Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

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Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

Post by Thaluikhain »

This is for the mage controlled by Ikeren (and anyone else who wants to join alter, if they've not yet played the game or otherwise have knowledge they shouldn't).

Firstly, will need to choose type of mages, greater spells, counterspells and lesser spells. A name wouldn't hurt either. Then, which of the 16 realms to go to first.
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Post by Ikeren »

How about;

Mage, the redundant Magician.

Any 6 but no more of two of any colour;

Black; The Blight of Desponde (3cp)
White; Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp)
Green; Creeping Doom (2cp)
Red; Immolation (3cp), Spirit of Flame (1cp)
Blue; Phantasm (2cp)


The Chalice of Incorruptible Life
Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place.
Dissolves the Juggernaut.
Tower of Indomitable Will
Wall of Ice

Lesser spells;
Abuscade, Dispel Trap, 2* Heal, 2* Focus

Pheonix Crags sound like an amusing place to start.

HP: 14/20 . CP: 14/14
Greaters: The Blight of Desponde (3cp, BLK), Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp, WHT), Creeping Doom (2cp, GRE), Immolation (3cp, RED), Spirit of Flame (1cp, RED), Phantasm (2cp, BLUE)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place., Dissolves the Juggernaut., Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Wall of Ice
Lessers: Abuscade, Dispel Trap, 2* Heal, 2* Focus
Last edited by Ikeren on Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Ok, to the Phoenix Crags. There is a slight chance that your opponent will happen to choose the exact same starting realm...and this has happened.

You are standing on a wide ledge in the Phoenix Crags. At the other end, stands your enemy. (You may describe yourself to your opponent, exchange insults such as 'Ugly One! Are you ready to be spread like butter before my feet!' In any case, you must tell him you class of mage and what you are carrying.) You can use red and blue spells here. Prepare for a battle of sorcery.

Your opponent is the Explosive Wand, the sorceror.

You will go second (decided randomly), so must await instructions.
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Post by Ikeren »

Whooops. Uh, if I choose to retreat immediately into an adjacent plane, will he be able to see which way I'm going, or forced to guess? Also, do you have a preference for format for like, OOC type questions?
Last edited by Ikeren on Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"There is a rumbling sound above you. Looking up you see many large boulders falling from the towering crags right on top of you. You have not seen me cast any visible spell, so you guess this rockfall is the result of a Phantasm. Or is it? Can you stand beneath it and really disbelieve, or will you try to dodge aside. Roll one die."

You got a bad result:

"You panic at the last moment and leap aside. A boulder clips you as it plunges into the chasm. Lose three Life Points."


You may try to escape by fleeing and Invoking the Portals
If you have no spells, you can charge forward, hope to withstand your enemy's spells and close for physical combat.

Or you can cast one of these spells:
Immolation 3cp
Spirit of Flame 1cp
Phantasm 2cp


Rules are written, you don't see what happens when you flee until you flee. And while I don't have a preference for OOC or not, there is a distinct lack of character for mages in this book, especially for magicians (and a lesser extent, sorcerors), compared to say, necromancers who are presumably big of mucking about with undead and being evil. For example, we don't know why a given mage is trying to win, is it for power, for knowledge, glory, in aid of some goal? The sample characters give a bit of background, but not much. Does the Redundant Magician have a policy of educational reform?

Though, the book does encourage insults and banter, which is a way of bringing flat characters to life.
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Post by Ikeren »

Magician snarls out "I will erase your pathetic life from existence...later."

and invokes the portal to the Forest of Arden.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"You turn and try to get out of sight before Invoking the Portals but, acting fast, I pick up a rock and hurl it at you with surprising accuracy. It smacks into one of your legs and you topple over the ledge into the chasm. You crack your ribs painfully on a boulder and lose three Life Points but you have the presence of mind to Invoke the Portals in midair. You can go to the Scorched Sands of Akhneton, the Forest of Arden or the House of Mausolus, but WAIT for me first."

Your opponent also has to wait, so not sure why that WAIT is there.

The portal disappears behind you and you find yourself surrounded by trees at the centre of a small clearing. The sun beats down but within the trees is a dark gloom. It is silent in the clearing and you feel alone, far from the security of your fellow men and their dwellings. Although you can hear nothing the Forest feels full of lie, full of unseen eyes spying on you. This is a place enchanted with green magic, a place where nature is untouched by man.

If you would like to use an Ambuscade cross it off your list and record the codeword PLATO.

The tinkling of bells and piping of flutes reaches you, strangely bright and clear through the trees. Two muddy tracks leave the clearing. One leads off in the direction from which you think the music is coming from, the other disappears into the gloom in the opposite direction.


Will you take the path towards the sound of music, the gloomier path, or Invoke the Portals and go to the Citadel of the Skull, the Rainbow Inn, the Silvered Spires or the Phoenix Crags?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ikeren »

In order; Ambuscade, recording the code word PLATO, then invoke the portal to the Rainbow Inn.

HP: 14/20 . CP: 14/14
Greaters: The Blight of Desponde (3cp, BLK), Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp, WHT), Creeping Doom (2cp, GRE), Immolation (3cp, RED), Spirit of Flame (1cp, RED), Phantasm (2cp, BLUE)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place., Dissolves the Juggernaut., Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Wall of Ice
Lessers: PLATO (Abuscade in Forest of Arden), Dispel Trap, 2* Heal, 2* Focus
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Post by Thaluikhain »

After using the Ambuscade, but before you can go to the Rainbow Inn:

Suddenly everything goes dark around you and you find yourself standing in a clearing beneath ferns and tall elms. Just yards away from you is your opponent. A flock of pretty coloured songbirds take flight and leave you to settle your battle alone. You may describe your appearance to your opponent now, the colour of your robes and your class. You should also tell your opponent what artefacts you are carrying. You may exchange insults and epithets such as "Prepare to eat dirt, you megalomaniac centipede."

Your opponent hasn't changed in the last 30 seconds since they left the Phoenix Crags. "No. We finish this now.", they say.

They will go first (decided randomly). You will have to wait for instructions.

EDIT: The books checks to see if you are in the same realm before it checks for Ambuscades, so it hasn't gone off yet.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"I begin to charge forward, weapons at the ready, intent on hand-to-hand combat. You have the opportunity to hurl a spell at me."

You may cast Creeping Doom (2cp), flee, or fight them for a round in hand-to-hand combat.
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Post by Ikeren »

"Fine. Though you brought this on yourself."

I cast Creeping Doom.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your brow is knitted with the concentration it takes to cast this infamous spell. You pour yourself heart and soul into the summoning of the Creeping Doom. Read the following to your opponent:

"I speak the Ritual of Summoning and before you can do anything a dark mass of insects pours out of the grass and trees from all sides. Soldier ants, cockroaches, poisonous spiders and scimitar beetles crawl all over you within seconds."

(It should say the caster needs to subtract 2 CP in there somewhere)

"In answer to this spell I cast Fireskin. Rivulets of blue fire cascade from my body and the insects perish in the flames, but my skin is unharmed. I laugh at your lacklustre attempts to defeat me. You spell has been foiled."

Though the spell didn't work, it did stop them charging, so now it's your turn.

You can flee or charge them for hand-to-hand combat.
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Post by Ikeren »

I will retreat by invoking the portal to the Silver Spires, hoping he'll assume I keep going straight and head for the Rainbow Inn.

"Let's not fight."

I'm also hoping as soon as I leave that the trap goes off.

HP: 14/20 . CP: 12/14
Greaters: The Blight of Desponde (3cp, BLK), Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp, WHT), Creeping Doom (2cp, GRE), Immolation (3cp, RED), Spirit of Flame (1cp, RED), Phantasm (2cp, BLUE)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place., Dissolves the Juggernaut., Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Wall of Ice
Lessers: PLATO (Abuscade in Forest of Arden), Dispel Trap, 2* Heal, 2* Focus
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"Aha, so you realise you cannot stand against my awesome might, worm. I take from my pack a phial of acid and hurl it towards your vanishing back. the vial smashes and the vitriol courses down your back as you step through the portal, burning you horribly.

When you emerge in the next land you find terrible burns and weals mar your skin. Roll one dice to find out how many Life Points you have lost."

Lose 5 LPs

The sight which greets you as you step from the darkness of the portal is a stunning one. Tall spires glitter like steel in the afternoon sun. A white wall surrounds a small city built atop two green hills in the midst of rolling downland. The Spires are the tallest buildings in the Land, taller even than the tallest pines in the Forest of Arden. People dressed in simple homespun come and go, young boys herd sheep towards the fleecing pens.


You pass beneath the city archway. The gates are flung wide and the guards pay you no attention. Will you visit the magnificent cathedral to the Gods of Good or pay your respects at the court of the Round Table, where the Knights Templar hold council?

If you prefer to Invoke the Portals and leave immediately, will you journey next to the Sea of Glass, the Forest of Arden, the Rainbow Inn or the Caverns of Perdition?
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Post by Ikeren »

Okay, so retreating means he gets one free high damage attack against me? That's useful information

Can I use my two heal spells to return my health to 17 out of 20?

And I'll go visit the magnificent cathetdral to the Gods of Good. I only know one Black magic, and I think I'm leaning good-ish.
HP: 9/20 . CP: 12/14
Greaters: The Blight of Desponde (3cp, BLK), Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp, WHT), Creeping Doom (2cp, GRE), Immolation (3cp, RED), Spirit of Flame (1cp, RED), Phantasm (2cp, BLUE)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place., Dissolves the Juggernaut., Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Wall of Ice
Lessers: PLATO (Abuscade in Forest of Arden), Dispel Trap, 2* Heal, 2* Focus

Notes about enemy mage: Has blue spell, has counterspell to Creeping Doom.
Last edited by Ikeren on Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You can use heal at any time except combat, so yeah. Oh, and I forgot to put the pic of the Silvered Spires before, it's now here

The cathedral is almost deserted although three hundred rows of pews stretch into the nave. The altar at the far end is draped in white. You may pray, or if you decide to walk out of the cathedral and Invoke the Portals you may choose from the following destinations: the Sea of Glass, the Forest of Arden, the Rainbow Inn or the Caverns of Perdition.
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll pray for guidance. I'm assuming my opponent is pure evil, while I am mostly good, and that perhaps the gods of good might help ensure a good mage oversees the Wizards guild.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The Gods of Good see fit to bless you and you may cast the lesser magic of Bless once anywhere without using any CPS. You leave the cathedral in high spirits and Invoke the Portals. Which destination will you choose, the Sea of Glass, the Forest of Arden, the Rainbow Inn or the Caverns of Perdition?
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll invoke the sea of glass. Not 100% sure what I'll do with that Bless spell, but hopefully it comes in handy.
HP: 17/20 . CP: 12/14
Greaters: The Blight of Desponde (3cp, BLK), Holy Fires of Judgement (3cp, WHT), Creeping Doom (2cp, GRE), Immolation (3cp, RED), Spirit of Flame (1cp, RED), Phantasm (2cp, BLUE)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Banishes the Deathknight to its rightful resting place., Dissolves the Juggernaut., Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Wall of Ice
Lessers: PLATO (Abuscade in Forest of Arden), Dispel Trap, 2* Focus, 1* Bless

Notes about enemy mage: Has blue spell, has counterspell to Creeping Doom.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The portal vanishes behind you and you slip on the smooth reflective surface of the Sea of Glass. As far as the eye can see stretches a dead, flat plain of blue crystal like a sea frozen in time. The only breaks on the uniform landscape is a series of openings of caves, and a magnificent range of spiky mountains stretching towards the blue sky like pillars of frost. Underfoot your gaze can penetrate the glare to see several fathoms down into the clear blue crystal. Invisible currents of blue magic stir the air, the sorcerous magic of the mind.


You may set out towards the Frost Peaks or the Crystal Caves.

If you prefer to Invoke the Portals and leave the Sea of Glass you may. Will you visit the Tower of Immutable Paradox, the Silvered Spires, the Palace of Flame or the Rainbow Inn?
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll go check out the Crystal Caves.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Somehow, always makes me think of this:
The crystal caves are a miraculous maze of transparent tunnels and caverns. There is nowhere within them that the light of the sun doesn't penetrate and there are faceted stalactites and stalagmites that throw rainbows of colour across the transparent crystal.

You soon come to a large cavern in which the predominant colours are blue, lilac and purple. At the back of the cavern is a crystal pedestal and on it glows a gem so magical that its light mingles with the blue of the caves. It is brilliant red, a flaming ruby. It can only be the Eye of Flame. Crystal warriors, each seven-foot tall golems of glass emerge from side tunnels all around you. You are surrounded.

WAIT (3rd wait since last seeing your opponent, to help people keep track)

How much is the Eye of Flame worth to you? More than almost anything else? Do you value it for no more than its beauty, thinking that it would look nice on your mantelpiece, or is it of no interest to you?
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Post by Ikeren »

Is that a question verbally asked, or is that a thought that goes through my head, or is that a question from the game?

I'll address the Crystal Warriors. "I want no trouble. If the crystal eye is freely given to a mage trying to do good by this world, it will be taken. But if you wish to keep it, I will respect your preferences."

I strongly suspect the Eye of Flame has power.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The book is asking you that, yeah, rather than the golems themselves.

And while your response should be perfectly valid (assuming the golems can understand speech), the limitations of the format means you can't choose that, which makes me think this could have been set up a bit better, or they could have chosen another approach entirely.
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Post by Ikeren »

So I pick one of the three options?
1) Worth everything
2) Worth it's beauty
3) Worth nothing?

I'm pretty ambivilent about those options, but I'm going to go with C, worth Nothing, because I'm not engaged with fighting for it, and that's I think the option that produces that result?

Like, I feel like they should have the golem speak the three options, rather than the book. Am I thinking my response to myself? Am I saying it to the golems? Is it a mind reading ruby?
Last edited by Ikeren on Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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