Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by SGamerz »

Steed? Sounds like I should get a mount before I explore the desert.....which makes sense, I guess.

Although that kind of suggests to me that it might be a druid-related quest, since they're the friends of animals.

I'll skip this for now. To the Sacred Grove next.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The Sacred Grove is a large area of lightly-wooded meadows in the valley of the river Azurain. As you step from the portals the sun is about to set, throwing a warm blush of crimson and flame-orange over the trees and the grass. The great waterfall is turned pink in the evening light. Beyond the waterfall is a circle of oak trees and within them two concentric rings of standing stones. The Sacred Grove is a place of both white and green magic but it is here, within the standing stones, that the druids meet to perform the Rituals of Rebirth.


A large group of druids are walking towards the standing stones. Will you walk towards them, or investigate the waterfall?

If you prefer to move on from this place immediately you may Invoke the Portals. Where will you reappear next: the Scorched Sands of Akhneton, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, or the Citadel of the Skull?
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Post by SGamerz »

Druids.....I remember there's some goodies from this encounter.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The standing stones are deserted. On the central stone lies an offering of ears of corn and a bag of gold pieces. If you take the bag of gold record the codeword MISER and Invoke the Portals before one of the birds or beasts of the Grove sees you and reports what you have done to the druids.


The portals open before you. Which destination will you choose: the Scorched Sands of Akhneton, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, or the Citadel of the Skull?
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Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:If you take the bag of gold record the codeword MISER and Invoke the Portals before one of the birds or beasts of the Grove sees you and reports what you have done to the druids.

I'm guessing that my opponent passed through here and either massacred the druids or did something to wreck their ritual.....but really, the texts and sections could have been better-designed. Why did the previous section still say I saw druids walking towards the standing stones when they're no longer here?

Bah, take the gold and go on to the Desolation of whatshisname the emo
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You step through the portal into bright sunlight. The air is crisp and cold. Everywhere around you stretches a vast expanse of barren, grey rock, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved. You sense this is an area of the Rainbow Land where the greater magics do not function.

Not a single living creature disturbs the silence, save you and the moaning wind. Two things stand out like blazing beacons in the bleak waste. Some way ahead lies a green copse and to the left crumbles an ancient ruin of some castle.

Will you investigate the ruins or the copse? Alternatively you may Invoke the Portals and travel either to the Garden of Contemplation or the Sacred Grove. WAIT(21) before you turn to the paragraph of your choice, unless you have a STEED in which case you need not WAIT(21).
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Post by SGamerz »

Copse is tempting since there's more potential for me to set stuff on fire.

But ruins, since there's more chance of loot being found.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Soon, you are passing into the castle. Two great wooden doors lie shattered and rotting at the gate. Inside all is tumbled rock and jumbled ruin. There is an eerie feel in this place. The ghosts of the past, of great deeds and great tragedy, linger amongst the broken towers and crumbling walls.

WAIT(22) and turn to 412
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Post by Thaluikhain »

As you wander around the ruins you come across a sturdy shield seemingly unaffected by the years it has spent there. It bears the symbol of a rampant griffon and you remember from your books of legends that this was the coat of arms of Lord Javhak, Duke of Mayhem against whom Ilexmanan waged bloody war. You can almost hear the clash of arms and the sounds of bitter battle as you pick it up. The shield gives you +1 to your dice rolls when in physical combat. Note it on your character sheet and record the codeword VERDIGRIS. Then reality shifts and you find yourself back amidst the whirling colours of the Nexus, two portals in front of you. You may go to the Garden of Contemplation or the Sacred Grove. WAIT(23) first.

(As written, that would be both +1 to hit, and +1 to damage)
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Post by SGamerz »

A shield giving +1 damage? Seems weird....but I'm not complaining since the bonus is mine. :tongue:

Garden next!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

A new panorama opens up before you as you step from the portal into the Garden of Contemplation, so called because the greatest of Sages, Veritegal, found that his finest thoughts and ideas came as he sojourned in these balmy glades. You sense that this is a place where the currents of green magic and blue magic mix and interweave. The rambling gardens have an unobtrusive order, the shrubs and flowers blend and complement each other even tough everything appears to have grown naturally from where the seed fell. The grass has been cropped short by goats and you are looking down a natural avenue of tress towards a cosy-looking bower where a seat festooned with honeysuckle nestles amidst a circle of beech trees. Behind a screen of trees to your left the merry tinkling of a fountain or stream from a background to the birdcalls. Beyond a line of trees to your right is a pretty thatched cottage.


If you are still wondering at the tranquil beauty of the gardens you may decide to sit in the bower to think, to stride out towards the white summerhouse, to go in search of the stream or fountain, or to enter the little thatched cottage on your right.

Or you may wish to Invoke the Portals and leave this place. Where will you follow your quest to become Duelmaster next: the Palace of Flames, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, or the Shrine of the Martyrs?
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Post by SGamerz »

Thatched cottage sounds gloriously flammable, so that.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You open the door of the thatched cottage. Inside is an incredibly cluttered and untidy room - the picture of a wizard's laboratory. Phials, books and so on are littered everywhere. However, there is not much that interests you save for the large oaken desk, upon which rests a recently-finished magical scroll. You pick it up - it is a scroll with the spells Holy Fires of Judgement, Phantasm and Tanglevines. You may cast each of these spells (in the proper colour area) once at no CP cost. A lucky find indeed. Quickly you leave before the owner returns. Record the codeword MARION.


You Invoke the Portals. Will you go to the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, the Palace of Flames or the Shrine of the MArtyrs?
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Post by SGamerz »

Shrine of the Martyrs
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You step from the Nexus into a snow-covered valley. Instantly you sense that this place has no colour magic. A road runs down before you, forking a few metres in front of you. One route goes towards a walled town, the other to a small village.

Down below, ox-drawn carts ply the roads. Nearby stands a pillar. The snow has been cleared away around it and at its base lie offerings of fruit, flowers and vegetables. It is the Shrine of the Martyrs. The shrine was erected here after a small group of brave townsfolk gave their lives freely to sate the blood lust of the Witch-King of the Citadel of the Skull, who came here once aeons ago and threatened to destroy the town. Thus they gave their lives to save others. Beyond the shrine is a snow-covered hill.

Will you go towards the town, or towards the village, pray at the shrine or climb the snow-covered hill beyond? You must WAIT(26) before you go. Alternatively you can Invoke the Portals and go to the Garden of Contemplation or the Tower of Immutable Paradox. WAIT(26) first.

There is a picture here
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Post by SGamerz »

The shrine sounds like a place for good, so Evil guys like me should avoid it.

In fact, it sounds like the local community are on the Good side.

Check out the hill.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Beyond the Shrine of the Martyrs, atop a snow-covered hill, lies a surprising sight. Though heavy snow has been falling here for many days not a flake has settled on the gleaming temple that now looms before you. Just as surprising is the architecture of the temple. Gleaming gold domes, with metal sheets like fish-scales and delicate minarets of white marble spiralling upward like a fragile wedding cake in a style that cannot be found anywhere else in the Rainbow Land. You walk in through a gate bond with bronze and see the largest statue you have ever laid eyes on. It is an idol of the god Random, huge and black like a great Buddha. In one outstretched hand lies a great red gem, alive with sparkling fires. Will you push the pulpit under the hand and steal the gem. If you do so WAIT twice, as the pulpit is heavy and you cannot reach without it. If you prefer you may leave the temple and Invoke the Portals. If so, where will you hunt next: the Garden of Contemplation, or the Tower of Immutable Paradox. WAIT(27) first.
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Post by SGamerz »

Buddha? They've got Buddhism in this universe?

Probably a bad idea....but grab the shiny gem because it's red and fiery and "alive with sparkling fires", so therefore clearly meant for a pyromaniaccer like Lavan.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

At last you have the pulpit in position beneath the huge idol's outstretched hand and standing on tiptoe you reach out for the colossal gem. As soon as you touch the ruby with its sparkling fires you sense that the god Random is displeased with you for attempting to pilfer the sacred Ruby of Limitless Possibility. A shock jars you and you overbalance and fall to the hard stone floor. Lose 2 LPs. If you are still alive, Random is determined that you shall nto despoil his temple but he has been watching your due with amusement and he likes to inflict bizarre and unusual happenings on innocents.

Everything around you goes dark. You have been transported to the Rainbow Inn.

The portal flickers behind you and
you are facing the Rainbow Inn, a brick and wood building with stables attached, standing at a crossroads near the river Weir. There is a well nearby and beyond it a black door hangs in the air, just off the ground, the sign outside the Inn shows not the natural colours of the rainbow but the five colours of magic in the Land, blue, red, green, white and black. You may fill your water bottle in the river if it is empty.


Will you go to the well, try the black door in the air, or walk towards the Inn? If instead you wish to Invoke the Portals, you must choose from the following destinations: the Silvered Spires, the Forest of Arden, the Citadel of the Skull, the Palace of Flames or the Sea of Glass.

(Going to the Rainbow Inn was chosen at random by Random, other things could have happened.)
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Post by SGamerz »

There, I knew it was a bad idea! :tongue:

Could have been worse, I guess. At least it transported me to somewhere I haven't explored before.

The black door looks intriguing, but if it's another teleporting door then I won't be able to explore this place, which'll be a waste.

Go to the Inn.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Outside the Inn, tethered to a water trough is a magnificent black warhorse, caparisoned in black with polished barding lined with velvet. You may steal this magnificent war-steed or walk straight to the Inn.
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Post by SGamerz »

So this is where the possible STEED comes from, I guess?

Tempting....but without a spell to befriend animals I'm not too confident about the chances of stealing it.

Get in the inn. Maybe we can find its owner and ask to borrow it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Inside the Inn is warm and smoky. The familiar smells of wine mean and pipeweed mingle agreeably. The innkeeper is a sallow-faced man in late middle age, wearing a robe of many colours in the colour of the five magics. The usual motley array of merchants, farmers and their wives and assorted tradesmen make up the clientele. There is silence as all eyes re turned towards you, a stranger here. Three of the patrons stand out because they are sitting alone at their tables. One is a shifty-looking character dressed all in grey, with a slim sword at his side. Another is a man dressed like a wizard peering at a scroll through a curious piece of round glass that makes one of his eyes seem almost as large as his face. The third is a large man dressed in full plate armour, as black as night, with a great two-handed sword on the table in front of him. His insignia, a red dragon and a black mace match those on the warhorse tethered outside. All of the tables next to his have been pulled as far away by their occupants as space will allow. Will you walk up to the bar, sit opposite the man in grey, sit beside the man reading the scroll, or opposite the Black Knight?

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Post by SGamerz »


The Black Knight, since he clearly owns that warhorse. Also because he's probably from Team Evil like me, so maybe we can do business together.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The Black Knight pushes back the visor on his helm to reveal a brutal visage, coarsened through lack of regard for human life. His dark eyes bore into you but he says 'Well-met stranger, you have the look of one who needs the help of a strong sword arm.' Will you tell him you are trying to become Duelmaster of the Rainbow Lad, that you are looking for someone who can help you take revenge on the man who killed your mother, or ask him what the black door is hanging in the air outside?
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