inestimable value, it contains also death; and death in many forms. These I have discovered:

Within the hasp is a needle tipped with virulent poison.

Inlaid in the lid is a precious stone which, if pressed, will open the chest and place a curse upon the adventurer who touched it, causing the immediate loss of 30 LIFE POINTS.

Within the chest are webs, like unto spiders' webs--yet not natural webs, for these foul strands will hold firm any creature. Naught by a magic blade may cut them with impunity, else they may be burned through with magic fire.

Beneath the webs are creatures of the night, shadows no larger than the hand of a man, six in all, each so weak that a single blow might render its extinction, yet so strong that it can remove 15 LIFE POINTS in an instant.

Beneath these creatures is the treasure of the chest, a magical Orb which, so it is claimed, is the only means whereby an adventurer may survive in this foul cavern. But I for one do not believe this, trusting as I do in the grace of God. Thus have I left the Orb for those who follow after me.

This I aver.

Ethelbert, monk and warrior.'

Now go to 156 to examine the chest.
This Ethelbert guy is clearly a n00b at this questing stuff, considering he chose not to pick up what is clearly a mandatory quest item (despite not only finding it but also knowing exactly how to unlock it).

Pip, of course, is too wise for that, so he checks out the chest:
The chest is banded in brass, closed with a hasp. Inlaid on the lid is an ornamental and ornate design in gold leaf, surrounding a large carbuncle ruby. There seem to be several possible ways to opening the chest, Pip. You might, for example, simply flip back the hasp and try the lid.

If so, go to 171.

You might, alternatively, consider that a chest of this type (which obviously holds something very important) must have a secret catch, probably triggered by the gemstone on the lid.

If so, press the gem and go to 164.

Or you may by now be too impatient for these subtleties.

If so, use any convenient sword or blunt instrument to smash the chest open and go to 169.

Do we trust what is on the scroll?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

We don't have the 30 HP to tank the results of pushing the precious stone. Looks like our safest course of action is to bludgeon the chest to death.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Omegonthesane wrote:We don't have the 30 HP to tank the results of pushing the precious stone.
Seeing this reminds me that Pip hasn't used the Snuffbox in the last 2 sections. Making up now:

1st roll = 7. Pip heals up to 23/38.

2nd roll = 3. Pip is now at 26/38.

We still don't have enough LP the take penalty of the curse.....but of course we weren't going to anyway.

We do it the good-ol-fashioned way: PIP SMASH!
It must have been many years since the chest was used--a tangled profusion of dusty spiders' webs makes it quite impossible to see inside. How do you tackle this one, Pip?

Brush them away with your hand? Go to 161.
Cut them with EJ? Go to 158.
Risk using one of your other weapons on them? Go to 167.
Burn them away with a Fireball or similar spell? Go to 159.

Dice roll = 9. Pip heals back to 35/38.

What do we do with the webs?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

According to the scroll the webs can be cut by magic blades “with impunity” so use EJ.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

You cruel slave-drivers, forcing poor EJ to touch those spider webs while knowing full well that he has a phobia for spiders! Now he'll be having nightmares for the next few months! :tongue:
That seemed to have worked all right: the webs are cleared.

Go to 165.
Ok, seems like he's not afraid of webs when there're no actual spiders in them.
Oh, oh. There are small black Shapes flitting from the chest, Pip. Just little things, about the size of a man's hand: maybe even a bit smaller. Six of them, flapping up out of the chest like bats or butterflies, Pip. Or birds or moths or anything like that. They aren't even solid! They just look like... well, like shadows. They're probably nothing, Pip. Probably not dangerous. They're probably nothing at all to worry about. All the same, they're flitting towards you.

If you decide to attack the Shapes, go to 157.
If you decide to wait and see if the Shapes are friendly, go to 168.

Pip uses the Snuffbox again and is back at full LP.

Do we attack?
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