[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61(?) - Howl of the Werewolf!

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Post by SlyJohnny »

Makes sense. Floor 6.
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Post by SGamerz »

To the 6th floor!
In a small ante-room off the main staircase you come to a set of black-lacquered double doors. Above them is the same crest you saw on the floor of the entrance hall - a skull surmounted by a bat with wins outstretched. Your unfailing sixth sense tells you that you have found the lair of the Lady of Maun. Boldly, you push open the doors, and find yourself at one end of a gloomy corridor, a second set of double doors stands at the other end. Roll one dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your ALARM score, turn to 448. If the number rolled is greater than your ALARM score, turn to 477.
What, you thought the Boss is on the top floor? Whatever gave you that idea? :tongue:

Die roll = 4!

We just barely managed to pass the ALARM test.
You know that you cannot risk tarrying here any longer. Running to the other end of the corridor, you fling open the doors there and burst into the room beyond. You find yourself in a grand, high-ceilinged chamber, ornately decorated with heavy velvet drapes of black and red, its ceiling painted with a zodiacal map of the heavens. The windows of the chamber are covered by the heavy hanging drapes. At your abrupt arrival, a striking, platinum-haired woman, dressed in crimson and black, her skin as white as ivory, rises from a high-backed wooden chair. At her side stands a gaunt-faced man, dressed in the apparel of a servant, and with a feral look about him. For a fleeting moment the noblewoman looks startled but this expression is soon replaced by a look of arrogant superiority, and a sinister smile forms on her rose-red lips. 'Ah, look, Gustav, we have company,' she says, addressing her servant. She rises and moves gracefully across the room towards you, her movements so fluid that you could almost believe she were gliding across the floor a few inches above it, her feet never actually touching the polished marble tiles. You are captivated by her beauty and find yourself transfixed by her piercing cold-eyed stare. If you have the codeword Nethcir recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 494 immediately. If not roll two dice, subtracting 2 from the total if you have the codeword Dehctaw written down on your Adventure Sheet. If the final total is less then or equal to your CHANGE score, turn to 10; if it is greater, turn to 52.
We have the second codeword, but fortunately our CHANGE is only at 3, so we're not in very great danger....

Dice roll = 10-2 = 8
Even as the woman's beguiling powers are beginning to take effect, a persistent part of your subconscious screams at you to break eye contact; the Lady of Maun is trying to mesmerize you with her hypnotic gaze. Through sheer strength of will alone, you force yourself to look away, freeing yourself of the Countess' enchantment. She hisses in frustration, like a wildcat, but takes a step away from you. 'Very well,' she spits, 'let's see what manner of creature you truly are.' She casts a dagger-glance at her manservant. 'Kill the intruders. Put the animal down,' she says with icy malice.

The Countess' manservant steps between you and his mistress. He opens his mouth and utters a shrill, piercing cry. Your eyes fixed on the gaunt-faced man in appalled wonder, you watch as he undergoes a hideous and terrifying transformation. His limbs warp and contort, his arms contracting into his body even as his finger bones lengthen, membranes of leathery skin unfurling between them. The man's ears become pointed and pronounced as his nose becomes an ugly snout. His body, now entirely covered in bristly fur, bursts free of his clothes. No longer a man but a monstrous bat with a wingspan nearing twelve feet, the Countess' servant dives for you, trying to snatch you up in his clawed feet. With the Werebat suspended in the air in front of you, buffeting you with ever beat of its wings, you retaliate with your own weapon.


If the Werebat wins two consecutive Attack Rounds, turn at once to 36. Also, if the Werebat wounds you more than twice, add 1 to your CHANGE score as the creature's own strains of lycanthropy accelerates the spread of the disease in your body. If you manage to kill the shape-changing servant, turn to 68.
Our Howl works on it, and together with our shield bonus, we probably won't have too much problem here....

Werebat 10, Triple W 13. WB is at 6.
WB 12, Triple W 18. WB is at 4.
WB 13, Triple W 17. WB is at 2.
WB 10, Triple W 13. WB is killed.
Easy flawless.
Her shape-shifting servant dead, with a banshee scream the Countess throws herself at you, claws and fangs revealed. The deceptive mask of apparently alluring beauty is gone, with the Lady of Maun revealed now in her true bat-like undead form. If you have a Silver Cross and want to use it, or a Pair of Silver Candlesticks with which you can improvise, turn to 17. If not, turn to 141.
Alas, we don't have any of that!
If you are able to fight with a Silver Dagger, turn to 192. If you do not have such a weapon, turn to 173.
Another failed item check!
As the Vampiress slashes at you with the talons of her bare hands, you fight back with cold steel. Although the wounds you lay against the undead. Countess appear to injure her, they close bloodlessly moments later. Conventional weapons cannot harm this creature of the night and in the end her seemingly limitless, iron stamina triumphs as your battle-fatigued body eventually gives in. Without a blessed weapon to use against her, the Vampiress tears your body to shreds. Your adventure ends here.
And it's over!

What's next? Do we want to rewind and search the rest of the tower that we skipped? (Ground floor, 4th, 5th, 7th floors, and the mirror on second floor) to see if we can find one of the 3 items listed above? Or rewind further and skip the quest?
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Post by MisterDee »

Had we been given the choice to enter the Boss room or not, we wouldn't have because we didn't have Vampire-killling gear. Rewind and go to another floor. (let's say 4)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd go to floor 7, actually. But I'll agree to 4 first.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Checking out the 4th floor......
Higher up the tower, on the fourth floor, you come to a long corridor lined with large portraits in heavy frames. They depict various members of the same aristocratic family, their shared likeness being a hungry, hawkish look. Some of the paintings must be several hundred years old. They range from gaunt-looking old men in ill-fitting suits of ceremonial armour to full-length portraits of striking, platinum-haired young woman. In fact, there are more paintings of her than any other person on display. One representation of the noblewoman in particular grabs your attention. Realised in earth-toned oils and broad brushstrokes, it shows the subject standing before crenelated battlements, a stormy night's sky behind her and the silhouettes of bats and carrion birds flitting across the glowing orb of the moon. You feel as if the woman is staring from the canvas directly into your eyes, and are suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling that you are being watched. (Add 1 to your ALARM score and make sure the codeword Dehctaw is recorded on your Adventure Sheet. Unable to shake the feeling of unease this has left you with you hasten away from the gallery and try another floor of the lower.
....just gets us an extra ALARM and a codeword we already had.

I think the moral of the story is that portraits are dangerous in Maun.

ALARM now at 5.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Ground floor since it doesn't have the boss in it.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SlyJohnny »

And that'll be where candlesticks are, sure.
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Post by SGamerz »

Doubling back to the ground floor where we started:
The footprint of the Tower of Maun is larger than you had at first thought. The main tower keep obviously rises above the more extensive layout of the ground floor. You find kitchens and storage rooms (and manage to find enough dry goods to make up 3 Meals worth of Provisions) but the most impressive room is a large banqueting hall. The table, which is set for 30 dinner guests, has been laud for supper - but how long ago? The plates, candlesticks and empty goblets are all covered in the fine gossamer veils of spider-webs. You may take a pair of Silver Candlesticks from the table but there is really nothing else of use to you here.
And indeed the candlesticks are here.

Important quest item, free meals, no fights or alarm.....you guys clearly skipped the best floor!

I think it's a sign of how much experienced players have been conditioned to the old FF design, that we actually missed the important item the author placed at the obvious place to start the search.

Now that we found the (improvised) anti-vampire gear, do we still want to keep searching the other floors? Or proceed to level 6 and finish this?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The only one left now is 5, right? If so we might as well visit there. If not then just go to 6 and finish this.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:The only one left now is 5, right?
5 and 7.

Unless you also want to check out the mirror on 2.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Take five.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

A short corridor leads off from the staircase on this level, ending at a narrow wooden door which bears the image of a chalice. Opening the door you find yourself inside a large, torch-lit chapel. A pillared nave leads up to a cloth-draped altar on which stands a golden chalice set with glittering precious stones. The flickering flames of rush-lights reflect from a number of exquisitely painted stained-glass windows. The most magnificent of these is set in an alcove recess above the altar and shows a knight in full armour kneeling in penance before a white-robed priests. The knight holds his sword out before him like a cross. The chapel appears to be a place of peace and you can see no obvious dangers. You approach the altar and take a look at the contents of the chalice; it appears to contain nothing more than water. If you want to drink from the chalice, turn to 424. If not you must leave the chapel and ascent, or descend, the staircase to another part of the tower.
Do we want to drink from the Holy Grail?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

This seems too obviously good to drink from, so I recommend we ignore it and head to floor 7.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »


I was going to make some kind of pun referencing a high demand game running on a low end machine but couldn't think of one fast enough.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SlyJohnny »

I think this is a genuinely holy place the vampire couldn't fuck with. Let's drink.
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Post by SGamerz »

SlyJohnny wrote:I think this is a genuinely holy place the vampire couldn't fuck with. Let's drink.
Well, you did vote not to splash holy water on our faces back in the village (and you were right back then, the holy water would have hurt Triple W), so it might be possible that this holy stuff hurts us, too...

Taking a drink:
You sniff the liquid but can still find nothing to suggest that it is anything other than water and so you swallow a large mouthful. Starting in your stomach, a warm prickling sensation spreads throughout your body. You can feel it revitalising you as it spreads to the tip of your fingers and the very roots of the hair on your head. You have just drunk and Elixir of Life. Restore your STAMINA, SKILL and LUCK scores to their Initial levels! The elixir also does something to combat your steadily worsening lycanthropy; reduce your CHANGE score by 2 points. Feeling reinvigorated and ready to face anything, you turn from the altar and start walking down the aisle. But rewards such as those that you have just received come at a price in the lair of one of the aristocracy of the night.

The first warning you have that anything is wrong is when a shuddering vibration fills the chapel, which puts a painful pressure on your eardrums. The panes of the stained-glass windows rattling behind you, you turn to see the knight's window coming apart at its leaded seams - only now it shows the warrior, standing over the body of the slain priest, sword blooded. You watch as the painted segments making up the knight pull free of the window and descend in front of you, maintaining the shape of the priest's murderer in front of you. The corruption that has taken root within the Tower of Maun has desecrated even this once sanctified refuge. The knight's glass sword looks painfully sharp, as the chapel's guardian swings it about threateningly, determined not to let you escape alive.


If you are fighting the knight with a mace, when you win an Attack Round roll one dice. If you roll a 6, the entirety of the knight's glass body shatters under your blow, destroying it in one fell swoop. If you win the battle you are able to exit the chapel without further obstructions. Add 1 to your ALARM score and turn to 7.
Well, opponents like was the entire reason we picked up a mace, so of course we'll use it here! Our Howl doesn't work here, either, so the only advantage we have here is our shield, which give us just a slight edge in SKILL.

Glass Knight 12, Triple W 19. We then roll a 4 (Knight isn't shattered). GK is at 4.
GK 18, Triple W 17. Triple W is at 15.
GK 12, Triple w 21. We then roll a 3. GK is at 1.
GK 18, Triple W 15. Triple W is at 13.
GK 17, Triple W 14. Triple W is at 11.
GK 16, Triple W 15. Triple W is at 9.
GK 20, Triple W 15. Triple W is at 7.
GK 12, Triple W 16. GK is shattered.
Yikes, it hurt us bad! Maybe we should have stuck with our sword since it actually would have saved us from 2 of the blows. We come of the this worse off than going in despite the healing properties of the water.

Also, our ALARM is now at 6, which almost guarantees that we're going to fail the ALARM check later.

At least our CHANGE is back to 1. And LUCK is back at 12.

Do we still want to check out the 7th floor or the mirror before going to the Boss fight?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Wolfgang W. Wolfenstein (a.k.a Triple W)
SKILL 11/11 (must take the next SKILL Test at 10)
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Lantern & Tinderbox, Signet Ring, Flintlock Pistol, Mace (-1 Attack Strenth, but does 3 damage per blow), Shield (+1 Attack Strength), Silver Candlesticks (x2)
Gold: 10
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Codewords: Avokez, Egnarts, Dloterof, Dehctaw
Special Abilities: The Call of the Wild (Reduce opponent's AR by 1 in combat, does not work on magical beings, artificial constructs, or undead)

Destroyed a coffin in the crypts of the Tower of Maun
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Post by SGamerz »

If there's no votes by tomorrow, I will proceed to the Boss fight on level 6.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Boss fight.
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Post by SGamerz »

To the 6th floor (again!)
In a small ante-room off the main staircase you come to a set of black-lacquered double doors. Above them is the same crest you saw on the floor of the entrance hall - a skull surmounted by a bat with wins outstretched. Your unfailing sixth sense tells you that you have found the lair of the Lady of Maun. Boldly, you push open the doors, and find yourself at one end of a gloomy corridor, a second set of double doors stands at the other end. Roll one dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your ALARM score, turn to 448. If the number rolled is greater than your ALARM score, turn to 477.
Die roll = 3 (Fail!)
As soon as you enter the corridor, the doors slam shut behind you and something begins to manifest. Some unholy phantasm is clothing itself in shadows, taking on a threatening form. Your actions within the Tower of Maun have alerted the Lady to your presence and your arrival has been anticipated. The necromancer that is the power in this place has brought forth entities that normally dwell on the Spirit Plane, until a practitioner of the Dark Arts summons them to the earthly realm. Trailing smoky tendrils, the faceless shadow-born creatures circle you, ready to rake your flesh with claws formed of impenetrable darkness. If you have the codeword Nethcir recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 463. If not, you have no choice but to take up your weapon and defend yourself. In the narrow confines of the corridor, fight the shadow-born one at a time.


Fortunately cold steel is just as effective against the Tenebrae as silver or magic. If you manage to defeat these creatures of darkness, turn to 477.
These creatures were featured in Night of the Necromancer too (although it was written after this book). They don't look too tough, but our STAMINA is kind of low....

Tenebrae#1 13, Triple W 21. T1 is at 5.
T1 12, Triple W 22. T1 is at 3.
T1 14, Triple W 18. T1 is at 1.
T1 12, Triple W 20. T1 is killed.
Tenebrae#2 15, Triple W 19. T2 is at 4.
T2 9, Triple W 15. T2 is at 2.
T2 13, Triple W 15. T2 is killed.
Tenebrae#3 12, Triple W 17. T3 is at 5.
T3 19, Triple W 19. Tie!
T3 15, Triple W 17. T3 is at 3.
T3 12, Triple W 19. T3 is at 1.
T3 12, Triple W 15. T3 is killed.

I'm going to have Triple W eat a meal to bring STAMINA up to 11 before proceeding....
You know that you cannot risk tarrying here any longer. Running to the other end of the corridor, you fling open the doors there and burst into the room beyond. You find yourself in a grand, high-ceilinged chamber, ornately decorated with heavy velvet drapes of black and red, its ceiling painted with a zodiacal map of the heavens. The windows of the chamber are covered by the heavy hanging drapes. At your abrupt arrival, a striking, platinum-haired woman, dressed in crimson and black, her skin as white as ivory, rises from a high-backed wooden chair. At her side stands a gaunt-faced man, dressed in the apparel of a servant, and with a feral look about him. For a fleeting moment the noblewoman looks startled but this expression is soon replaced by a look of arrogant superiority, and a sinister smile forms on her rose-red lips. 'Ah, look, Gustav, we have company,' she says, addressing her servant. She rises and moves gracefully across the room towards you, her movements so fluid that you could almost believe she were gliding across the floor a few inches above it, her feet never actually touching the polished marble tiles. You are captivated by her beauty and find yourself transfixed by her piercing cold-eyed stare. If you have the codeword Nethcir recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 494 immediately. If not roll two dice, subtracting 2 from the total if you have the codeword Dehctaw written down on your Adventure Sheet. If the final total is less then or equal to your CHANGE score, turn to 10; if it is greater, turn to 52.
With our CHANGE back down to the minimu, this should be pretty easy....

Dice roll = 4-2 = 2! (If we hadn't drank from that Holy Grail, we'd have failed here....so it was a good choice after all!)
Being hypnotized is more or less a (very much) delayed insta-fail.
Even as the woman's beguiling powers are beginning to take effect, a persistent part of your subconscious screams at you to break eye contact; the Lady of Maun is trying to mesmerize you with her hypnotic gaze. Through sheer strength of will alone, you force yourself to look away, freeing yourself of the Countess' enchantment. She hisses in frustration, like a wildcat, but takes a step away from you. 'Very well,' she spits, 'let's see what manner of creature you truly are.' She casts a dagger-glance at her manservant. 'Kill the intruders. Put the animal down,' she says with icy malice.

The Countess' manservant steps between you and his mistress. He opens his mouth and utters a shrill, piercing cry. Your eyes fixed on the gaunt-faced man in appalled wonder, you watch as he undergoes a hideous and terrifying transformation. His limbs warp and contort, his arms contracting into his body even as his finger bones lengthen, membranes of leathery skin unfurling between them. The man's ears become pointed and pronounced as his nose becomes an ugly snout. His body, now entirely covered in bristly fur, bursts free of his clothes. No longer a man but a monstrous bat with a wingspan nearing twelve feet, the Countess' servant dives for you, trying to snatch you up in his clawed feet. With the Werebat suspended in the air in front of you, buffeting you with ever beat of its wings, you retaliate with your own weapon.


If the Werebat wins two consecutive Attack Rounds, turn at once to 36. Also, if the Werebat wounds you more than twice, add 1 to your CHANGE score as the creature's own strains of lycanthropy accelerates the spread of the disease in your body. If you manage to kill the shape-changing servant, turn to 68.

Werebat 16, Triple W 18. WB is at 6.
WB 13, Triple W 16. WB is at 4.
WB 11, Triple W 19. WB is at 2.
WB 12, Triple W 16. WB is killed.
Flawless again!
Her shape-shifting servant dead, with a banshee scream the Countess throws herself at you, claws and fangs revealed. The deceptive mask of apparently alluring beauty is gone, with the Lady of Maun revealed now in her true bat-like undead form. If you have a Silver Cross and want to use it, or a Pair of Silver Candlesticks with which you can improvise, turn to 17. If not, turn to 141.
This time we have the MacGuffin!
Brandishing the holy symbol in front o the Vampiress causes her to recoil, throwing her hands up in front of her face, spitting like a wildcat.
The Countess shrieks and whirls away from you, wrapping her cloak around her. 'You will never leave my domain alive!' she wails and, with that, her corporeal form dissolves into black mist. Have you destroyed two coffins while exploring the tower? If so, turn to 263. If you have only destroyed one, or none at all, turn to 286.
Alas, we destroyed only 1!
The second coffin was behind the mirror that you guys skipped.
The lack mist rushes out of the chamber with inhuman speed, leaving you alone in the palatial domed room. The vampire Countess has retreated to on of her hidden coffin-sanctuaries to recuperate. Although you have won a victory over her, it is only temporary. The vampiric Lady of Maun will return, of that you can be assured! (Lose 1 LUCK point and add the codeword Daednu to your Adventure Sheet.) Alone at the top of the tower, will you spend some time searching the Countess chambers for valuables or artefacts of power, or will you quit this place of evil as quickly as you can?
Do we want to loot the place before we go?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Loot the place so this isn't a total bust.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Search the room.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Among the Vampiress' possessions are a number of items that may be of value to you, including a Gilt Mirror, a brass telescope, a lodestone and gold and jewels to a value of 20 Gold Pieces. You also find a small, teak chest. Inside, lying on a bed of black velvet is an ornate Silver Dagger.

If you want to take the Silver Dagger, add it to your Adventure Sheet. You may use the dagger in combat but, if you do so, you will have to fight with your Attack Strength reduced by 1 point. Injuries you cause any creature with the word 'Were' in its name will suffer increased damage (3 STAMINA points rather than the usual 2) as the pure metal is inimical to their kind. The Silver Dagger will also harm the Undead but will only cause the usual 2 STAMINA points of damage.

There is nothing else for you here so you run back down the long winding staircase.
The dagger essentially works like the mace, except only against were-creatures like ourselves.

And yes, it was checked as one of the items that could have hurt the vampiress (there's more than one of it to be found in this book).
Back in the entrance hall of the tower, you discover that the doors are now open again and you are able to flee the house of horrors. There is only the moonlit courtyard to cross and then you will be beyond the codeword Daednu written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 360. If not, turn to 373.
Uh oh....
You are halfway across the courtyard when a shadowy spectral form materises in front of you. You recognize the twisted, bat-like features of the shade. The undying spectre of the of the Countess Isolde has come to stop you ever leaving her domain of darkness and to visit unholy vengeance upon you. You will have to triumph in one final battle to escape the Lady of Maun's clutches.


If you win but the Wraith wounded you, turn to 397. If you overcome the Countess' spectral form without sustaining any injury, regain 1 LUCK point and turn to 373.
That doesn't look too bad.....although I don't want to find out what happens if we're hit. Since we get to regain 1 LUCK point after this fight, I'm going to spend 1 point to speed this up:

Vampire-Wraith 16, Triple W 23. We test our LUCK (Dice roll = 8 = Lucky). VW is at 2.
VW 16, Triple 18. VW is defeated.
As you pass beneath the gatehouse and leave the environs of the Tower of Maun you immediately feel the oppressive atmosphere lift. You shelter for the night in the lea of a huge, mossy boulder and the next day you set off again, circumnavigating the village before joining the road leading north.
You are several miles from Maun, passing through a range of low hills with the day wearing on, when you come in sight of two dark silhouettes jutting up from the landscape. To the west you can see an unidentifiable crumbling ruin. Away to the east the hills rise towards jagged peaks that look like the teeth of some sleeping Earth Dragon. But the outline of one of these peaks is obscured by a solid citadel-like structure still some miles away. The road splits at this juncture. The main road continues north through the hills, while a less well-travelled track winds away into the higher hills to the east. There is no longer any clearly defined path leading to the ruins to the west. Mindful of the nightfall, will you seek shelter at the citadel away to the east, investigate the ruins to the west or simply keep on along the road you are following towards Vargenhof?
Citadel, ruins, or keep to the road?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Wolfgang W. Wolfenstein (a.k.a Triple W)
SKILL 11/11 (must take the next SKILL Test at 10)
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Lantern & Tinderbox, Signet Ring, Flintlock Pistol, Mace (-1 Attack Strenth, but does 3 damage per blow), Shield (+1 Attack Strength), Silver Candlesticks (x2), Gilt Mirror, Brass Telescope, lodestone, Silver Dagger (-1 Attack Strength, but does 3 point damage on Were-creatures)
Gold: 10 + jewels worth 20GP
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Codewords: Avokez, Egnarts, Dloterof, Dehctaw, Daednu
Special Abilities: The Call of the Wild (Reduce opponent's AR by 1 in combat, does not work on magical beings, artificial constructs, or undead)
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Ruins. We're here to get distracted by shiny objects damnit
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Let's search the ruins for more shinies! Maybe Triple W wasn't bitten by the werewolf. Clearly, he was pecked by a were-magpie.
You do not have to walk far to reach the ruins. With the dusk deepening around you, you begin to explore them by twilight. You pass between crumbling stone walls - whatever roof they might once have supported long gone - and beneath broken arches into dirt-floored chambers open to the sky, home now to scurrying beetles, centipedes and vermin. Who built this place - you find yourself wondering - and what went on here? Were these ruins once some lord's stronghold, a sorcerer's hideaway, or some holy temple dedicated to a now-forgotten deity? There is one thing you are certain of, however. Evil holds dominion here now. Lurking shadows seem to change shape and move. The longer you explore the ruins the more intense the feeling becomes that there is an evil presence lingering within this place, and it is making you feel increasingly uncomfortable. Do you want to depart the ruins without further delay, or will you persist with your investigations?
Are we sure there will be shinies to be found here?
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Find this presence and cleanse it. We are the flame.
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