Blighter [Tome of Trees]

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Blighter [Tome of Trees]

Post by Kaelik »

This is currently unfinished, but I've been working on it for a while, and I decided it's big enough to at least post and work on here.

“Fuck Nature. Fuck it all.”

Blighters are evil Druids that decided they really didn't want to be Druids anymore so hard that they choose to use their power to fuck up nature. This is not a prestige class, because that doesn't work, it's a base class. But you definitely get to write Druidic as a language on your sheet, and talk about how you were betrayed by Druids, or you betrayed them. Also if you are a level X Druid, you can just wake up one morning, ruthlessly murder your AC in a ritual, and stop being a level X Druid an instead be a level X Blighter. You really can’t go back though.

Hit Die: d8
BAB: 3/4ths
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Listen, MS, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble.

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor

1: Corrupted Essences (2)
2: Essentia
4: Corrupted Essences (3)
7: Corrupted Essences (4)
10: Corrupted Essences (5)
13: Corrupted Essences (6)
16: Corrupted Essences (7)
19: Corrupted Essences (8)
20: Double Essentia

Corrupted Essences (Su): A Blighter ingests into himself the natural energy of the world, and then corrupts it. Twelve or more hours after the last time he has done so (or immediately if he has never done so), a Blighter can spend one hour meditating to expel none, any, or all current essences and then ingest natural essences and corrupt them to power his abilities. He may ingest up to his current maximum of Corrupted Essence Slots, as outlined on the class table from the list of provided Corrupted Essences (and any others your DM allows). Even expelling no Essences still triggers the 12 hour time period before this meditation can be performed again.

The Blighter does not require there to be any particular representations of the essences he will ingest in order to prepare them. He will call the essences across planes or from far away if necessary. Expelling corrupted essences minorly and temporarily pollutes the surrounding gaia energy within a mile. The only mechanical effect of this pollution is that the natural surroundings are a bit off or ugly. A Knowledge Nature check of DC 25 can detect this change, but because of the gradual and randomized nature of the corruption all it tells you is that there was a Blighter somewhere within a mile of the current location within the last week. If you want to triangulate the location he expelled his corrupted essences from, you can, but it requires a full minute of wandering around (or a high vantage point) and a DC 35 Knowledge Nature check.

Each Corrupted Essence Slot offers a variety of abilities. The saving throw for any ability if it offers one is DC 10+1/2 character level+Wisdom mod. The Caster Level is equal to his Blighter level. All granted abilities are supernatural abilities or Spell-Like-Abilities, as stated in their entry. If a Corrupted Essence grants specific limited uses of an SLA or Supernatural ability, then those uses are refreshed whenever the Blighter either ingests the Essence in question or spends an hour meditating when he could expel and ingest essences.

Any Spell Like abilities or supernatural abilities that require a standard action granted by these Essences require visible gestures. This is not a somatic component, and are not subject to those limits, but the act of performing an ability is visible to onlookers and identifiable to the Blighter.

Essentia (Ex): at level 2 a Blighter gains a point of Essentia. This point can be assigned to any Corrupted Essence that the Blighter has ingested. When assigned it grants additional strength to abilities or extra abilities as defined in the Corrupted Essence description. An essentia assigned to a Corrupted Essence grants all additional abilities and extra strength to all abilities in the Corrupted Essence.

All Essentia can be relocated as a swift action however the Blighter likes across all Corrupted Essences the Blighter has ingested.

A Blighter gains an additional point of Essentia to assign at every even level after two.

Double Essentia (Ex): At level 20 a Blighter’s Essentia doubles to 20.

Corrupted Essences:

Corrupted Animals:
Filthy Creature (Su): You may have one CR 1/4 Animal or Aberration follow you around while this Essence is ingested at level 1. At Blighter level 2 it may be a CR ½ Animal or Aberration. At level 3 it may be a CR 1 Animal or Aberration, at level 5 it may be a CR 2, at level 7 it may be CR 3, from level 8 on it may be any animal or aberration with a CR equal to or less than your Blighter level -4. When calling a creature for the first time it takes 10 minutes for the creature to find you. If the creature is killed another one may be called with 10 minutes. If Corrupted Creatures Essence is expelled, then the creature wanders off or melts into goo.
Each point of Essentia invested in Corrupted Animals provides a +1 Corrupt bonus to attack, damage, saving throws, and AC to your Filthy Creature. Corrupt bonses to AC apply when flat footed, but not to touch AC.

Power of Animals (Sp): A Blighter may cast a number of Spell Like Abilities when this Essence is ingested. He may cast Longstrider, but with a range of touch, a target of up to 8 creatures touched, and a duration of 24 hours. He may also cast the [Animal]’s [Might] spells, (Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Owl’s Wisdom, Eagle’s Splendor, or Fox’s Cunning) also with a duration of 24 hours, but only affecting a single creature. He may use all of these spells at will, but he may only have one active at a time, using one of these SLAs causes all previous castings to disappear. If the Corrupted Animals Essence is expelled, all spells cease.
With three points of Essentia invested in the Essence, Blighters are also capable of casting a single SLA of Bite of the Were. This spell targets a single creature and lasts 24 hours. It grants a bite attack that does 1d8+Str damage, and a +6 Enhancement bonus to Str, a +4 Enhancement bonus to Dex, and a +4 Enhancement bonus to Con. For every two points of invested essentia, each stat buff increases by 2. With 5 total essential the Bite attack does 1d8+1 and 1/2 Str bonus damage. With 7 essentia it does 4d6+1 and ½ Str bonus damage. Once cast, Bite of the Were lasts for the full 24 hours, however, if the amount of essentia is reduced, then the effects of the SLA are reduced as well. If less than 3 essentia is invested in this Essence, then the SLA has no effect, but remains active on the recipient. It can still be detected, dispelled, or otherwise interacted with as an active spell could be, however it provides no bonuses until the essentia attached to this essence returns to at least 3.

More Creatures (Sp): When the Corrupted Animals Essence is ingested, the Blighter gains 2 uses of a Summon Nature’s Ally I SLA.
With each essentia invested in the Corrupted Animals Essence, you gain access to two uses of a higher level Summon Nature's Ally spell, up to a limit of level 9.

Corrupted Plants:
Corrupted Stride (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupted Plants Essence may choose at any time to move through any sort of undergrowth (such as thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This applies even to undergrowth magically manipulated to impede movement. However, doing so kills the plants in each square the Blighter occupies. Rendering the impediment gone for any other creatures as well.

Bioengineering (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupted Plants Essence merges himself with plants. He is immune to sleep effects and does not need to sleep, and when his Corrupted plants essence is ended or suppressed in some manner, he is treated as if he just woke up from an 8 hour rest for the purposes of determining when he next needs to sleep. Additionally he gains Low-Light Vision.
With 1 point of essentia attached to the Corrupted Plants Essence he becomes immune to Poison as well.
With 2 points of essentia attached he becomes immune to polymorph effects.
With 4 points of essentia attached he becomes immune to Paralysis and Critical Hits (as the plant immunity and bypassable in any manner that would crit plants).
With 5 points of essentia attached he becomes immune to Stunning.
With 6 points of essentia attached he is immune to all mind affecting effects.
All the effects of Bioengineering can be applied to the Filthy Creature, if the Blighter has both Essences ingested at the same time.

Corrupted Field (Sp): A Blighter may use and SLA of Entangle, as the spell once every 10 rounds. But the plants look really ugly and disgusting. He may only have one such field at a time. While the entangle fades, the plants continue to look ugly until they die.
With one point of essentia attached to the Corrupted Plants Essence, it may be cast even in areas with no natural plants, and the plants are summoned.
With two points of essentia attached the effect also does 1d6 piercing damage per round to those in the field.
With 4 points of essentia attached the Blighter may cast Evard’s Black Tentacles instead of Entangle, but it is filthy plant tentacles and roots and stuff. With each point of essentia above 4, the Tentacles gain a +2 to their grapple modifiers.
With 5 points of essentia attached the plants summoned in either case also spray out a thick viscous mist that has the effects of a solid fog spell.
With 6 points of essentia attached the mist becomes caustic, doing 2d6 acid damage per round to creatures within.
With 7 points of essentia attached the mist does 1d6 con damage per round. This is a poison effect.
With 8 points of essentia attached, the mist forces a Fort save against Permanent Blindness. With each point above 8, the DC of this effect increases by 1.
With 9 points of essentia attached the mist nauseates all creatures in the effect, no save. This only triggers if the targets need to breathe.
If the attached essentia drops below the threshold of any effect, then the effects within the area reduces to the highest possible effect based on current essentia, but retains the area of the original casting.

Influence Plants (Sp): Ingesting the Corrupt Plants Essence allows the Blighter two uses per day of Diminish Plants as an SLA. Additionally, he may, at will, touch a specific plant or plant creature and do 2d6 per character level Corruption damage to that plant. This effect only works on plants, any creature with the plant type, or any creature under the effect of the Plant Body spell or similar spell that grants plant immunities. Technically, it also works on other Blighters currently benefiting from Bioengineering.
With 1 essentia attached the Blighter gains two uses of Speak with Plants. This may require some intimidation, rather than friendliness to get information, since plants notice and are unsettled by the Corrupted Plants Essence. But hey, you’ve got a touch attack that can straight up murder them, so they might be convinced that snitching is the better part of valor.
With 2 essentia attached the Blighter gains two uses of Plant Growth, but the plants are ugly and misshapen, and castings of purify food and drink are strongly recommended before eating anything from such fields.
With 3 essentia attached the Blighter gains 2 uses of Daze Plants, which is a single target effect that only affects plant creatures, but dazes them for 5 rounds on a failed will save.
With 5 essentia attached the Blighter gains 2 uses of Tree Stride.
With 6 essentia attached the Blighter gains 2 uses of Transport via Plants.
With 7 essentia attached the Blighter gains 2 uses of Control Plants.

Corrupted Fire:
Fire Blast (Sp): Ingesting the Corrupt Fire Essence allows the Blighter to use a ranged touch attack out to short range that does 1d6 fire damage per two Blighter levels (round up).
Each point of essentia attached to the Corrupted Fire Essence increases fire damage by 1d6.
With 3 points of Essentia attached, the Range increases to Medium Range.
With 4 points of Essentia attached the Blighter may fire an additional blast at a different target. With each 2 points of essentia attached above 4, the Blighter may fire an additional blast at a third, fourth, ect. target.

Fire Resistance (Su): Ingesting the Corrupt Fire Essence grants the Blighter Fire Resistance of 5+2 points per character level.
With 5 points of essentia attached, this becomes Fire Immunity.

Fireball (Sp): Ingesting the Corrupt Fire Essence allows a Blighter to use Fireball as a SLA once every 5 rounds. It does the same amount of damage as his Fireblast would do, Reflex for half.
If 3 points of essentia are attached to the Corrupt Fire Essence, the fireball can be delayed 1-4 rounds at the choice of the Blighter.
If 4 points of essentia are attached, half the damage is untyped.
If 5 points of essentia are attached, the Fireball can be shaped to avoid hitting some targets inside the effect. You can designate some targets as not being hit.
If 6 points of essentia are attached, the Fireball also forces a Will Save which, if failed, Dazes the target for one round.
If 7 points of essentia are attached the Fireball does the same amount of damage again the next round as burn damage.

Firewalls (Sp): Ingesting the Corrupt Fire Essence allows a Blighter two uses of Wall of Fire as an SLA.
With 3 points of Essentia attached, these become an immediate action to cast.
With 5 points of Essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Fire Shield that can be cast as an immediate action.
With 6 points of Essentia attached the Blighter gains two uses of Firestorm as an SLA.
With 8 points of essentia attached, Firestorm does untyped damage.

Corrupted Water:
Water Modification (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupted Water Essence can tag up to 6 creatures including himself. All 6 creatures gain the effects of the Waterbreathing and Darkvision spells, as well as gaining a swim speed equal to their land speed.
With 2 essentia attached, all 6 also benefit from the Water Walking spell.
With 4 essentia attached, all 6 also benefit from Freedom of Movement.
With 8 essentia attached, all 6 gain the effects of the attune plane spell.

Tidal Surge (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupt Water Essence may use Tidal Surge as an SLA once every 5 rounds. This creates a 20ft Cone of surging corrupted water from the Blighter. This water forces a Reflex save or it pushes the target back to the end of the cone. Regardless of the success or failure of the Reflex save, it does 1d6 Con damage with a Fort Save to negate. This damage is a poison effect.
With each essentia attached, the length of the Cone extends by 10ft.
With 2 essentia attached the Blighter may cause the Con damage to be Disease effect.
With 3 essentia attached the con damage increases to 2d6 con damage.
With 4 essentia attached the con damage no longer has a fort save attached.
With 5 essentia attached the con damage increases to 3d6 con damage.
With 6 essentia attached the con damage can become just con damage (with no poison or disease modifier attached).
With 7 essentia attached, creatures that fail the reflex save are stunned for one round.
With 8 essentia attached the con damage increases to 4d6.
With 8 essentia attached, the con damage can become con drain.
For every two essentia attached above 8 the con damage increases by another 1d6.

Water Influence (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupt Water Essence gains 2 uses of one of the following three SLAs: Unholy Water, Axiomatic Water, Anarchic Water.
With 1 essentia attached, he also gains two uses of Control Currents (Stormwrack).
With 2 essentia attached he gains 2 uses of Control Water.
With 3 essentia attached, he gains two uses of Flowsight (SW) as well.
With 4 essentia attached he gains the ability to evoke a Maelstorm as the spell (StW) twice a day.
With 5 essentia attached he gains two uses of Dark Tide (SW) as well.
With 7 essentia attached he gains two uses of Doom of the Seas (SW) as well.

Corrupted Air:
Wind Pulse (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupted Air Essence can use Wings of Cover as an SLA many many many times a day. Each time he uses it, he cannot use it again for 5 rounds.

Poisoned Air (Sp): A Blighter may, as a Spell Like Ability, cast either Fog Cloud. Each time he uses it, he cannot use it again for 5 rounds. However, he may only have one such cloud up at a time, and creating a second one replaces the previous cloud. In case your DM disagrees regarding normal cloud spells, just to be clear, this cloud is totally capable of being created straight up in the air.

Unlike a normal fog cloud, the Blighter can choose for the effect to be poisonous, similar to a Stinking Cloud. If an enemy fails a Fort save, they are nauseated for 1 round + 1 round per point of essentia attached to the Corrupted Air Essence at the time they failed the save.

With 1 point of essentia attached a Blighter can move the cloud as a move action up to 40ft.
With 2 points of essentia attached the Cloud has the effect of the Mind Fog spell as well for the same duration as the Nausea.
With 3 points of essentia attached, when the Cloud is originally cast, anyone inside the effect must make a Will Save or be blinded for the same duration as the Nausea. This is the same save as the first Mind Fog save, so they are either not blind and no taking a penalty to Will saves, or they are blinded and taking a penalty.
With 4 points of essentia attached the Cloud becomes Solid, as the Solid Fog spell.
With 5 points of essentia attached the Cloud also effects creatures as the Cloudkill penalty. This Fort save is the same as the save for Nausea.
With 6 points of essentia attached the Cloud does 2d6 Acid damage each round.
With 7 points of essentia attached the Cloud stuns and dazes in addition to nausea on a failed save.
With 8 points of essentia attached, the death caused by the Cloudkill effect applies regardless of HD.
With 9 points of essentia attached, the Death effect can stop being poison, but become a Death effect at the Blighter's choice.
If the attached essentia drops below the threshold of any effect, then the effects within the area reduces to the highest possible effect based on current essentia, however the duration of effects that people have already failed a save against remain the same.

Air Influence (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupt Air Essence gains 2 Uses of Levitate as an SLA each day.
With 1 essentia attached, he also gains 2 uses of Gust of Wind.
With 2 essentia attached he gains 2 uses of Airwalk.
With 3 essentia attached, he gains two uses of Gaseous Form as well.
With 4 essentia attached he gains two uses of Control Winds.
With 6 essentia attached he gains two uses of Control Weather as well.
With 7 essentia attached he gains two uses of Whirlwind as well.

Corrupted Stone:
Stone Skin (Su): A Blighter that binds the Corrupted Stone Essence gains DR 3/- plus 3 per point of essentia attached in the Essence.
With 4 essentia attached a Blighter is immune to critical hits and precision damage. This is considered equal to the immunity granted by being a construct, and is bypassed by anything that would bypass such immunity.
With 5 essentia attached a Blighter can burrow, including through stone, 15ft per round, leaving a tunnel behind.
With 6 essentia attached, the DR is considered hardness.
With 7 essentia attached, the Blighter gains Earthglide.
With 8 essentia attached, the Blighter is immune to Stun.

Harden Flesh (Sp): As a standard action a Blighter that bind the Corrupted Stone Essence can harden the stone of up to 6 allies or a single enemy within medium range. After using Harden Flesh, the Blighter may not use it again for 5 rounds. When used on allies, it provides the same benefits that Stone Skin provides to the Blighter to the recipients for 5 rounds. When used on enemies, it forces a Fort save which if failed, slows the target (as the Slow spell) for 5 rounds.
With 2 points of essentia attached, the Slow effect can be fired in a Ray attack that allows no saving throw.
With 4 points of essentia attached, a Fort save turns the target completely to stone, as the Flesh to Stone spell if failed. This can not be fired in a ray.
With 5 points of essentia attached, even a successful save against the Flesh to stone slows the target.
With 6 points of essentia attached a Blighter can cast any one of his Stone Influence SLAs as part of the same action as Harden Flesh, but the spell originates from the target rather than the Blighter.
With 8 points of essentia attached, this effect can target one enemy per Blighter level. However only a single Stone Influence SLA may be used regardless of the number of enemies effected.

Stone Influence (Sp): A Blighter gains two uses of Stoneshape as an SLA when it ingests the Corrupted Stone Essence. If you attempt to use this adjacent to an enemy, they gain a reflex save to end on the other side of the effect.
With each point of essentia attached, the Blighter gains an additional two uses of Stoneshape.
With 2 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Meld into Stone.
With 3 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Spike Stones.
With 4 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Wall of Stone.
With 5 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Transmute Rock to Mud.
With 6 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Transmute Mud to Rock.
With 7 points of essentia attached, the Blighter gains two uses of Transmute Rock to Lava.

Mutation Essence:
Transformation (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Mutation Essence can transform into another creature, depending on what other essences he has ingested. Transforming requires a Full Round Action. Reversion requires a standard action. A level 1 Blighter may transform into any CR ½ or less creature of the appropriate type and/or subtype. A Blighter of level 2 or higher may transform into a creature of CR one less than his Blighter level. The appropriate creatures to transform into if you have ingested the appropriate essence are:

Corrupted Animals: Animals and Vermin
Corrupted Plants: Plants
Corrupted Air, Fire, Water, Earth: Any Elemental with the appropriate subtype.
Infection Essence: Aberrations

Transforming into a creature makes you the size and appearance of that creature. Additionally it makes you a valid target for spells that target creatures of that type, except Awaken spells. However, it does not actually give you the type, so you do not gain plant, vermin, or elemental immunities, nor do you gain the fire immunity of the fire subtype.
When transformed, you gain the natural attacks, racial bonus feats, and racial skills of the form you take. Additionally, you gain the natural movement modes of the creature, however, the speed is capped at 5ft per Blighter level. If this would result in a fly speed less than 20ft, you do not gain the fly speed.
Finally, you gain a Shapechange Bonus to your physical attribute scores and Natural Armor. This bonus caps either at the point where your physical attributes or natural armor are equal to the form you have taken, or at ½ your Blighter level.
The only part of your character that you lose on transformation is your size and appearance.
With 1 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, you gain the sensory modes of the form you assume.
With 3 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, you gain Extraordinary Movement modes of the form you assume.
With 4 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, you gain the Extraordinary non-sensory, non-movement modes of the form you assume.
With 5 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, you gain the Extraordinary Special Attacks of the form you assume.
All of these abilities are tied to the Essentia invested currently, not at the time of transformation, so you may gain or lose abilities as you redistribute essentia.

Forced Mutation (Sp): A Blighter may force a negative mutation on a single enemy within Medium Range as a standard action once every 5 rounds. If the enemy fails a Fortitude save, then for 5 rounds they take a -3 Penalty to attack rolls, saves, Armor Class (treat this as a reduction in their Dex bonus), and ability and skill checks. This is a [Polymorph] effect.
With 2 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, the mutation can apply to their mind instead. If they fail a Will Save, then each round they have a 50% chance to take no actions. This is a [Mind Affecting][Polymorph] effect that completely replaces the penalty application effect.
With 4 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, triggering the same cooldown, the Blighter may use Baleful Polymorph as a Spell Like Ability, however, the duration is only 5 rounds.
With 5 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, the Baleful Polymorph has the Permanent Duration of the spell.
With 7 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence, the Baleful Polymorph effect can be applied to Undead and Constructs who might otherwise have been immune.

Mutation Influence (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Mutation Essence may cast Enlarge Person or Reduce Person twice per day, however the duration is 12 hours, and you and your filthy creature are legal targets regardless of either of your types.
With 1 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Barkskin as an SLA.
With 2 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Stone to Flesh as an SLA.
With 3 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Last Breath as an SLA.
With 4 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Reincarnate as an SLA.
With 5 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Transmute Rock to Mud as an SLA.
With 6 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Flesh to Stone as an SLA.
With 7 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Glass Strike as an SLA.
With 8 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Transmute Rock to Lava as an SLA.
With 9 Essentia invested in the Mutation Essence a Blighter gains two uses of Shapechange as an SLA.

Infection Essence:
Healing Infection (Ex): A Blighter that ingests the Infection Essence gains immunity to all diseases, including magical diseases, and Fast Healing 1, however the fast healing can only heal the Blighter to 3/4ths of his maximum HP. For each point of essentia invested in the Infection Essence, the fast healing increases by 2.

Wound Transference (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Infection Essence can take on the wounds of others. By touching a willing target as a standard action he can take any amount of HP damage as untyped damage, and that target heals equal to the damage he takes. He may do so twice per day. Each point of essentia invested in the Infection Essence grants an additional two uses per day.

Infection Transference (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Infection Essence can touch a creature as a standard action and absorb any ability damage or ability drain they have experienced up to his cap. This in effect cures them of the ability damage or drain as per Greater Restoration. The maximum amount that a Blighter can absorb is 6 plus 3 per Blighter level.
Unlike all other Blighter abilities, this Ability Damage absorbed is permanently tracked. Even meditating and changing essences does not change this amount, and the amount is preserved the next time the Infection Essence is invested. The only way that the Ability Damage can be removed from the pool is by making a touch attack as a standard action and the target failing a Fort Save, if the target fails a fort save, and is not immune to disease, the Blighter can do an amount of ability damage to them equal to his Blighter level, and this will reduce his pool by the same amount. The ability damage (or drain) dealt must be the type(s) he has absorbed. This ability may not be used to cause ability damage to your Filthy Creature.
With 2 points of Essentia invested a Blighter can Absorb Fatigue or Exhaustion as 4 or 8 points of Strength Damage, or inflict the same with 4 or 8 points of Strength Damage from his pool. A Blighter can also absorb Paralysis as 10 points of Dex damage and inflict it with 10 points of Dex Damage.
With 3 points of Essentia invested a Blighter can Absorb Deafness or Blindness as 4 or 8 points of Con damage, and inflict it with 4 or 8 points of Con damage respectively.
With 4 points of essentia invested a Blighter can absorb any specific effect that would be cured by Remove Disease, Lesser Restoration, or Restoration that isn’t negative levels, such as a Chaos Beasts Corporeal Instability or the Slime of an Aboleth. This takes the form of 8 points of either Constitution or Charisma damage, depending on whether it is a mental or physical effect.
With 7 points of Essentia invested the Blighter can absorb any effect that would be cured by the Heal spell, the Regenerate spell, or the Greater Restoration spell, except that he still can’t absorb negative levels. This takes the form of 12 points of either Charisma or Constitution damage.

Infections (Sp): With 3 Essentia invested in the Infection Essence, the Blighter may cast Contagion at will.

Corrupted Sand:
Sand Modification (Su): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupted Sand Essence takes on some limited qualities of sand. He becomes sandy colored and can Hide in Plain Sight in any desert or other sandy terrain. Additionally, he becomes immune to dehydration damage and effects and no longer needs to drink water until this essence is expelled.
With 1 point of essentia attached he becomes somewhat modular in shape providing an untyped bonus to escape artist checks of 10+5 per each essentia above 1.
With 2 points of essentia attached he becomes immune to critical hits.
With 5 points of essentia attached he can transform into a cloud of sand, like Gaseous Form, but sand, at will and change back to his normal form at will.
With 7 points of essentia attached he becomes incorporeal

Hostile Sand (Sp): A Blighter can direct an attack of aggravating sand grains. A Blighter may cause a 15ft Burst to emit from them which causes anyone besides the Blighter to make a Reflex Save or be blinded for 5 rounds.
With 1 point of essentia attached this effect also does 1d6 damage, no save to anyone besides the Blighter. Treat this abrasion damage as slashing for interaction purposes.
With 2 points of essentia attached the Blighter does 1d6 damage per Blighter level.
With 3 points of essentia attached the Burst can occur out to Medium Range.
With 4 points of essentia attached the attack can be a Spread instead.
With 5 points of essentia attached the Blind effect becomes permanent in duration.
With 6 points of essentia attached the abrasion damage becomes untyped.
With 7 points of essentia attached the sand can be directed to only attack enemies, leaving allies unaffected.
With 8 points of essentia attached the sand leaves a coating of sand on the ground in the space of the effect which attempts to suck down only enemies creating selective difficult terrain.
With 9 points of essentia attached the sand clings to anyone who fails a reflex save, recurring the attack over and over until the effected creature dies or has a large amount of water poured on themselves, is submerged in water, or enters an area of windstorm level winds.

Both the area of effect and recursion end if the essentia threshhold drops below the required number.

Sand Influence (Sp): A Blighter that ingests the Corrupt Sand Essence gains 2 Uses of Locate Water as an SLA each day.
With 1 essentia attached, he also gains 2 uses of Control Sand.
With 2 essentia attached he gains 2 uses of Dispel Water as well.
With 3 essentia attached, he gains two uses of Harden Sand as well.
With 4 essentia attached he gains two uses of Wall of Sand as well.
With 5 essentia attached he gains two uses of Transmute Sand to Glass or Sand to Glass as well.
With 6 essentia attached he gains two uses of Sandstorm as well.
With 7 essentia attached he gains two uses of Desert Binding as well.
With 8 essentia attached he gains one use of Mantle of the Fiery Spirit.

More Essences:
Corrupt Earth:
Corrupted Snow
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Jun 12, 2022 12:16 am, edited 19 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Tannhäuser »

This looks very cool, much better than other implementations of something like a Dark Sun Defiler I've seen so far, although it's obviously not the exact same concept.

It's also missing an entry for level 17, pointless as that is right now to point out.
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Post by Kaelik »

Tannhäuser wrote:It's also missing an entry for level 17, pointless as that is right now to point out.
No, that's actually super convient, because I kind of wanted Double Essentia to be the level 20 ability, but I also wanted to stick to the pattern on new Corrupted Essence Slots, and this works out perfectly.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Blighter [Tome of Trees]

Post by RobbyPants »

Kaelik wrote: Air Influence (Sp): Control Winds, Control Weather, Airwalk, what else?
At-will Gust of Wind? Protection from Arrows with two points?
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Post by Schleiermacher »

Fog Cloud/Stinking Cloud/Cloudkill?

Gaseous Form?
There are lots of "air abilities".
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Post by Kaelik »

RobbyPants wrote:
Kaelik wrote: Air Influence (Sp): Control Winds, Control Weather, Airwalk, what else?
At-will Gust of Wind? Protection from Arrows with two points?
Schleiermacher wrote:Fog Cloud/Stinking Cloud/Cloudkill?

Gaseous Form?
There are lots of "air abilities".
I meant specifically Air Influence.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by fbmf »

Like. Would play.

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Post by Kaelik »

If anyone else wants to help me out with Essences or balance statements I would appreciate it, since I'm still working on this.

I just added a Will save daze effect to the fireball from Fire, as I felt fire was the weakest one so far.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

I have finnicky players so probably no one will pick this up, but I'll run it by them for my upcoming game. If anyone actually goes for it, I'll let you know.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by fbmf »

Any update on this?

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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Not from my end. All my players looked at the Blighter and said something like "eh, no thanks" and picked something else.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

I occasionally put thought into it here and now, but it might be months before I finish it (or never... Elemental Siphon PrCs).
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

Added Mutation Essence, which for obvious reasons is the most broken, the easiest to break, the hardest to make well, and the hardest to fix if it's broken.

So for any criticisms, this would probably be a good point to air them.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

I think you can still pull goofy Aberration Wild Shape tricks with Infection Essence, making it probably the best one for Transformation.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Kaelik »

Mask_De_H wrote:I think you can still pull goofy Aberration Wild Shape tricks with Infection Essence, making it probably the best one for Transformation.
Well what are the goofy Aberration wildshape tricks? And what abilities do they use? Because you would need to keep essentia invested.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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