Let's play FF#44 Legend of the Shadow Warriors.

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Mr Shine
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Let's play FF#44 Legend of the Shadow Warriors.

Post by Mr Shine »

Standard FF setup. You start with your sword and 2d+12 gold. Unlike other FF books though it explicitly states that you can only carry one weapon. If you change weapons you have to discard the other one

I've decided to give you a NotN style choice of 3 prerolled people, although I haven't named them, I'll leave that to you.

A SK 10, ST 19, LU 12, GP 20
B SK 12, ST 20, LU 9, GP 19
C SK 8, ST 17, LU 12, GP18

Or if you're feeling lucky you can reject them all in favour of an as yet unrolled 4th character.


Gallantaria was once the most civilized land on the face of Titan. Its history began when Orjan the Builder halted the great roaming of his tribe, to build a village which he called Lendle. From there, his people spread, building ever more villages, and Lendle itself evolved into a walled city. Orjan's son, Regulus, led the people into a new age of wealth, and forged the eight largest towns into the nation of Gallantaria with Royal Lendle as its capital. Gallantaria continued lo expand and could well have covered the entire Old World, were it not for the fact that it bordered other nations whose peoples also had thoughts of expansion . . .

Directly south lay the nation of Femphrey, and to the east the country of Brice. Though initially relations were cordial, the people of Brice grew jealous of Gallantaria's wealth and prepared an invasion. Next, Gallantarian colonies in the Northlands rebelled and sent an army down into their parent country to win their independence, and it did not take long before the nearby nations of Femphrey and Lendleland got caught up in these terrible events. Thus began the War of the Four

Extracts from Life on Titan
by Emst Kanderma

The treacherous Baron Tag led his own monarch into an ambush, he himself plunging a poisoned dagger into King Constain's back. War-tom and leaderless, Gallantaria fell into despair Fortunately help was at hand in the form of Tantalon, the court magician, who seized the throne 'in the name of the people. Using a mixture of cunning, wizardry and brilliant strategy, Tantalon brought the war to an end single-handed Yet, though he exercised the authority of kingship, he did not keep the crown for himself; he was saving it for another,

Excerpt from Court Essays ancl Observations:
two decades of royaL decorum
by Hugo Montpeilier

Aged and weary, Tantalon killed two birds with one stone, at one and the same time he found Constain's successor and righted twelve wrongs by declaring the latter to be tasks which the former had to complete to win the crown. Thus a new bloodiine began to rule Gallanfaria, Orjan's lineage having ended with lhe betrayed Constain. Law and order were restored and an unlikely hero became king.

Strangely enough, the coronation coincided with Tantalon's passing away; but the wizard's death and the start of a fresh royal dynasty signalled a new era for the nation However, Gallantaria was no longer the centre of the Old World. That position had passed lo Femphrey, the realm of King Chalanna, who ruled with his magical 'crown of kings. Chalanna lent this great artefact to the rulers of the other countries, on condition that they join his now mighty Alliance. Indeed, Chalanna's wise and generous leadership has proved to be the sole guiding light, leading us into the next Age of Humanity.

Extract from Chalanna the Reformer Vol lll:
The Fruitful Years
by Matra Sanscreer

Sword for Hire

You are a veteran adventurer, Iending your sword arm to (almost) anybody who makes you the right offer -though it must be said you have no great love for gold, requiring only enough to get by. You seek adventure and excitement for their own sake and look to correct the world's many injustices. Over the years you have fought for many armies and have joined many expeditions into unknown lands. During the War of the Four Kingdoms you fought on the side of Gallantaria, your homeland. Your courage, skill and leadership earned you many decorations and, though you never felt comfortable with it, the rank of captain. When the war ended you spurned the fame you had gained and took to the road in search of fresh adventures.

Five years on, you are now back in Royal Lendle; but the people who once sang your praises have forgotten you. It's taken only four days for you fo become bored with the city so, hopeful of bumping into someone interesting, you decide to take yourself to a tavern named the First Step to slake your thirst. It is highly likely that someone in here will be looking for a person with your particular talents Indeed, you are on the point of draining your second tankard of Lendale when you feel a frantic tapping on your shoulder and you tum to face a worried-looking man. Judging by his appearance, you would say that he is a farmer living on the country's borderland. His words tumble out in hurried anxiety 'Please, Captain, you must help us in Kamstein Our homes are being ravaged by an unstoppable foe and our people are being cut down like dead wheat. Three of us that's me, Mendokan, and two of my fellow villagers - have come to the city seeking help, but the authorities won’t listen to us. They think we're making it ali up They don't believe that we're being attacked by the Shadow Warriors.'

It cannot be! The Shadow Warriors are merely bogey men, used by mothers to make their naughty children behave; every Gallantarian child knows the short nursery-rhyme that tells of them. Before you have time to respond, Mendokan continues. No one will help us Even mercenaries we approached have laughed in our faces. Then, when we heard you were here . . You're our last hope. Will you help us?'

While his words have hardly been a glowing tribute to your skills, you can see that the man is terrified and in dire need of help. You're very doubtful about this Shadow Warrior business, though. It is much more likely that the people of Kamstein are being terrorized by a gang of brigands got up in frightening costumes Still, you have heard of Kamstein, it's a mere speck of dust on the maps, there's virtually nothing there;. What could raiders possibly want from such a place? Perhaps they just enjoy picking on scared, helpless peasants?

Whatever the reason, it enrages you to hear of such wanton viciousness You make up your mind to go to Kamstein on the spot. you'll defend the village and teach these 'Shadow Warriors' a lesson they'll never forget
Though he is relieved that you have agreed to help his village, Mendokan now begins to look embarrassed He says, we are only a poor and simple people All we can pay you is two hundred Gold Pieces and, what is more,the village elders have decreed that you are to be paid after the job is done.' Heigh-ho, such are the times! Still, you won't go back on your word, so you agree lo his terms and Mendokan smiles once more in relief . Now he must go and find his friends so that they can prepare to leave for Kamstein, you yourself will have to buy Provisions and other equipment necessary for the journey and your adventure. You shake hands with Mendokan and arrange to meet his party on the Main Trade Route south of the city, in two hors time. The farmer then hurries out of the tavern- just as a gaudily dressed fellow strolls in and elbows his way towards you. This is Bartolph, an infamous gambler, he struts through even the most dangerous parts of the city wearing expensive silks, as a sign of his success at countless gaming tables 'l haven't seen you in here for some time,' he says with a sly grin. 'Care to try your luck?' Although you shouldn't be wasting any time here, a win would enable you to buy more equipment and thus prepare you for the road ahead. Will you accept Bartolph's challenge, or, if you would rather leave,

Please indicate which character you want (A, B, C or mystery character D) as well, (although I'm sure you all want C)

If anybody knows why the IMG tags aren't working, please let me know so I can fix it.
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Re: Let's play FF#44 Legend of the Shadow Warriors.

Post by Starmaker »

Mr Shine wrote:If anybody knows why the IMG tags aren't working, please let me know so I can fix it.
Append ?raw=1 to them, like so:
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Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

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Post by Sirocco »

I vote for B, and sure play a couple rounds of whatever.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

When I was doing these and got enough ridiculous names I'd take the second most popular choice for the next LP. Which would be Grabsack Moorcock, I think. I would also accept Spoopy Cojones.

Definitely go with character B: max SKILL and average LUCK is much better than the other way around. Especially with a STAMINA of 20+.

And since in that case our LUCK is only average I don't think we should bother gambling with this guy.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

I'm going to take a gamble and go with a more well-rounded character in A. This is written by Stephen Hand, not Livingstone/Martin/Green, and I'm putting some faith in him not to give us a meatgrinder book that requires a SK 12 PC.

And accept the challenge.
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Post by Sirocco »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:I would also accept Spoopy Cojones.
Spoopy Cojones is brilliant! I lol'd.
Darth Rabbitt wrote:And since in that case our LUCK is only average I don't think we should bother gambling with this guy.
Yeah, the thought crossed my mind, but then again, in exchange for a few bucksgold, he might offer us a plot coupon, some insight on our mission, or, failing those, the opportunity to brutally eviscerate him if/when we find out he's cheating. Fortune favors the bold!
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Post by MisterDee »

A and Gamble. 10 Skill should be enough.
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Well, it's 3-1 on gambling, but 2-2 on which stats.

Code: Select all

Rubbing his well-manicured hands in unrestrained glee, Bartolph sits beside you and hands you a die 'Put some gold on the table as a stake,' he says,'and roll the die. If you roll 4 or above, you win: you keep your stake money and you take an amount equal to your stake from my own purse If you roll less than 4 you 1ose, and I keep your stake Easy, eh?'Yes, you think, almost too easy. A small crowd, drawn by the exaggerated loudness of Bartolph's voice, gathers round to watch. Decide how many Gold Pieces you wish lo gamble and note the amount on your Adventure Sheet.

Roll one die,
on a roll of 4-6...
on a roll of 1-3...
(Seems fair, right?)

No stat tests yet. You just need to decide how much you want to gamble, and unless you want to gamble 20 the stats don't matter yet. So how much do you want to wager, and still taking votes for which stats to use.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Take the A stat array and bet 1 gp; I suspect Bartolph's cheating, so test him with low stakes.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Angel's plan sounds good to me. Test the waters.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Sirocco »

What they said. (I still think we should get stats B, because SKILL!, but ok.)
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Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

We roll a 2
"Tut tut tut! Not your day, is it?" Bartolph smirks condescendingly as he reaches out for your stake. Will you let him take the gold or grab his wrist and call him a cheat?
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Post by SGamerz »

Since this was determined by our own die roll, we lost fair and square. Pay up.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Pay up.
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Post by Sirocco »

With no other clues as to the fairness of the dice, or lack thereof, I'm inclined to agree. Pay up.
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Post by Mr Shine »

With one proposal and one second, we'll go with Spoopy Cojones
Also our stats are the A array.
Your money disappears into the gambler's pocket via a hand that looks like a vulture's claw (deduct the gold from your Adventure Sheet) Bartolph beams and says, 'You played well, but Sindla was against you However, lest you start crying into your beer, the ever fair and selfless Bartolph will give you a chance to win your money back, and more besides provided you can afford a stake high enough to cover your losses. What's more, this time I'll make it even easier for you. The rules are as before, but now you need roll only 3 or above to win.Are you game?' If you want to play again... ,but if you would rather leave...
What a lovely guy.
Spoopy Cojones, Gallantarian ex-captain

SK 10/10 ST 19/19 LU 12/12
19 Gold Pieces
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

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Post by SlyJohnny »

I don't see the point of indulging this fop, let's leave. Or at least not bet too high.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd be for replaying him. Spoopy Cojones is a lucky bastard.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Sirocco »

Let's try one more time.
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Post by Mr Shine »

Note on your Adventure Sheet how many Gold Pieces you
wish to risk and then roll one die. (I will assume 1)

On a roll of 3-6...√ (We roll a 5)

Your smile turns into a look of mute disbelief as the die suddenly flips over: your roll has become a 1. Too bad,' says Bartolph, reaching for your gold. The die he gave you is obviously loaded, and he is a trickster! :shocked: If you want to grab his wrist and accuse him of cheating... However, if you would rather avoid any trouble and let him have the money, deduct the Gold Pieces you have lost from your Adventure Sheet and leave the tavern.
The reference is different from that of accusing him earlier.
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Post by SGamerz »

Now we have a legit reason to accuse him.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Seize him!
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Post by Sirocco »

Well, like I said:
Sirocco wrote:in exchange for a few bucksgold, he might offer us [...] the opportunity to brutally eviscerate him if/when we find out he's cheating.
:bash: :razz:
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