Lets Play - Falcon 1: Renegade Lord

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, they might be following us to deliver a message or something. No need to jump to conclusions when we can literally read minds.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:Yeah, they might be following us to deliver a message or something. No need to jump to conclusions when we can literally read minds.
Is that a vote for confronting them or mind controlling them?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I was considering mind control but now I think that confrontation is better.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You flatten yourself in a doorway of the Intelfax warehouse, listening to the measured tread of your pursuer. He appears before the doorway and swivels his head in your direction, a forgettable but immaculate face, not a hair out of place. Do you
Thinkstrike your pursuer?
Punch to disable him?

Ok, the book disagrees about jumping to conclusions here.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

punch, for the same reason as before.
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Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:He appears before the doorway and swivels his head in your direction, a forgettable but immaculate face, not a hair out of place.
Totally a robot, so Thinkstrike isn't going to work. Punch.

Although I'm afraid we might have lost the initiative here. I think Power of Will (which also wouldn't work) would have at least enabled us to find out that while it's still further away.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:FALCON PUNCH
I should have seen that response coming, but somehow I missed it.

You drive your fist towards your pursuer's temple. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 7-12...rolled a 5 and a 4, so I did.

Your punch connects and your pursuer takes a backward step. Your fist throbs painfully and with a shock you realise his face is dented, not bruised. He should have been laid out by the force of your blow but you have the misfortune to be fighting a cydroid. You have time to use your blaster. Do you:
Blast to destroy?
Trigger a short blast at its eyes?

SGamerz was evidently wrong, it's a cydroid and not a robot.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Blast the eyes. It might have some useful information in its memory banks we can take, which likely won't be intact if we blow it up entirely.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by ashimbabbar »

good point. Let the eyes have it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

[score a C]
At this range you cannot miss and your blast overloads the cydroid's infra-red sensory circuits, leaving it temporarily inert. You step behind it and find the removable disc below which lies the de-activation switch. When you have thrown the switch you examine the cydroid carefully. It appears to be a very advanced model, equipped with a Particle Disrupter. Of particular interest is the serial number above the de-activation switch, SAT 17YV. Record this serial number on your Agent Profile sheet. Leaving the cydroid, you move on to the hovrail embarkation point.

You step into the small hovrail car, secure the bubble hatch and type in your destination and clearance code as the car rises on its air buffer. The acceleration is steady but not uncomfortable and lasts for half the journey, before you decelerate to the Eiget Vault embarkation point. After many changes of direction, occasionally riding above slower moving cars, you leave the spectacular vista of the neon-clad city behind and plunge into the tunnel to the Eiger. Leaving the monorail you walk to the
checkpoint outside the enormous plasteel doors where your ID chip is checked and the mind scanner is used to double-check that you may be allowed into the vault. You step through a small personnel door, past two security droids and into the cavern which houses the Time Machines and the research section of TIME. The area in which the machines are kept is partitioned at intervals and you head straight for your own bay. In the centre of the bay which is lined on three sides with racks carrying
maintenance equipment, spare parts, the Variac Drive Recharger and sundry other useful items, lies Falcon's Wing. You approach the access hatch and the mind scanner lights up red, then green. You are drawn up into the Time Machine by invisible Tractor Beams, activated by CAIN. Soon you are standing on the glowing Access Disc and CAIN chimes, 'Welcome Falcon.'

The hatch seals as you settle into your crash-couch and run routine system checks. Noting that all is in order you decide to ask CAIN for some information.
If you have recorded the serial number of a cydroid and wish to investigate its origin, turn to the number contained within the serial code.

You instruct CAIN to examine the Eiger Service Computer and type your Epsilon Security Clearance Code at the terminal, before asking for information relating to a cydroid, serial number SAT17YV. Moments later, CAIN responds. 'SAT Section Security Cydroid 17YV, built 3027, assigned to Section Chief Agidy Yelov. Reported missing 3031, prior to discontinuation of this model due to faults in Central Processing unit. Armed: Particle Disrupter, Sensors: Infra-red, ultra-violet and radar. Appearance: man-like. Intelligence unit: Fordec 5000. Power Plant -' 'Reported missing 7 You interrupt the list of specifications. 'Yes, Falcon. SAT Section Chief Agidy Yelov reported that it tried to kill him before escaping into Old Geneva. No witnesses. Some damage to Yelov's office, certainly caused by a Particle Disrupter. No further information.' If you wish to call up Yelov's file, note the number 15 on your Agent Profile. Whenever you are in your Time Machine and wish to access Yelov's file from CAIN, turn to paragraph 15 afternoting the paragraph you are already at, as no options will be given at the end of it.

If you wish to do so you may use CAIN to look at the files on each of the Lords of TIME. Each file has a number corresponding to a paragraph in this book. You should note these down in the boxes provided on your Agent Profile. You may turn to these whenever you are in your Time Machine, but always note the number of the paragraph you are already at, as no paragraph numbers to turn to will be given in the files. The file paragraph numbers are as follows: Lord Speke: 396, Lord Silvermane: 399, Lord Kirik: 395, Lord Creche 82282: 398, Lord Pilota: 397.
When you are ready you may either ask CAIN the current whereabouts of the Lords of TIME, turn to 295, or ask if there have been any expeditions into the past since the death of Agent Q, turn to 307.
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Post by SGamerz »

Seems like we can read the files on all the suspects now, so there's no reason for us not to do so. Let's look at the files on Yelov and all the Timelords before we decide what to ask CAIN.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

That's true, I was just in a rush posting that or I would have included it all before.

SPAWNED: Kelados, 2956
LIVES:Kelados Complex, Biscay, Earth

Keladi with mental powers are extremely rare. Kirik is looked upon as a mutant because of his powers and is considered 'outside caste', or classless. The metropolitan libraries all carry the rows of books needed to explain the complicated social etiquette of the Keladi. The Keladr see members of all other species, including Earthers, as below or 'outside' caste. The effect that rejection by his own class has had on Kirik is unknown. It is thought that he greatly enjoys his position is a Lord of TIME and hence as a Keladi envoy, as this gives him some standing in his home world. As with all Keladi, he has a voracious appetite and a fiery temper and retains their obsession with etiquette and politeness.
Kelados. Dominant race: Keladi. Population: 4.357 billion.
Habitat: temperate seas. The surface of Kelados is 95% water and intelligent life abounds within the warm seas. Kelados is rich in a great variety of marine organisms.
Diplomatic History
In 2664 a diplomatic mission from Earth gave the Keladi all the information they needed to become a space-faring race. Since that time there have been no wars amongst the Keladi. In 2710, however, a series of frontier incidents sparked off by Earther pirate ships almost resulted in war, largely due to the fact that the Keladi could not understand that the actions of a few criminals, the pirates, did not involve the rest of their 'clan' - Earth. The envoy, Korakiik, averted war through his realisation that the pirates were 'outside caste', not true representatives of Earth. Lork Kirik, too, understands this difference.

SPECIES: Earther
BORN:Pacificon, Earth 2887 AD
A brilliant scientist, Speke, partly due to his mental powers, was one of two men largely responsible for the invention of the Time Machine. Like many brilliant men, he is eccentric, will not suffer fools gladly and is prone to break off a conversation suddenly, lost in thought. He is a brave man and, with Irving Klimt, undertook the first ever voyage into the past, starting from 2974. They undertook several journeys together, but Klimt never returned from an investigation of classical Greece in the time of Philip of Macedon. Lord Speke has always maintained that he was killed in a drunken brawl, by a soldier, though Klimt had always been careful not to change the past by becoming involved. With the setting up of TIME Speke was the obvious choice for appointment as the Earther Lord and he has enjoyed his position ever since. He is also well known for pioneering work on the mental attack of Thinkstrike, with which he is adept. He is also Professor of Earth Archaeology at the Academy where his specialist subject is Alexander the Great.
Earth. Population: 43.997 billion.
Diplomatic History
Earth, as head of the Federation, has not faced a serious threat since the Hive-war in 2934. At this time the Hivers were completely defeated in space, though few landings on their homeworld, the Hive, were successful. There has been peace on Earth for three centuries

SPECIES: Earther
BORN:Lastlanding, 2975 AD
LIVES:Spiro's Ringworld, Earth Orbit
Set apart by her mental powers, Pilota accepted her position as a Lord of TIME only when a gift of a solar-sail racer was offered if she agreed. She is highly intelligent, but seems not to take her responsible position as a Lord very seriously. She still seldom misses a race and is highly successful in the sport of solar-sailing which takes the courage to make a close approach to the sun and the fine judgement not to go too close. Before joining TIME, Pilota had been on the official list of space smugglers and was found not guilty of tax evasion after an investigation by the Lastlanding authorities. She prefers low-gravity environments similar to those on Lastlanding.
Lastlanding. Found accidentally in 2571 when the colony ship, Utopia, crash landed on a hospitable, but low-gravity planet. It was the first outer colony. It now has a population of 0.808 billion and still attracts immigrants from Earth. It is a world of golden opportunities and great space, where it is still possible to buy unused land. Each citizen can vote on all issues via holophone in the comfort of their own home. The police force are not kept busy, but Lastlanding has become a bolt hole for those on the run, throughout the Federation.
Diplomatic History
Lastlanding was a founder member of the Space Federation and increases in importance. As it does so, however, its dependence on Earth dwindles. They now control their own policy towards other worlds.

SUBJECT: Creche 82282
HATCHED: The Hive, date unknown
LIVES:Hive Arkship, Sahara, Earth
Lord Creche 82282 is a group awareness, composed of six Hivers, These beings pool their minds in order to become a living computer. They have no personality as an Earther would describe it, but in common with all Hivers, would sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Hive, without hesitation. They are properly described as 'it', thinking and acting as one. Response to any question takes a few seconds as each inputs data before there is any reaction. The Hivers pioneered the Federation's studies of powers of the mind, inventing the Psionic Enhancer. They are thought to have developed mentalpowers beyond that of any other race.
The Hive. A dry, hot world, its surface dotted with cities resembling gigantic termite nests.
Population (estimated): greater than 200 billion.
Hiver factory workers are extremely hard working. The first to acquire weapons on their world, they eradicated all other intelligent species.
Diplomatic History
The Hivers were intent on conquering other worlds at the same time that Earth was building the Space Federation. They were heavily defeated in the Space War of 2934 and joined the Space Federation in the following year. They have cooperated since that date and have traded the life-prolonging drugs which give Earthers a lifespan of 250 years in return for metals.

SUBJECT: Silvermane
SPECIES: Rigellian
BORN:Rigel Prime, 2700 AD
LIVES:Centridome, Asteroid Belt, Sol System
Aged, even for a Rigellian, Silvermane is the survivor of a long struggle for power on the world of Rigel Prime. Still fit and strong, he is a shrewd opponent and a pleasant comrade. He upholds the Rigellian code of honour and is proud both of himself and of his race, seeing his role as a Lord of TIME as being to further the causes of Rigel Prime. He has a liking for spartan discomfort which is often thought bizarre by Earthers.
Rigel Prime is a large, high-gravity world covered by farmland ranges. The population is 30.131 billion. Silvermane's tribe is in power but occasional differences are settled through ritual combat, no longer to the death, between chosen tribal champions. The Rigellians' culture is based upon the code of the warrior and physical strength is still prized.

Diplomatic History
The Rigellians developed space travel in the 1890s and first contacted Earther spaceships in 2152. There was a long history of minor frontier wars as both Rigel and Earth staked claim to various barren planets useful only for the easily mined asteroids which surrounded them. These were eventually settled after the Battle of The Flying Coffins, notable because less than 10% of the personnel involved survived it. Rigel joined the Federation soon afterwards. The Rigellians assisted the Earthers in the great Hive war and without their help the war might have been lost.
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Post by SGamerz »

Ah, so here's the world-building background I was looking for.

I vote to ask CAIN about any expeditions to the past. We probably don't want to focus entirely on the Timelords, because if Yelov is the villain that's probably exactly what he wants us to do.

EDIT: You didn't post Yelov's file. Can we read that too before proceeding?
Last edited by SGamerz on Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

SGamerz wrote:EDIT: You didn't post Yelov's file. Can we read that too before proceeding?
Yelov is not a Lord, he's a Section Chief.
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Post by SGamerz »

Starmaker wrote:
SGamerz wrote:EDIT: You didn't post Yelov's file. Can we read that too before proceeding?
Yelov is not a Lord, he's a Section Chief.
I know, I said we shouldn't focus entirely on the Timelords. We have the option to read Yelov's file and I voted to do so along with the other lords' files:
Thaluikhain wrote:Whenever you are in your Time Machine and wish to access Yelov's file from CAIN, turn to paragraph 15 after noting the paragraph you are already at, as no options will be given at the end of it.
SGamerz wrote:Seems like we can read the files on all the suspects now, so there's no reason for us not to do so. Let's look at the files on Yelov and all the Timelords before we decide what to ask CAIN.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Yelov is either a culprit ( probably in league with one of the Timelords ) or a red herring, so it makes sense to got to 15 and learn all we can about him.

Who knows, it may unlock another code.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Oops, missed him as he's listed separately to the others:

SUBJECT: Yelov, Agidy
POSITION: Head of Special Agent Section, TIME
BORN:Sirius Secundus, 2940 AD
LIVES:TIME Headquarters, Alpolis, Earth
Efficient, calm, and a good leader. Yelov is sparing with words but what he says usually counts. He has had a glittering career in the Siriun Navy as a test pilot for Time Travel and now within the Temporal Investigative and Monitoring Executive. He is ambitious and dedicated to his work. His close friends all belong to the small community of Siriuns living on Earth. He is much respected, if not well liked and his standing within TIME is high. He is extremely deadly, proficient in most forms of combat and was personally responsible for the training of Special Agent Lynx in this area.
Sirius Secundus. Population: 12.576 billion. Sirius Secundus is an Earth type, but cool world, rich in minerals and with a strong economy. As the sun, Sirius, gradually wanes the Siriuns are beginning to emigrate in increasing numbers from their dying world.
Diplomatic History
The Siriuns are fiercely independent members of the Space Federation, which they joined in order to gain the secrets of space travel. Trade between Sirius and other worlds is now flourishing.
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Post by SGamerz »

I maintain my vote to ask about previous expedition records.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

yes, sounds like the best choice
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Post by Thaluikhain »

As a matter of course, all time trips into and out of the Eiger Vault Timehole are logged by the Monitoring Section. You ask CAIN to provide you with the log of movements since the death of Agent Q, typing your Security Clearance Code at the terminal in front of you. The screen flashes up the follow information.
15/10/33.....04.15.....Q....................Kelados 2710 AD
15/10/33.....09.22.....Q....................Eiger Vault
15/10/33.....09.45.....Kirik................Kelados 2710 AD
15/10/33.....12.13.....Kirik................Eiger Vault
16/10/33.....01.10.....PilotaEiger........Vault 3117 AD [ABORTED]
16/10/33.....12.03.....Kirik.................Kelados 3033 AD

TIME NOW: 12.40
DATE NOW: 16/10/33

It is evident that the Eiger Vault Timehole has been busy but for some reason the information has largely been classified at Theta or Omega, the only Security Clearance Codes higher than yours, held by Section Chiefs and Lords. You decide to ask CAIN for the current whereabouts of the five Lords

'Where are the Lords of TIME at this moment?' you ask CAIN. Your computer chooses a visual display for this information from the files of the Service Computer.
Pilota.................12.41Freefall Recreation Centre Spiro's Ringworld
Silvermane.........Eiger Vault
Kirik..................Timehole Trip Destination: Kelados 3033 AD

CAIN says, 'It is unusual that access to this kind of information should be denied to your level of security clearance. I have taken the precaution of linking with the service computer and I can tell you that Lord Kirik entered the Eiger Vault and left in his Time Machine. Lord Silvermane has just arrived here - at 12.40 - as have two others with Omega security clearance - at 12.33 and 12.37. Only Lords have this code. The conclusion must be obvious, even to a human, Falcon.' You decide to act on CAIN's information after telling him to shut up, and hurry out to meet the recent arrivals.

You float down out of Falcon's Wing and walk quickly to the adjacent bays. You pass the bay used for the Creche machine first - it is empty. Then you see the powerful, squat form of Lord Silvermane striding towards his machine just as that of Lord Speke winks out of its bay, back into the past. Catching up with Lord Silvermane you ask him where he intends to go. He replies, brusquely, 'I'm on important official business, you need not concern yourself with it. Speke has just left, however, and you may well be able to guess where he has gone, if you examine his file. Goodbye Falcon,' and he hurries towards his Time Machine. Do you:
Stop Lord Silvermane and insist he tells you where he is going?
Return to your Time Machine and try to go after one of the other Lords?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Presumably Speke's gone to classical Greece, given his fascination with Alexander the Great and Phillip of Macedon. Let Silvermane go, and if possible try to see if we can follow Speke.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by ashimbabbar »

if Speke wants to fanboy over Alexander, let him.

I'd be more interested in Silvermane's goings-on but to confront him directly is asking for trouble.

Pilota seems pretty harmless.

That leaves Kirik and Creche. I kind of wonder about why Kirik is time-hopping in his own world, so I'll vote for him.
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Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, I agree we shouldn't challenge a Timelord directly....not yet, at least. Let's try to follow one of the other Timelords.

As for the suspects, right now Pilota is at the bottom of my suspect list. The info we got from her files and our brief (mental) exchange with her, and the fact that she's travelling openly all indicate to me that the crime doesn't quite suit her character. I can maybe see her break some minor rules for the thrill/fun of it, but going back to change history to increase her own power or that of her people....I don't see her doing that.

Kirik has some suspicious points. Agent Q reported an attempt to change history in Kelados, and Kirik went there a couple times after that. Still Kelados is his home planet, so it might be too obvious. And he's also travelling openly. I suspect he went back to check on something because the real renegade lord (or Yelov) altered something there and he went to find out what happened. I'm inclined to trust him a little more than the others.

Oh, and from the info from his files, he's probably the one we should NOT have tried to psychically probe earlier, since he's supposedly particular about etiquettes.

If Kirik is the culprit, he's probably doing it for himself, not for his nation (since he's sort of an outcast to his people). Whereas Silvermane and Creche will presumably be changing things so that their own nation won the war against Earth.

Speaking of which, Speke and Creche are both travelling in secret, so that immediately raise suspicion point. In fact, I'm almost 99% sure that the Hivers are going to be enemies at some point in the series. Maybe not this particular book, but I'm always going to be wary of Creche. But Speke is actually the one I'm most suspicious about at the moment. Everyone knows about his supposed obsession with the ancient Greeks, but in that case why travel in secret. I suspect that this so-called obsession to his studies is a cover for something more sinister so he can make constant trips to the past without being suspected. And his apparent interest in history would allow him to observe and figure out the best time to change things for maximum impact.

I'm undicided about Silvermane, since we have no idea where he went. He may flip either way. It may be a hint that he's doing some investigation on his own.

Overall, my ranking of suspects at the moment (from most suspicious to least):

1) Speke
2) Yelov
3) Creche
4) Silvermane
5) Kirik
6) Pilota
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You arrive back at Falcon's Wing; and the red light of the brain scanner comes on. As you wait for the green, a security guard approaches, wearing a full-face helmet and power-armour, which is not standard issue. He carries a laser-rifle. 'Excuse me sir,' his voice hisses through the air-escape ducts of his armour. Turning to meet him, do you:
Wait for him to come closer?
Use your power of Psychic Awareness to find out his intentions?

There is a picture here, which I think is the guard, but could be from another section, it's a bit unclear.
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