Text Dump Time: Various Creations

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Text Dump Time: Various Creations

Post by Koumei »

I made a bunch of stuff over time as part of different ideas that didn't go anywhere. But people might find some things useful or interesting, so I'll put it all up in a text dump. There's a lot of "this stuff works for villains", taking things from the FR: Bad Guys book and Toming them up, and stuff like that, when I was on a FR kick whilst playing nWo. There's also some "Stuff from Tome of Maj'Eyal" and a few incomplete things but whatever.

If someone finds use for something from this in a game, that's super. If not, no big deal.


Forgotten Realms: Feats for Monks
Monk of the Dark Moon [Order]
Blessed by Shar, you bathe your fists in shadow (and other people's faces) and your actions in darkness and deception.
Prerequisites: Fighting Style, worship Shar
Benefit: you may cast Disguise Self as a Spell-Like Ability three times per day, with a Caster Level equal to your Character Level. You may choose from the following Fighting Style abilities in addition to the usual:
  • Any foe you hit with your Slam attack must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Confused for 3 rounds
  • You gain a single Mirror Image until your next turn, or until it is destroyed
  • When you enter the Style, all foes within Close Range must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Fascinated for one round by the shadows and figments surrounding you
When you gain access to Master Fighting Styles, you may Summon a loyal, controlled Shadow once per day, lasting until the sun next rises. You may also choose from the following Master Fighting Style abilities in addition to the usual ones:
  • Any foe you hit with your Slam attack must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be rendered Blind for 1 minute
  • When you enter the Style, you create a Pall of Twilight effect that lasts for one round
  • Any foe you hit with your Slam attack suffers 2 points each of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage
When you gain access to Grand Master Fighting Styles, you may cast Disguise Self at will, and the summoned Shadow becomes a Greater Shadow. Additionally, you may choose from the following Grand Master Fighting Style abilities in addition to the usual ones:
  • Any foe you hit with your Slam attack must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or suffer a Fever Dream effect
  • Any foe you hit with your Slam attack, even objects, must pass a Will Save or be forcefully sent to the Plane of Shadow
  • Until the start of your next turn, you gain certain Nightwalker Traits: you become Huge, gaining a 40' Movement Speed and 15' Reach but not adjusting Natural Armour or Ability Scores. You are treated as Undead (Dark-Minded), and gain the Crush Item, Desecrating Aura and Evil Gaze abilities, along with DR 15/silver and magic and the Aversion to Daylight. The Save DC for Evil Gaze is Wisdom-based.
Monk of the Long Death [Order]
You surround yourself with death so often that it makes sense to follow it as a lifestyle.
Prerequisites: Fighting Style, Death Attack
Benefit: you may add your Monk and Assassin levels together to determine the following:
  • Armoured in Life Bonus
  • Death Attack damage
  • Caster Level for Assassin Spells
Additionally, you may choose to either use your Wisdom for Assassin Spellcasting or your Intelligence to determine Save DC of Monk Abilities. Finally, once per round when you reduce an opponent to fewer than zero Hit Points while in a Fighting Style (or Master or Grand Master Fighting Style), you may cast Death Knell upon them as a Free Action. This is a Supernatural Ability and the duration becomes one round per hit die of the target. If the attack killed the target outright, you still get the benefits as though they were slain by the Death Knell.

You watch either a lot of Indiana Jones, or a lot of BDSM porn.
Benefits: you become proficient with the Whip, Scourge, Stingray Whip, Scorpion Whip, Nagaika, and Whip-Dagger, as well as anything else that is basically a whip.
BAB +1 In your hands, a whip (or similar weapon) can do regular or non-lethal damage as you prefer, and is not negated by Armour or Natural Armour (although attack rolls are made as normal). Additionally, its use does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity in your hands.
BAB +6 You threaten every square you can reach with a whip or similar weapon (typically out to 15 feet), and for things like the Scourge that only reach to adjacent squares, they now threaten out to 5 and 10 feet. When making a Trip or Disarm attempt with one of these weapons, you add a Bonus equal to the weapon's Enhancement Bonus, as well as any Bonuses to Attack rolls specifically with that type of weapon (such as from Combat School or Weapon Focus).
BAB +11 You can use a whip or similar weapon as a dextrous arm or tendril, albeit a very long one, such as to reach levers or open doors from a distance, and to add its reach to your movement when Climbing or Jumping (including to natural Climb speeds). You can even Grapple out to its full reach (gaining the same Bonuses as the +6 ability), but due to the lack of rigidity, you can't keep an enemy held out to the length - they are basically on a leash tethered to you.
BAB +16 If you use a whip or similar weapon to attack a foe who is not out to the maximum range (such as one who is adjacent or 10' away when it reaches to 15'), you attack from behind, and gain the benefits for Flanking. You can also use a wielded whip (or similar) to deliver Touch Attacks on your behalf.



“You will make a fine meal for my companions.”

Lolth has many servants amongst the drow and her other favoured races. Many favour stealth, poisons and carefully-placed weapons (Assassins, Rogues, and Lolth's Sting – the Ninja). Some blend martial combat with magical arts, such as the Arcane Guard. There are Arachnomancers who specialise in spidery magic, various options for priestesses… but for a knight who serves the Spider Queen and the Drow society, there is the Arachne. Specially tested for loyalty, determination, ruthless aggression and quick-thinking, they are champions who sit astride giant spiders and gain some degree of magical ability. At the same time, they have a number of surprises, whether creating undead or poisoning the spells they deliver – the Arachne cannot be tied to one specific thing.


Race: Aranea, Chitine, Choldritch, Deep Dragon, Half Deep Dragon, Drow, Half-Drow, Draegloth or Ettercap
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 10 ranks
Feats: Mounted Combat
Domain: Spider
Special: a Knight of the Order of Lolth does not need to meet the Domain requirement, and only needs to meet one of the Skill requirements, not both.
Order of Lolth: when riding a monstrous vermin, you do not need to make any rolls or checks to remain mounted if your mount travels across walls or ceilings, and when your mount makes a charge attack, you can spend a Standard Action to grant it a bonus on the attack and damage roll equal to half your Base Attack Bonus. Additionally, as a Supernatural Ability, once per round when you deal Designated Opponent damage, you also deliver Large Monstrous Spider Venom to your target, with a Save DC of 10 + half your hit dice + your Constitution Bonus.
Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion), Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Arachne gains no new Proficiencies
1+0+0+2+2Spider Mount, Spider Affinity+1 Cleric
2+1+0+3+3Linked Senses, Gift of the Spider Queen-
3+2+1+3+3Web Walker, Poison Spell+1 Cleric
4+3+1+4+4Wrappings of Ages+1 Cleric
5+3+1+4+4Dominate Male Drow, Lolth's Boon+1 Cleric
6+4+2+5+5Lolth's Caress+1 Cleric
8+6+2+6+6Whispers of the Otherworld+1 Cleric
9+6+3+6+6Call the Little Ones+1 Cleric
10+7+3+7+7Transcendence, Yochlol Form+1 Cleric

Spider Affinity (Ex): the Arachne is immune to the venom of Spiders, even monstrous ones (and Monstrous Spiders with templates applied). Furthermore, spiders with an Intelligence less than three will never attack her without provocation unless specifically commanded or controlled by another, and even then the one issuing the command must make a Handle Animal check with a DC equal to double the Arachne's Class Level, plus 15. She may communicate with spiders that have an Intelligence of 1 or more, through Telepathy with a range of 30 feet.

Spider Mount: at first level, the Arachne is offered a special mount, a Giant Spider which makes its way to her. It has the abilities of a Blackguard's Fiendish Servant (as per the DMG), and additionally can grow into larger varieties or be replaced as she gains levels. If it is slain, Lolth is briefly angered at the Arachne and afflicts her with a Bestow Curse effect (no Saving Throw or Spell Resistance allowed, -4 Penalty on Attack Rolls, Saves, Ability Checks and Skill Checks), which she must get removed in the normal way – or it is lifted when she gains a level, as Lolth's attention is fleeting and fickle. When the Curse is removed, a new mount will make its way to her. Similarly, if she goes out of her way to restore the life to a slain mount or raise it as an Undead, the Curse is also removed.

The spider may be a Fiendish Large or Huge Monstrous Spider, Fiendish Spitting Spider, or Tomb Spider. If her Character Level is at least thirteen, she may have a Widowmaker or a Bebilith.

Spellcasting: every level except two and seven, the Arachne gains the spellcasting ability as though she had taken a level in Cleric. If she has levels in Cleric, they stack. Otherwise, she gains these as a separate caster level from any others, and gains two Domains - the Spider Domain and any one other offered by Lolth.

Linked Senses (Su): starting at second level, the Arachne may concentrate to see through the eyes and hear through the ears of her spider mount. No matter the distance between the two, as long as they are on the same plane she may do this, perceiving the world through it. Any spells allowing her to sense things (such as Detect Magic or True Seeing) do not carry over, however any effects allowing the mount to sense things do carry across to her.

Gift of the Spider Queen: at second level, the Arachne is blessed by the Spider Queen with greater drow magic. If she for some reason does not have Darkness, Faerie Fire and Dancing Lights as Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities, she gains the ability to cast them each once per day. If she already has the ability, she gains an additional daily use of each.

If she has at least four ranks in Spellcraft, she may spend a use of Dancing Lights to instead create a Silent Image effect (with a duration of Concentration) or a Hypnotic Pattern effect, and may spend a use of Faerie Fire to instead create a Mirror Image effect (only creating 1d4 images).

If she has at least nine ranks in Spellcraft, she may spend a use of Darkness to instead create a Deeper Darkness effect (with a duration of one minute per level), and may do this as an Immediate Action. Additionally, she may spend a use of both Darkness and Faerie Fire to instead create a See Invisibility effect (with a duration of 1 round per level).

If she has at least fourteen ranks in Spellcraft, she may also cast Levitate, Detect Good and Detect Magic once each per day. With a Swift Action, she may spend a use of each of Darkness, Faerie Fire and Dancing Lights to instead create a 20' radius Burst of light: all in the area must pass a Reflex Save or be Blinded for one round. Additionally, this makes her Invisible for one round per level (or until she ends the effect by attacking).

If she has at least nineteen ranks in Spellcraft, she can cast Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Detect Good, Improved Invisibility, Detect Magic and Levitate (and thus their alternate uses and combinations) at will. When casting Darkness, she may instead cast it as Damning Darkness, and when casting Faerie Fire, everyone else has Concealment against the target.

Web Walker (Su): the third-level Arachne has the spell Web added to her Cleric spell list (as a Second-Level Spell), and is immune to the effects of Web spells (as though under a Freedom of Movement effect). Additionally, she can walk just fine on any web able to hold her weight, not needing to make balance checks and able to move normally.

Poison Spell (Ex): at level three, the Arache gains the ability to poison her spells. By holding a Contact or Injury based poison when casting a spell that is resolved with a Melee Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, she applies the poison – it is consumed in the process, and wasted if the attack misses. If the spell hits, then even if the target Resists the spell or passes any saving throws, they must still save against the effects of the poison.

Wrappings of the Ages: at level four, the Arachne gains Wrappings of the Ages as a bonus feat. Mummies will often be wrapped in web if there is little care for them, or spidersilk if they are special. The Arachne may also use this feat to create Husk Vermin.

Dominate Male Drow (Su): at fifth-level, the Arachne gains the ability to cast Dominate Person once per day, targeting Male Drow only. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Lolth's Boon: at level five, the Arachne gains Lolth's Boon as a Bonus Feat. If she lacks the ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead, she may simply use this ability three times per day.

Lolth's Caress: at level six, the Arachne gains Lolth's Caress as a Bonus Feat. If she lacks the ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead, she may simply use this ability three times per day.

Ambush (Ex): it is hard to catch the seventh-level Arachne by surprise, and when she catches others off-guard, she can take better advantage of it. When she could normally act in a Surprise Round, she is able to take a Full Round Action (or a Move Action and a Standard Action) instead of just a Standard or Move Action. When she normally could not act in a Surprise Round, she is instead able to make a single Move or Standard Action.

Whispers of the Otherworld: at level eight, the Arachne gains Whispers of the Otherworld as a Bonus Feat. Typically this is used to make accursed Wraiths and Spectres.

Call the Little Ones (Sp): the ninth-level Arache gains the ability to, once per day, cast Creeping Doom. However, instead of one Centipede Swarm per two levels, it summons one Spider Swarm per level, and the Distraction and Poison Save DC are both 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. Alternatively, it may summon one Torment Spider Swarm (treat as Plague Ant Swarm) per three levels (round up), using the above calculation for any Save DC, or one Necrotic Spider Swarm (treat as Scarab Beetle Swarm) per five levels (round up), with the same Save DC as above.

Transcendence: at level ten, the Arachne is exceptionally blessed. If she is not already an Outsider or Undead, she changes her Type to Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Native), and if she had a maximum age, she no longer does – bonuses and penalties from growing old will not accrue, and she will only die when slain. Do not recalculate any hit dice for turning into an Outsider. Although she is not an actual Fiend, she may now take [Fiend] Feats.

Yochlol Form (Sp): the Arachne who reaches tenth level has attained the pinnacle of her devotion, and is granted the ability to change forms similar to a Yochlol. She may turn into a noxious cloud, as per Gaseous Form, or a Large Monstrous Spider, as per Shapechange, at will. At this point she may pursue the path to becoming a Yochlol: a permanent transformation into a Demon, requiring a ritual twelve hours long and the sacrifice of twenty hit dice worth of surface-dweller elves or traitors. It also requires a total of twenty levels of Divine spells to be cast in any combination, typically by various assistants although a Cleric could cast these herself over the course of the ritual. This results in rebuilding the character completely.



“I spy with my little eye something that starts with Disintegration”

As unwise as it may be, various humanoids end up drawn to the beholders, willing to serve eye tyrants above all else. No-one is really sure why – least of all the beholderkin themselves – but it could very well be the sway of the Great Mother, reaching out to corrupt their minds and lure servants who are less genocidal than the usual. These worshippers do gain rewards for their part, gradually gaining some of the powers of beholders, but there are great costs.

Race: any Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid
Alignment: Evil
Skills: Spot 8 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks
Special: the character must supplicate himself before one or more beholders and forswear allegiances to any former deities

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Disguise, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Ocular Adepts are proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armour.
1+0+0+0+2Crown of Eyes, Familiar, Eye Rays: Charm Person, Inflict Moderate Wounds
2+1+0+0+3Metaray, Eye Ray: Fear
3+2+1+1+3Apply Beholder Grafts, Eye Ray: Slow
4+3+1+1+4Bonus Metamagic Feat, Eye Ray: Sleep
5+3+1+1+4Arcane Biology, Eye Ray: Charm Monster
6+4+2+2+5Bonus Metamagic Feat, Eye Ray: Telekinesis
7+5+2+2+5Eye Ray: Disintegrate
8+6+2+2+6Disintegration Finesse, Eye Ray: Finger of Death
9+6+3+3+6Eye Ray: Flesh to Stone
10+7+3+3+7Bonus Metamagic Feat, Storm of Beams

Crown of Eyes (Ex): the Ocular Adept receives a graft, with a set of ten eyes on short stalks in a circle on his head. Disguising this is rather necessary in polite society, but it grants all-around vision, preventing him from being Flanked.

Familiar: at first level, the Ocular Adept is gifted with an Eye Ball as a familiar. He may use his total hit dice for his effective Wizard Level for the purpose of Familiar Abilities. If it dies, he is Dazed for one round and takes 1d6 points of damage, but suffers no other downsides. The next morning he may summon another.

Eye Rays (Sp): as the Ocular Adept gains levels, more of his eye stalks gain powers like those of a Beholder. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. Like with a Beholder, the spell effects require Ranged Touch Attacks, with 60 feet of range and only affecting the one target, but unlike Beholders, using a single Eye Beam uses an Attack Action and each can only be used three times per day. No eye ray may be used more than once per round.

At first level, he gains Charm Person and Inflict Moderate Wounds. At level two he gains Fear. At level three he gains Slow. At level four he gains Sleep (with no limit to hit dice of the single creature affected). At level five he gains Charm Monster. At level six he gains Telekinesis. At level seven he gains Disintegrate. At level eight he gains Finger of Death. At level nine he gains Flesh to Stone.

Metaray: starting at second level, any Meta-Magic Feat the Ocular Adept possesses may be applied to his Eye Rays. Upon using such a feat, that particular Eye Ray cannot be used again for a number of rounds equal to the number of levels by which the feat modifies a spell. For instance, if an effect is Extended, the same ray could not be used on the following turn.

Apply Beholder Grafts (Su): the third-level Ocular Adept gains the ability to create and apply Beholder Grafts.

Bonus Metamagic Feats: at levels four, six and ten, the Ocular Adept gains a new Meta-Magic Feat. He has to meet any Feat requirements for the Feat in question, but no other ones such as being able to cast spells of a certain level.

Arcane Biology (Sp): the fifth-level Ocular Adept understands his own magic better. Any Spells or Spell-Like Abilities he can use may be “cast” through the Eye Stalks, providing they have a Casting Time of a Standard Action or less: doing so changes them to a Ranged Touch Attack out to sixty feet, single-target only, and with his hit dice as a Caster Level and 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus as the Save DC, and can be used as an Attack Action. Meta-Magic then affects them as per the Metaray ability. As Eye Rays, he cannot cast the same spell through his eyes more than once per round, no matter how many times he can cast it.

Disintegration Finesse: at level eight, the Ocular Adept gains Disintegration Finesse as a Bonus Feat.

Storm of Beams: at level ten, the Ocular Adept can use the following Eye Rays at will: Charm Person, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Telekinesis, Slow, Fear. Additionally, he may use a Full Round Action to unleash all of his available Eye Rays – not including through Arcane Biology. He may unleash the rays at different targets, and indeed no more than two rays can be aimed at the same target at the same time. Any ray with no daily uses remaining is simply unused in this ability.

(Coming soon: Elemental Archon, Illithid Mastermind, Horned Harbringer, Pale Master, Master of Shrouds, Entropic Adept, Talontar Blightlord, Telflammar Shadowlord, Dragon Shaman + feats, Binder (incomplete), Corruptor, Cursed, Doombringer, Oozemancer, Reaver)
Last edited by Koumei on Mon May 15, 2017 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »


“The great cleansing fires will purify you by incinerating your corrupt body!”

For whatever reason, people often devote themselves to the elements. In some cases, they obsess over just a single element to the exclusion of others, and go a bit crazy about the whole thing. Suitably powerful people who do this can become quite dangerous, commanding elementals and channeling powerful elemental magic. Often these are leaders in times of Elemental Evil.

Skills: Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks
Spellcasting: ability to cast Protection From Elements
Special: must select one of the four elements and speak the associated language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan or Terran)

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Nature, the Planes), Spellcraft, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Elemental Archons gain no new Proficiencies
1+0+2+2+0Mephit Underlings, Elemental Focus+1 Level
2+1+3+3+0Power of Arrogance+1 Level
3+2+3+3+1Improved Elemental Summoning+1 Level
4+3+4+4+1Form of the Elements+1 Level
5+3+4+4+1Elemental Mastery+1 Level
6+4+5+5+2Elemental Seeds+1 Level
7+5+5+5+2Improved Elemental Focus+1 Level
8+6+6+6+2Channel the Elements+1 Level
9+6+6+6+3Word of the Elements+1 Level
10+7+7+7+3Transformation, Summon Avatar+1 Level

Mephit Underlings: all mad cultists and planar devotees need hordes of slavish imp-like minions, and Elemental Archons are no exception. In their case, these minions are Mephits, small creatures that aren't too bright, but make up for that with enthusiasm. The Archon receives three such minions, and should one die, another replaces it one day later. An Air Archon may have Air, Ice, Dust or Sulfur Mephits. An Earth Archon may have Earth, Salt, Dust or Magma Mephits. A Fire Archon may have Fire, Magma, Glass or Steam Mephits. A Water Archon may have Water, Ooze, Steam or Ice Mephits.

Although they will rarely have the strength to be considered combat allies, they do gain abilities as the Elemental Archon continues to gain levels:
Archon LevelBonus HDNatural ArmourAbility IncreaseSpecial Abilities
1-2--+1 CharismaEmpathic Link, Improved Evasion
3-4+2+1+2 StrengthShared Saving Throws
5-6+4+2+2 ConstitutionImproved Link
7-8+6+3+2 DexteritySlavish Sacrifice
9-10+8+4+2 CharismaBigger Breath

Archon Level: the number of levels the Elemental Archon has in this Prestige Class
Bonus HD: the total number of Bonus Outsider Hit Dice gained by the Mephits. This increases Saving Throws, allows new Feats to be taken, the Save DC for Special Attacks, Caster Level for Spell-Like Abilities and so on, but not Size Categories.
Natural Armour: the total increase to the Natural Armour Bonus of the Mephits
Ability Increase: the Mephits gain the listed increase to ability scores. These are cumulative.
Empathic Link (Su): this functions as the Sorcerer/Wizard's Familiar.
Improved Evasion (Ex): the Mephits all suffer no damage on a successful Reflex Save for half, and on a failed Reflex Save for half, still only suffer half damage.
Shared Saving Throws (Ex): the Mephits may use their own Base Saving Throws or those of the Archon, whichever is greater.
Improved Link (Su): the Empathic Link increases to a range of 20 miles.
Slavish Sacrifice (Su): once per day, one Mephit Underling within 100' of its master may use an Immediate Action to sacrifice itself for its master: if the master would be reduced below 1 HP from an attack, the Mephit instead suffers all damage and effects. This is once per day total, not per Mephit.
Bigger Breath (Su): the Mephit's Breath Weapon extends out to Close Range and deals one die of damage per hit die. Penalties or ongoing damage last for an additional four rounds. The breath of a Sulfur Mephit causes a character who passes a save to be Sickened for three rounds.

Elemental Focus (Ex): at first level, the Elemental Archon defines himself based on his chosen element. When casting Spells, Spell-Like Abilities or Supernatural Abilities with the chosen Element as a Descriptor, he gains +1 Caster Level and +1 to the Save DC. At level seven, these bonuses increase to +2. However, each Element has an Element of Opposition (Earth opposes Air, Fire opposes Water), and the Element of Opposition is banned – he can no longer cast Spells or Spell-Like Abilities or activated Supernatural Abilities with that Descriptor (unless it also contains his chosen Descriptor, in which case it is simply treated as a neutral effect to him, neither banned nor boosted). Spells with that descriptor are completely removed from his Class List, meaning he cannot even activate magic items of that type without Use Magic Device.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Elemental Archon continues to gain casting ability in a previous class.

Power of Arrogance (Ex): starting at level two, the Elemental Archon's confidence propels him to greater heights against his Element of Opposition. Against creatures with the opposing Elemental Subtype, he gains a +3 Bonus on Attack Rolls, Caster Level checks and any Save DC, and +2d6 Damage. He also ignores any [Compulsion], [Charm] or [Fear] effects from such creatures.

Improved Elemental Summoning (Ex): when the third-level Elemental Archon summons an Elemental of his chosen type, it gains a +4 Insight Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Furthermore, if he uses a Conjuring [Summoning] spell to summon a variable number of Elementals of the chosen type, such as using Summon Nature's Ally 8 to summon 1d3 Greater Elementals, the amount is automatically the maximum possible.

Form of the Elements (Su): at level four, the Elemental Archon becomes more like his favoured type of Elemental. If he focuses in Air, he gains Air Mastery and a 50' Fly Speed with Good Maneuverability. If he focuses in Earth, he gains Earth Mastery and Earth Glide at his normal Movement Speed. If he focuses in Fire, he gains Fire Resistance equal to his level and the Burn ability (1d6 for a Medium creature). If he focuses in Water, he gains Water Mastery, Drench, and a 90' Swim Speed.

Elemental Mastery (Ex): the Elemental Archon's focused spellcasting ability improves upon reaching fifth level: if a spell with his chosen Elemental Subtype has a Casting time of less than one round and allows for Spell Resistance, he may cast it with a casting time of one round to disallow Spell Resistance. Additionally, regardless of the actual spell level, any spell he casts with the chosen Elemental Subtype is treated as the highest level he could possibly cast for the purpose of the Save DC, Orb of Invulnerability and so on.

Elemental Seeds (Su): at level six, the Elemental Archon gains the understanding of how to condense, retrieve and utilise elemental seeds. It is by no means an easy task, requiring travel to the required Elemental Plane, using a raw gem worth 10,000 GP as a focus, and performing a ritual, one hour long and with the sacrifice of fifty Spell Levels worth of spells. These spells can individually be of any level higher than a Cantrip, and can be gradually cast over the course of the ceremony. When it is complete, the seed has coalesced. From there, he must return to the Material Plane, bury it and keep it protected for a full week. Every day over the course of the week, the surrounding area (with the radius extending by one mile per day) becomes more and more like the Elemental Plane, until finally the seed "sprouts" and a planar breach forms. From that point on, the seven mile radius area is treated as both planes at the same time and can be used permanently as a Travel version of the Gate spell between the two planes. All spells of with the relevant Elemental descriptor are automatically Extended (if applicable) without using higher level spell slots or lengthening casting time. This also provides the spellcasting component for any spells with the relevant Elemental descriptor when creating magic items.

Channel the Elements (Sp): the eighth-level Elemental Archon gains the ability to either Turn (or Destroy) Elementals with the opposing Elemental Subtype, or Rebuke (or Bolster or Command) Elementals with the chosen Elemental Subtype. He must decide when gaining the ability. It otherwise functions as the Cleric ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead, with an effective Cleric level equal to his Character level, and can be used a number of times per day equal to his Charisma Bonus + 3.

Word of the Elements (Sp): once per day, the ninth-level Elemental Archon may utter a word so finely-tuned to his Elemental source that opposing elements are affected quite badly. This Spell-Like Ability functions as Holy Word, except instead of Evil creatures, it affects creatures with the Element of Opposition as their Subtype, and has no effect on "neutral" creatures. A side-effect of this is the ruin and defilement of normal, non-creature traces of the element - a Fiery Word causes water to evaporate or turn foul, a Word of the Winds causes soil to become infertile and dusty, an Earthen Utterance causes the breeze to still and the air to lose freshness, and a Word of Water extinguishes fires. The Caster Level equals his Character Level, and cannot be modified to be higher or lower than that.

Transformation: at level ten, the Elemental Archon's transformation is complete. His Type changes to Elemental, and he gains the relevant Elemental Subtype. He is still able to hold a distinct form if he wishes, and can continue wearing clothes and armour, and wielding weapons, but disguising himself as something else is out of the question.

Summon Avatar: once per day, the tenth-level Elemental Archon is able to summon the relevant kind of Elemental Weird when within the area of a planted Elemental Seed that suits his chosen Element. However, this is not a simple process: it requires a minute of concentration, and then he has to maintain concentration and Line of Effect, remaining within 60 feet and not taking any action of his own. If any of these conditions is broken, the Weird vanishes. Unlike normal, summoned Weirds only cast as twelfth-level Sorcerers. These are the Spells Known:
-Cantrips: Resistance, Electric Jolt, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Daze, Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message
-1st Level: Shocking Grasp, Colour Spray, Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Obscuring Mist
-2nd Level: Spectral Hand, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind, Blur, Wind Wall
-3rd Level: Shivering Touch, Stinking Cloud, Lightning Bolt, Slow
-4th Level: Fear, Ice Storm, Bestow Curse
-5th Level: Mind Fog, Control Winds
-6th Level: Bigby's Forceful Hand
-Cantrips: Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Touch of Fatigue, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Disrupt Undead
-1st Level: Mage Armour, Shield, Grease, Chill Touch, Fist of Stone
-2nd Level: Soften Earth and Stone, Melf's Acid Arrow, Web, Spectral Hand, Ghoul Touch
-3rd Level: Contagion, Hold Person, Halt Undead, Vampiric Touch
-4th Level: Spike Stones, Evard's Black Tentacles, Stoneskin
-5th Level: Wall of Force, Telekinesis
-6th level: Harm
-Cantrips: Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Light, Flare, Disrupt Undead, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
-1st Level: Charm Person, Colour Spray, Silent Image, Cause Fear, Magic Missile
-2nd Level: Scorching Ray, Glitterdust, Hypnotic Pattern, Wall of Gloom, Blindness/Deafness
-3rd Level: Fireball, Rage, Haste, Blink
-4th Level: Wall of Fire, Confusion, Burning Blood
-5th Level: Flamestrike, Prismatic Ray
-6th Level: Disintegrate
-Cantrips: Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Ray of Frost, Dancing Lights, Touch of Fatigue, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
-1st Level: Mage Armour, Shield, Grease, Sleep, Chill Touch
-2nd Level: Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts, Blur, Mirror Image, Fog Cloud
-3rd Level: Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud, Deep Slumber, Slow
-4th Level: Ice Storm, Control Water, Cure Critical Wounds
-5th level: Mirage Arcana, Baleful Polymorph
-6th Level: Heal



“Greetings, mind-slaves!”

Every mind flayer is a genius by human standards. However even amongst them, there are the plotters and schemers, those who come up with the greatest of plans and manipulate lesser minds with even more ease. The Masterminds are leaders amongst a race of leaders, and can happily control others in the middle of dangerous fights.

Race: Mind Flayer (MM1 page 187, CR 8 [Awesome], level ten.)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Special: the character must be dedicated to furthering the goals of Illithid Society

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Illithid Mastermind gains no new Proficiencies
1+0+0+0+2Tendril of Influence, Invisibility, Dream Walk
2+1+0+0+3Issue Command, Misdirection, Manifest Desire
3+1+1+1+3Dream, Nightmare, False Vision, Manifest Nightmare
4+2+1+1+4Mental Grasp, Mirage Arcana, Dreaming Puppet
5+2+1+1+4Sequester, Mind Switch, Dream Sight
6+3+2+2+5Mislead, Programmed Image
7+3+2+2+5Mental Ownership, Shatter Mind Blank
8+4+2+2+6Screen, Demand, Improved Invisibility
9+4+3+3+6Sympathy, Repulsion
10+5+3+3+7Id Seed, Programmed Amnesia

Tendril of Influence (Su): at will, the Illithid Mastermind may attempt to seize control of an individual within Close Range with just a Standard Action. The target must have an Intelligence Score of 3 or more, but Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects does not prevent this. The target must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half the Mastermind's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become influenced, vulnerable to coercion. The Mastermind adds its class level as an Insight Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive checks against the target until released, and can read its surface thoughts. It may hold influence over up to four targets at a time, and this lasts until they move further than Medium Range or it chooses to release them (a Free Action).

Psionics (Sp): as the Illithid Mastermind gains levels, it gains a number of additional psionic Spell-Like Abilities. Each of these can be used three times per day, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. The Caster Level of existing Psionics increases, as does the Save DC for its Mind Blast.

Issue Command (Su): starting at level two, the Illithid Mastermind may prod the minds of any targets held within its Tendril of Influence, trying to force actions. This requires an Immediate Action when the subject declares an action, taking place just before the action:
  • Attack: the Mastermind may designate a target for the subject to attack. If the subject attacks that target, it is made with a +4 Insight Bonus to the attack and damage rolls. If they wish to attack a different target, they must first pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or else they follow the instructions. If they pass the save, they can attack their target, but with a -4 Morale Penalty to the attack and damage rolls.
  • Move: the Mastermind may designate the movement of the subject (within the normal limits of their movement). If they follow that path, they gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Armour Class until their next turn. If they wish to move a different way, they must first pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or else they follow the instructions. If they pass the save, they can move the way they want (or not at all), but with a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class for one round.
  • Cast: whichever spell the subject has chosen to cast, the Mastermind may designate a target or area (as applicable, within normal limits). The subject must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) in order to defy this designation. If they fail the save or voluntarily follow it, they gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Concentration checks and Spell Penetration checks for that spell. If they defy the command, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Concentration checks and Spell Penetration checks for that spell.
Mental Grasp (Su): at level four, when the Illithid Mastermind uses a [Mind-Affecting] effect on a subject of its Tendril of Influence, it may ignore any immunity they have to [Mind-Affecting] effects and increase the Save DC by +2. However, whether or not it is successful, using this releases the Mastermind's influence over the subject.

Mental Ownership (Su): the seventh-level Illithid Mastermind is able to spend a Full Round Action at will attempting to seize full control of a subject of its Tendril of Influence. The target must attempt a Will Save (Charisma-based), and if they fail, they are Dominated for one round per class level of the Mastermind, even if immune to [Mind-Affecting] or [Compulsion] effects or Domination specifically. If they succeed on the save, they are freed of the influence. Likewise, once the Domination ends, they are freed from the influence.

Id Seed (Su): anyone who becomes the subject of the tenth-level Illithid Mastermind's Tendril of Influence becomes tainted and corrupted. Such creatures are in danger should the Illithid Mastermind be slain: all corrupted creatures must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based). The Mastermind may select one of the targets who has failed, at which point it takes over their body, consuming their own id. Often, it will carefully wait for the opportunity to recover its own body and secure a resurrection (at which point the live body merely needs to eat the brain housing the personality in order for the two to be reunited), possibly planning to kill the "allies" of the current host.

There are multiple protections against being taken over, however, granting immunity to the entire effect: being in a Hallowed or Consecrated area, having a Protection Against Alignment or other method of preventing possession, being the subject of a Remove Curse or Break Enchantment cast before the death of the creature, or merely a full day passing between the influence and the death.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"I don't care that my god is dead - he can return. This is more than can be said about you."

Although Myrkul, former god of death, has since himself been claimed by death, he still has some worshippers. Deities rarely are snuffed out from existence completely, and the floating skeletal remains drifting through the Astral Plane has enough power that some who contact him can be bestowed with great power. Whether this is some attempt to regain life and power, or to try to gain vengeance upon the world, or merely a last cruel laugh, no-one can really tell, and answers are not forthcoming from Myrkul.

Alignment: any Evil
Patron: Myrkul
Skills: Knowledge (the Planes) 8 ranks
Special: the character must have made contact with Myrkul, despite it being a dead god

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (any), Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Horned Harbringer becomes proficient with the Scythe, and any weapon made from Boneblade.
1+1+2+0+2Rebuke Undead, Death Domain, Vestige of Myrkul (Horns)
2+2+3+0+3Deathwatch, Body Assemblage
3+3+3+1+3Vestige of Myrkul (Aura of Decay)
4+4+4+1+4Bonus Feat
5+5+4+1+4Captain of Undeath, Maximised Death Touch
6+6+5+2+5Bonus Feat
7+7+5+2+5Vestige of Myrkul (Curse of Wasting)
8+8+6+2+6Bonus Feat
9+9+6+3+6Vestige of Myrkul (Boneblade Scythe)
10+10+7+3+7Bonus Feat, General of Undeath

Rebuke Undead (Su): the Horned Harbringer can Rebuke Undead as an Evil Cleric, with a level equal to his character level. He may do this a number of times per day equal to his Charisma Bonus plus three.

Death Domain: the Horned Harbringer gains access to the Death Domain. If he already has levels in a class that grants Spellcasting Ability and Domain Slots, he may prepare the Domain Spells in the Domain Slots. If he has levels in a class that grants Spellcasting Ability but not Domain Slots, he adds the Domain Slots to his Spells Known (and his Class List), able to cast them like other spells for his class. Even if he has no Spellcasting ability at all, he still gains the Death Touch power.

Vestige of Myrkul (Su): having taken the mantle of Myrkul upon himself, the Horned Harbringer gains a number of boons as he gains levels - effects that are obvious, and can be suppressed by anti-magic effects, but not flat-out gaining the ability to cast spells. At first level, his head sprouts a crown of horns, granting a Gore attack (dealing 1d8 + one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus in damage for a Medium creature, doubled on a charge). This is a Magic Weapon with an Enhancement Bonus equal to +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and each round, any target struck must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or be Dazed for one round.

At level three, he emits an Aura of Decay out to fifteen feet. This causes normal plant life and insects to die and wither instantly. At the start of each of his turns, all creatures within the area suffer Negative Energy damage equal to his class level (healing Undead as normal), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, creatures become Fatigued until they rest. This can stack to Exhaustion as normal. Additionally, any Conjuration [Healing] effect in the area fails if the caster does not make a Caster Level check equal to 15 + the hit dice of the target.

At level seven, he gains the ability to bestow the Curse of Wasting with a Standard Action at will. One target within Close Range must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or be affected until the curse is removed (via the same means as Bestow Curse). The target immediately suffers a -1 Penalty to all Ability Scores, and permanently suffering from the effects of Starvation, regardless of how much they eat (skipping the initial 3 days without food). Each morning, the Penalty increases by 1. The moment any Ability Score has a Penalty equal to or greater than the score itself, the target is slain and rises as a Wraith.

At level nine, he can conjure a Boneblade Scythe with a Full Round Action. If ever it leaves his hands, it disappears, but he can conjure another just fine. Aside from being a Boneblade weapon and a Magic Weapon, it is also a Vorpal, Wounding weapon that provides Immunity to [Death] effects and allows the wielder to, three times per day, summon and control a Dread Wraith for one hour. On the down side, it provides a -5 Luck Penalty to the Armour Class of the wielder.

Deathwatch (Sp): starting at second level, the Horned Harbringer constantly has a Deathwatch effect active, so he may know who is close to being claimed.

Bonus Feats: at level two, the Horned Harbringer gains Body Assemblage as a Bonus Feat, using his hit dice in place of his Caster Level. Every two levels thereafter, he gains another Bonus Feat, which may either be a [Necromantic] Feat or a [Divine] Feat or a Feat that has a [Necromantic] Feat as a prerequisite. All prerequisites must still be met, save that he uses his hit dice in place of the Caster Level.

Captain of Undeath (Ex): at level five, the Horned Harbringer can control twice as many undead at a time - sort of. Although he may have twice as many nominally under his control, he may not have more than the regular amount actively taking commands from him. The remainder can be set to do simple ongoing tasks like "guard this area" or "go North towards a city and kill anything you find" (after which they will basically stand dormant or, if they are intelligent, will wander off to do their own thing until recalled), making excess unintelligent undead useful for basic warrior tasks, while not increasing the number that can engage in the tactical combat that requires the attention of the Harbringer.

Maximized Death Touch (Su): whenever the fifth-level Horned Harbringer uses his Death Touch, he need not roll 1d6 per level - it instead is treated as 6 times his level.

General of Undeath (Ex): at level ten, the Horned Harbringer can control ten times as many undead as normal, instead of twice as many. As before, however, this does not increase the number that can actively take commands from him and react according to his specific wishes in tactical combat. But it still means he can send an army out to "go to Amn and murder everyone".



"Death comes for us all. Might as well embrace it early then get on with things."

Many Necromancers gradually delve further and further into their arts, getting too close, and living with constant temptation towards evil - if they haven't already chosen that path. The Pale Master is linked to death, and chooses from the start to join with it, inverting his lifeforce and working on making his own body undead. Furthermore, although his own spells might provide the ability to create undead, this path of study actually focuses more on temporarily creating individual, powerful undead, loyal bodyguards that are actually part of his own essence.

Skills: Spellcraft 8 ranks
Feats: one [Necromantic] Feat or Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Spellcasting: ability to cast 2nd Level Arcane Spells from the Necromancy school

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Pale Master becomes proficient with Undead Armour. Using the Tome Armour rules, this includes Animal Spirit Armour, Bone Armour, and the Bone Wall. If using Josh Kablack's Armour rules, this includes Bone Plate and the Bone Wall. Otherwise it is basically limited to specific magic armours and shields (Exoskeleton, Ghoul Shell, Ghost Shroud, Shadow Veil, Vampire Hide, Wight Shield, Wrapped Tower, Zombie Hide, Wight Armour).
1+0+0+0+2Armoured in Death, Corpselike+1 Level
2+1+0+0+3Summon Undead General+1 Level
3+1+1+1+3Undead Grafts, Ghoul's Arm+1 Level
4+2+1+1+4-+1 Level
5+2+1+1+4Wight's Arm+1 Level
6+3+2+2+5-+1 Level
7+3+2+2+5Mummy's Arm+1 Level
8+4+2+2+6-+1 Level
9+4+3+3+6Liches' Arm+1 Level
10+5+3+3+7Undead Mastery-

Armoured in Death (Ex): the Pale Master suffers no Arcane Spell Failure from Undead Armour or Shields (as defined in Proficiencies, above). He's just that used to being clad in dead stuff.

Corpselike: although the Pale Master is nominally alive, it's hard to tell from a glance. In game terms, his Type changes to Undead, with the (Unliving, Dark Minded, Augmented) Subtypes. He can eat normal food, although nothing prevents him from eating corpses or brain matter or whatever.

Spellcasting: above all else, the Pale Master is still a caster of spells. At every level except tenth, he continues to gain spellcasting ability as though gaining a level in a class in which he had the ability to cast second-level Arcane spells from the school of Necromancy.

Summon Undead General (Sp): starting at level two, the Pale Master gains the ability to summon undead, causing them to coalesce from necromantic miasma and his own animating undead energy. It requires a Full Round Action and may only be performed once per day, but once summoned, the Undead remains for one hour per two class levels (round up) or until destroyed. At second level, he can summon a Vampire Spawn. Each level beyond this, he gains an additional option but can still choose a weaker creature: Mummy (3rd), Grey Render Zombie (4th), Spectre (5th), Mohrg (6th), Blaspheme (7th), Abyssal Ghoul (8th), Dread Wraith (9th), Charnel Hound (10th).

Undead Grafts: the third-level Pale Master gains the ability to create and apply Undead Grafts as though he possessed the feat.

Ghoul's Arm (Su): at level three, one of the Pale Master's arms withers away to just become skeletal, made of animated bone. Once per day, he may make a Melee Touch Attack as an Attack Action. If it hits, the target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + the Ability Bonus that determines his spellcasting ability) or be Paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Elves are immune to this.

Wight's Arm (Su): at level five, the Pale Master's bone arm can be used once per day to make a Melee Touch Attack as an Attack Action. If it hits, the subject takes one Negative Level with no Saving Throw. It only lasts for one hour, however.

Mummy's Arm (Su): at level seven, the Pale Master's bone arm can be used once per day to make a Melee Touch Attack as an Attack Action. If it hits, the subject must attempt a Fortitude Save against contracting Mummy Rot (same DC as Ghoul's Arm), skipping the Incubation period and instantly taking damage. The ongoing saving throws are made at the same DC, not the standard one.

Liches' Arm (Su): once per day, the ninth-level Pale Master may use his bone arm to attempt a Melee Touch Attack as an Attack Action. If it hits, the subject must attempt a Fortitude Save (same DC as Ghoul's Arm). Failure causes them to be permanently Paralyzed. Although it cannot be Dispelled, a Remove Paralysis or Remove Curse spell will end the effect, as will carrying the target into an Anti-Magic Field. They remain alive, magically sustained, for the duration of Paralysis.

Undead Mastery: at level ten, the Pale Master can provide endless negative energy to his bone arm, and may use the following abilities at will: Ghoul's Arm, Wight's Arm, Mummy's Arm, Liches' Arm. He may not use the same ability more than once per round, however. Additionally, upon reaching tenth level in the class, he gains new options for his Undead General based on his total Character Level: Blood Fiend (16th), Boneyard (17th), Mummy Lord (18th), The Red Widow (19th), Alhoon (20th). In the case of the Mummy Lord and Alhoon, use the samples provided and do not change the spells. Finally, once per month he may spend one hour concentrating on a Desecrated area to call up a fortress, as per Instant Fortress, except made of bones and stretched-out skin. It lasts until destroyed, or until he creates another, and occasionally it creaks and moans in a spooky manner.



"The spirits of the dead call to me. Soon you will join them."

Undead take on many different forms, but perhaps the most mysterious and frightening of them is the incorporeal - ghosts and spectres, able to move through walls and injure people with just a touch, harming souls and causing fear. There are those who can communicate with them, and even control them - for a time. The Master of Shrouds is chief amongst them, able to even draw them out of the ethereal and shadow planes and put them to work.

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 8 ranks
Spellcasting: ability to cast Speak With Dead and Animate Dead
Special: ability to Rebuke Undead

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Master of Shrouds gains no new proficiencies
1+0+0+0+2Extra Rebuking, Summon Shadow+1 Level
2+1+0+0+3Summon Spectral Lyrist+1 Level
3+1+1+1+3Summon Wraith+1 Level
4+2+1+1+4Whispers of the Otherworld+1 Level
5+2+1+1+4Summon Spectre+1 Level
6+3+2+2+5Summon Greater Shadow+1 Level
7+3+2+2+5Vengeful Dead+1 Level
8+4+2+2+6Ethereal Jaunt, Incorporeal Cohort+1 Level
9+4+3+3+6Summon Dread Wraith+1 Level
10+5+3+3+7Summon Entropic Reaper+1 Level

Extra Rebuking (Su): the Master of Shrouds adds her Master of Shrouds class level to the class levels of any classes that allow her to Rebuke Undead, and can Rebuke Undead four extra times per day.

Summoning (Sp): the Master of Shrouds can conjure Incorporeal Undead to aid her, a number of times per day equal to her class level. It requires a Full Round Action, and the Undead remains for one minute per class level, completely under her control but unable to create any spawn.

At first level, she may summon a single Shadow.

At level two, she may summon one Shadow or Spectral Lyrist.

At level three, she may summon two Shadows or one Spectral Lyrist or Wraith.

At level five she may summon four Shadows or two Spectral Lyrists or Wraiths or one Spectre.

At level six she may summon four Shadows or Spectral Lyrists or two Wraiths or one Spectre or Greater Shadow.

At level nine she may summon eight Shadows or Spectral Lyrists or Wraiths or four Spectres or two Greater Shadows or one Dread Wraith.

At level ten, she may summon eight Shadows or Spectral Lyrists or Wraiths or four Spectres or Greater Shadows or one Dread Wraith or Entropic Reaper.

Whispers of the Otherworld: at level four, the Master of Shrouds gains Whispers of the Otherworld as a Bonus Feat. If she already has this, she may select one other [Necromantic] or [Meta-Magic] Feat for which she meets the prerequisites.

Vengeful Dead (Su): at level seven, the Master of Shrouds calls upon stronger undead. All undead summoned gain +1 Hit Point per hit die and the ability to Smite living creatures a single time: this adds their Charisma Bonus to the attack roll (if positive) and their hit dice to the damage roll.

Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): once per day, the eighth-level Master of Shrouds may cast Ethereal Jaunt at a caster level equal to her hit dice.

Incorporeal Cohort (Su): starting at level eight, the Master of Shrouds may once per day extend her summoning such that the duration lasts until the next sunrise.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Damn, I like how you took to task the shitty Libris Mortis PrCs. I had to settle with saddling one of the players with the LM version of Master of Shrouds in a Mask-themed Red Hand of Doom campaign.
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Post by JonSetanta »

That's a lot of stuff packed into one feat for single Monk feats.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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JE: Yeah, as written the MoS pretty much needs you to sneak your way into the class early and you're still setting two levels on fire (one multiclass to qualify, and the first level of the class gives no casting ability and doesn't bring the main class feature online).

JonSetanta: this was written with the assumption of 1 big scaling feat every 3 levels, a while ago. These days I'm more in favour of "at least one feat per level, it does something useful but not super defining and doesn't keep giving new abilities" but I'm not going back and changing this stuff.



"All is reduced to nothing soon enough - in your case, a lot sooner than most."

Some people are more interested in goals than causes, and just have a specific win condition in mind. This is good when those goals include "eradicate all disease" or "end poverty", but quite bad when the goals are "destroy all life". This is, broadly speaking, the goal of the Entropic Adept: to bring on the state of ultimate entropy where all life has ended, all matter ceased to be, and all energy stopped. Gradually, they become good at destroying things, and can eventually command Spheres of Annihilation.

Alignment: any Evil
Domains: Destruction
Spellcasting: ability to cast 4th Level Divine Spells

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Entropic Adept gains no new proficiencies
1+0+2+0+2Shard of Entropy+1 Level
2+1+3+0+3-+1 Level
3+2+3+1+3Aura of Entropy (No Healing)+1 Level
4+3+4+1+4-+1 Level
5+3+4+1+4Aura of Entropy (Wounding)+1 Level
6+4+5+2+5Disintegrate+1 Level
7+5+5+2+5Aura of Entropy (Magic Drain)+1 Level
8+6+6+2+6Black Blade of Disaster+1 Level
9+6+6+3+6Aura of Entropy (Reaving)+1 Level
10+7+7+3+7Control the Sphere-

Shard of Entropy (Su): the Entropic Adept can create small shards of destructive energy and hurl them at people. With a Standard Action at will, she may unleash one such shard as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, it deals 1d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 per 2 class levels (round up), and forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus). On a failed save, they are Sickened for three rounds.

Spellcasting: every level except tenth, the Entropic Adept increases her spellcasting ability in one class in which she has the ability to cast 4th-level Divine spells.

Aura of Entropy (Su): at level three, the Entropic Adept gains the ability to create an aura of entropy. This reaches out to fifteen feet, and can be suppressed or resumed with a Swift Action at will. Fast Healing and Regeneration do not function within this aura, and everyone in the area has Spell Resistance (12 + the Entropic Adept's hit dice) against [Healing] spells.

At level five, it becomes more ruinous, actively worsening injuries. All attacks within the aura have the Wounding property.

At level seven, it becomes even stronger and starts to eat away at magic. Any spell with a duration measured in rounds consumes two rounds worth of effect for every one round spent in the aura (even if they only briefly move through the aura).

At level nine, the aura snuffs out the lifeforce of the dying: at the beginning of each of the Entropic Adept's turns, she is treated as casting Death Knell on everyone within the aura who is a valid target. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus.

Disintegrate (Sp): at level six, the Entropic Adept gains the ability to cast Disintegrate once per day as a Spell-Like Ability. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus and the Caster Level equals her hit dice.

Black Blade of Disaster (Sp): at level eight, the Entropic Adept gains the ability to cast Black Blade of Disaster twice per day as a Spell-Like Ability. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus and the Caster Level equals her hit dice.

Control the Sphere (Su): at level ten, the Entropic Adept gains a remarkable power. With a minute of concentration, she may summon a Sphere of Annihilation, and control it as though using the Talisman of the Sphere. She may do this as often as she likes, but when she stops concentrating on the Sphere she is controlling, it is forced from existence, no longer present or having any effect.



"All things bright and beautiful? Nature is cruel, uncaring and full of poison."

Talona is a cruel, vile god of poison and corruption. And the Blightlords are the topmost followers, most often Druids who have turned to the corrupting lure of toxins and sickness. Their goal is to spread the blight across the lands, to turn nature into a hideous mockery of its usual state and bring out the most harmful elements. But it is also to harm people in a more direct manner.

Alignment: Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Talona
Skills: Knowledge (Nature) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks
Spellcasting: able to cast third level Divine spells

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Talontar Blightlord gains proficiency with the Glaive. Druids who become Talontar Blightlords turns their backs on conventional nature and subvert it by Talona, and no longer need to adhere to the Druidic restrictions on weapons and armour.
1+0+2+2+0Blightblood, Blightbringer+1 Level
2+1+3+3+0Master of the Sickened+1 Level
3+2+3+3+1Blight Touch 1d4+1 Level
4+3+4+4+1Blighted Mind+1 Level
5+3+4+4+1Blight Touch 1d6+1 Level
6+4+5+5+2Black Glaive+1 Level
7+5+5+5+2Blight Touch 1d8+1 Level
8+6+6+6+2Corrupting Blows+1 Level
9+6+6+6+3Blight Touch 1d10+1 Level
10+7+7+7+3Toxic Transformation+1 Level

Blightblood (Ex): the Talontar Blightlord is completely immune to all disease and poison, magical or otherwise. Blightspawned creatures do not attack her unless she first attacks them, although they may attack other creatures in her company without provocation.

Blightbringer: the Talontar Blightlord gains access to the Blightbringer Prestige Domain (Unapproachable East). If she has Domain Slots, she may assign spells from this Domain as normal, adding to her Domains. If she does not have Domain Slots, she can simply prepare the granted spells as normal spells, adding them to her class list and spells known.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Talontar Blightlord continues to gain spellcasting ability as though taking levels in a class in which she can already cast third level Divine Spells.

Master of the Sickened: starting at second level, any Animal Companion the Talontar Blightlord has gains the Blightspawned template. She may use the Handle Animal skill on Blightspawned creatures without penalty, despite them becoming Plants.

Blight Touch (Su): starting at level three, the Talontar Blightlord is gifted with a touch of deadly venom from her goddess. With a Standard Action at will, she may make a Melee Touch Attack. If it hits, the target is afflicted with a Poison which deals 1d4 Con damage for primary damage, and for secondary damage converts all hit point damage currently suffered into Vile damage. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus. If they are slain by their Constitution being reduced to zero, they rise as a Ghoul or Ghast (based on hit dice).

At level five, the primary damage changes to 1d6 and may be Strength, Dexterity or Constitution damage, at her choice upon using it. It is still considered the same poison, so using it again on a target yet to suffer the secondary damage, even with a different ability score being targeted, has no effect.

At level seven it changes to 1d8 Ability Drain, and at level nine it changes to 1d10 and may affect any Ability Score. If their Charisma is reduced to zero, they gain the Blightspawned template (if they qualify for it).

Blighted Mind (Su): at level four, the Talontar Blightlord gains the ability to Dominate Blightspawned creatures at will. She targets one within sixty feet as a Standard Action, and they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus) or be Dominated, despite the usual Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects the Blightspawned have. This lasts for one day or until she Dominates a different creature, whichever is first.

Black Glaive (Su): starting at sixth level, any glaive the Talontar Blightlord wields turns icy cold to the touch and takes on dark hues, seemingly made from ruinous Black Ice. It gains the Frost property, and on a Critical Hit it deals an extra 2d10 points of damage, half Cold and half Evil. It may also be used to deliver the Blight Touch.

Corrupting Blows (Su): whenever the eighth-level Talontar Blightlord wields a glaive, it not only has the properties listed under Black Glaive, it also gains the Wounding property. Until the damage is healed, a corrupt scar lingers, functioning as an Arcane Mark.

Toxic Transformation (Ex): at level ten, the Talontar Blightlord transforms physically, changed into a creature of horror and ruin. Her type changes to Plant, but do not re-calculate any hit dice. Additionally, anybody who fails the Fortitude Save against the secondary effects of her poison contract Blight Plague, which cannot be removed without first being subject to a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil, Dispel Chaos, Wish or Miracle. Furthermore, with an hour-long ritual she may corrupt an area of nature, causing a Despoil effect (using her hit dice as her caster level) as a Supernatural Ability. A side-effect of this is that animals will gradually become Blightspawned, Plant creatures will become violent and even gain unnatural templates like Vampire, and Fey will gradually either become sick and die, or become corrupted and Undead or Evil.



"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

The Shadowmasters of Telflamm are one of Faerun's most notorious thieves' guilds, not functioning as a secret society but instead letting their reputation precede them and simply being impossible to catch. Thanks to their actions, Thesk's port city of Telflamm is a prime centre of trade in both legal and illegal goods. The Shadowmasters are made up of a variety of people - from simple fences to thieves, thugs, assassins and even wizards and shadow dancers. They even count a small number of Clerics of Mask and Shar amongst them. However, the greatest of these criminals are the Shadowlords, secret captains of iniquity who lead the organisation and make the biggest impact.

Alignment: any non-Good
Skills: Hide 10 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks
Feats: Blind-Fight
Special: Sneak Attack or Sudden Strike or Death Attack class feature
Special: either the ability to Shadow Jump, cast Dimension Door, or be a Shadow-Walker (Unapproachable East)

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (any), Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Telflammar Shadowlord becomes Proficient with a single Light, Thrown or Ranged weapon of choice.
1+1+0+2+0Spellcasting, Shadowsight, Shadow Jump, Guild Leadership
2+2+0+3+0Shadow Blur, Sneak Attack +1d6
3+3+1+3+1Shadow Walk, Shadow Pounce
4+4+1+4+1Shadow Discorporation, Sneak Attack +2d6
5+5+1+4+1Exotic Training

Spellcasting: starting at first level, the Telflammar Shadowlord can cast a small number of arcane spells. He automatically knows all of the spells on his list, but must prepare his spells ahead of time, similar to a Wizard. These spells do not suffer Arcane Spell Failure for armour with which he is already proficient. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, any Save DC equals 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus, and he gains bonus Spell Slots for a high Intelligence. Alternatively, a Telflammar Shadowlord who was previously an Assassin may instead choose to advance his Assassin Spellcasting ability. In that case, each level of Telflammar Shadowlord improves his Assassin Spellcasting as though he had taken a level of Assassin, however he does not gain the regular spellcasting ability of a Shadowlord.

Spells per day:
Class Level1st2nd3rd4th

Shadowsight (Ex): the Shadowlord is gifted with a superior form of Darkvision, reaching out to sixty feet, that even sees through Magical Darkness like a Devil can do. This also allows him to add his Intelligence Bonus to Will Saves to Disbelieve Illusions with the [Shadow] descriptor, and on a successful save reduces its "realness" by half the usual amount (round down). For instance, a 30% real effect normally has full effect on those who fail the save, but on a successful save it has 30% effect on most, but only 15% to the Shadowlord.

Shadow Jump (Su): a Telflammar Shadowlord can travel between shadows as if by means of a Dimension Door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow or darkness. He may do this at will, but any given jump has a maximum range of 20 feet per class level. If he has a Shadow Jump ability from another class (such as the Shadow Dancer), he may add the class levels together to determine the maximum range.

Guild Leadership (Ex): the Telflammar Shadowlord is one of the leaders of the group, and thus can make important decisions. He has a specific region which is nominally under his control (in that he can issue instructions to guild members in the area and set the general policy and goals for the area - he doesn't automatically usurp the normal government), and can call upon a pool of Followers as though he had the Leadership feat, setting them to do various background tasks. He also gains the ability to, within his sphere of influence, issue a bounty which commands particular efforts and focus: he may demand a specific item be claimed from within the area, or a specific individual or small group be killed or abducted. Should he declare this, then on a weekly basis, groups of Shadowmasters will strike out to achieve his goals, each group having an Encounter Level equal to his Challenge Rating minus two. He can only have one such mission declared at a time, and if it is successful, he is expected to pay out a reward of some significance. At level one, he can oversee a town or village. At level two he can oversee a large town or small city. At level three he can oversee a full city or a county with a number of towns. At level four he can oversee a territory with at least one large city and multiple towns and trade routes. At level five he can just about cover entire faction-controlled areas such as "Everything under the rule of the Lords' Alliance".

Shadow Blur (Su): at second level, a Telflammar Shadowlord gains an unusual defence - any time he is not in daylight or the illuminated radius of a light source, the shadows cloak his every movement, conferring the benefits of a Blur effect. He can choose to activate or end this with a Free Action.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at levels two and four, the Telflammar Shadowlord gains one d6 of Sneak Attack damage, which works just like the Rogue's class feature of the same name. If he already possesses the Death Attack ability of the Assassin, he may trade each of these dice for 2 dice of Death Attack. Thus, an Assassin 7/Shadowlord 2 would have either 9d6 Death Attack and 1d6 Sneak Attack (to fall back upon when not taking the time to study a foe), or focus on his killing arts and have 11d6 Death Attack.

Shadow Walk (Sp): once per day, the third-level Telflammar Shadowlord may use Shadow Walk, with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice. This is in addition to any uses he has from other sources.

Shadow Pounce (Ex): starting at level three, the Telflammar Shadowlord can strike swiftly from the shadows. Any time he uses an ability, spell, or effect with the [Teleportation] descriptor (such as his Shadow Jump ability), he may make a Full Attack upon completion of the teleportation. He must have Line of Sight to the target before teleporting, and must be able to make an attack to that target from the place where he arrives.

Shadow Discorporation (Su): at fourth level, a Telflammar Shadowlord learns how to use his mastery of shadows to cheat death. If he is in shadows or darkness (anything but direct daylight or the illuminated radius of a light source), any damage that would reduce him to zero hit points or below instead has a chance to discorporate him: the Shadowlord attempts a Reflex Save (DC 5 + damage dealt); if successful, he simply breaks apart into dozens of flitting shadows and vanishes, along with anything he is holding or carrying. At the next sunset, the Shadowlord reappears at a spot of his choosing within one mile of the place where he was forced to discorporate. While discorporated, he simply does not exist - he can do nothing, nor can his enemies do anything to him.

Exotic Training: at level five, the Telflammar Shadowlord gains access to special knowledge of his trade. He gains one of the following of his choice:
  • Crippling Strike (Ex): an opponent damaged by the Shadowlord's Sneak Attack also takes 2 points of Strength Damage. Concealment and Immunity to Critical Hits do not hamper this as long as the creature takes damage from the attack. He must have the Sneak Attack ability for this to apply.
  • Improved Evasion (Ex): not only does the Shadowlord take no damage on a successful Reflex Save that is normally for half, on a failed Reflex Save he only takes half damage. If he is Helpless, he does not benefit from this.
  • Opportunist (Ex): once per round, the Shadowlord may make an Attack of Opportunity against a foe who has just been struck in melee by another character. This cannot be used more than once per round even if he has Combat Reflexes or Horde Breaker.
  • Transferred Sight (Sp): the Shadowlord can cast Spymaster's Coin and Chain of Eyes a total combined number of 20 times per day, divided however he chooses between the two.
  • Carrier (Sp): three times per day, the Shadowlord may cast Contagion with a Swift Action. The Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus.
  • Cockatrice Poison (Sp): twice per day, the Shadowlord may cast Flesh to Stone with a Swift Action. The Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus.
  • Death by Plane (Sp): once per day, the Shadowlord may cast Plane Shift as a Spell-Like Ability.
Spell List
1st Level - Arcane Mark, Blindness/Deafness, Chill Touch, Deeper Darkness, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Shadow Mask, Shadow Spray, Shadow Well, Silence, Confusion, Nondetection, Longstrider, Locate Object, Manifest Desire, Manifest Nightmare
2nd Level - Air Walk, Blacklight, Displacement, Haste, Improved Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere, Vampiric Touch, Evard's Black Tentacles, False Vision, Fly, Dream, Mirage Arcana, Seeming, Mind Fog, Secret Chest, Detect Scrying
3rd Level - Mass Confusion, Darkbolt, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Mass Invisibility, Mislead
4th Level - Find the Path, True Seeing, Legend Lore, Programmed Image, Veil, Greater Arcane Sight, Insanity, Ethereal Jaunt
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Post by Koumei »

Here are some things taken from Tales of Maj'Eyal (TOME), when I was on a real kick playing that game. It just seemed to make sense to have a game that shortens to TOME be converted to Tome.



“I'm afraid it is time for you to die. Nothing personal, that is just what has to happen, and I will make it happen.”

Corruptors are spellcasters who have veered too close to the Abyss with their infernal knowledge. Researching vile magic and fiends is always dangerous, and sometimes that danger manifests in an eruption of demonic power, stripping the mage of their normal spellcasting power and forever changing their nature. Corruptors are themselves corrupted, and their new source of magic is the Abyss itself: the very act of casting spells causes more Evil to enter the world.

Alignment: it is very hard for a Corruptor to not be Evil, but some can manage this.
Hit Die: 1d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Decipher Script, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Use Magic Device

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Corruptor is proficient with Light Armour and Simple Weapons. If the Corruptor wears armour or a shield with which he is not proficient, the Armour Check Penalty is subtracted from his maximum Vim capacity.

Playing a Corruptor: the Corruptor values Intelligence, followed by Wisdom and Dexterity. The Corruptor plays out like an arcane spellcaster, albeit a slightly sturdier one like a Bard or Warlock, and with relatively few abilities compared to a Wizard or Sorcerer. Due to being relatively fragile, the Corruptor may wish to invest in Feats such as Great Fortitude, Elusive Target, Danger Sense and Lightning Reflexes, to shore these up, or even take Medium or Heavy Armour Proficiency or Shield Proficiency in order to have a better Armour Class. Or they might go for options like Ability Focus, Sudden Meta-Magic and [Skill] Feats that enhance their magical prowess. Corruptors will try to step back most of the time and unleash a barrage of spells, relying on Entropic Drain to regain hit points as they repeatedly layer curses onto enemies. Similarly, through certain spells being on their Class List and Use Magic Device being a Class Skill, they will often utilise magic items to cover abilities they want but don't innately have.
1+0+2+0+2Vim, Entropic Drain, Pacification Hex, Arcane Magic
2+1+3+0+3Carnage Sphere, Curse of Defenselessness
3+1+3+1+3Dark Ritual, Blood Grasp
4+2+4+1+4Soul Rot, Cursed Companion
5+2+4+1+4Deadly Dispel, Bone Sphere
6+3+5+2+5Burning Hex
7+3+5+2+5Curse of Impotence, Darkfire
8+4+6+2+6Blood Lock
10+5+7+3+7Wraithform, Tunnel of Corruption
11+5+7+3+7Empathic Hex
12+6/+1+8+4+8Curse of Death
13+6/+1+8+4+8Pyre Sphere
15+7/+2+9+5+9Fiendform, Furious Ritual
16+8/+3+10+5+10Dominating Hex
17+8/+3+10+5+10Curse of Vulnerability
18+9/+4+11+6+11Restraint Sphere
19+9/+4+11+6+11Raging Storm, Dark Portal
20+10/+5+12+6+12One With the Abyss

Vim (Su): the powers of the Corruptor draw upon Vim, an infernal source of power that is channelled into other planes to do terrible things. The Corruptor has a maximum amount of Vim equal to his level plus his Wisdom Bonus (minimum +1), and if he spends eight hours resting he regains all spent Vim. However, it is more likely to be regained in other ways: killing a creature that is strong enough to grant experience points works like a sacrifice, regenerating an amount of Vim equal to the Corruptor's Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1), and if an Ability uses Vim and instantly kills one or more targets, its cost is refunded (in addition to any gained from killing a challenging creature). The Abyss likes it when things are killed, and such actions cause power to flow and surge appropriately.

Arcane Magic: the Spell-Like and Supernatural Abilities of the Corruptor are considered to be Arcane in nature, should that become relevant. Additionally, they have some memory of the magic they once used, and treat two Sorcerer/Wizard spells per class level as being on their class list. These spells have to be of a level an equal-level Wizard could cast, but the actual spells can be changed on a level by level basis, so at third level the Corruptor could have knowledge of six second level spells and zero first-level ones. Any Saving throw called for by a power from this class has a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus, likewise any Spell on his class list that is cast from an item.

Entropic Drain (Su): the best way to stay alive is at the expense of another. With a Standard Action, a Corruptor may make a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close range. If this hits the target, they lose 1d4 Hit Points, with a bonus equal to half his level (round up), and he regains half as much in the form of healing. If the damage is lowered by any means, such as the target having insufficient hit points and being killed, this reduces the amount of healing. If used on a creature healed by Negative Energy, such as most Undead, the target gains hit points, but the Corruptor still heals for half as much. This ability costs no Vim to use.

Pacification Hex (Su): sometimes it pays to fight people who aren't fighting you. With a Full Round Action, a Corruptor may spend 1 Vim and unleash a burst of oppressive force as a 5' radius Burst out to Medium range. All in the area must attempt a Will Save. Those who fail suffer 1d6 Non-Lethal damage per 2 levels of the Corruptor (round up) and are Stunned for one round. They are then unable to take action, as though Fascinated, for a number of rounds equal to the Corruptor's Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). This fascination can be ended or prevented in all of the usual ways. For every additional point of Vim spent, the Fascination duration is doubled.

Carnage Sphere: at level two, the Corruptor gains Basic Access to the Carnage Sphere. Using a Spell-Like Ability from this Sphere costs 1 Vim in addition to the basic daily use. Any Save DC is Intelligence-based instead of Charisma-based.

Curse of Defenselessness (Sp): fighting a helpless opponent might be cowardly, but it's wise. The second-level Corruptor may use a Standard Action and spend 2 Vim to target something within Medium Range and force them to attempt a Fort Save, which can even affect Constructs and Undead. If they fail the saving throw, then for three rounds they suffer a Profane Penalty to Armour Class and Saving Throws equal to his level divided by three (round up).

Dark Ritual (Su): starting at third level, the Corruptor may use a minute to concentrate on dark essence and lock one Vim away. This is considered spent, but cannot be recovered until he ends this effect with a Free Action. After the minute of concentration is complete, and until the effect ends, the Corruptor enjoys a doubled Critical Threat Range and Critical Multiplier for all powers granted by this class, and for all Spells on his class list that he casts from items, and may also add his class level as a Profane Bonus to all Knowledge and Gather Information checks.

Blood Grasp (Sp): at level three, the Corruptor learns the art of turning people's blood against them. With a Standard Action, he may spend one Vim to force a living creature within Medium Range to attempt a Fort Save. If they fail, their blood is corrupted, and rebels against them. They suffer 1d6 damage per level, and are Nauseated for one round and then Sickened for one minute. On a successful save, they merely take 1d6 damage, plus the Corruptor's level, and are Sickened for one round. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is doubled (for both conditions).

Soul Rot (Su): sometimes it makes more sense to attack the soul than the body. Starting at level four, the Corruptor can use a Standard Action to spend at least one Vim, but no more than half his level (round up), and unleash a bolt of spiritual blight at a target in Long Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 2d6 damage per point of Vim spent, with a bonus equal to his level, as well as his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1) multiplied by the amount of Vim spent. It suffers no Miss Chances, ignores Concealment and Cover less than Full Cover, and can hit Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they lacked those traits. It has a Threat Range of 17-20 and on a critical hit it causes 2 points of Constitution Drain, or 4 points if it has an increased Critical Multiplier (such as by Dark Ritual).

Cursed Companion (Su): the fourth level Corruptor has a familiar of sorts, even if he never had one as a regular caster. He is given a Quasit that hangs around him whether he likes it or not, and if it dies, another one is inflicted upon him one day later. Too weak to really be more than “a useful aid from time to time”, it nonetheless gains the following Familiar abilities: Natural Armour Adjustment, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Spell Resistance, Scry on Familiar, Intelligence (if the amount would be higher than its own). He may select the skills, feats and alternate forms it has.

Deadly Dispel (Sp): starting at fifth level, the Corruptor may use one Vim to cast Dispel Magic, or two Vim to cast Greater Dispel Magic. These may be cast in the area or targeted versions. For every spell or effect successfully dispelled from a creature, the creature suffers 3d6 damage, plus one point of Constitution Drain (two points for Greater Dispel).

Bone Sphere: at level five, the Corruptor gains Basic Access to the Bone Sphere. Using a Spell-Like Ability from this Sphere costs 1 Vim in addition to the basic daily use. Any Save DC is Intelligence-based instead of Charisma-based.

Burning Hex (Su): the sixth-level Corruptor is able to hex his foes such that they suffer greatly every time they try to cast spells or use other powers. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex as a 10' radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save or be afflicted for the next three rounds. During this time, any time they use a resource (Spell Slots, Prepared Spells, limited use Spell-Like Abilities, Power Points, Vim, Readied Maneuvers and so on), they suffer Fire damage equal to the Corruptor's level plus 1d10. Abilities which are used basically at will but have some form of delay between uses measured in rounds will, if used during this time, have the delay increased by a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is increased by 1 round, the Fire damage increases by 1d10 and the delay increases by another round.

Curse of Impotence (Sp): at level seven, the Corruptor can use a Standard Action and two Vim to cast Bestow Curse out to Medium Range. During this time, regardless of the variety of Curse inflicted, his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1) is subtracted from all damage they deal.

Darkfire (Su): the seventh-level Corruptor gains the ability to unleash blasts of unholy flame. He may spend one point of Vim to cast Fireball, except half the damage is Unholy and the other half is Fire. By spending one extra point of Vim he may Widen the effect. By spending two extra Vim he may Empower it. By spending three extra Vim he may Maximise it.

Blood Lock (Sp): at level eight, the Corruptor can inflict a terrible condition on foes, ruining the healing ability of their bodies. With a Standard Action, he may spend two Vim to force a living creature within Medium Range to attempt a Fort Save. If they fail, all unhealed damage (except for non-Lethal) they have suffered up to this point becomes Vile damage, and they lose access to all Fast Healing and Regeneration they have for three rounds. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is doubled.

Lifesense (Su): it helps to know where your prey is at all times. Or possibly your predators. Starting at level nine, the Corruptor automatically detects the presence and general direction of all living creatures within 250 feet, providing they are enough of a threat that their death would award him experience, and has a constant Deathwatch effect active. When they are within 60 feet of him, he knows their exact square.

Wraithform (Su): at level ten, the Corruptor gains the ability to turn Incorporeal with a Swift Action. This costs one point of Vim per round, and also causes Daylight Powerlessness as though he were a Wraith, making him unable to take any action other than movement or ending the effect. He reverts to his normal form with a Free Action, or automatically upon running out of Vim. If he is inside an object when this happens, he is forcefully ejected, Stunned for 1d4 rounds, and suffers 1d6 hit points of damage for every 5 feet he has to move.

Tunnel of Corruption (Sp): the tenth-level Corruptor is able to move about in horrifying ways through planar gaps, but can also pull others through them. By spending one Vim, he may cast Dimension Door. By spending three Vim, he may select up to one target per level within a 30' radius Spread, and move them closer to him as though through Dimension Door. Creatures moved in this way must succeed on a Fortitude Save, or contract a random disease, chosen by rolling 1d8:
1 = Filth Fever
2 = Slimy Doom
3 = Red Ache
4 = Mummy Rot
5 = Mindfire
6 = Demon Fever
7 = Cackle Fever
8 = Blinding Sickness
The regular incubation period is skipped and they immediately suffer the effects. If he uses the ability on somebody already suffering from a disease, failing the Fort Save (against the standard DC for a Corruptor ability) results in them suffering damage as though another day had passed and they had failed the daily Fort Save for the disease.

Empathic Hex (Su): at level eleven, the Corruptor can level a hex at foes which causes them to suffer the agony of their own attacks, and this is awesome - for him. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex as a 10' radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save or be afflicted for the next three rounds. During this time, any time they deal damage to one or more creatures, they suffer half this damage themselves – this only happens once per action taken, so a Whirlwind Attack or Fireball only causes the damage once (in the case of Whirlwind Attack, using the highest damage dealt). Dealing damage to others also forces them to attempt a Fort Save or be Fatigued. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration of the Hex is doubled.

Curse of Death (Sp): the twelfth-level Corruptor gains access to a curse that can kill people. With a Standard Action and two Vim, he may cast Finger of Death, except the effects are Delayed by three rounds. If the target takes no actions other than movement during this time, they avoid the effects, however if they take any action, then at the end of the time they must test Spell Resistance and attempt the Save – they don't know at the start whether they are affected. During the time before the effects take place, they lose access to all of their Hardness, Damage Reduction and Energy Resistance.

Pyre Sphere: at level thirteen, the Corruptor gains Basic Access to the Pyre Sphere. Using a Spell-Like Ability from this Sphere costs 1 Vim in addition to the basic daily use. Any Save DC is Intelligence-based instead of Charisma-based.

Fearscape (Su): at level fourteen, the Corruptor gains the ability not only to travel to the Abyss, but to bring parts of the Abyss into his current plane to intersect with it. He may Planeshift himself and up to 50 pounds of equipment to any layer of the Abyss at the cost of one Vim, or may cause an intersection with a Full Round Action at the cost of three Vim. Doing so afflicts everything within a 100' radius of him at the time of casting, and lasts for a number of minutes equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). Consecrated or Hallowed area is exempt from this. For the duration, the entire area is both Desecrated and Unhallowed, and has the [Chaotic] and [Evil] Planar traits, and the constant rain of horrible essence causes all in the area to suffer 1d6 Cold damage, 1d6 Fire damage, 1d6 Acid damage, and Electricity damage equal to his level each round. He is immune to this particular effect. Furthermore, all creatures in the area except for Corruptors, Doombringers and [Tanar'ri] must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect when first exposed to it, or Panic until they leave the area. Anything killed in this area has its soul trapped in the actual Abyss.

Fiendform (Su): at level fifteen, the Corruptor gains the ability to transform into a demon… at least in part. With a Full Round Action he may spend 1 Vim and temporarily change his Type to Outsider [Extraplanar, Chaotic, Evil, Tanar'ri], gaining all the traits of a Tanar'ri. Furthermore, he has Fast Healing equal to his level while in a Fearscape intersection or while actually in the Abyss. He does not get the Summon ability, but does gain a 60' Fly Speed (Average), Spell Resistance equal to his hit dice + 9, and the ability to cast the following Spell-Like Abilities at will – Greater Teleport (self plus 50 lbs only), See Invisibility, Insanity, Chaos Hammer, Unholy Blight, Mirror Image, Call Lightning. Using any of these costs one point of Vim, and each round he remains in fiend form he has to spend another Vim. This lasts until he decides to stop using it (a Free Action) or runs out of Vim.

Furious Ritual (Su): at level fifteen, the Corruptor's Blood Ritual becomes more powerful. If he locks two Vim in rather than one, then in addition to the usual effects, any time he is damaged by another creature or lands a Critical Hit with a class ability, he is empowered with Abyssal fury, gaining Damage Reduction 10/Good and the ability to cast a Quickened Chain Lightning, both for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). Additionally, causing critical hits with class abilities (and Spells that have been added to his class list) causes him to regain 1 lost Vim each time. In addition, for the duration of the entire ritual, he gains the ability to cast Rage and Greater Shout at will.

Dominating Hex (Su): the sixteenth-level Corruptor gains the ability to hex foes such that they are under his direct control for a short time. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex on a single target within Medium Range. If the target fails a Will Save against a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect, they are Dominated for three rounds. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is doubled.

Curse of Vulnerability (Sp): at level seventeen, the Corruptor can curse people so that they are very likely to be harmed by his effects, and those of others. With a Standard Action and two Vim, he may unleash the curse upon a target within Medium Range. If they fail a Will Save, then for one minute, all attacks made against them are Touch Attacks, they lose access to all Immunities, and they become Vulnerable to Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity, taking double damage from those sources.

Restraint Sphere: at level eighteen, the Corruptor gains Basic Access to the Restraint Sphere. Using a Spell-Like Ability from this Sphere costs 1 Vim in addition to the basic daily use. Any Save DC is Intelligence-based instead of Charisma-based.

Raging Storm (Sp): the nineteenth-level Corruptor gains the ability to cast Storm of Vengeance at the cost of two Vim, although he is actually immune to all of its effects. Any creature in the area suffering from a disease must save against their disease every single round as though another day had passed. While one storm is in effect, he cannot conjure another one.

Dark Portal (Sp): at level nineteen, the Corruptor can cast Gate, but only the travel version. Doing so costs 2 Vim, and causes the land within 100' of each opening to be Despoiled with the exception of any Consecrated or Hallowed ground.

One With the Abyss (Ex): at level twenty, the Corruptor is essentially a living, moving part of the Abyss itself, more Abyssal than mere demons. Fiendform is now a permanent transformation, with no Vim cost, and any time he gains Vim from a creature that is not killed, that creature must pass a Fort Save or be Stunned for 1 round. Any time he gains Vim from killing a creature, all creatures adjacent to the slain target must pass a Fort Save or be Stunned for 1 round. Finally, any Constitution Drain caused by any of his abilities is multiplied by three.


“You may as well give up now, my arrival heralds the beginning of your destruction.”

Doombringers channel the powers of the Abyss, and bring demonic power into the world. Sometimes they are chosen without even wanting this power, but from that point on they have to utilise those powers. They wield fire and fear, causing terror and destruction wherever they go, and curse their foes. Anything they do theoretically brings ruin, entropy and the power of the Abyss.

Alignment: any, however the majority of Doombringers are Chaotic Evil
Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft (Any), Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Use Rope

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Doombringer is proficient with Light and Medium Armour, Shields (not Tower Shields), and Simple and Martial Weapons.

Playing a Doombringer: the Doombringer wants to have a good Wisdom score, along with Strength and Constitution. Dexterity can also help, but the Doombringer mostly wants to focus on close combat. They will likely take Feats that enhance their close combat ability, such as Blitz, Combat School and Whirlwind Attack, or make use of a particularly good Wisdom with Insightful Strike or Zen Archery. The Doombringer lends itself to a very aggressive style, based on spending a lot of Vim and getting it back in bursts as enemies die, spreading fear and fire around, stacking penalties on individual tough foes, taking a lot of damage and healing it back vampirically.
1+1+2+2+0Vim, Incinerating Blows, Draining Assault, Thick Skin
2+2+3+3+0Heightened Senses, Pacification Hex
3+3+3+3+1Dismember, Horrifying Blows
4+4+4+4+1Burning Sacrifice, Greater Drain
5+5+4+4+1Darkfire, Abduction Shroud
6+6/+1+5+5+2Obliterating Smash
7+7/+2+5+5+2Burning Hex, Surge of Power
8+8/+3+6+6+2Fiery Grasp, Evasion, Supreme Drain
9+9/+4+6+6+3Fiery Aegis, Mass Hysteria
10+10/+5+7+7+3Wraithform, Detonating Charge
11+11/+6/+6+7+7+3Abyssal Shift, Fiery Torment
12+12/+7/+7+8+8+4Empathic Hex, Cauterise Spirit
13+13/+8/+8+8+8+4Fiendform, Demonic Blood
14+14/+9/+9+9+9+4Fearscape, Reckless Strike
15+15/+10/+10+9+9+5Devouring Flames, Voracious Blade
16+16/+11/+11/+11+10+10+5Eternal Suffering, Fearfeast
17+17/+12/+12/+12+10+10+5Dominating Hex, Infernal Breath
18+18/+13/+13/+13+11+11+6Share the Pain, Abyssal Shield
19+19/+14/+14/+14+11+11+6Destroyer of All, Hope Wanes
20+20/+15/+15/+15+12+12+6Maw of the Abyss, Blazing Rebirth

Vim (Su): the powers of the Doombringer draw upon Vim, an infernal source of power that is channelled into other planes to do terrible things. The Doombringer has a maximum amount of Vim equal to his level, and if he spends eight hours resting he regains all spent Vim. However, it is more likely to be regained in other ways: killing a creature that is strong enough to grant experience points works like a sacrifice, regenerating an amount of Vim equal to the Doombringer's Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1), and if an Ability uses Vim and instantly kills one or more targets, its cost is refunded (in addition to any regained from killing a challenging creature). The Abyss likes it when things are killed, and such actions cause power to flow and surge appropriately. If an ability costs Vim and has a Save DC, that DC is Wisdom-based.

Incinerating Blows (Su): as long as the Doombringer has Vim remaining, any weapon he wields has the Flaming property. He can suppress this if he wants to, but it's rare that he does want to. On a Critical Hit with a weapon that is Flaming, a burst of hateful fire is unleashed out to 10 feet away, dealing Fire damage equal to 1d6 plus any Enhancement Bonus to the weapon's damage, to all in the area except for the Doombringer. All may make a Reflex Save to negate this extra damage. Any time his Flaming weapon deals damage to someone, whether by hitting them or through a fiery explosion, he may spend 1 Vim (not an action) to cause them to catch fire. The ongoing damage and DC to extinguish the flames are both increased by an amount equal to the Enhancement Bonus of the weapon (if any).

Draining Assault (Su): by spending a point of Vim as part of making a Full Attack, the Doombringer may unleash a flurry of attacks: he gains one extra attack at his highest attack bonus, but all attacks are made with a -2 Penalty. Each hit causes him to regain 1d6 hit points (multiplied on a critical hit), and if at least two attacks hit, he regains one point of Vim.

Thick Skin (Ex): the Doombringer's skin hardens so it is almost like armour. He gains an Enhancement Bonus to his Natural Armour Bonus equal to +1 per 3 levels (round up). If he has no Natural Armour Bonus, treat the base value as +0 before applying this Enhancement Bonus. He also gains this number as Damage Reduction overcome by Adamantium.

Heightened Senses (Ex): the second-level Doombringer develops greatly enhanced senses: he gains the Scent ability, Low-Light Vision (if he already possessed it), Darkvision 120' (or doubles his existing Darkvision range) and Tremorsense out to 5' per level. Additionally, if he has Daylight Blindness or Light Sensitivity or a similar drawback, he loses it and can function just fine.

Pacification Hex (Su): sometimes it pays to fight people who aren't fighting you. With a Full Round Action, a second-level Doombringer may spend 1 Vim and unleash a burst of oppressive force as a 5' radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must attempt a Will Save. Those who fail suffer 1d6 Non-Lethal damage per 2 levels of the Doombringer (round up) and are Stunned for one round. They are then unable to take action, as though Fascinated for a number of rounds equal to the Doombringer's Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). This fascination can be ended or prevented in all of the usual ways. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration of fascination is doubled.

Dismember (Ex): starting at third level, whenever the Doombringer lands a critical hit on a foe, he inflicts lasting injuries. He deals an amount of Strength Damage equal to the weapon's Critical Multiplier minus 1 (so a x2 weapon deals 1 Strength Damage, and a x4 weapon deals 3), and leaves the opponent Staggered until the beginning of his next turn.

Horrifying Blows (Ex): the third-level Doombringer is able to channel the Abyss into a form of terror. Beginning or ending this effect is a Free Action, and while it is in effect, he loses one point of Vim per round. However, while in effect, each time he strikes a foe, he may make a free Demoralise attempt against them, which can stack from Shaken to Frightened to Panicked to Comatose. He may only perform this once per round per target, but may spread it out amongst multiple targets in a round.

Burning Sacrifice (Su): starting at level four, whenever the Doombringer deals a killing blow to a target who is on fire and his weapon is Flaming, he may spend an Attack of Opportunity to make a Cleave attempt. If he spends a point of Vim while making this Cleave attack, the target must, if hit, attempt a Fort Save or be Stunned for one round. This normally only allows one Cleave attack in a round, however if he gains the ability to make more (such as through Great Cleave or having Horde Breaker and sufficiently high BAB), he may make multiple burning Cleave attacks in a round.

Greater Drain (Su): the Draining Assault of a fourth-level Doombringer is better – by spending two points of Vim instead of one, the attacks suffer no penalty and the hit points regained become 1d8 per successful hit (multiplied on a critical hit).

Darkfire (Su): the fifth-level Doombringer gains the ability to unleash blasts of unholy flame. He may spend one point of Vim to cast Fireball, except half the damage is Unholy and the other half is Fire. By spending one extra point of Vim he may Widen the effect. By spending two extra Vim he may Empower it. By spending three extra Vim he may Maximise it.

Abduction Shroud (Su): at level five, the Doombringer learns how to drag foes towards himself, reeling them in with strands of vile nether energy. With a Standard Action, he may spend one Vim, then designate a target in Medium Range. If the target fails a Reflex Save, they are pulled adjacent to him, taking the most direct path possible – this movement is handled like flight, so they will not just fall if pulled across a chasm. At the end of this journey, they are Anchored in place for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). By spending one additional point of Vim when activating this, he may make the shroud particularly choking and horrifying: if the target fails the save, they then suffer a Morale Penalty to Saving Throws equal to -1 per 3 levels of the Doombringer (round up), lasting for the duration of the Anchored condition.

Obliterating Smash (Su): whenever the sixth-level Doombringer makes a melee attack, he may spend a point of Vim as part of the action to make the attack ignore Damage Reduction and Hardness. By spending a second point of Vim, it also ignores Energy Resistance (but not Immunity) and Regeneration. By spending a third point, the attack is resolved as a Touch Attack, and ignores Immunity to Critical Hits.

Burning Hex (Su): the seventh-level Doombringer is able to hex his foes such that they suffer greatly every time they try to cast spells or use other powers. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex as a 10' radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save or be afflicted for the next three rounds. During this time, any time they use a resource (Spell Slots, Prepared Spells, limited use Spell-Like Abilities, Power Points, Vim, Readied Maneuvers and so on), they suffer Fire damage equal to the Doombringer's level plus 1d10. Abilities which are used basically at will but have some form of delay between uses measured in rounds will, if used during this time, have the delay increased by a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is increased by 1 round, the Fire damage increases by 1d10 and the delay increases by another round.

Surge of Power (Ex): starting at level seven, the Doombringer may spend one or more Vim with a Standard Action to heal his wounds and revitalise himself. Each point restores 1d8 hit points, with each die modified by his Wisdom Bonus (minimum +1), and may remove the Fatigued or Sickened condition or reduce Exhausted to Fatigued. Spending multiple Vim at once allows for multiple conditions to be removed. Additionally, for each point of Vim spent, he may ignore the Helpless and Dying conditions and continue acting even when dead for one round, although no more than one round per four levels (round up).

Fiery Grasp (Su): at level eight, the Doombringer gains the ability to conjure giant hands of fire to trouble his enemies. He may spend one point of Vim to cast a Quickened Bigby's Slapping Hand, adding his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1) to the Concentration DC, and causing the target to suffer 1d6 Fire damage. He may alternatively spend one Vim to cast Earthern Grasp, except with no restriction on the surface area from which to summon it, and dealing an additional 1d6 Fire damage on a successful Grapple check.

At level ten, he may spend two Vim to instead cast a fiery version of Bigby's Interposing Hand. If somebody tries to push past it, they suffer 1d6 Fire damage and catch fire. At level twelve, spending two Vim allows him to cast a fiery Bigby's Forceful Hand which deals the fire damage and burning to anybody it successfully Bullrushes.

At level fourteen, he may spend three Vim to instead cast a fiery Bigby's Grasping Hand, dealing 3d6 Fire damage and ongoing burning on a successful Grapple check. At level sixteen, spending three Vim allows him to cast a fiery Bigby's Clenched Fist – any time it successfully strikes, Bullrushes or Grapples an opponent, they also suffer 3d6 Fire damage and catch fire.

At level eighteen, he may spend four Vim to cast a fiery Bigby's Crushing Hand, with each successful Grapple check dealing an additional 6d6 points of Fire damage and causing the target to catch fire – with the burning stacking up, so three successful Grapple checks would result in an ongoing 3d6 Fire damage each round.

Evasion (Ex): starting at level eight, if the Doombringer is required to make a Reflex Save for half damage or a partial effect, he instead suffers no effect on a successful save, as though it said “Reflex Negates”.

Supreme Drain (Su): the Draining Assault of the eighth-level Doombringer is better still – by spending a total of three points of Vim, not only do the attacks not suffer a penalty, but he gains a second bonus attack, made at his second-highest attack bonus. Additionally, each hit restores 1d10 hit points (multiplied on a critical hit)

Fiery Aegis (Su): with a Standard Action, the ninth-level Doombringer can shield himself with the very flames he created on others. He spends two points of Vim, all creatures within 20' that are on fire (and not slain) have their flames extinguished, and then he gains a Shield Bonus to Armour Class. This Shield Bonus is 2, with an Enhancement Bonus equal to the number of creatures who had their flames extinguished (with a maximum total Shield Bonus equal to half his level, round up). Additionally, he gains Temporary Hit Points equal to three times the number of creatures who were on fire. The Temporary Hit Points last until damaged, or until the Shield Bonus is lost. The Shield Bonus lasts for five rounds after which the fiery shield erupts, damaging all creatures within 20 feet of the Doombringer (except the Doombringer himself). The damage is a number of d6 equal to the Shield Bonus, as Fire damage, with a Reflex Save for half.

Mass Hysteria (Su): the Doombringer learns the arts of exacerbating fear at ninth level. By spending a point of Vim as a Standard Action, he may target one enemy in Medium Range who is currently suffering from a [Fear] effect, and make a Demoralise attempt. If it succeeds and they were already Shaken or suffering from a similar Penalty, that condition spreads to all other enemies within 30 feet of the target (providing the Demoralise attempt would also affect them), and that target's fear increases to Frightened. If they were Frightened and the check succeeds, they Cower and enemies within 30' who would be affected become Frightened. If they were Cowering or Panicked and the check succeeds, they pass out for one minute and affected enemies within 30 feet Cower or Panic respectively.

Wraithform (Su): at level ten, the Doombringer gains the ability to turn Incorporeal with a Swift Action. This costs one point of Vim per round, and also causes Daylight Powerlessness as though he were a Wraith, making him unable to take any action other than movement or ending the effect. He reverts to his normal form with a Free Action, or automatically upon running out of Vim. If he is inside an object when this happens, he is forcefully ejected, Stunned for 1d4 rounds, and suffers 1d6 hit points of damage for every 5 feet he has to move.

Detonating Charge (Su): whenever the tenth-level Doombringer's weapon is flaming and he initiates a Charge, he may spend one point of Vim as part of the action to create an explosion at the point of impact – it is centred on his target, and does include himself in the area. This reaches out to 25 feet in radius, and deals 1d6 Fire damage per level with a Reflex Save for half.

Abyssal Shift (Su): at eleventh level, the Doombringer gains the ability to teleport short distances via the Abyss, tunnelling through planes and causing bursts of fire and brimstone as he does so. With a Full Round Action, he may spend two points of Vim to cast Dimension Door. However, all creatures within 10 feet of the point he left and all creatures within 10 feet of the point he reaches are hit by a blast of flame, suffering 1d8 Fire damage per 2 levels (round up) with a Reflex Save for half. Furthermore, the dreadful fumes cause them to be Blind for one round and Sickened for three rounds unless they pass a Fort Save against a [Poison] effect.

Fiery Torment (Su): when the Doombringer reaches level eleven, he may wreath himself in deadly energies that tear at people's resistances. With a Swift Action, he may spend one point of Vim to activate this, lasting until the end of his turn. Until then, all of his melee attacks will, if they hit, reduce the target's Fire Resistance by 10 for 3 rounds – with multiple hits stacking. This has no effect on Fire Immunity however. Keep track of all excess if Resistance is reduced below zero: at the end of the three rounds, this excess is suffered as Fire damage (just before their Fire Resistance returns).

Empathic Hex (Su): at level twelve, the Doombringer can level a hex at foes which causes them to suffer the agony of their own attacks, and this is awesome - for him. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex as a 10' radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save or be afflicted for the next three rounds. During this time, any time they deal damage to one or more creatures, they suffer half this damage themselves – this only happens once per action taken, so a Whirlwind Attack or Fireball only causes the damage once (in the case of Whirlwind Attack, using the highest damage dealt). Dealing damage to others also forces them to attempt a Fort Save or be Fatigued. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is doubled.

Cauterise Spirit (Su): the twelfth-level Doombringer is able to burn his spirit away from his body and shut in the Abyss for a time, hurting himself greatly but sparing himself from other effects. Doing so is not an action, and does not even require him to have control of his actions – he may do this even if Helpless or Dominated, but not if Dead. As long as this is active, he ignores all conditions short of being Dead, and is immune to Possession and Mind Control, but each round suffers an amount of damage equal to his level. This Untyped damage ignores all Damage Reduction, Regeneration and similar. Any creature attempting to exert control over him, read his thoughts or possess him suffers the same Untyped damage and must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Stunned for 2d4 rounds. He cannot regain Vim or Hit Points while this ability is in use.

Fiendform (Su): at level thirteen, the Doombringer gains the ability to transform into a demon… at least in part. With a Full Round Action he may spend 1 Vim and temporarily change his Type to Outsider [Extraplanar, Chaotic, Evil, Tanar'ri], gaining all the traits of a Tanar'ri. Furthermore, he has Fast Healing equal to his level while in a Fearscape intersection or while actually in the Abyss. He does not get the Summon ability, but does gain a 60' Fly Speed (Average), Spell Resistance equal to his hit dice + 9, and the ability to cast the following Spell-Like Abilities at will – Greater Teleport (self plus 50 lbs only), See Invisibility, Insanity, Chaos Hammer, Unholy Blight, Mirror Image, Call Lightning. Using any of these costs one point of Vim, and each round he remains in fiend form he has to spend another Vim. This lasts until he decides to stop using it (a Free Action) or runs out of Vim.

Demonic Blood (Ex): by the time he reaches thirteenth level, the Doombringer carries so much Abyssal influence that he is in many ways a Demonic creature, with the blood of Demons inside him. Even when not using Fiendform, he detects as Chaotic and Evil and has Fire Resistance equal to his level. Additionally, he gains a special Profane Bonus applied to the Save DC for all Doombringer abilities, and also to his own Saving Throws against [Poison] effects. This Bonus is +1 per 4 levels (round up), or the amount of unspent Vim he has remaining at a given moment, whichever is lower. Finally, he may add his remaining Vim or half his level (round up), whichever is lower, to all melee weapon damage rolls.

Fearscape (Su): at level fourteen, the Doombringer gains the ability not only to travel to the Abyss, but to bring parts of the Abyss into his current plane to intersect with it. He may Planeshift himself and up to 50 pounds of equipment to any layer of the Abyss at the cost of one Vim, or may cause an intersection with a Full Round Action at the cost of three Vim. Doing so afflicts everything within a 100' radius of him at the time of casting, and lasts for a number of minutes equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). Consecrated or Hallowed area is exempt from this. For the duration, the entire area is both Desecrated and Unhallowed, and has the [Chaotic] and [Evil] Planar traits, and the constant rain of horrible essence causes all in the area to suffer 1d6 Cold damage, 1d6 Fire damage, 1d6 Acid damage, and Electricity damage equal to his level each round. He is immune to this particular effect. Furthermore, all creatures in the area except for Corruptors, Doombringers and [Tanar'ri] must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect when first exposed to it, or Panic until they leave the area. Anything killed in this area has its soul trapped in the actual Abyss.

Reckless Strike (Ex): the fourteenth-level Doombringer is able to burn his life essence to fuel his attacks, taking great risks but for a chance of a great pay-off. He may add +4 Insight Bonus to any attack roll as part of making the attack, ignoring all Cover (except for Total Cover) and Concealment, and also make it a Wounding attack, by spending 1 point of Vim and losing a number of Hit Points, ignoring all Resistances and Regeneration, equal to his level. This also applies a -2 Penalty to his Armour Class until the start of his next turn, and multiple uses of the ability can stack the penalty.

Devouring Flames (Su): the fifteenth-level Doombringer likes it when other people are on fire, and as such he tries to make this happen as much as possible. At the beginning of each of his turns, he regains 1d6 Hit Points per burning enemy within Close Range. Furthermore, when this happens, all enemies within 10 feet of one of his burning enemies must pass a Reflex Save (Wisdom-based) or catch fire as well.

Voracious Blade (Ex): starting at level fifteen, the Doombringer feeds even more off the deaths of others. When he deals a killing blow to a creature that is enough of a threat to award experience, his Critical Threat Range and Multiplier are doubled and all Vim regained is also doubled. These last until the end of his next turn, however he must wait a full minute before this ability can trigger again.

Eternal Suffering (Su): by spending three points of Vim, the sixteenth-level Doombringer can use a Swift Action to make life a lot harder for one enemy within thirty feet: any detrimental effects on them that have a fixed duration are extended for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum +1), and he may make a Targeted Greater Dispel Check against just the beneficial effects on them.

Fearfeast (Ex): at level sixteen, the Doombringer realises he can just eat the fear of others in a rather literal sense. With a Standard Action, he may consume all [Fear] effects within thirty feet. These effects immediately end, however for each effect he regains hit points: 5 for each instance of Shaken or a similar penalty, 10 for each instance of Frightened, 15 for each instance of Panicked or Cowering, and 20 for each instance of Comatose or similarly game-ending [Fear] effects. If he regains at least ten hit points from this, he gains all the nourishment of a proper meal. If he regains fifty or more, he actually benefits from a Heroes' Feast.

Dominating Hex (Su): the seventeenth-level Doombringer gains the ability to hex foes such that they are under his direct control for a short time. With a Full Round Action, he may spend 1 Vim and unleash this hex on a single target within Medium Range. If the target fails a Will Save against a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect, they are Dominated for three rounds. For every additional point of Vim spent, the duration is doubled.

Infernal Breath (Su): at level seventeen, the Doombringer develops a breath weapon that channels the flames and toxic fumes of the Abyss. With a Standard Action, he may spend one point of Vim to exhale in a Cone out to Medium Range, dealing 5 points of Fire damage per level to all in the area (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, everyone in the area must pass a Fort Save against [Poison] or become Sickened for one minute, and those who are already Sickened are instead Nauseated for one minute. Tanar'ri (and those with the Demonic Blood class feature) are not only Immune to this, they are in fact healed by it, regaining lost hit points equal to the damage this would deal. After using this ability, the Doombringer must wait four rounds before being able to use it again.

Share the Pain (Ex): the eighteenth-level Doombringer tends to retaliate, revisiting his own pain on his attackers so that their very own actions haste their demise. By spending one point of Vim as a Free Action, this ability becomes active until the start of his next turn. In the meantime, any time an enemy hits him with an attack of any kind, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from him.

Abyssal Shield (Su): at level eighteen, the Doombringer learns how to cast a Corrupted Fire Shield, at the cost of two points of Vim. Furthermore, while this is active he has Damage Reduction X/-, where X equals the lower of his remaining Vim and half his level (round up). While this effect is active, he also has Immunity to Alignment-based Planar Traits.

Destroyer of All (Ex): when the nineteenth-level Doombringer activates Fiendform, he becomes even more terrifying. He grows one size larger, and in doing so applies the following changes instead of the “usual” ones: +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Natural Armour. He also gains the ability to Fly with a Speed of 100 feet (Average Maneuvrability), and can spend 2 Vim to cast Telekinesis, Destruction, Word of Chaos or Blasphemy – the Caster Level for these is always equal to his class level, with no exceptions or bonuses of any kind. Additionally, any time he deals Fire damage in this form, including ongoing burning, half the damage is irresistable damage of divine origin.

Hope Wanes (Su): at level nineteen, the Doombringer is able to bring his power over fear fully to bear. With a Full Round Action he may spend one point of Vim and glare at a target. If they are Immune to [Fear] effects for any reason other than being [Mindless], they must pass a Will Save (which is not a [Mind-Affecting] effect) or be cursed with the ability to suffer from [Fear] effects normally for one hour. If they are not Immune, this has no effect… unless they are already Cowering, Panicked or suffering from a similar serious [Fear] effect greater than Frightened. If this is the case, they must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect or be permanently Petrified. This is ended as normal by using Fearfeast, in which case 20 Hit Points are restored to the Doombringer.

Maw of the Abyss (Su): the twentieth-level Doombringer has a strong link to the Abyss, and can help bring it into other worlds to destroy things. With a Full Round Action, he may spend one point of Vim to create a temporary Sphere of Annihilation within Close Range, controlling it as though he held the Talisman of the Sphere. This lasts only as long as he focuses upon it – once he stops, it becomes a regular Travel Gate to an Abyssal layer of his choice, lasting for one minute. However, each round, a tendril will lash out up to 100 feet away, making a Ranged Touch Attack with his Base Attack Bonus, no Size Modifier or Enhancement Bonus, and using his Strength Bonus for its own. If it touches a creature, they are grabbed and pulled through, with all attempts to leave the Abyss blocked until the next new moon.

Blazing Rebirth (Su): at level twenty, the Doombringer is perilously close to being reborn through the Abyss. With a Standard Action at will, he may spend one point of Vim to gain a Heal effect. However, at the start of his next turn, the amount of damage healed is suffered again, but split between him and all enemies within 20 feet that are currently on fire. This is Untyped damage that can't be resisted and bypasses Regeneration and Hardness.

Furthermore, if the twentieth-level Doombringer is ever actually slain, then one week later he returns as either a Balor or a Molydeus (player's choice), though this rebirth occurs in the Abyss and all twenty levels of Doombringer are traded in for this transformation, leaving very little in the way of original abilities. Skills and Feats must be re-chosen at this point, and his equipment does not go with him – instead he has the items typically seen on the fiend he chose.
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Post by Koumei »


“I have a terrible burden I must bear. But now you shall share this burden.”

The Cursed are bad-tempered assholes who have been afflicted with various curses they can't shake off. They typically do bad things to people, and are seen as a corrupting force on the world even if they do have good intentions. They are powered by hate, meaning it is easy to be Evil when walking as one of the Cursed, likewise meaning a Good Cursed must always try to keep themselves in check, trying not to lash out with hatred and give in to the rage. When not terrifying people or spreading malevolent effects, they stab people in the face with sharp metal.

Alignment: most Cursed are Evil, but this is not a strict requirement
Hit Die: 1d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentrate, Climb, Craft (Any), Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Spot, Swim, Use Rope, Use Magic Device

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Cursed is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, all Armour and Shields (including Tower Shields).

Playing a Cursed: the Cursed values Strength, Constitution and Charisma for their abilities, and fights in close quarters, heavily armoured. As he becomes more cursed, he gains a variety of minor drawbacks and a variety of large benefits that help him in different ways. Gaining an assortment of defences, this should allow him to survive most combat – and he may wish to augment this with survival-oriented Feats, such as shoring up his poor Fort and Ref saves. Or he might just wish to focus on offensive Feats so as to harm people in close combat, injuring them on top of the afflictions he causes.
1+1+0+0+2Cursed Existence I, Hatred, Aura of Gloom, Foestalker
2+2+0+0+3Beckon Foes, Thick Skin
3+3+1+1+3Heightened Senses, Instill Fear
4+4+1+1+4Aura of Weakness, Cursed Companion
5+5+1+1+4Preturnatural Senses, Favoured Enemy (Mark Prey)
6+6/+1+2+2+5Cursed Existence II, Surge of Hatred
7+7/+2+2+2+5Blindside, Disruption
8+8/+3+2+2+6Aura of Dismay, Heighten Fear
9+9/+4+3+3+6Repel Foes, Dark Gifts
10+10/+5+3+3+7Dominate Foes, Favoured Enemy (Anatomical Precision)
11+11/+6/+6+3+3+7Cursed Existence III, Tyrant
12+12/+7/+7+4+4+8Gloomy Sanctuary
13+13/+8/+8+4+4+8Ruined Earth
14+14/+9/+9+4+4+9Mass Panic
15+15/+10/+10+5+5+9Favoured Enemy (Outmanoeuvre)
16+16/+11/+11/+11+5+5+10Cursed Existence IV, Cursed Sentry
17+17/+12/+12/+12+5+5+10Piercing Sight
18+18/+13/+13/+13+6+6+11Fear Eater
19+19/+14/+14/+14+6+6+11Repel Weapons
20+20/+15/+15/+15+6+6+12Favoured Enemy (Consumption), Limitless Hatred

Cursed Existence (Su): the very life of the Cursed is, as the name suggests, one of misfortune and misery, brought about by supernatural means. At level one, the Cursed selects one aspect of Cursed Existence. From that point on, he suffers the drawback and gains the benefit of that aspect. At level six, he chooses a second one, and for both of them he has the drawback, the benefit, and the Offensive Ability. At level eleven, he chooses a third, and for all three he has the drawback, benefit, Offensive Ability and Immunity or Defensive Ability. Finally, at level sixteen he chooses a fourth one and has all effects from all four.
  • The Cursed is actually resistant to good fortune, and can never gain a Luck Bonus to anything. Because of this, he is exceptionally careful in looking at details, aware that he could be tripped up without a moment's notice. He gains the ability to find even magical traps with the Search skill, and gains a Competence Bonus to Search checks equal to half his level (round up).
  • At level six, he may use a Swift Action to cast Bestow Curse on a target he has hit with a melee attack that round. This is a Supernatural Ability and the Save DC is Charisma-based.
  • At level eleven, his attackers find their own luck downplayed, and any Critical Hit against him is reduced to a regular hit. This completely negates all effects of a Critical Hit, but does not convey immunity to things like Sneak Attack.
  • At level sixteen, he can substitute his anger for luck. As part of the action of making an attack, he may spend one Hatred to maximise the damage roll of that attack. Doing so also places the onus of factoring in bad luck on his foe, who must make a Balance check with a DC equal to the attack roll, or fall Prone.
  • The Cursed is engulfed in darkness, and not so much in a metaphorical sense, he actually has trouble seeing the world around him. He has to re-roll all successful Miss Chances, and does not ever get to re-roll failed ones (or outright ignore them) from other abilities. Additionally, he can see no further than 150 feet away. On the plus side, he has learned to depend more on his ears, gaining a Competence Bonus to Listen checks equal to half his level (round up).
  • At level six, he may spend one Hatred as a Standard Action to target someone in Medium Range. This shares his darkness with them, forcing them to attempt a Fort Save (Charisma-based) or suffer 1d10 Evil damage per 3 levels (round up) and be Blinded for one minute.
  • At level eleven, the Cursed becomes Immune to Energy Drain, Level Drain, Ability Drain (but not regular Ability Damage) and damage from Negative Energy. However, if he is healed by negative energy, this still functions fine.
  • At level sixteen, shrouds of darkness fill the area of his aura: any foe slain within it will rise one round later as a Shadow under his control. If they have more than ten hit dice, they instead rise as a Greater Shadow under his control. If a newly created undead would bring the total hit dice above his maximum controllable, it is simply not created.
  • The Cursed is wracked with terrible dreams when he sleeps or rests, meaning he rarely gets much actual rest. Upon waking up from sleep, he has a 25% chance of being Fatigued and losing any Resistances or Immunities to [Fear] effects until he next sleeps. On the plus side, this fear helps him sneak about in fright, granting a Competence Bonus to Move Silently checks equal to half his level (round up). This may not be taken by characters who do not sleep.
  • At level six, he may share nightmares with others, casting Phantasmal Assailants at the cost of one point of Hatred. This is a Supernatural Ability and the Save DC is Charisma-based.
  • At level eleven, he may spend one Hatred as an Immediate Action to turn Ethereal in response to an attack. This transformation lasts for the duration of that attack only. By spending three hatred, it may last until the beginning of his next turn, and then each additional point of Hatred beyond that can extend it by a full round.
  • At level sixteen, he gains the ability to Planeshift to the Plane of Dreams, the Plane of Nightmares, the Plane of Shadows or the Material Plane. He may forcibly use this on another (Will Negates, Charisma-based) or take himself and up to one willing target per level. This is a Supernatural Ability.
  • The character suffers from bouts of madness, with unpredictable results. He can never be Immune to the Confused or Dazed conditions, even through his Type, and whenever Initiative is rolled for the start of combat, he has a 20% chance of being Confused for the first round. Somehow this insanity gives strange insight, granting him a Competence Bonus on all Knowledge checks equal to half his level (round up).
  • At level six, he may share his madness with others, gaining the ability to cast both Confusion and Rage (as a Charisma-based Supernatural Ability) by spending a single point of Hatred for either.
  • At level eleven, his mania causes certain benefits, granting Immunity to Calm Emotions effects, Morale Penalties, and possession and [Compulsion] effects.
  • At level sixteen, he benefits from a permanent Mind Blank, except allowing for effects that cause him to be Dazed or Confused, and anyone who attempts to use an effect blocked by his Mind Blank is targeted with an Insanity effect (as a Charisma-based Supernatural Ability).
  • The Cursed is vulnerable to the attacks of the Undead and the lure of death, always perilously close. Undead ignore any Hardness, Damage Reduction or Regeneration he has, and any Inflict spells that damage him automatically deal maximum damage to him (though if healed by negative energy, roll the dice normally). On the plus side, his somewhat corpselike body doesn't move more than necessary, granting him a Competence Bonus to Hide checks equal to half his level (round up). He cannot select this if he is already an Undead.
  • At level six, any weapon he wields is considered Undead-Bane, and by spending a point of Hatred when making an attack against an Undead, he may force them to make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Turned. If they are of sufficiently low hit dice, this does cause them to instead be Destroyed.
  • At level eleven, he becomes a Swordwraith, changing his Type to Undead (Dark-Minded, Unliving) as he resembles the truly Undead even more closely. Ignore the paradox of him not being able to take this whilst he is Undead, as this makes him Undead. However, now Cure spells inflict maximum damage to him.
  • At level sixteen, any foe he kills will rise one round later as a Zombie under his control. If a newly created undead would bring the total hit dice above his maximum controllable, it is simply not created.
  • The Cursed cannot receive Aid Other bonuses from others or provide this to others, and must always attempt to save against [Harmless] effects. The benefit is that he has greatly enhanced vision from frantic glancing about, gaining a Competence Bonus to Spot Checks equal to half his level (round up).
  • At level six, he is able to lash out almost without realising, and may make Attacks of Opportunity even when Flat-Footed, and hitting him with a melee attack provokes an Attack of Opportunity from him once per round.
  • At level eleven, his paranoid alertness is such that he has Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.
  • At level sixteen, he gains the ability to cast Greater Dispel Magic with a Swift Action, by spending one point of Hatred.
Hatred (Ex): the powers of the Cursed are fuelled by hatred, which is a fickle resource. Although the Cursed can utilise this hate, he cannot hold onto it. The Cursed has a maximum Hatred equal to half his level (round down) plus four, but when he wakes up it is zero, and when he isn't fighting, it gradually decreases by one per minute (to a minimum of zero). Whenever the Cursed suffers damage in combat or while Pinned, Bound or Helpless, he gains a point of Hatred. If he suffers a Critical Hit, he gains an amount equal to the Critical Multiplier. If he is below a quarter of his maximum hit points after the damage is resolved, the amount gained is doubled. Any time he kills something that is tough enough to award experience, he gains one Hatred, or two if its Challenge Rating is higher than his own. Each round he spends in a Rage from any source, he gains one Hatred. If subject to a Calm Emotions effect, however, he instantly loses all of his Hatred.

When the Cursed is at zero Hatred, he is sluggish and slow to react. He suffers a -6 Penalty on Initiative and any healing he receives has its effects halved. With even a single point of Hatred, these effects are negated. Any time he would normally gain Hatred, he can choose to instead regain 1d8 lost hit points per point of Hatred sacrificed in this way, each die modified by his Constitution Bonus. He can do this to Hatred that would be wasted due to being in excess of his maximum, but must always make the decision when he would gain it, not some time later.
Aura of Gloom (Su): a palpable aura of gloom surrounds the Cursed. He has Concealment against all attacks made from more than 20 feet away, and anybody who ends their turn adjacent to him must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Slowed until they leave the area. Anybody who attempts to enter his square must pass a Will Save or be Stunned for 1 round, and unable to enter his square. He cannot suppress this, and thus has a hard time relating to people in a very close way. For the purpose of effects on those who are “within the area of his aura”, do not include the 20' area of Concealment, just the area where afflictions take place. Feats and other effects that expand the area of an aura affect both areas.

Foestalker (Ex): the Cursed is really good at following his prey. If somebody in a square he threatens makes a 5' step, he may also make a 5' step with an Immediate Action. If somebody in a square he threatens makes a Full Retreat, he may make a Charge against them with an Immediate Action. If a foe both starts and ends their turn adjacent to him, then on his next turn he has The Edge against them.

Beckon Foes (Su): at level two, the Cursed gains the ability to call out to foes, reaching into their minds and drawing them closer so he can hurt them. With a Standard Action he may expend 1 point of Hatred to force a target in Medium Range to attempt a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail, then on their next turn, they may take no action other than attempting to move closer to him. They will take the most direct path safely possible, and if they reach his square, they will stand idly by, treated as Fascinated. At the end of each of their turns, they may attempt to save again. Failure causes them to be affected for another round, or until the Fascination is ended by the usual means.

Thick Skin (Ex): starting at second level, the Cursed's skin hardens so it is almost like armour. He gains an Enhancement Bonus to his Natural Armour Bonus equal to +1 per 3 levels (round up). If he has no Natural Armour Bonus, treat the base value as +0 before applying this Enhancement Bonus. He also gains this number as Damage Reduction overcome by Adamantium.

Heightened Senses (Ex): the third-level Cursed develops greatly enhanced senses: he gains the Scent ability, Low-Light Vision (if he already possessed it), Darkvision 120' (or doubles his existing Darkvision range) and Tremorsense out to 5' per level. Additionally, if he has Daylight Blindness or Light Sensitivity or a similar sensory drawback, he loses it and can function just fine.

Instill Fear (Su): at level three, the Cursed can terrify those around him. Any time he successfully Demoralises a foe, he may choose to, instead of the usual effects, afflict them with Paranoia or Despair (which are both [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effects):
  • Paranoia: the target immediately makes an Attack of Opportunity upon a randomly selected creature within a threatened square, and then suffers a Morale Penalty to Armour Class of -1 per 3 levels the Cursed has (round up). If the Attack of Opportunity hits, that target is also afflicted with Paranoia. This lasts for one round per level.
  • Despair: the target suffers a Morale Penalty to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws equal to -1 per 3 levels the Cursed has (round up), and each turn must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be sufficiently demotivated as to be Staggered for that turn. This lasts for one round per level.
Aura of Weakness (Su): starting at level four, the Cursed's Aura of Gloom starts to sap the strength from those within it. Anybody in the area suffers a temporary Penalty to their Strength equal to -1 per 3 hit dice of the Cursed (round up), until one minute after they leave the area. Additionally, once per round if he attacks and hits a foe suffering from this, they must pass a Fort Save (Constitution-based) or become Fatigued. He also gets an extra point of Hatred for hitting them, or two if they become Fatigued.

Cursed Companion (Ex): the fourth level Cursed attracts an Animal Companion just like a Druid three levels lower than himself, with the Fiendish or Corpse Creature Template, that hangs around him whether he likes it or not. If it dies, then another one replaces it the next day - again, he can't even prevent this from happening.

Preturnatural Senses (Ex): at level five, the senses of the Cursed are sharpened even further, and simply seeing or hearing an Illusion is treated as interacting with it for the purpose of allowing him a Will Save to Disbelieve. Additionally, when he marks his prey (see Favoured Enemy, below) he can sense their presence at up to Medium Range as though through Blindsight and Telepathy – they must be immune to Telepathy and have Full Cover or Full Concealment in order to not be sensed.

Favoured Enemy: unlike the Ranger, who dedicates time to hating large groups of people and gradually trains to hate them more and more, the Cursed just hates whomever happens to be in front of him at a given moment. With a Swift Action, the fifth-level Cursed may Mark one foe as especially worth killing: he makes the relevant Knowledge check to identify them, and if he reaches the base DC, they become his primary target. While they are alive, he cannot Mark a second foe without refocusing his hatred – ending the effects on the first and spending one Hatred. All effects end if he is reduced to zero Hatred.

When he has Marked his Prey, he automatically knows if any other creature he can see shares the Type or any Sub-Types with the Prey. Against that specific target, he gains a Profane Bonus to attack rolls of +1 per 3 levels (round up), and a Profane Bonus to damage equal to his level plus his Charisma Bonus. Against creatures of the same Type and Sub-Types (a precise match), he gains the bonus to attack rolls and just adds his Charisma Bonus as a bonus to damage rolls. Against creatures only of the same Type, he merely gets the attack bonus.

At level ten, he becomes better at utilising his knowledge of anatomy. Against the target and creatures of the same Type, he enjoys a doubled Critical Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. Against just the target, he may make an attack as a Standard Action that, if it hits, forces the target to making a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be Nauseated for one round per three levels (round up). For creatures with a precise match of Type and Sub-Types, a failed save merely causes them to be Sickened for this duration.

At level fifteen, he becomes better at keeping them in place and moving around them. Against the target and creatures of the same type, every hit causes 2 points of Dexterity damage (multiplied on a critical hit). Against the specific target, he may make an attack as a Standard Action that, if it hits, forces the target to attempt a Reflex Save (Constitution-based) or be Anchored and Slowed for one round per level – this affects Undead and Constructs and so on unless they are specifically immune to those conditions. Against creatures with a precise match of Type and Sub-Types, a failed save merely causes them to be Entangled for the duration.

At level twenty, he doesn't get better at killing the target, he instead gains benefits for killing the target. Upon killing the Marked Prey or a creature of the same Type, he may elect to instantly replace his ability scores with its own (even the ones that are worse) for one minute per level. For the target itself, he may spend ten minutes consuming part of the corpse in a horrifying rite, rendering it unable to be brought back without a Wish or Miracle followed by a Resurrection or True Resurrection. Furthermore, that allows him to transform into the creature at will until he Marks a new foe – doing so results in complete character sheet replacement (except for the ability to, as a Standard Action, end the transformation) until he changes back (where damage carries over and could result in him dropping dead). If slain, he changes back, and if he has more hit points than the assumed form, he might no longer be dead, instead just being Stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Surge of Hatred (Ex): starting at level six, the Cursed can channel his Hatred into rushing his foes. It costs one Hatred to activate, as a Free Action, and doing so Hastes him until the start of his next turn. If he instead spends two Hatred, he also gains two extra Attacks of Opportunity and has a Trample attack (1d8 + one and a half times his Strength Bonus for a Medium creature) until the start of his next turn. If he goes as far as to spend three Hatred, he may also select one of the following non-Tome feats, which he is treated as having until the start of his next turn: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Whirlwind Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Bullrush, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Spring Attack, Cometary Collision, Awesome Blow, Knockback, Brutal Strike, Lunging Strike, Flay, Karmic Strike, Powerful Charge, Throw Anything. He need not meet the prerequisites for this feat.

Blindside (Su): the seventh-level Cursed has mastered the art of appearing out of nowhere to kill people in horrifying ways. By spending two points of Hatred, he may Teleport Without Error up to Close Range, taking only a Swift Action. If he attacks after this, the first attack made denies the target their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Disruption (Ex): at level seven, the Cursed works out how to stop other people from having fun. By spending one Hatred as part of making an attack, he can make it particularly disruptive: if it hits, one Special Attack or Quality the target has is in some way disturbed: if they have an ability that is “cooling down” (such as a dragon's breath weapon), his Constitution Bonus is added to the number of rounds they must wait. If they possess such abilities but none is currently cooling down, one of them of his choice is placed on cooldown as though they had just used it. Failing that, the damage is considered ongoing for the purpose of concentrating and casting spells.

Aura of Dismay (Su): starting at level eight, the Cursed's Aura of Gloom and Weakness reaches out further – the effects for being adjacent to him extend to ten feet. Furthermore, by spending two Hatred he may cast a Quickened Crushing Despair that targets all within the aura (Charisma-based), and he enjoys a doubled Critical Threat Range against those in the area.

Heighten Fear (Su): by Demoralising a foe who is already suffering from a [Fear] effect or has already been successfully Intimidated, the eighth-level Cursed can create intense fear within a target. If they are already Panicked or Cowering, they pass out for 1d4 rounds. If they are Frightened, Paranoid or Despairing, they Cower for one minute. If they are Shaken or suffering from a non-specific penalty, they become Frightened for one minute. Additionally, whenever someone is suffering from a [Fear] effect caused by the Cursed, any of their non-movement actions have a 25% failure chance, similar to Arcane Spell Failure or the “Chance of Failure” effect of Bestow Curse.

Repel Foes (Su): at level nine, the Cursed gains the ability to radiate such palpable hatred that foes are pushed back. With a Standard Action he may spend one point of Hatred. All creatures within 30' except for his Cursed Companion must attempt a Fort Save (Charisma-based), or be pushed back until they are 30' away, then pushed the same distance again (so a creature 25' away moves 10' total, an adjacent creature moves 50' total). Anybody who hits a solid object takes 1d6 damage and falls Prone.

For every five levels he has (round down), he may spend an additional Hatred to add an extra 30' to the range, meaning a 20th level Cursed could elect to spend 5 Hatred to repel creatures within 150 feet, with adjacent ones potentially moving 290 feet of distance.

Dark Gifts (Su): the ninth-level Cursed is able to Craft magic items, using his Base Attack Bonus in place of the Caster Level, and meeting spell requirements by making either a Use Magic Device check or the appropriate Craft check (with a DC of 15 plus double the spell level). However, every magic item he creates is either cursed in some way (often simply carrying the drawback of an aspect of his Cursed Existence) or Intelligent… and belligerent. Typically these have no effect on him, but cause problems for anyone else using equipment he makes.

Dominate Foes (Su): the tenth-level Cursed is able to overwhelm the psyche of many foes and force them to do his bidding – for a time. With a Full Round Action, he may spend two Hatred and designate a target within Medium Range. If that foe fails a Will Save (Charisma-based) against a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion], he overpowers their mind for a time, with effects depending on their hit dice relative to his own:
  • Equal or Greater: the target Cowers for one round per three levels (round up)
  • 1-2 Lower: the target is Stunned for one round, then Dominated for one round per three levels (round up)
  • 3-6 Lower: the target is Stunned for one round, then Dominated for one round per level
  • 7+ Lower: the target is Dominated for one day per level
Tyrant (Su): at level eleven, the tyranny of the Cursed knows few bounds, and he is able to cause other forms of terrible fear in people. When heightening someone's existing fear, he has two new options: Haunting and Death.
  • Haunting: the target is Paralyzed for one round per 3 levels of the Cursed (round up), each round suffering 10 points of Non-Lethal damage, modified by his Charisma Bonus.
  • Death: in three rounds' time, the target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or die of a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Death] effect. If the target spends the entire time taking no action (beyond those forced by the original [Fear] effect), they automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Gloomy Sanctuary (Su): at level twelve, the gloom of the Cursed becomes a barrier against the outside world. Foes within the aura must attempt a Will Save against a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] in order to attack him at all (Charisma-based), and against spells cast from outside the aura he has Spell Resistance equal to his level plus nine. Against all attacks, he has a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class of +1 per three levels (round up).

Ruined Earth (Su): the thirteenth-level Cursed brings ruin and destruction everywhere he goes. With a Full Round Action, he may unleash his anger on his surroundings, spending two points of Hatred and afflicting the land in Medium Range with the following effects, regardless of their usual area: Desecrate, Despoil, Befoul (water only). The durations are as normal. Areas that are Consecrated lose their Consecration but are otherwise unaffected, and Hallowed ground is protected entirely from this effect.

Mass Panic (Su): the terrifying presence of the fourteenth-level Cursed is beyond most peoples' coping mechanisms. With a Standard Action, he may unleash a [Fear] effect out to target a 30' radius Spread within Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Panic for one round per level of the Cursed. Using this ability consumes two points of Hatred.

Cursed Sentry (Su): at sixteenth level, the Cursed may invest his Hatred into weaponry to have it work for him without being wielded. It must be Attuned as normal – and as such only functions on magic weapons – but by spending one point of Hatred with a Standard Action, he causes it to become a Dancing weapon for one round per level, except it remains animate for the entire duration and may move away from his square, floating at a rate of 20 feet per round. By expending eight points of Hatred as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity – a risky idea in battle – he may increase the duration to one hour per level.

Piercing Sight (Ex): at level seventeen, the senses of the Cursed have reached perfection, and he has a constant True Seeing effect.

Fear Eater (Su): at level eighteen, the Cursed gains the ability to nourish himself on the fear of others, although he does not actually consume this fear. Any time he causes a [Fear] effect to a creature, he regains hit points equal to the creature's hit dice. If he does this to a group of creatures at once, he gains hit points for all of them.

Repel Weapons (Su): the nineteenth-level Cursed is so terrifying that he can scare weapons away from him. By expending an Attack of Opportunity and a point of Hatred, he may attempt an Intimidate check. If this beats an incoming attack roll, the attack misses.

Limitless Hatred (Ex): at level twenty, the Cursed is always considered to have the maximum Hatred, and this number never goes down, even when using it to fuel abilities. As such, any time he would gain Hatred from an effect, he should instead instantly spend it for healing.

This next one I have my doubts about - specifically, with all the summoning they do. I don't think I'd recommend people using it, looking back.


“You are an abomination. Your essence shall return to nature”

Oozemancers are highly attuned to nature, similarly to druids, however with a difference. They do not converse with spirits, and have little to do with animals, instead befriending the more disgusting and basic aspects of nature: bacteria and ooze and slime. They are enemies of the “unnatural”, of excess use of magical alteration and of aberrations, and they help nature reclaim things through dissolving them. They encourage life to thrive, even if it means killing larger creatures so that many smaller creatures can feast upon the remains.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Craft (Any), Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim, Tumble

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Oozemancer is proficient with Simple Weapons, Light and Medium Armour, and Shields (but not Tower Shields).

Playing an Oozemancer: the Oozemancer values a high Wisdom and Constitution, and after that probably wants a decent Dexterity. Ideally, he should use most Equilibrium, while keeping a small buffer for emergencies, but he should often utilise his Ooze Trail and various summoned creatures. His choice of Feats depend entirely on whether he wishes to have a combat presence (in which Archery feats or Insightful Strike and Combat School would be valued) or focus on being a pseudo-caster (in which case Ability Focus, [Skill] Feats and defensive options are more useful).
1+0+2+2+0Equilibrium, Ooze Trail, Slime Spit, Slimy Resistance
2+1+3+3+0Friend of Icky Nature, Corrosive Touch
3+2+3+3+1Poisonous Spores, Wild Growth, Call of the Ooze (Healing Goo)
4+3+4+4+1Slime Spray, Lesser Transformation, Call of the Ooze (Sickening Sleep), Mitosis (Orange Slime)
5+3+4+4+1Reabsorb, Call of the Ooze (Gelatinous Cube)
6+4+5+5+2Stinking Cloud, Mitosis (Gelatinous Cube)
7+5+5+5+2Caustic Trail, Call of the Ooze (Ochre Jelly)
8+6/+1+6+6+2Moderate Transformation, Call of the Ooze (Reekmurk), Mitosis (Lava Ooze)
9+6/+1+6+6+3Speak With the Land, Destructive Slime
10+7/+2+7+7+3Nourishing Cloud, Call of the Ooze (Grey Ooze Cluster), Mitosis (Brine Ooze)
11+8/+3+7+7+3Oozewalk, Acid Burn
12+9/+4+8+8+4Greater Transformation, Call of the Ooze (Uttervoid Slosh), Mitosis (Black Pudding)
13+9/+4+8+8+4Hallucinogenic Cloud, Living Mucus, Call of the Ooze (Conflagration Ooze Cluster)
14+10/+5+9+9+4Call of the Ooze (Venom Ooze), Mitosis (Ethereal Ooze)
15+11/+6/+6+9+9+5Ruinous Cloud
1612/+7/+7+10+10+5Acidic Essence, Fungal Growth, Call of the Ooze (Void Ooze Cluster), Mitosis (Elder Black Pudding)
17+12/+7/+7+10+10+5Extract Ooze
18+13/+8/+8+11+11+6Mind Parasite, Call of the Ooze (Blighted Bloodfire Ooze), Mitosis (Living Word)
19+14/+9/+9+11+11+6Nature's Wrath, Mitosis (Prismatic Pudding)
20+15/+10/+10+12+12+6Nature's Defiance, Forced Equilibrium

Equilibrium (Su): the Oozemancer is powered by the forces of nature and must maintain a state of equilibrium. If he draws upon too much power at a time, he becomes unbalanced and is at risk of his powers turning dormant. The Oozemancer has an amount of Equilibrium equal to his Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). Every time he utilises a Supernatural or Spell-Like Ability from the Oozemancer class, spending an action to activate it rather than benefiting from a passive effect that is always active, he loses a temporary point of Equilibrium. Any round in which he does not spend an action using such a power, he regains a lost point of Equilibrium. With a minute of rest, he regains all lost Equilibrium, resetting it to the base value.

If his Equilibrium reaches zero or less, then he is automatically Dazed for one round after the effect occurs, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter he is unable to utilise any abilities that would reduce his Equilibrium.

Ooze Trail (Su): with a Swift Action, the Oozemancer can begin secreting a slippery, mostly-harmless goo from his pores, trailing along the ground behind him. Every square through which he passes is treated as though under the effects of the Grease spell until the end of his next turn, however he can move unimpeded through those squares. The goo quickly dries into brittle resin and crumbles to dust, so has little value if bottled.

Slime Spit (Su): with an Attack Action, the Oozemancer can spit a glob of highly caustic slime. The creation of this is of magical origin, calling upon nature's power, and he doesn't actually just have a stomach full of this stuff. Spitting this slime is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d8 points of Acid damage, with a bonus equal to his hit dice. Unless scraped off with a Full Round Action, it continues to corrode the target for one round per four levels (round up), each round dealing 2d4 + Con Bonus in Acid Damage.

At the Oozemancer's discretion, he may draw Line of Sight from any square filled with his Ooze Trail, and have the effect originate from that square.

Slimy Resilience (Ex): the oozey nature of the Oozemancer grants him Acid Resistance equal to three times his hit dice – sufficiently caustic things can still dissolve his body, but it's hard work to do so. Furthermore he has Damage Reduction X/Bludgeoning, where X is his hit dice divided by 3 (round up), and is Immune to Diseases, even Supernatural ones.

Friend of Icky Nature (Ex): the Oozemancer is a friend of nature, but of the generally unloved kind. Starting at second level, he gains Wild Empathy as a Druid, but it applies to Vermin and Oozes rather than Animals. Additionally, he does not suffer harm by touching or attacking Oozes, only by being attacked by them, so he may safely sit inside a Gelatinous Cube or similar.

Corrosive Touch (Su): the second-level Oozemancer can call acid out to his hand and dissolve things just by touching them with his hand. This requires a Standard Action and is resolved as a Melee Touch Attack, and deals 1d8 Acid Damage per two hit dice (round up). Against Objects, Corporeal Undead, and Constructs, it instead deals 1d6 Acid Damage per hit die. This may be used to tunnel out a 5' cube of earth or stone per round.

Poisonous Spores (Su): beginning at level three, the Oozemancer may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of toxic spores from his skin and goo. All creatures either adjacent to him, sharing his square, or sharing a square with his Ooze Trail, must pass a Fortitude Save against a [Poison] effect (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus) or be Nauseated for one round. This also causes him to gain Concealment until the start of his next turn.

Wild Growth (Ex): the third-level Oozemancer is constantly host to various helpful microbes, fungi and bacteria, moreso than most people. He gains Fast Healing equal to his Wisdom Bonus as long as he has Equilibrium. If he has Fast Healing from another source, use the higher value.

Call of the Ooze (Su): starting at third level, the Oozemancer is able to summon allies of slime. This requires a Full Round Action, and only one active instance of this ability may be active at a time – he cannot summon a new slime until the current one is destroyed or leaves a one mile radius to go do its thing. Summoned slimes appear adjacent to the Oozemancer, or at least partially in a square covered by his Ooze Trail, and may act on the turn they are summoned. They have average traits for their kind, and remain under the control of the Oozemancer while within a one mile radius. After that, they cease being under control and wander off to continue existing, at which point the power ends (and can be re-activated). The Equilibrium loss from this ability cannot be recovered while the power is active.

At third level, he may call upon a Healing Goo. At level four, a Sickening Sleep (Living Spell, MM3). At level five, a Gelatinous Cube. At level seven he may summon an Ochre Jelly. At level eight he may call upon a Reekmurk. At level ten, he summons four Grey Oozes. At level twelve, he can summon an Uttervoid Slosh. At level thirteen, he can summon four Conflagration Oozes, and at level fourteen he may call a Venom Ooze. At level sixteen he can summon four Void Oozes, and finally, at level eighteen he may call upon a Blighted Bloodfire Ooze.

Slime Spray (Su): starting at level four, the Oozemancer is able to take a deep breath and, as a Full Round Action, unleash his Slime Spit as a 5' wide Line out to Medium Range, or as a Cone out to Close Range. All things in the area are automatically hit, but are entitled to a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus) for half damage and to negate the ongoing damage. This may still originate from a square of his Ooze Trail.

Lesser Transformation (Ex): at level four, the Oozemancer's body shows signs of the transformation that has been happening. He has a 25% chance to negate extra damage from a Critical Hit (but not from Sneak Attack or other sources), is immune to the Sickened condition, and anyone who strikes him with a non-reach melee weapon, or any kind of natural weapon, or even touches him, suffers Acid damage equal to his Constitution Bonus. He is able to suppress this acid sheath at will.

Mitosis (Su): starting at level four, the Oozemancer's body sometimes splits oozes off just by dint of being struck. With an Immediate Action when suffering damage, he may summon one of the listed Oozes. The creature exists for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus plus 3 (minimum 3), or until destroyed, whichever comes first, and until this happens the lost Equilibrium cannot be regained and the power cannot be used again. The Ooze is completely loyal and under his control, and may exist at the same time as one summoned and controlled by Call of the Ooze.

At level four, he may create an Orange Slime. At level six, he may create a Gelatinous Cube. At level eight, he may create a Lava Ooze, at level ten a Brine Ooze, and at level twelve a Black Pudding. At level fourteen, he may create an Ethereal Ooze, at level sixteen an Elder Black Pudding, and at level eighteen a Living Word of Balance (Living Spell, MM 3). Finally, at level nineteen he may create a Prismatic Pudding.

Reabsorb (Su): starting at level five, the Oozemancer can use a Full Round Action to absorb an adjacent friendly Ooze that has not been created by Mitosis. Doing so restores 1 point of lost Equilibrium, restores 1d6 lost HP per hit die of the Ooze, and grants a bonus to Damage Reduction equal to the hit dice of the Ooze until the beginning of his next turn.

Stinking Cloud (Sp): the sixth-level Oozemancer may cast Stinking Cloud at will. The Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus, and until the effect dissipates he can neither cast it again nor regain the lost Equilibrium.

Caustic Trail (Su): starting at level seven, the Oozemancer's Ooze Trail starts to dissolve things. Anybody stepping on it suffers Acid damage equal to 1d4 plus his Constitution Bonus. Anybody who falls onto it suffers twice this amount.

Moderate Transformation (Ex): at level eight, the Oozemancer has become even more slimy and wobbly. His chance to negate a Critical Hit increases to 50%, he treats the Nauseated condition merely as Sickened (though the benefits of Lesser Transformation do not confer immunity to this) and anybody who suffers Acid damage from hitting him risks contracting Slimy Doom (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus). If they have already contracted it, suffering Acid damage from hitting him forces them to save again as though a day had passed. If someone is killed and reduced to slime in this way, he may use Reabsorb on them (treating the slime's hit dice as equalling that of the slain individual), in which case they cannot be Raised or Resurrected without a Wish or Miracle unless the Oozemancer is first slain.

Speak With the Land (Su): Oozemancers are at one with nature, and as such at level nine may cast Commune With Nature once per day. This does not have a reduced radius in underground locations, however, and he may also specifically ask about the strongest magic that has been cast within the area in the last week.

Destructive Slime (Su): starting with level nine, the Ooze Trail of the Oozemancer spreads out to adjacent squares, including diagonally, thus creating a 15x15' square centred on the Oozemancer and moving out from there. Additionally, anybody who falls onto it must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus) or contract Slimy Doom. If they have already contracted it, falling onto it forces them to save again as though a day had passed. If someone is killed and reduced to slime in this way, he may use Reabsorb on them (treating the slime's hit dice as equalling that of the slain individual), in which case they cannot be Raised or Resurrected without a Wish or Miracle unless the Oozemancer is first slain. Constructs and Corporeal Undead that stand on the slime must attempt a Fortitude Save (same DC as Slimy Doom) or be affected as though by Corrosive Touch.

Nourishing Cloud (Sp): when the tenth-level Oozemancer is inside the area of his own Stinking Cloud effect, he does not suffer any of the usual effects and instead gains a Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws equal to his Wisdom Bonus, and his Fast Healing is increased, for the duration, by an amount equal to the number of people suffering the effects of the cloud.

Oozewalk (Su): the eleventh-level Oozemancer may use a Swift Action to meld into his Ooze Trail, travel along, and emerge elsewhere along the path. He may appear at any point on it. Doing this removes any of the following afflictions: Blind, Deaf, Dazed, Dazzled, Entangled, Pinned, Confused. He may even do this if one of the aforementioned conditions would prevent him from taking this action.

Acid Burn (Ex): at level eleven, the Oozemancer gains the ability to unleash a burst of powerful, burning acid that eats through materials and sears the eyes. It requires a Full Round Action, and reaches out in a 10' radius Burst, but also affects foes standing in or adjacent to a square of his Ooze Trail. Those in the area suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, half of which is Acid and half of which is Fire, and are rendered permanently Blind. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus) halves the damage and negates the Blindness.

Greater Transformation (Ex): at level twelve, the Oozemaster's transformation is practically complete, turning him into a creature that is very nearly amorphous. His chance to negate extra damage from a critical hit increases to 100%, and he becomes completely immune to Acid, Paralysis and Poison.

Hallucinogenic Cloud (Sp): when he reaches thirteenth level, the Oozemaster learns how to make the spores in his Stinking Cloud particularly harmful to the mind, causing psychotropic effects. Casting it in this manner produces the following effects instead of the usual Nausea, but is still treated as Stinking Cloud, so he can't create one of each at the same time: those who fail their Fortitude Save contract Mindfire and become Confused while in the area. Furthermore, each round someone remains in the area and is not Confused, they must make a Will Save (same DC) or be Fascinated for that round and suffer 1 point of Wisdom Damage.

Living Mucus (Ex): at level thirteen, the Ooze Trail of the Oozemancer becomes somewhat sentient for the short duration of its existence. Oozewalk may be used as an Immediate Action, even when unable (or unwilling) to take actions at all, and removes all [Mind-Affecting] effects. Additionally, it bestows the benefits of the Whirlwind and Great Cleave feats upon all Oozes that are adjacent to or standing on it, and any time the Oozemancer regains lost Equilibrium while standing on or adjacent to the Ooze Trail, all such Oozes become Hasted for one round.

Ruinous Cloud (Sp): at level fifteen, the Oozemancer may spend an extra point of Equilibrium when casting Stinking Cloud to instead cast Acid Fog. The usual restrictions still apply, and the Nourishing Cloud and Hallucinogenic Cloud effects do not apply.

Acidic Essence (Ex): the sixteenth-level Oozemancer is a creature of acid and sludge, and even his spirit is highly corrosive, able to dissolve things that attempt to mess with it. Any creature that attempts to use a [Mind-Affecting] or Divination effect on him must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or contract Mindfire, skipping the usual incubation time. This does not grant him Immunity to these effects, however. Furthermore, any form of Energy Drain or Blood Drain or Swallow Whole used against him results in the attacking creature suffering 5 points of Acid damage per hit die he possesses, although it doesn't make him immune to the effect in question.

Fungal Growth (Su): at level sixteen, the Oozemancer's collective microbes and other symbiotic organisms are so out of control that his Fast Healing improves: it becomes Regeneration, overcome by Cold or Fire. Additionally, any Conjuration [Healing] spell cast on him heals twice as many hit points as it normally would.

Extract Ooze (Su): at level seventeen, the Oozemancer gains the ability to attempt to pull a vitreous creation straight out of a target. With a Full Round Action, he designates a living, corporeal creature within Close Range, and that target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or be slain. If they pass the save, they merely take Acid damage equal to his hit dice. If this effect kills them, he may then use Call of the Ooze as a Free Action until the end of his turn, subject to the usual restrictions. This is a [Death] effect.

Mind Parasite (Su): the eighteenth-level Oozemaster is host to many weird things, including psychic essences. With a Standard Action, he may designate a creature within Medium Range and force them to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus). If they fail, they suffer 1d4 Ability Damage to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, and become Stunned for one round, then Confused for one minute. This is a [Mind-Affecting] effect. Once a successful saving throw is made, the target is immune to that Oozemaster's Mind Parasite ability for 24 hours. Furthermore, the Oozemaster is constantly protected by Psychic Poison (Estadach) – they make one saving throw for both the Mindfire and the Psychic Poison.

Nature's Wrath (Su): starting at level nineteen, the Oozemaster may cause the angry forces of nature to strike out at foes and deny them their magic. He can cast both Storm of Elemental Fury and Storm of Vengeance. Only one effect total may be in effect at a time, and the Equilibrium cannot be restored until the effect ends. For the duration of the effect, the entire area is subject to an Anti-Magic Field that affects everything except the magical storm.

Nature's Defiance (Ex): at level twenty, the Oozemaster's hatred of the unnatural takes a powerful form, and he gains Spell Resistance of 11 + his hit dice. Additionally, any time he suffers damage from an Aberration or from an Arcane Spell, he instantly regains all lost Equilibrium (subject to any limitations such as Equilibrium that cannot be regained while an effect is still active).

Forced Equilibrium (Su): the twentieth-level Oozemaster has the ability to “help” other creatures reach Equilibrium of their own. With a Standard Action, he may target a creature within Close Range and force them to attempt a Will Save. If they fail, they are Stunned for 4 rounds and treated as being in a Dead Magic Zone for one minute. This is not a [Mind-Affecting] effect, and even objects and similar can suffer from the removal of magic if they fail the save.
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Post by Koumei »

The following was made because the Dragon Cult stuff in nWo is really cool and they make decent villains. It would probably be funnier though to just have in-game dragon fanboys gain the ultimate power of becoming Adepts or Warriors with no special powers.



“Our master is nearing his oldest age, with the greatest power. These plans will not go to waste.”

Dragon Shamans are typically evildoers, servants of “the scaled overlords” and other terms they use for chromatic dragons. There is nothing preventing them from following Good dragons (although their abilities are largely tied to those of the typically-evil Chromatic dragons), but most enjoy being wicked servants of wicked creatures, indulging in theft, murder, sacrifice and other suitable acts of villainy.

By making pacts and giving themselves over to dragons, these individuals gradually gain draconic power – not just elemental power to exhale, but also gradually moving like dragons, and gaining access to spells commonly utilised by their draconic masters. Many also specifically serve individuals, specialising with one colour above all others and gaining some suitable gift, but this is not universally true.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Use Magic Device

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Dragon Shamans are proficient with Light and Medium Armour as well as Dragon Plate Armour, but not with any kind of shield. They are proficient with Simple Weapons, as well as any three Martial Weapons of choice.
1+0+2+0+2Draconic Breath, Lesser Dragon Magic, Dragon's FootstepsI
2+1+3+0+3Dragoncrafting, Draconic Pact (Skillful)I
3+2+3+1+3Aura of Fear, Seeker of LoreI
4+3+4+1+4Draconic Pact (Resistance), Grafted Scales III
5+3+4+1+4Lesser Aspect of ServitudeII
6+4+5+2+5Draconic Pact (Extra Magic)II
7+5+5+2+5Meta-Breath MagicIII
8+6/+1+6+2+6Grafted Scales IIIII
9+6/+1+6+3+6Draconic Pact (Mighty Breath)III
10+7/+2+7+3+7Greater Aspect of ServitudeIV
11+8/+3+7+3+7Conjure Draconic AllyIV
12+9/+4+8+4+8Grafted Scales III, Draconic Pact (Steed)IV
13+9/+4+8+4+8Ancient LanguageV
14+10/+5+9+4+9Contact Draconic Deity, Draconic RevivalV
15+11/+6/+6+9+5+9Draconic Pact (Immunity)V
1612/+7/+7+10+5+10Grafted Scales IVVI
17+12/+7/+7+10+5+10Dracolich RitualmasterVI
18+13/+8/+8+11+6+11Veneration, Draconic Pact (Refuge)VI
19+14/+9/+9+11+6+11Highly Valued EmployeeVII
20+15/+10/+10+12+6+12Conjure the Supreme One, Grafted Scales VVII

Draconic Breath (Su): the Dragon Shaman is gifted with the ability to breathe as any of the Chromatic Dragons. With a Standard Action, he may unleash any of the following:
  • Cone of Fire (Fire damage, out to 25' + 5' per 2 levels)
  • Cone of Frost (Cold damage, out to 25' + 5' per 2 levels)
  • Cone of Corrosive Gas (Acid damage, out to 25' + 5' per 2 levels)
  • Line of Acid (Acid damage, out to 50' + 5' per level)
  • Line of Lightning (Electricity damage, out to 50' + 5' per level)
Whichever form is used, it deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 additional damage per level, with a Reflex Save for half (Constitution-based). Upon using a breath weapon, he cannot use any of them again on his next turn or the turn thereafter.

Lesser Dragon Magic (Sp): even beginner Dragon Shamans are gifted with a number of Spell-Like Abilities they can use. Each of the following may be used once per minute: Darkness, Ventriloquism, Charm Reptiles, Locate Object, Create Water, Destroy Water. These spells are all treated as being on his Class List, and any Save DC is Charisma-based.

Dragon's Footsteps (Su): by spending a minute concentrating, a Dragon Shaman can attune himself to the movement patterns of one type of Chromatic Dragon. He may share the benefits with up to one ally per level, and they last until changed or until he next sleeps. If he binds to Black or Green, he gains a Swim Speed equal to his land speed and can breathe underwater, and he may also share this benefit with up to one ally per level. If he binds to Blue, he gains a Burrow Speed equal to half his land speed. If he binds to White, he gains a Spiderclimb effect on icy surfaces and does not slip over on ice or sink into slush or snow. If he binds to Red, he can walk unhindered across deep ash piles and lava, but this doesn't grant him any special immunity to its heat.

Spellpower (Sp): though they do not gain as much spellcasting ability as Wizards or Sorcerers, Dragon Shamans nonetheless do have a number of Spell-Like Abilities available to them. At level one, they may only cast one first-level ability per day. Each level, he gains an additional daily use of a power, however he unlocks new spell levels every three levels thereafter. He “knows” every spell of a level from which he can cast, and need not prepare ahead of time. He also treats all of these as being on his Class List. Any Save DC is Charisma-based.

Dragoncrafting (Ex): starting at level two, the Dragon Shaman becomes particularly adept at making things out of dragons, or making things that are inherently linked to dragonkind. He can add his level as a Competence Bonus to Craft checks when making Dragonscale Shirts, Dragonscale Shirts and Dragonscale Shields, and can use his level as the Caster Level and ignore Spell and Feat requirements when Enhancing magical ones. He can do the same when making any of the following: Elixir of Blindsight, Vial of Explosive Breath, Rod of Dragon's Blood, Amulet of Fearsome Might, Tailbands of Impact, Gorget of Tempest Breath, Draught of Metabreath Magic, Claws of the Ripper, Dweomered Dragon Scales, and Dragoncraft items and Draconic Grafts.

Draconic Pact (Su): starting at level two, the Dragon Shaman becomes able to form draconic pacts. This requires an hour of meditation to reach out and make contact if he isn't actually there and speaking with a dragon. After making contact, he must spend a few minutes speaking with the dragon, and then must make an offer of gold equal to his level squared, times ten. With a DC 20 Diplomacy check, this amount can be reduced by half, but if he attempts and fails, it is instead increased by half – or doubled if he rolls less than ten. Once a pact is made, it is permanent until he chooses to end it (a Full Round Action) or the dragon is slain. While the Pact is in effect, he gains a number of benefits based on his level, automatically gaining new ones when he reaches the necessary levels, and for each one gains a minor cosmetic change (as with Sorcerous Draconic Pacts, Dragon Magic). He may only have one pact at a time, and must end his current one in order to create a second one.

At level two, the dragon imparts greater knowledge to him: he is treated as having maximum ranks in the three Class Skills of that dragon type (Black: Hide, Move Silently, Swim; Blue: Bluff, Hide, Spellcraft; Green: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently; Red: Appraise, Bluff, Jump; White: Hide, Move Silently, Swim), and may add half his level (round up) as a Competence Bonus to them.

At level four, he starts to resist things to which that dragon is immune: he gains Energy Resistance equal to his level against the relevant energy type (Black and Green: Acid, Blue: Electricity, Red: Fire, White: Cold), and has a +4 Bonus on Saving Throws against effects with that descriptor, as well as Magical Sleep and Paralysis effects.

At level six, he is granted additional magic: of each level of Spellpower he has available, he gains an extra daily use. This is not limited to a kind appropriate to that specific dragon, he just has more magic active as long as he has a draconic patron.

At level nine, his breath weapon is improved, able to do things his patron cannot: when using the breath weapon most like that of his patron, it deals an additional 3d6 damage and gains an additional effect:
  • Line of Acid (Black): those who fail their saving throw find their armour and natural armour has softened such that all attacks against them are Touch Attacks for the next three rounds. Additionally, this may be used to carve a 5' tall, 5' wide tunnel out of terrain, out to the length of the breath weapon.
  • Line of Lightning (Blue): those who fail their saving throw must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. Additionally, anyone (other than the Dragon Shaman) not in the area but within 10 feet of one of the targets is hit for half damage (with a Reflex Save to Negate, same DC). They do not suffer the chance of Stunning.
  • Cone of Corrosive Gas (Green): those who fail their saving throw are Blinded and Sickened for 3 rounds if they fail a Fortitude Save (same DC), and the ground in the area becomes Difficult Terrain as acid corrodes the land and causes it to sink into a mess.
  • Cone of Flame (Red): the area is filled with smoke for one round, functioning as a Stinking Cloud (same DC), and those who fail the Reflex Save catch fire.
  • Cone of Frost (White): the entire area is slicked over as per Path of Frost for 3 rounds, and everyone who fails their saving throw must also pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer 1d6 Dexterity damage.
At level twelve, he may communicate his desire for a steed, and within one day a Wyvern finds its way to him, ready to serve. At higher levels, he may instead receive other Dragon creatures (typically an advanced Wyvern, possibly with the relevant Half-Dragon Template for his patron, or an actual True Dragon of the relevant type), but the highest the CR can be is six less than the Dragon Shaman's. If a mount is slain, he should probably go through the effort to have it brought back, but that isn't completely necessary, and his patron might very well send another one along within a day or two if it doesn't care much.

At level fifteen, he becomes Immune to the relevant energy type, as well as to Magical Sleep and Paralysis effects.

At level eighteen, he may use a Full Round Action at will to, as a Spell-Like Ability, Teleport directly to his patron's side without error.

Seeker of Lore (Ex): Dragon Shamans need to find information for their masters, that's one of their primary goals. Starting at third level, he may track down secrets of magic or locations of treasure by making a Knowledge (Arcana) check, resolved the same as a Gather Information check, except without needing to ask people – he follows magical currents and auras and tries to tap into ancient memories of long-dead dragons. Additionally, he may cast Speak With Dead and Augury once each per day.

Aura of Fear (Su): the third-level Dragon Shaman has a Frightful Presence, much like his masters. He may suppress or resume this with a Swift Action, and it reaches out to Close Range. Any creature in the area with fewer hit dice than his own must attempt a Will Save (Charisma-base) or be affected: creatures with at least half as many hit dice as he has are Shaken for 4d6 rounds, whereas creatures with fewer than half Panic for 4d6 rounds. A creature who saves against this aura becomes immune to that specific aura until the sun next sets. Any abilities that affect a Dragon's Frightful Presence or any kind of Aura affect this.

Grafted Scales (Ex): at level four, the Dragon Shaman can sit down and graft scales to himself, or cause them to magically sprout or something. Either way, it takes an hour, and causes him to gain a Natural Armour Bonus of +1 and Damage Reduction 1/Magic. Every four levels thereafter, these increase by 1 each.

Lesser Aspect of Servitude (Su): at level five, the Dragon Shaman gains the ability to take on a Lesser Aspect – a form that marks him as being linked to the Chromatic dragons and makes him more useful for their purposes. Once per day, he may take on an Aspect, and that lasts until the end of the day. When he adopts an Aspect, he also grows claws on his hands, granting two Claw attacks (1d6 damage for a Medium creature).
  • Black Stalker: he gains the Hide in Plain Sight ability and Sneak Attack +1d6 per 5 levels (round up), along with the Trapfinding ability of a Rogue.
  • Blue Warden: he gains the Mettle ability and spreads an electric corona of protection to his allies: he and all adjacent Allies gain a Deflection Bonus to AC of +1 per 5 levels (round up).
  • Green Scout: his movement speed increases by 10 feet per 5 levels (round up), and he gains Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot and Improved Precise Shot as Bonus Feats. (Not Tome feats)
  • Red Ravager: he gains a Smite attack which can be used once per 5 rounds, adding his Charisma Bonus to one attack roll and, if it hits, adding his level to the damage. He also gains Improved Bullrush, Awesome Blow and Powerful Charge as Bonus Feats.
  • White Marauder: he gains the basic Rage ability of a Tome Barbarian, and +1d6 Rage Dice per 5 levels (round up).
Meta-Breath Magic (Sp): at level seven, the Dragon Shaman starts to understand the tricks of altering his breath weapon. He may cast the following once each per day: Breath Flare, Blinding Breath, Dispelling Breath, Rebuking Breath, Ethereal Breath.

Greater Aspect of Servitude (Su): the tenth-level Dragon Shaman has access to much better abilities when taking on an Aspect. Although he is still limited in his ability to adopt only one per day, they are much greater, providing new benefits on top of the existing ones, and also causing him to sprout wings, granting a Fly speed equal to double his land speed (Average maneuvrability).
  • Black Stalker: every attack he makes carries Dragon Toxin – at the start of his next turn, anybody who he hit (regardless of how many times they were hit) suffers “poison” damage equal to his level if they fail a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based). Additionally, he may perform a Coup de Gras as a Swift Action, and can Rebuke Undead as an Evil Cleric of his level.
  • Blue Warden: the electric corona now crackles and injures attackers. Anybody who attacks the Shaman or any of his adjacent Allies with a melee weapon, regardless of whether or not they hit, suffers Electricity damage equal to his level, with a Reflex Save for to negate (Constitution-based). Those wielding metal weapons suffer a -4 Penalty to the save. He also gains the Quick Recovery, Bastion of Defence and Defend Others abilities of a Knight.
  • Green Scout: he gains Hide in Plain Sight in plant-based terrain, and any target he hits loses any Immunities they have to [Mind-Affecting] effects or Enchantments, unless granted by their Type, until the end of his next turn.
  • Red Ravager: he gains the Aura of Courage, Aura of Defiance, Aura of Resolve and Aura of Health abilities of a Paladin, having to choose which to utilise as normal, and his weapons are all treated as having the Wounding property.
  • White Marauder: while raging, he grows one size category larger, gaining +4 Strength and Constitution, -2 Dexterity, and +2 Natural Armour instead of the “usual” modifiers, but also increasing his reach and so on. Additionally, at the end of his turn, anybody he struck during that turn must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Slowed for one minute and suffer a -4 Penalty to their Intelligence score for the duration.
Conjure Draconic Ally (Sp): starting at level eleven, the Dragon Shaman is able to call forth draconic allies – weaker dragons that are willing to make an impression and further their position in the world. This requires one minute of concentration, and can only be performed once per day, but once summoned, a dragon remains until slain or for one hour, whichever is first. The summoned dragon is a True Dragon, almost always Chromatic, with a maximum Challenge Rating equal to the Dragon Shaman's level minus six. A small handful of allies should probably be written up in advance, but in a pinch, use named dragons from Draconomicon. When this ability is gained, the following are appropriate: Blight (CR 3), Kurnoc (CR 4), Jurfalud (CR 5), Dazzle (CR 3), Jalnur (CR 4), Blister (CR 3), Chokedamp (CR 4), Ottwarslyndanox (CR 5), Scorch (CR 4), Raaze (CR 5), Rime (CR 2), Hrymgird (CR 3), Kalkol (CR 4)

Ancient Language (Sp): at level thirteen, the Dragon Shaman unlocks the true ancient language from which Draconic is merely an off-shoot. He can speak with ancient Creator Races should that become relevant, and can also cast each of the following Power Words once per hour: Fatigue, Pain, Sicken, Deafen, Maladroit, Weaken, Distract, Disable, Nauseate, Stun

Contact Draconic Deity (Sp): at level fourteen, the Dragon Shaman is able to check he's on the right path – or more likely, seek out useful advice and knowledge relating to his tasks and his foes. He may cast Contact Other Plane once per day, but always automatically makes contact with a draconic deity such as Tiamat or Garyx.

Draconic Revival (Sp): the fourteenth-level Dragon Shaman has a special task: to ensure draconic masters do not fall to adventurers or other perils. Even if they should, it behoves them to have him around, as once per week he may cast Resurrection, limited only to creatures of the Dragon type. If the loss of a hit die due to Resurrection causes a dragon to technically fall into a lower Age Category, do not adjust this – they don't suddenly shrink a size category. They just lose the hit die until they get it back manually (through the usual means of gaining levels), or until they grow to a new Age Category, at which point it jumps up to the “correct” number of hit dice for the new Age. If the Dragon Shaman revives a dragon he didn't call into battle, it is customary for the dragon to make some kind of deal or repayment – either waiving future Pact costs or providing a lump sum of treasure or something similar.

Dracolich Ritual Master (Ex): at level seventeen, the Dragon Shaman gains the knowledge and ability to perform the rites of the Dracolich. Although he cannot turn himself into one (unless he actually is a Dragon), he may provide this “service” for willing dragons. Should he do this, he is typically put in charge of carrying the phylactery, usually a valuable amulet with strong magical properties on top of its purpose.

Veneration (Su): the eighteenth-level Dragon Shaman is able to tie his lifeforce to that of a dragon for a limited period, shielding it and granting great power. He may channel his power to a creature of the Dragon type within Medium Range and Line of Sight, requiring a Full Round Action each turn to maintain the link. If the Dragon leaves Line of Sight or the range, or he ceases spending actions channelling, the effect ceases. While active, this provides the benefits of a Shield Other effect, however the Dragon may not itself cast Shield Other while this is active. Additionally, he may select one type of damage or descriptor, and the Dragon gains immunity to that damage or descriptor (such as “Slashing damage” or “Fire” or “[Death] effects”). Finally, the Dragon also gains an Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls with its Natural Weapons, and Fast Healing. The Bonus and Healing are both equal to the Dragon Shaman's level divided by three (round up).

If multiple Dragon Shamans use their power on the same dragon, only one at a time can provide Fast Healing and the Enhancement Bonus, and the damage not suffered by the dragon is split as evenly as possible amongst all of the Shamans. Additionally, each may grant a different Immunity.

Highly Valued Employee (Ex): due to the value of the Dragon Shaman to dragons, they will help keep him safe – or at least in a state where they can bring him back a bit more easily. At level nineteen, he may place his soul in a receptacle and have a Dragon look after it. The Dragon need not be one with whom the Shaman has formed a Pact, and as a matter of keeping trust in them, the dragons do not merely use or trade these souls when asked to look after them. As a result of this, the Dragon Shaman cannot have any effect target his soul via his body (granting immunity to Energy Drain and such spells as Trap the Soul). Furthermore, if his body is slain, the soul is safely in the possession of a dragon (who is made aware), and thus he can be brought back with relative ease.

Conjure the Supreme One (Sp): at level twenty, the Dragon Shaman gains an ability to call upon Tiamat herself to help spread ruin and destruction across the world. Once per week, he may spend one full day casting, and if uninterrupted, he unleashes the mighty Spell-Like Ability: in the most suitable area within a half-mile radius, the five heads of Tiamat rise from planar rifts in the ground. Each head remains until Banished or slain, however even Tiamat cannot just remain endlessly outside her realm, and after each day, one head (of the caster's choice) is automatically Banished as she starts to return. If someone else performs the summoning rite before then, it automatically fails, but generally everyone knows when Tiamat is out and about. This is a Conjuration [Calling, Evil, Lawful] effect, and even starting to cast can cause omens to various agents of Bahamut, Paladins and other forces who might take issue with what is going on. If all the heads are slain, Tiamat herself is not dead, but is confined to her realm, unable to answer this effect, for a year and a day, and across the planes, concerted activity by Chromatic Dragons will be reduced as they panic. The heads can slowly move as they weave about, but they are limited to the general area, all being attached to the same massive body and reaching through the planar breach.
The Five Heads of Tiamat
Black Head of Tiamat (CR 20)
Colossal Dragon (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar, Water)
Str 43 Dex 6 Con 29 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 25
HP: 310 (20 HD)
Init -2 Speed 10'
Reach 30'
BAB/Grab: +20/+52
-Bite +35 (4d6+31)
AC: 28 (-8 Size, -2 Dex, +28 Natural)
-Flat 28 Touch 0
Fort +21 Ref +10 Will +16
-Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
-Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Acid, Immunity to Magical Sleep and Paralysis, Water Breathing, DR 15/Epic
-Magical Fangs: the Bite attack has a permanent +7 Enhancement Bonus and is treated as [Epic]
-Aura of Fear (Su): DC 27, reaching out to a 250' radius
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 27) at will: Charm Reptiles, Corrupt Water, Darkness, Insect Plague, Plant Growth, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster, Guards and Wards, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy, Create Greater Undead, Control Undead, Destruction, Unhallow, Desecrate, Giant Vermin, Creeping Doom
-Breath Weapon (Su): once per 10 rounds, the Black Head of Tiamat may unleash a 15' wide, 600' long Line of Acid, causing 20d6 Acid damage to all in its path. Those in the area may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 29) for half. This tunnels through terrain.

Blue Head of Tiamat (CR 20)
Colossal Dragon (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar, Earth)
Str 43 Dex 6 Con 29 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 25
HP: 310 (20 HD)
Init -2 Speed 10'
Reach 30'
BAB/Grab: +20/+52
-Bite +35 (4d6+31)
AC: 28 (-8 Size, -2 Dex, +28 Natural)
-Flat 28 Touch 0
Fort +21 Ref +10 Will +16
-Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
-Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Electricity, Immunity to Magical Sleep and Paralysis, DR 15/Epic
-Magical Fangs: the Bite attack has a permanent +7 Enhancement Bonus and is treated as [Epic]
-Aura of Fear (Su): DC 27, reaching out to a 250' radius
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 27) at will: Create Water, Ventriloquism, Hallucinatory Terrain, Veil, Mirage Arcana, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster, Guards and Wards, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy, Horrid Wilting, Dispel Water, Desert Binding, Storm of Vengeance
-Breath Weapon (Su): once per 10 rounds, the Blue Head of Tiamat may unleash a 15' wide, 600' long Line of lightning, causing 20d6 Electricity damage to all in its path. Those in the area may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 29) for half. Those wearing mostly metal armour suffer a -6 Penalty to the Saving Throw.

Green Head of Tiamat (CR 20)
Colossal Dragon (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar, Air)
Str 43 Dex 6 Con 29 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 25
HP: 310 (20 HD)
Init -2 Speed 10'
Reach 30'
BAB/Grab: +20/+52
-Bite +35 (4d6+31)
AC: 28 (-8 Size, -2 Dex, +28 Natural)
-Flat 28 Touch 0
Fort +21 Ref +10 Will +16
-Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
-Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Acid, Immunity to Magical Sleep and Paralysis, Water Breathing, DR 15/Epic
-Magical Fangs: the Bite attack has a permanent +7 Enhancement Bonus and is treated as [Epic]
-Aura of Fear (Su): DC 27, reaching out to a 250' radius
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 27) at will: Plant Growth, Command Plants, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster, Guards and Wards, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy, Hiss of Sleep, Maddening Whispers, Mind of the Labyrinth
-Breath Weapon (Su): once per 10 rounds, the Green Head of Tiamat may unleash a 300' Cone of corrosive gas, causing 20d6 Acid damage to all in its path. Those in the area may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 29) for half. Those who fail the saving throw must also make a Fortitude Save (same DC) against suffering a dose of Dragon Bile poison.

Red Head of Tiamat (CR 20)
Colossal Dragon (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar, Fire)
Str 43 Dex 6 Con 29 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 25
HP: 310 (20 HD)
Init -2 Speed 10'
Reach 30'
BAB/Grab: +20/+52
-Bite +35 (4d6+31)
AC: 28 (-8 Size, -2 Dex, +28 Natural)
-Flat 28 Touch 0
Fort +21 Ref +10 Will +16
-Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
-Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Fire, Immunity to Magical Sleep and Paralysis, Vulnerable to Cold, DR 15/Epic
-Magical Fangs: the Bite attack has a permanent +7 Enhancement Bonus and is treated as [Epic]
-Aura of Fear (Su): DC 27, reaching out to a 250' radius
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 27) at will: Find the Path, Discern Location, Wall of Fire, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster, Guards and Wards, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy, Incendiary Storm, Deadly Lahar
-Breath Weapon (Su): once per 10 rounds, the Red Head of Tiamat may unleash a 300' Cone of fire, causing 20d6 Fire damage to all in its path. Those in the area may attempt a Reflex Save (DC 29) for half. Any who fail their save catch fire, suffering 3d6 Fire damage per round until they put it out (requiring a Full Round Action and a DC 19 Reflex Save)

White Head of Tiamat (CR 20)
Colossal Dragon (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar, Cold)
Str 43 Dex 6 Con 29 Int 20 Wis 18 Cha 25
HP: 310 (20 HD)
Init -2 Speed 10'
Reach 30'
BAB/Grab: +20/+52
-Bite +35 (4d6+31)
AC: 28 (-8 Size, -2 Dex, +28 Natural)
-Flat 28 Touch 0
Fort +21 Ref +10 Will +16
-Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
-Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Cold, Immunity to Magical Sleep and Paralysis, Vulnerable to Fire, DR 15/Epic
-Magical Fangs: the Bite attack has a permanent +7 Enhancement Bonus and is treated as [Epic]
-Aura of Fear (Su): DC 27, reaching out to a 250' radius
Spell-Like Abilities (DC 27) at will: Freezing Fog, Gust of Wind, Wall of Ice, Control Weather, True Seeing, Stoneskin, Mass Suggestion, Dominate Monster, Guards and Wards, Phantasmal Thief, Sympathy, Burst of Glacial Wrath, Heartfreeze
-Breath Weapon (Su): once per 10 rounds, the White Head of Tiamat may unleash a 300' Cone of cold, causing 20d6 Cold damage to all in its path. Those in the area may attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 29) for half. Those who fail are Slowed for 3 rounds.
Spell Powers:
1st Level:
Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Burning Hands, Spider Climb, Silent Image, Shocking Grasp

2nd Level:
Protection From Energy, Eagle's Splendour, Melf's Acid Arrow, Bear's Endurance, Blur, Adoration of the Frightful

3rd Level:
Ice Storm, Suggestion, Contagion, Fireball, Spike Stones, Hallucinatory Terrain, Call Lightning, Ferocity of Sanguine Rage

4th Level:
Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Acid Fog, Eyebite, Stoneskin, Waves of Fatigue, Chain Lightning, Curse of the Elemental Lords, Trance of the Verdant Domain

5th Level:
Haze of Smoldering Stone, Primal Speed, Justice of the Wyrm King, Glorious Master of the Elements, Aura of Terror, Imperious Glare

6th Level:
Polar Ray, Mass Charm Monster, Waves of Exhaustion, Incendiary Cloud, Earthquake, Sunbeam, Befoul, Hiss of Sleep

7th Level:
Mind of the Labyrinth, Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon, Burst of Glacial Wrath, Magic Miasma, Transmute Rock to Lava
Master of the Dread Fang
You ally with Fang dragons, masters of defence and traumatic injuries
Requirement: Dragon Shaman
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power List: Shield (I), Dispel Magic (II), Lesser Globe of Invulnerability (III), Spell Immunity (IV), Repulsion (V), Spell Turning (VI), Iron Body (VII)
You may also form pacts with Fang Dragons. The improved skills are Climb, Intimidate and Jump. The Resistance and eventual Immunity is to [Force] effects. At level nine, instead of improving a breath weapon, you may make a Bite attack with large fangs, dealing 1d8 + 1.5x Strength Bonus in damage (for a Medium creature), plus 1 Constitution Drain per 3 levels (round up). Those hit may negate the Con Drain with a Fort Save (Constitution-based).
You may take on an Aspect of the Fanged Striker: in the Lesser Form, you gain an Enhancement Bonus to Natural Armour and Damage Reduction equal to +1 per 3 levels (round up), and the Improved Trip and Knockdown feats as Bonus Feats, along with the ability to make a Trip Attack as an Attack of Opportunity any time a foe attacks you and misses. In the Greater Form, all of your natural weapons deal damage as one size larger, you are treated as one size larger for the purpose of Trip attempts (as the attacker or defender), and you grow a tail that strikes as a Magic Scythe for someone one size larger than you (the Enhancement Bonus is +1 per 3 levels, round up).

Elusive Disciple of Dusk
You frequently deal with Shadow Dragons, and thus learn of their special knowledge
Requirement: Dragon Shaman
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power List: Mirror Image (I), Nondetection (II), Dimension Door (III), False Vision (IV), Shadow Walk (V), Mass Inflict Critical Wounds (VI), Etherealness (VII)
You may also form pacts with Shadow Dragons. The improved skills are Hide, Listen and Move Silently. The Resistance and eventual Immunity is to Energy Drain/Level Drain. At level nine, instead of improving a breath weapon, you gain access to a new one: a Cone of Shadows (25' + 5' per 2 levels, deals 1 Negative Level per 3 hit dice, round up, lasting for one hour. A Fort Save (normal DC for Breath Weapons) negates this).
You may take on an Aspect of the Shadow Lurker: in the Lesser Form, you gain Concealment whenever you are in less than full daylight, the ability to Dimension Door from one shadowy area to another up to Close Range with a Swift Action, and a Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws of +1 per 3 levels (round up). In the Greater Form, the Concealment improves to Total Concealment, and against a foe denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, your attacks each deal 2 points of Strength Damage.

Student of the Subterrainean Wyrm
You favour Black Dragons above the others, and some of it has rubbed off.
Requirement: Dragon Shaman, must not have any of the other Student of the ___ Wyrm Feats
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power list: Subtle Taint* (I), Stinking Cloud (III), Cloudkill (IV), Create Greater Undead (VI). Additionally, you may replace your Aura of Fear (when you gain it) with a Corrupting Presence (Su): this reaches out to Close Range, and at the start of each of your turns, any creature in the area suffers Acid damage equal to half your hit dice (round up) with a Reflex Save for half (Charisma-based). Creatures with fewer than half as many hit dice as you are also Nauseated for one round if they fail the save. You may still suppress or resume this with a Swift Action.
When adopting the Aspect of the Black Stalker, you gain Evasion and Uncanny Dodge, and may move stealthily at full speed at no penalty. If you have the Greater Aspect, you additionally deal 2 points of Strength damage with every Sneak Attack.
*Subtle Taint: this taints up to 1 gallon of liquid with a touch, either touching the liquid, its container, or someone carrying the container. This poisons it as though with Arsenic (using your own Save DC) for 1 hour. Any liquid-based magic item (such as a potion) must succeed on a Will Save or become poisonous, although this does not eliminate the normal effect. The liquid appears, smells and tastes the same as normal, giving no indication it is poisoned until consumed. This is considered a Level 2 Transmutation Spell.

Student of the Shocking Wyrm
You favour Blue Dragons above the others, and some of it has rubbed off.
Requirement: Dragon Shaman, must not have any of the other Student of the ___ Wyrm Feats
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power list: Invisibility (II), Confusion (III), Call Lightning Storm (IV), Greater Whirlwind (VII). Additionally, you may replace your Aura of Fear (when you gain it) with a Shocking Presence (Su): this reaches out to Close Range, and at the start of each of your turns, any creature in the area suffers Electricity damage equal to half your hit dice (round up) with a Reflex Save for half (Charisma-based). Creatures with fewer than half as many hit dice as you are also Dazed for one round if they fail the save. You may still suppress or resume this with a Swift Action.
When adopting the Aspect of the Blue Warden, you may use a Swift Action to begin building an electrical charge. If you are damaged before your next turn, you lose the charge, but otherwise you may deliver a Shocking Grasp with one of your attacks on the following round. If you have the Greater Aspect, you may use an Immediate Action to create an electromagnetic field, redirecting an attack from an adjacent ally towards yourself providing the attack is made with a metal weapon (including the metal blades of wooden polearms and metal arrow-tips).

Student of the Verdant Wyrm
You favour Green Dragons above the others, and some of it has rubbed off.
Requirement: Dragon Shaman, must not have any of the other Student of the ___ Wyrm Feats
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power list: Entangle (I), Commune With Nature (III), Miasma (V), Swamp Lung (VI). Additionally, you may replace your Aura of Fear (when you gain it) with an Awesome Presence (Su): this reaches out to Close Range, and creatures that fail a Will Save (Charisma-based) when first exposed to the aura suffer a Penalty equal to -1 per 3 levels (round up) on Will Saves against your other abilities until they leave the area, although success renders them immune to the aura for the rest of the day. Creatures with fewer than half as many hit dice as you are also Dazed for one round. You may still suppress or resume this with a Swift Action.
When adopting the Aspect of the Green Scout, you also gain Improved Rapid Shot, and at the end of your turn, any enemy you hit who was denied their Dexterity Bonus against your attack must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or forget you attacked them, becoming unaware of your existence. If you have the Greater Aspect, you may instead have them fall Asleep for one minute or become Fascinated for one minute on a failed Will Save.

Student of the Volcanic Wyrm
You favour Red Dragons above the others, and some of it has rubbed off.
Requirement: Dragon Shaman, must not have any of the other Student of the ___ Wyrm Feats
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power list: Detect Thoughts (II), Mass Suggestion (IV), Scalding Mud (V), Maddening Whispers (VII). Additionally, you may replace your Aura of Fear (when you gain it) with a Burning Presence (Su): this reaches out to Close Range, and at the start of each of your turns, any creature in the area suffers Fire damage equal to half your hit dice (round up) with a Reflex Save for half (Charisma-based). Creatures with fewer than half as many hit dice as you are also Blinded for one round if they fail the save. You may still suppress or resume this with a Swift Action.
When adopting the Aspect of the Red Ravager, you also gain the Pressing Assault and Rapid Assault feats, and have a constant Arcane Sight effect. If you have access to the Greater Aspect, any attack you make is treated as though with a Weapon of Ruin, and you have Fast Healing equal to half your hit dice (round up) on any turn in which you deal damage to a living creature.

Student of the Glacial Wyrm
You favour White Dragons above the others, and some of it has rubbed off.
Requirement: Dragon Shaman, must not have any of the other Student of the ___ Wyrm Feats
Benefit: add the following spells to your Spell Power list: Arctic Haze (II), Slow (III), Blizzard (V), Death Hail (VI). Additionally, you may replace your Aura of Fear (when you gain it) with a Freezing Presence (Su): this reaches out to Close Range, and at the start of each of your turns, any creature in the area suffers Cold damage equal to half your hit dice (round up) with a Reflex Save for half (Charisma-based). Creatures with fewer than half as many hit dice as you are also Stunned for one round if they fail the save. You may still suppress or resume this with a Swift Action.
When adopting the Aspect of the White Marauder, you gain the Greater Powerful Charge and Spring Attack feats. If you have access to the Greater Aspect, you also gain the Bounding Assault and Brutal Strike feats and, at the end of each of your turns any opponents you hit must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Paralyzed for one round. This replaces the Slowing effect, except for creatures immune to Paralysis.

There we go, I put too much effort into that class.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by radthemad4 »

Feel like doing Stormcaster?
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Post by Koumei »

Not really. Kaelik made a base class for that, and also it's like "just make it full casting and then go have a nap".
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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