[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy #54 - Legend of Zagor!

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Which of the below meatgrinders do you prefer to play first?

FF9: Caverns of the Snow Witch
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FF21: Trial of Champions
FF26: Crypt of the Sorcerer
FF46: Tower of Destruction
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FF51: Island of the Undead
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FF53: Spellbreaker
FF54: Legend of Zagor
FF58: Revenge of the Vampire
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FF59: Curse of the Mummy
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Post by SGamerz »

Sirocco wrote:Wow, 15 SKILL? Good thing we have the staff.
Yeah, one of the may things that marked this as more of a (later) Keith Martin book: don't have Plot Coupon A? Enjoy this SKILL 13+ opponent who has X chance of doing extra damage. (Livingstone would be more of "don't have Plot Coupon A? Enjoy this insta-death section" guy)

Using the Orb to boost up our AS slightly, we use the staff to make the War Dragon literally see stars....before getting up close and try to make him see even more stars using the more conventional method of whacking him on the head with blunt objects......

War Dragon 24, Jallarial 20. Die roll = 1 (Claw Strike) Jallarial is at 15, WD is at 18.
WD 22, Jallarial 18. Die roll = 2 (Claw) Jallarial is at 13, WD is at 16.
WD 19, Jallarial 24. WD is at 14.
WD 22, Jallarial 22. WD is at 12.
WD 17, Jallarial 24. WD is at 8.
WD 21, Jallarial 16. Die roll = 6 (Fire Breath!) Jallarial is at 9, WD is at 6.
WD 21, Jallarial 22. WD is at 2.
WD 20, Jallarial 19. Die roll = 1 (Claw) Jallarial is at 7, WD is slain.
Nice, the Dragon dies just as the stars run out! Pretty nasty fight considering our SKILL level by this point!
You've triumphed! You have slain a Dragon single-handed, a feat of which no more than a handful of men on Amarillia can boast. And, of course, Dragons are legendary for their treasure hoards - aren't they? There is not a Gold Piece, not a gem, in sight! You look around frantically and, in the north-east corner of the platform floor, you find something very odd indeed: there is a shimmering wheel pattern in the floor, which now is beginning to turn and almost fade even as you stare at it. As you look the wheel spins faster; but you can make out that it has six segments and that each section has an image within it. The Dragon must have hidden its treasure in the magical section of some extra-planar space and, now the Dragon is dead, the magical link is fading. You have time to take two of the items you can see before the wheel fades completely; if you spend a LUCK point, you can snatch three. However, you have no time to regain lost STAMINA by drinking a Potion, eating some provisions, etc, if you are to gather this treasure! Decide which images you wish to reach out and grab. After you have taken your two (or three) items, turn to 121.

Wooden chest
Potion bottle
Glowing arrow
Handful of dust
That....is actually a pretty sensible way for a dragon to protect its hoard. If all dragons do that there'd probably be a lot less dragon-slayers in the world. The reward simply won't be worth the risk.

What do we want to grab? Do we want to use a LUCK point for an extra item (we're at 6 now).
Last edited by SGamerz on Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Glowing Arrow
Potion Bottle

Handful of Dust
Wooden Chest

Gems & Gold are trash are this point compared to the gear a dragon might have... even if it's in the millions. You can't spend what you're not alive to come home with.

I'm going to tell Zagor I'm going to gouge out his eyes with my thumbs when I'm done with him, for making me have to kill him. It's not gold, but his eyes will be a good enough consolation prize for the lost gems & gold the wizard who sent us on this quest could possible put a powerful soul-seal on Zagor with his vitreous humours and lenses, as a figurative, and literal, magical lens. Mad dogs get put down.

At least 1980's cartoon villains didn't want to make you kill them. Doesn't he get that his plan isn't feasible?
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Post by MisterDee »

Even if money still somehow matters this late in the adventure, we have lots of it already. And hopefully if gems turn out to be plot coupons, we can sub in Moonstones.

I think we have to go for the potion, on the theory that it's likely to be a Stamina potion and we're running low on medkits.

The Dust and the Chest might be plot coupons, and the Arrow might require a bow. So my vote is Potion, Dust, and Chest (burning the Luck)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Agreed. Spend Luck, get potion, dust and chest.
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Post by Sirocco »

Sounds like a plan.
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Post by SGamerz »

Going through the options in the order they're listed, first the chest:
This is a Tower Chest! If you open it without triggering any trap, you may gain 1 LUCK point.
Wait, we only regain LUCK if we don't trigger the trap? That's not the way I've been doing it for rest of the book! Another case of rules not being listed very clearly....or maybe this is a unique chest. Well, that's how I'm going to interpret it, anyway!

Now the Potion:
You have acquired a magical Potion of your choice: you may have a Potion of Luck, of Stamina or of Flying. You may drink a Potion at any time except during combat, and the effects are as follows, a Potion of Luck restores 1-3 LUCK points (roll one dice and halve the number rolled, rounding fractions up); a Potion of Stamina restores lost STAMINA points equal to half your Initial score (round fractions up); a Potion of Flying simply allows you to fly.
The dust:
The dust is powerfully magical, taken from the tomb of one of Amarillia's most fabled wizards of a bygone age. Restore your Current SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK to their full, Initial levels.
Full restore before what's (hopefully) the Boss Fight. Nice!
There is only one way to reach Zagor from here: enter the white light beam. Stepping into the beam, you are lifted upwards and are able to step out on to a circular ledge where there is a door inscribed with a huge letter Z before you. If you have a Ring of Truesight, you know the number of the paragraph where you found it; multiply that number by seven, then tum to the paragraph with that number. If you do not have this ring, all you can do is open the door here, but you had better take every possible precaution before entering. Make use of every thing you have; there is but one enemy left. If you want to use an Open spell to open the door here, turn to 321.If you just want to open the door normally, turn to 304.
Besides how we're going to open the door, please also vote on:

1) How do we open the Tower Chest?
2) Which Potion did we take from the dragon's hoard?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Jallarial
SKILL 11/11 (+1 from Ebony Wand)
STAMINA 123/23
LUCK 9/9
MAGIC: 7/9 (+2 from Ebony Wand)
Equipment: Staff, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern, knife, rope, Iron rod (-1 to Die roll when opening doors via Skill Test), Golden Talisman (x2), Silver Dagger (x9), Magical Oil of Enchantment (enchants non-magical weapons for one combat), Jailor Keys (70), Wand of the Hawk, Onyx Staff, Oatmeal x3 (counts as 1 meal each), Orc-slaying Sword, Plague Antidote, Dragonbone Keys (277), Orb of Power (adds up to 3 SKILL points for duration of one combat or Skill test, 2 charges left)
Provisions: 0
Treasure: 13 GP, Moonstones (worth 10 GP), Silver Pendants & jewellery (worth 10 GP)
No. of Deaths: 2

Additional bonus from Wand of the Hawk: 1) [color=blue]+2 Attack Strength once Jallarial's entered Great Tower[/color], 2) enchants weapons, 3) restore Magic OR STAMINA to full once
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Now I feel stupid for using the orb's Skill instead of the spell.

Open spell.

Potion of Flying because (in character at least) we expect we won't need any Skill, Stamina, or Luck regen before the fight and can't drink potions in combat.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Sirocco »

This mention of a ring of true sight leads me to suspect that there might be a trap here that we can't see. But is it targeted to wizards or non-wizards?

I'd say Open, so that at least we can escape any glyphs of warding or similar traps going off in our face. Also, I'd suggest casting a Magic Screen, since we will be facing a demon wizard, after all.

That said, I'd prefer a potion of Magic, so that we can go into combat with as high MP as possible. Since that isn't available, let's go for the potion of flying.

ETA: And open the chest normally.
Last edited by Sirocco on Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Luck test to open chest = 2 (Lucky). That means we get to regain that LUCK point!

Die roll for content = 4 (ANOTHER Silver Dagger)

We also grabbed the Potion of Flying from the hoard. Now we Open the door with a spell...
As you cast your spell the door opens soundlessly, and a mirthless voice says gloatingly, 'How good of you to waste a little of your pitiful magic on such a simple little spell. Speaking for myself, I would never bother with anything as trivial as a trap on the door. Do come in!'
Would be a pretty hilarious way to end this if we later die because we lack a Magic point to perform some vital task because we wasted 1 point here. :biggrin:
Before you confront your nemesis, do two things. First, make sure you have a record of all the bonuses you have to your Attack Strength in the combat to come, and what magic you may be able to use (don't forget that a Potion of Invisibility is useless against Zagor). Second, count up how many Golden Talismans and Silver Daggers you have collected from the Tower Chests you have opened. Each Golden Talisman you possess reduces Zagor's SKILL (as shown in a later paragraph) by 1 point, each Silver Dagger you possess reduces his STAMINA score (as shown in a later paragraph) by 2 points, so be sure to make the appropriate reductions when the time comes. Now you standing the Throne Room of the Zagor Demon. Your adversary awaits you; turn to 391.
We have 2 Talismans and 10 Daggers.....so we get to deduct 2 SKILL and 20 whooping STAMINA from Zagor!
Such ineffable evil now sits on the great throne, atop wide, marbled steps, where once the kings of Amarillia held court to the wise and great. Rotting rags of purple, black and white robes hang from his body, but the large Z emblazoned across his chest is clear enough. He looks like both the most evil man you have ever seen and a Demon, at one and the same time! Stitches down both sides of his face stand out proud from his gloating, demonic skin as if they covered veins ready to burst. His body is strong, his skin scaly as that of a Demon, but bones show beneath the skin and on his left a skeletal arm, lacking a hand, is sunk into the metal and wood of the throne, and a pulsing purple radiance glows round it Zagor rises to his feet, and you see that the monster is huge; he must stand four metres tall! He grips a powerful, rune-etched staff and casts his arms out wide, grinning a ghastly, crooked leer of triumph - but as he does this, lacquered black and red cards drop from the folds of his robes! For a split second, the Zagor Demon's face seems to register concern. The cards are falling down all round him and, if you want to grab one as it falls and look at its face, you may do so; turn to 187 If you prefer not to, but would rather set about the business of attacking Zagor immediately, turn to 299.
The above picture doesn't look that impressive to me....I think the more-human pic in FF50 looked far more menacing than this cartoonish-looking demon hybrid.

Grab a card?
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Post by MisterDee »

Stab stab stabbity stab. The cards feel like another trick.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Shiv him.

If he's anything like the last time the cards are part of his magic; if he's learned anything from last time they'll be a deathtrap.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Judging__Eagle »

The words "registers concern" about dropping his cards; indicates that he's upset that he split his magic hand like a noob and thinks it was a mistake.

Zagor's not one for ruses from what happened at the door just now, so a deathtrap card that he's concerned about us taking is unlikely.

I'd vote trying for one card; he's got a massive Stamina deficit due to lots of successful chest-looting, and his slight Skill penalty will help a bit as well. It's not like we're not going to try and stab him.
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Post by SGamerz »

The Zagor-Demon screams its fury from its fell throne. 'You dare stand before me? I have not been banished from my own world to be confronted by a wretch like you!' He spits contempt and rage! Now battle is truly joined. Zagor stands at the head of the steps, preparing to cast a deadly spell. His SKILL score is 16 (less a reduction for any Golden Talismans you may have), so use this to work out Attack Strengths and keep hack of the damage you do to him (you may subtract this from his STAMINA score when you finally gel into hand-to-hand combat with him). You can either try to get closer to him or attack him from a distance. If you want to get near to him, you can use a Potion of Flying, if you have one, run up the steps - or you have a third option: if you suspect the steps may be trapped and if you have a magical weapon, you can use some of the magic from that weapon to cleave through the steps and create a passage upwards; if you do this, however, you will lose at least some of the magic your weapon has. If you want to stand your ground and attack Zagor from a distance - at least to begin with choose one of the following options:

Use a catapult?
Use a spell?
Use a bow?
Use a Magic Arrow?
Throw acid?
SKILL 16?! We have 2 Talismans, so that brings it down to 14, which is still 1 point above our working SKILL/Attack Strength!

The only way we can attack from a distance is with spells, but there are a few ways we can try to get close to him.

Spells, potion, stairs, or cut our own path?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Jallarial
SKILL 11/11 (+1 from Ebony Wand)
STAMINA 123/23
LUCK 9/9
MAGIC: 6/9 (+2 from Ebony Wand)
Equipment: Staff, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern, knife, rope, Iron rod (-1 to Die roll when opening doors via Skill Test), Golden Talisman (x2), Silver Dagger (x10), Magical Oil of Enchantment (enchants non-magical weapons for one combat), Jailor Keys (70), Wand of the Hawk, Onyx Staff, Oatmeal x3 (counts as 1 meal each), Orc-slaying Sword, Plague Antidote, Dragonbone Keys (277), Orb of Power (adds up to 3 SKILL points for duration of one combat or Skill test, 2 charges left), Potion of Flying
Provisions: 0
Treasure: 13 GP, Moonstones (worth 10 GP), Silver Pendants & jewellery (worth 10 GP)
No. of Deaths: 2

Additional bonus from Wand of the Hawk: 1) +2 Attack Strength once Jallarial's entered Great Tower, 2) enchants weapons, 3) restore Magic OR STAMINA to full once
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Post by Sirocco »

We should get up close and personal, I don't think hanging around to exchange spells is a good idea -- he clearly is a more powerful wizard.

Let's put that new potion to use -- the steps are almost certainly trapped.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Don't we have more than one magic weapon? I'd be all for using one of the weapons that aren't our main weapon for that purpose.

[Edit] Using an Invisibility Potion now is probably best. Make Zagor waste resources before they can actually hit us; unless they have some form of Arcane Sight, in which case we're in trouble.

Also, I wonder just how important the potential plot-coupon Magic Arrow people thought they should skip really is. Seeing as it's mentioned now specifically.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Potion of Flying.

When the time comes chug the remaining 2 points of Orb AND cast Skill.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Don't we have more than one magic weapon? I'd be all for using one of the weapons that aren't our main weapon for that purpose.
If you're referring to he Orc-slaying sword, it's a bit of a difficult one. It's obviously magical in nature, but it wasn't mentioned to share the same properties most other magic weapons (as in, being allowed to harm creatures that can't be harmed by normal weapons). Its powers are quite specific: it's only interested in killing orcs. It wasn't even mentioned to be wieldable as a normal weapon (although it probably should be).

Anyway, here's another point that I wish the book were more specific about: strictly speaking, Jallarial doesn't actually use magical weapons. She uses her wand (which is magical, but she doesn't use it to fight), to enchant normal weapons. And it apparently isn't limited to charging just one weapon. So technically, if we want to abuse that, we can enchant our dagger, use it to cleave a path, and then switch back to our staff to fight Zagor....but I don't think that was what the author had in mind.

Another example of the many ambitious designs in this book that weren't sufficiently refined.
Judging__Eagle wrote:[Edit] Using an Invisibility Potion now is probably best. Make Zagor waste resources before they can actually hit us; unless they have some form of Arcane Sight, in which case we're in trouble.
Invisibility doesn't work on Zagor. This is one of the few points that the book was actually specific about.

Anyway, we use the Potion of Flying...
Unfortunately, using a Potion of Flying is exactly what Zagor expected you to do. You fly swiftly up - and bounce off a rigid wall of magical force that is barring your way! You fall several metres to the ground: deduct 3 points from your STAMINA and you now find yourself lying on the stone steps.
STAMINA down to 20....
You feel yourself being magically slowed down as you try to race up the steps: Zagor is casting a spell at you while you climb. He summons one of his Demonic Servants, a wretched, gibbering thing that resembles nothing so much as a dwarf-sized toad with tentacles where its front limbs should be and a ragged, barbed and forked longue hanging out of its crooked mouth. The thing lollops in front of you and attempts to attack with its tentacles and forked tongue; if it strikes you, you lose 1 point from your STAMINA because of its buffeting, plus 1 additional point from your STAMINA from the poison in its acidic drool.


Keep track of how many Attack Rounds it takes you to dispatch this creature: each Attack Round, Zagor gains 1 STAMINA point! When you win, you rush to the throne to attack Zagor, tum to 74.
In Titan, "Demonic Servants" are in cowled humanoid shapes and fall apart if they are hit twice consecutively. Alas, that's not the case in Amarillia.

The stats are about similar, though: still pathetic. The fight itself will be easy......but how many rounds do we want to give Zagor to heal? If we fight normally, it gives him 3 rounds. Do we want to use a spell to one-shot this guy?
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

That is some bullshit right fucking there. The only useful looking potion was a trap.

Fireball, we're clearly not meant to need magic points left after this and we're still not exactly low on them.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Deep fry the fucker.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Sirocco »

Oh for fu... Just fry the fucker.
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Post by SGamerz »

We spend 2 Magic on a Fireball spell: Magic now down to 4......

Demonic Servant 12, Jallarial 21. DS is fried.
The Demonic Servant was essential doomed the moment it rolled its Attack Strength.
Now you are face to face with the greatest threat Amarillia has ever known! There will be no mercy, nor surrender; it 's you or the Demon thing. Magical forces whirl around in the Great Tower and dispel any Magic Screen spells (both yours and his); this is a straight fight to the finish. Each Attack Round, you must decide how you plan to attack the Zagor-Demon (by weapon, by spell, with acid if you have it, elc). You cannot drink any Potions or eat Provisions (though, if you have been taught how, you may be able to cast a certain form of healing spell upon yourself). Then work out Attack Strengths for yourself and Zagor for each Attack Round. The STAMINA score shown below for Zagor is his basic STAMINA score; you should adjust this for the number of Silver Daggers you possess, any damage you may have done to Zagor by attacks from a distance (using acid, etc) , and whether Zagor gained any extra STAMINA points while you
were ascending the steps.


You should also consult the table below, which shows the attacks the Zagor-Demon will use, and the damage they will do if he hits you.

Attack Round Attack and Damage
1st Thunderbolt spell: you lose 7 STAMINA points
2nd Fireball spell: you lose 5 STAMINA points
3rd Life Drain spell: drains 1 point from your SKILL and 2 points from your STAMINA
4th and 5th Poisoned dagger; you lose 1 point from your STAMINA, plus 2 extras STAMINA points due to poison
6th onwards Taloned fist: you lose 2 STAMINA points

If you reduce the Zagor Demon to 2 or fewer STAMINA points without killing it, tum to 254. If you defeat the Zagor-Demon, turn to 54.
Looks like a pretty challenging fight, huh?......except there is no fight, because he has no STAMINA left.

He had 20 to begin, gained 1 point while we were fighting the Demonic Servant.......an loses 20 because we have 10 Silver Daggers. So his STAMINA is already below 2 even before the combat begins!

After all the hype, this is pretty underwhelming.....

In fact, if we'd cleaved our way up using a magical weapon, wed' have defeated him outright (since he doesn't get that extra round of healing from our combat with the DS)!
The Zagor-Demon goes into a frenzy! Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, it collapses as it thrashes helplessly about; turn to 54. If you are Unlucky, in its wild flailing it will strike you and you must deduct 4 points from your STAMINA. If you are still alive, tum to 54.
At least the damage won't hurt us too much if we heal.

Die roll = 5 (Lucky!)
A howling crescendo of magical force is whipped up inside the Throne Room! You regain 5 STAMINA points from the powerful vortex of magic within the room. You can see a treasure chest behind Zagor's throne. If you want to open it, turn to 340. If you don't want to do this, turn to 148.
Go for the loot?
Last edited by SGamerz on Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Sirocco »

Loot before it's gone!
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

You find a huge pile of gold coins, all with the Z symbol on one side and a likeness of Zagor's face on the other side. You grab as many as you can - 50 Gold Zagors - and shove them into your backpack. Shrieking howls of a magical gale are beginning to race around at the top of the Great Tower!
Gold Zagors....nice callback to FF50.
Unfortunately, looting was a bad decision.
You have defeated Zagor...but you still have to destroy him! You should know how to do this - but, if you know where to do it, you will know what the bridge which hung over the chasm there is made of, won't you? Take the name of the material and convert it into a number, using the code A = 1, B = 2-C = 3, and so on. Add the numbers together, multiply the total by six, then turn to the paragraph with the same number. If you do not know what this number is, tum to 179.
Anybody has the answer?
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