Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage1

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Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage1

Post by Thaluikhain »

This is for the mage controlled by SlyJohnny (and anyone else who wants to join alter, if they've not yet read the Mage2 thread or played the game or otherwise have knowledge they shouldn't).

Firstly, will need to choose type of mages, greater spells, counterspells and lesser spells. A name wouldn't hurt either. Then, which of the 16 realms to go to first.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Name: Explosive Wand
Starting Location: Phoenix Crags
HP 21/21
CP 15/15
Class: Sorcerer (Inner Sanctum in the Sea of Glass)
Greater Magics: 3 blue (Domination*, Phantasm, Feeblemind) 1 black (The Blight of Desponde) 1 red (Spirit of Flame) 1 white (Archangel*) and 1 Green (Tanglevines)
Counterspells: Fireskin, Mouth of the Void, Rite of Excorcism, The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Absorption, Extinguish
Lesser Magics: 3 Teleport, 3 Heal, 1 Dispel Trap


Allows you to enslave your opponent's will. You must have the Diadem of Rulership to cast this.
Cost: 2 CP

Creates the illusion of a terrible monster with which to assail your opponent.
Cost: 2 CP
Damage: 50/50 shot -3 life points (Phoenix Crags)

Drains your enemy's power to cast spells.
Cost: 1 CP


Spirit of Flame
Summons a fire elemental to engulf your enemy. It may also destroy objects.
Cost: 1 CP
Damage: 5


Summons an Archangel to slay your opponent. You cannot cast this spell unless you have the Sacred Relics.
Cost: 2 CP


The Blight of Desponde
Causes your enemy's flesh to putrefy.
Cost: 3 CP
Damage: 4 (Caverns), 4 damage 1 cp (tower)


Causes plant-life to writhe around and entrap your opponent.
Cost: 3 CP
Last edited by SlyJohnny on Tue May 09, 2017 12:52 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Been almost 2 days with no rival suggestions, so I'm assuming no objections to this mage, and going to the House of Mausolus:

You find yourself in a tall dark room of cold black marble. You know immediately that this is a place without magic. White pillars march around the edge and the middle of the room is taken up with row upon row of stone slabs. On the slabs rest naked corpses, cold and still. You have arrived in the House of Mausolus, the place of the dead, where heroes and people of import in the Rainbow Land lie preserved in death for ever. Beside you stairs lead down to the crypt. Will you go down into the crypt, investigate the bodies, examine the small shrine dedicated to some god or other nearby, or Invoke the Portals and go either to the Caverns of Perdition or the Phoenix Crags. In any case you must WAIT before you do so.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Check the corpses.

On second thought, god shrine first.
Last edited by SlyJohnny on Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

It appears to be a shrine dedicated to the sorceror mage Emeritus, the very one who is said to have created the Rainbow Land. Some say his powers rivaled those of the gods. As you stand there, a low quit laughter fills the air and a voice, ancient yet strong, sounds in your head.

"A duelist, well, well. It is some time since I have witnessed a good duel and I grow bored. Come, entertain me, mortal." With that, you suddenly find yourself transported to an area of magic, with your opponent before you. Emeritus has brought you together to fight for his own amusement.
Everything goes dark for a second and you find yourself in the cavernous chambers of the Caverns of Perdition. Your opponent is before you. (You may describe yourself to your opponent, exchange insults such as "They will thank me in the Rainbow Land for what I am about to do to you, orc-breath!") Then prepare for spell combat. You may only use black and red spells in this region.
Your opponent is the "Amazing Rando', a magician. They aren't carrying anything of note. They will go first (randomly decided). You must await instructions.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Joining TEAM CERTAIN VICTORY if there's still an opening.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Glad to have you :)

My vague plan was to try to get the Diadem early, and I have a theory it's in the Mausolus (the colourless areas on the outside still seem to match up with magic colours and themes, suggesting they're artifact sites).

But now I guess we'll see how this fight turns out. Hopefully we have more relevant spells than he does. A magician makes guessing tricky.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"It is I, The Amazing Rando! And for my first trick, I will make The Explosive Wand...disappear!"

"My finger points at you and, suddenly, you are bathed in flames. Is it as if you had spontaneously caught fire. The agony is unbearable as the fire rages for several seconds. All your body hair has been burnt away but, oddly, your clothes and equipment remain untouched. Lose three Life Points."


You may try to escape by fleeing and Invoking the Portals.

If you have no spells, you can charge forward, hope to withstand your enemy's spells and close for physical combat.

Or you may cast one of these spells:
The Blight of Desponde (3 CP)
Spirit of Flame (1 CP)

It can be read that physical combat is only for those with no spells, but it makes sense that you'd be able to do it either way.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

"Thought it best to get this over with."

(Cast The Blight of Desponde, then say:)

"Rando. You know... I'd hoped it would be you."
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Cross off 3 CPs as you cast the Blight of Desponde. Read this to your opponent:

"You step back in fear as you hear me incanting the words of the Blight of Desponde. There is nothing you can do as suppurating sores erupt all over your body and a back wave of nausea overwhelms you. You are riddled with disease. Lose four life points."
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"Not bad," I say, coughing a bit. "But it will take more than a little black magic to defeat me. Can the same be said for you?"

"A foul mist materialised before me into the Deathknight, a figure in dark rune-etched armour, its visor up to reveal the face of blank nothingness. It stalks towards you, an ancient axe in hand, intent on carrying out my will - in short, to slay you."

The rules say you have to cast the counterspell if able, but I guess you'd choose that anyway.

Cross off 1 CP as you read this to your opponent:

"I take out a wafer that has been consecrated at the Shrine of the Martyrs and break it, uttering the words of the Rite of Exorcism. Instantly the Deathknight collapses, its armour falling to the ground empty. There is a rush of ethereal wind and we can faintly hear a whispered "Thank you" as the spirit of the Deathknight is freed from its bonded service to the necromancer and returned to its rightful resting place."


You may try to escape by fleeing and Invoking the Portals.

If you have no spells, you can charge forward, hope to withstand your enemy's spells and close for physical combat.

Or you may cast one of these spells:
Spirit of Flame (1 CP)
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Definitely wanted to counter, yes. Spirit of Flame next. How much damage would it have done?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Dunno if I should say what would have happened if Deathknight was successfully cast, the only way to find out is to successfully cast, or have it cast at you.

You cast the Spirit of Flame - cross off 1 CP. Read this to your opponent:

"My hands flash through the air in a complicated arcane gesture. A few feet in front of me, a flaring fireball begins to coalesce. Two black shifting spots at its centre seem to denote eyes. The Spirit of Flame, for that is what it is, rushes towards you intent on engulfing you."

You opponent cannot counter.

"I stagger back in horror and a howl of pain echoes around the Caverns as the living fireball does its work. Moments later, it disappears back to its plane of fire, leaving me charred and burnt."
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Fair enough. What did the Spirit of Flame do?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

While Blight of Desponde and Immolation put the effects in the text the victim has to read out, Spirit of Flame has the effects outside that.

Also, I might have been a bit hasty in saying casting Deathknight would allow someone to see the effects. I had just assumed it would because the last two did.

I'm not sure why the game would be set up like that. Now, maybe it's to keep things a bit mysterious, so you can't know exactly how many LP or CP your opponent has. When two mages meet, they have to tell each other their names, what type of mage they are and what items they've picked up, but nothing about their current stats. But both sides were told what Blight of Desponde and Immolation did. Seems strange.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your enemy is trying to flee! Read this out to him.

"You turn and try to get out of sight before Invoking the Portals, but, acting fast, I pick up a rock and hurl it at you with surprising accuracy. It smacks into one of your legs and you topple over, landing painfully on an outcrop of stone. Lose three Life Points but you have the presence of mind to Invoke the Portals. You can go to the Greenwood, the Silvered Spires or the House of Mausolus. But WAIT for me first."

You stand alone in the echoing cavern. You can either Invoke the Portals and go to the Greenwood, the Silvered Spires or the House of Mausolus. Alternatively you can explore the Caverns of Perdition.


HP 17/20, and CP 9/14, though I see you've edited that into the character stats yourself.

EDIT: In hindsight, after a second player joined this team, I probably should have gotten clarification on how decisions are made. In future would it be better to wait a bit and see if the other player disagrees? Or stick to the first decision as I'd been doing?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

I'm fine with waiting for my team mate to weigh in on decisions.

Well, he probably fled toward the silvered spire, in the direction of his home base. Our only white spell doesn't work yet, and he could well have the uncounterable white spell, which would eliminate our current lead.

I'm torn between 1) Heading to the Mausolus to continue our search for the Diadem, 2) Searching the Caverns now we're here anyway, or I suppose 3) teleporting to the Inn to cut him off.

If Sgamerz doesn't have an opinion, I'll settle for heading back to the Mausolus.
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Post by SGamerz »

I'd like a search where we are, but if I'm fine with Mausolus to avoid a tie.

I'm willing to leave all final decisions to the character Creator.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

If you have just arrived in the house, your opponent appears before you suddenly. Otherwise, you find yourself transported to that part of the house where you first arrived, your enemy stepping through the portal to appear ahead of you.

You may describe yourself to your enemy, exchange insults and so on, but you must reveal what class you are, what creature, if any, accompanies you and what you are carrying.

(Your opponent is "The Amazing Rando" the magician. They aren't carrying anything of note. Nobody is accompanying them.)

You must both fight until one of you has fled or is dead. If you are not a necromancer, you find that this place of death fill you with fear and unease - subtract 1 from each of your dice rolls.

If you flee your opponent gets on hit on you for free and you may Invoke the Portals and go to the Phoenix Crags or the Cavern of Perdition.

(Unless one or the other wants to flee, I'll roll a round of combat and then ask again. If both people choose to flee I guess I'll skip the free hit)
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Stab him!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your opponent has fled, taking 3 damage from your free hit.

You may Invoke the Portals and go to the Phoenix Crags or Caverns of Perdition, or investigate the bodies or descend the steps. to the crypt.
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Post by SGamerz »

Good thing I left the final decision to SlyJohnny. The opponent might be near death at this point!

We came looking for the diadem, so I'm assuming he wants to search here? If so check the bodies here, then crypt. But again I'm fine if he wants to pursue to one of the other 2 destinations.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

I say let's try Phoenix Crags and see if we can finish him off. That's a good area for us, spell-wise. If not, we can always come back here.
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Post by SGamerz »

Sure, you were right the last time, why not.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You are at the Phoenix Crags. You step out onto a ledge at the side of a great mountain. You can sense the presence of magic here. Red and blue spells may be cast in this area. Below you a chasm yawns, a thin sliver of blue marking the distant river at the bottom. Up above tower magnificent, awe-inspiring crags, clawing at the yellow skies with gnarled fingers. It makes your head spin to look up or down.

A path leads from the ledge to an easily accessible mountain slop on which rests a hut. Another goat trail winds up a great crag directly above you. This crag is also accessible by a straight climb upward. Behind you, a cave mouth opens invitingly. You may cast an Ambuscade here if you have one.

You can investigate the hut, follow the goat track, climb directly upwards or enter the cave, but you must WAIT before you do so.
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