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Post by hyzmarca »

Prak wrote:Wait, talozin, do you see Pentex as sympathetic, or BSDs? Because Pentex is Halliburton literally run by Nazi vampires, and literally wants to destroy the Earth because they think they get to be kings of what's left/comes after, and Black Spiral Dancers are a tribe of Garou who "dug too deep" and fell to the wyrm and basically run around killing, raping, and polluting, but are ostensibly slightly more sympathetic because they are actually driven insane and accept pretty much anyone (not quite, but more or less).
From Pentex's perspective, Gaia is an abusive psychomom who created furry rage monsters to kill her children the second they questioned her authority. This perspective has a lot going for it, considering that Gaia did, in fact, create furry rage monsters to kill her children the second they questioned her authority. They're explicitly the pro-human faction. They want to create a better world, one where we can reach our potential. But that's never going to happen as long as mother earth is around because she's an insane abusive bitch who won't let us have our own life. For the children to grow into their own, the parent must die.
And yes, they would be leading the way afterward. Someone has to. And they're already rich and powerful, besides. But the corporation's goals are purely altruistic. They truly do want to better humanity. It's really easy to agree with them.

The Black Spiral Dancers have a lot going for them. 1) They're willling to work with other races, including vampires, who would normally be kill on sight for Gaian Garou. 2) They treat Metis as equals. 3) They're extremely accepting of converts. Any werewolf who wants to join them can, no questions asked. 4) On the whole, they engage in a lot less rape than the Gaian Garou do. Most of them have equal relationships with other BSDs, rather than extremely unequal relationships with kinfolk.
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Post by Prak »

I think we tend to flanderize the Garou a lot here. The Elders are pretty dickish, but younger Garou are a lot more progressive. Especially the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers. The Red Talons and Get are the worst of the worst, and Black Furies are maybe up there, since they're explicitly man-hating, literally amazonian rad fems, but on the other hand, the Talons hate all humans (somewhat justifiably...) and the Get are swaggering, macho types who are some of the worst of the Garou and the tribe I could see actually having rape vans.

The Shadow Lords and Silver Fangs are probably the next step down, being the ruling class of the Garou, but the SLs are starting to get the idea that they need to grow up, if the camp focused on rescuing Bat from the Wyrm is any indication. Unfortunately, SFs tend to be kind of inborn and aristocratic.

But the Fianna, Children of Gaia, Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers and to some extent Silent Striders come off as a lot less terrible. The CoG are explicitly the hippies of the Garou, even taking in Metises. The Fianna are just irish werewolves who drink and party, and the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers are city werewolves who are very, very invested in humans doing well. I always got the sense that SSes are too busy doing their wandering hero thing to care much about oppressing humanity.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by hyzmarca »

Prak wrote:I think we tend to flanderize the Garou a lot here. The Elders are pretty dickish, but younger Garou are a lot more progressive. Especially the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers. The Red Talons and Get are the worst of the worst, and Black Furies are maybe up there, since they're explicitly man-hating, literally amazonian rad fems, but on the other hand, the Talons hate all humans (somewhat justifiably...) and the Get are swaggering, macho types who are some of the worst of the Garou and the tribe I could see actually having rape vans.

The Shadow Lords and Silver Fangs are probably the next step down, being the ruling class of the Garou, but the SLs are starting to get the idea that they need to grow up, if the camp focused on rescuing Bat from the Wyrm is any indication. Unfortunately, SFs tend to be kind of inborn and aristocratic.

But the Fianna, Children of Gaia, Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers and to some extent Silent Striders come off as a lot less terrible. The CoG are explicitly the hippies of the Garou, even taking in Metises. The Fianna are just irish werewolves who drink and party, and the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers are city werewolves who are very, very invested in humans doing well. I always got the sense that SSes are too busy doing their wandering hero thing to care much about oppressing humanity.
The thing is, any relationship between Garou and kinfolk is inherently problematic, due to the massive power imbalances in Garou society. And while the Children of Gaia accept Metis, the vast majority of them still shag kinfolk. Which is always coercive at best.

The Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers are city werewolves, but they still work for Gaia, which makes them the enemy. For ultimately the ascendancy of man requires that she that she and the Triat be slain, or else be bound into our service. To that end, the Wyrm is a useful and dangerous tool, but nothing more than a tool. And when that usefulness ends, it too shall fall.

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Post by talozin »

If anything, I think the Garou are less sympathetic than Tradition Mages. Yes, the Mages think the advancement of consistent, reproducible science is the largest problem in the world today, and, by inference, they want to return the world to a mythic era when things like "gravity" and "the germ theory of disease" operated solely at the sufferance of the guy in the vicinity who had the largest magical wang. But any injury, death, or insanity that befalls you as a result of this is just collateral damage to them. They aren't out to get you -- in fact, it's right there in their charter that eventually they want you to have a magical wang of your very own. They're just trying to make a better world, and sometimes that requires breaking a few eggs.

The Garou, by contrast, think that you are actively harmful to their highest ideals. It's true that some of them only want to slap you on the wrist for this, and some of them are even kind of okay with you doing your thing as long as it gives them neat stuff to play with. On the other hand, the big debate among the Red Talons is whether they should kill all humans, or just most of them. The Garou Nation has a law that says you aren't supposed to eat people, and while some people might find that comforting I'm more that a little unnerved by the fact that apparently this happens often enough that they have to tell everybody to knock that shit off. To say nothing of that fact that not all of them even agree that it's a good idea.

Basically: Tradition Mages are Stalinists, which is bad. But the Garou are Nazis, which is worse, because we are the Jews.
TheFlatline wrote:This is like arguing that blowjobs have to be terrible, pain-inflicting endeavors so that when you get a chick who *doesn't* draw blood everyone can high-five and feel good about it.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

Yeah Prak, you're in too deep with your love of the furries. The Garou are hideous, Pentex/BSD are hideous, the entire game is a festering pile of horrific bile so if you don't buy into the system designation of the protagonists, Pentex/BSDs are more humanist and thus, more sympathetic.

The problem there is actually engaging with any non-Vampire or Wraith game's fluff beyond the elevator pitch. It's a terrible game for terrible people with terrible fluff that gets exponentially more terrible the more you dig into it.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Prak »

Well, remember, it's a White Wolf game, so even their game about playing furry rage monsters is supposed to be about politicking and personal horror and hopeless raging against the night. The intent is for there to be this big tension between the tribes where some tribes want to kill all the humans, some tribes want to invite the humans over for pot tea and tell them how they're hurting Mother Earth, and some tribes are too busy fighting for the hill top to really have a personal agenda on what to do with the uppity monkeys.

The fact that the "Kill most/all humans" faction is the face of the Garou is supposed to be the thing you're fighting against as a young, non-elder werewolf. Which is the way that my group handled it back when I played and we even actually made some progress.

So I think to some extent it's intentional that terrible Garou exist, but not intentional for them to be so prevalent.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Ancient History »

Keep going! I want to get to the merit/flaw where you can impregnate someone just by sharing a glass of water with them.
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Post by Prak »

Yeah.... the merits will be interesting.

I recently got a full time job with a half-to-full hour commute, so my time is somewhat restricted.

...in fact I'm only able to post now because I'm slacking on finding things to work on...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Mord »

Ancient History wrote:Keep going! I want to get to the merit/flaw where you can impregnate someone just by sharing a glass of water with them.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

OgreBattle wrote:
AS isn't doing werelizards because there's no demand.
Snake people/Nagas still count as their own separate faction in AS right?

Now I'm wondering how little/much rejiggering it takes to turn After Sundown into After the Bomb.
In my own heartbreaker I'm aiming for more of a fantasy kitchensink feel, but don't want laundry lists of individual creature species to be dumpster-dived through. Thus, I want both: a fantasy kitchensink of species & limited (but coherent ) rules that won't make players eyes glaze over when their options. I decided to use the AS creature types, and use their structure to organize the creature into distinguishable (if at times broad) categories.

My solution for the species types in AS was to do a combination of things:

-Expand any AS creature type, along its taxonomical lines; until it bumps into an other AS creature type (e.g. Bunyip Get of Fenris is expanded to include Balu/Bersarker, Selkie, and Wirwolf/Loupgarou because they're all Caniforma. While Salamanders Strigoi are all reptiles; including Birbs)

-When a taxonomical group shows up more than once (e.g. Troglodytes being Molemen; and Daeva being Batmen; is a problem); or in the wrong taxonomical branches (e.g. Hyenahs are related to cats; not wolves); then the smaller of the groups get added to the larger group

-Creature types that were never covered by AS's base creatures can be fit in as well, either in existing but vague types, or in types whose previously listed creature types have now been stripped and placed with others of their kind (After what seemed like ages; I ended up putting Hominids/Primates into Troglodytes; Ungulates/Ceteceans as Demon-Goblins (Dwarf, Elf, Ogre; or w/e); protist organisms as Shoggoths Giant Animals; Fairy-Devils are bioliths (i.e. living minerals/elements))

Caveat: I'm playing fast and loose with the original AS content; and I'm also fine with adding in Lovecraftian elements. I'm down with Demon-Goblins being goat-like spawn of Shub-Niggurath; Illithids Nosferatu being Kthlulhu's spawn; Evil Plants being Trapjaws, Triffid-Enta, and Elder Things; and similar.

For the most part, I don't want change any of it, because that's work. However, certain things kept sticking out to me; so I did change around some of the creatures power sources as well. I switched the infernal & orphic vampire and werebeast types. This hasn't been taken well by many, but the creatures and their power sources never really gelled with me (or any of my players either).

I went with these changes because for the most part; the way things were set up in AS didn't have enough traction with me, or my gaming group. Salamanders Strigoi make more sense as Infernal; and Gargoyles Daeva make more sense as Orphic; because the actual creatures they're inspired by are more associated with tropical heat, or ice ages, respectively. Likewise; with Werebeasts, Gnolls Bagheera (and other big cats) tend to inhabit warmer climates; while Kobalts Nezumi living in the cold underground, or gnawing on bones makes more sense than them setting things on fire.

I have been recently considering changing the Astral and Orphic Artificial Animate creature types, as well. The fact that a Golem is going to be "repeating a chant" to charge themselves feels increasingly related with Orpheus* than space plants. It's increasingly harder to justify that Frankensteins are "dead", when the very purpose of a clone or cyborg is an attempt to prop up, graft, and prune a living creature so that it remains functional and/or alive, in the same way a gardener would prop up, graft, or prune their crops. Also, I'd like people to be able to "become" a Cyborg; without having to be a corpse beforehand. Also, the Frankenstein monster was animated with lighting; not moonlight. Even if most other examples of the type (Pinocchio, Diana of Themiskyra) don't (explicitly) involve such.

While I'd prefer for a Cyborg candidate to be alive before they transform; I'm totally fine with the process of becoming a cyborg killing the subjected creature when they become a hybrid child of flesh and machine. With little doubt, all of the creature types are now dead people; and at one point in time I was seriously thinking about labelling those who live with these changes as "Mortal Guard". Allowing for some variety in interpretations of the label (i.e. dead guards, guards for mortals; guards against mortality); while allowing them all to be accurate.

*:Orpheus is a whole other problem and discussion. Specifically since the actual human Orphic traditions were more closely related with what AS describes as "Astral" themes. I'll have to assume Orpheus is much like Osiris in this regard. A dead/underworld entity; who uses lots of Fortitude powers to assert their connection/dominance with/over living things.
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Post by Prak »

Ok, I've got leftover Indian food, irish cream coffee, and nothing to do today (if I forget about the fact that it's my best day to get homework done). Lets see how much of this review I can get through.

Was cntd
The section on the War of Rage and another war I've never heard of before this book, the War of Shame, begins with a quote from David Quammen describing a hypothetical scene in which the last dodo on Earth dies of body failure taking shelter from the rain.

I actually read through the rest of the chapter while sewing last night, I got no clue what that's really supposed to correlate to here. I mean, it talks about the extinct breeds, since the Grondr (wereboars), Apis (wereaurochs), and most of the Camazotz (werebats) were killed in the War of Rage.

But, in an almost admirable moment, the book basically admits that everyone remembers the War of Rage differently, and that no one really knows who started it, even if they blame it on someone. This is one of three things that Mokole explicitly cannot find out through their racial memory, the others being the First Changer and the WonderWork of the Wyrm (The Great Dying). Basically it talks about how Garou are dicks. We know this, the youngest are just getting better.

Which it occurs to me is another part of White Wolf completely whiffing on the whole generational war that it seemed to want, but couldn't find a way to work it with both hands, a map and a flashlight. The Garou were far too unified, which is bizarre to say because they were so fractious, but it's true. There were tribal differences, where the Furies hated the Get because they were Shewoman Warrior Femininsts and so the whole Macho Warrior Men shtick of the Get was tiresome to them, and Red Talons hated Glass Walkers because the Talons were full on "Humans suck! Death to civilization!" and the Walkers were all "Noooo computers are awesome!" But it was always assumed that you did what the Elders told you to, and even my group was more of the "well.. we'll do it, but we'll interpret the orders creatively and then work to change the system."

It would have been much better to set old and young changers against one another, and maybe have individual Elders fall to the Wyrm without going completely shit-humping nuts so they could be rooted out of the Garou power structure.

Anyway. The Mokole are sort of implied to have originated in Africa, spread across Asia, and then only during the War of Rage did seventy Mokole swim across the Atlantic to South America with a hundred kin and some Bastet to escape the war. The exact logistics of this aren't stated, but I could see it being feasible, since it says they swam in their Archid forms, and you can, as I've previously pointed out, get pretty big. Even just a single pick of Huge Size gives your archid form an additional twenty feet of height, getting you close to thirty, and you could reasonably fit a good number of people on your back.

Again, I wish there were more cooperation between writing teams for WW, because this would be a great place to talk about Mokole and Rokea working together and being buds, with the weresharks escorting the mokole exodus, protecting them from ocean dangers both as guides and as combatants who don't have to protect people on their backs.

Oh, it's mentioned that the Garou started calling the Wyrm that during the WoR to insult the Mokole and it stuck.

The Vampires kind of took advantage of the Garou's war to do their own damage to the changing breeds, like they specifically rounded up the last of the Grondr kin and enslaved them or domesticated them into pigs.

Apparently Akhenaten was Mokole kin. Because of course he was. The Mokole claim some responsibility for slave riots in America, which... *sigh* Anytime you bring supernatural elements into real world historical events, specifically tragic events, it needs to be done carefully. It's probably best that that was restricted to a paragraph.

An out-of-character full page sidebar talks about the mokole's relations with the extinct changing breeds. Apparently they mingled kin a lot, and so it's actually possible to play a Mokole with memories of the extinct changers. You take a 1 point merit, and your Mnesis background allows you to remember stuff from werebats/wereboars/wereaurochs/weresabertooths.

But... It doesn't really do a lot, and I'll get that when I get to backgrounds.

And save for a short paragraph that inexplicably cuts away to some kind of dingo-bred Red Talon hunting the mokole, that's the chapter. I'll make another post for the next chapter.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by erik »

Mord wrote:
Ancient History wrote:Keep going! I want to get to the merit/flaw where you can impregnate someone just by sharing a glass of water with them.
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Post by Nebuchadnezzar »

Was Tutankhamun ever claimed by one of the supernatural groups?
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Post by Prak »

Not to my knowledge, but I'd be surprised if he hadn't been.

Noonday: Us

This chapter is about what Mokole have instead of tribes. The idea is that while there are regional differences between mokole, and that gives some differences to approach, they aren't as factional as the tribes of the Garou, and their animal forms aren't as specific as the Bastet. Basically, the stupid in-fighting politics that White Wolf had such a big rubbery one for are supposed to come from your interactions with other breeds, not other Mokole, which makes sense because you're unlikely to have much on-screen interaction with other Mokole in a real game.

They start with the Gumagan, the Mokole from Australia, whose homids are portrayed as purely aboriginal. The most interesting part is the fact that they show they have some actual knowledge of how much Aus. Aboriginal myth fits the Mokole with it's Dreamtime and Rainbow Serpent, but all the Gumagan really get is a one point XP discount on buying Umbra related gifts. The Mokole have difficulty accessing the Umbra compared to Garou, so if Gumagan are Umbra adepts, they really need something more than just "Umbra gifts are one point cheaper for you."

And then WW falls on it's fucking face as it always does when dealing with indigenous people and says that Gumagan rarely have the Resources background or technological skills. Look, White Wolf. "You're from Australia, so you don't really have the option of non-australian totems" makes sense. "Your aboriginal, so you need ST permission to have computer literacy or a notable amount of money" is dumb and vaguely insulting. Gumagan get special thresholds for the Mnesis background for some reason.

Mokole from India are called Makara, there's actually a not-terrible breakdown of the very basics of the Indian caste system which admits that it doesn't do the subject justice-


But Makara have auspices based on the sun's seasonal position rather than the sun's daily position, for no adequately explained reason. Where as most other streams have seven auspices, the Makara (and Zhong Lung) have four. They talk about Sun Dice Benefits before explaining what the fuck those are. This wouldn't be a problem if Garou had something like "Moon Dice Benefits" and you could infer that the Mokole just get them for the sun, but Garou don't, so... what the fuck? Damnit, White Wolf!


Mokole from Africa (and South America) are the oldest stream, known as Mokole-Mbembe after their progenitor. As usual, White Wolf doesn't give Africa as much attention as it could rightly be afforded.

But, no, go on about how Africa has a single Stream that it shares with South America, and there are streams in each of Japan/China, India, and Australia

Honestly, Africa is a big enough place that the Mokole could come just from there, and have plenty of diversity. There's already specific history for the Mokole of Egypt, where they were part of a pact with Bubasti and Silent Striders. Given that the Mokole are almost universally PoC, I'd be really interested in knowing what they were doing during the Apartheid. Fuck, they mention several specific things going on in Africa between the Mokole and other species, and honestly Africa could easily have it's own Beast Court like Asia does. It wouldn't be terrible for each continent to have its own Beast Court, to be honest, and the fact that this isn't true is probably more to do with the fact that the non-wolf breeds weren't part of the game from the start than any actual intentional decision.

For some reason, the Mokole-Mbembe section is the section that talks about Mokole in other regions, and for some still other reason, takes time to say that western dragons are somehow inappropriate for player characters. That makes no sense. Mokole can have wings, and be large, and learn a gift for breathing fire, and the whole "sleep of the dragon" thing seems pretty in keeping with western dragons. The only thing that doesn't match up well is that western dragons are known for hoarding gold and Mokole are vulnerable to gold.

Japanese Mokole are called Zhong Lung, they have seasonal auspices like the Makara, except that auspice doesn't set a ZL's willpower, they all just have 4, and their Archid forms resemble Easten dragons, which is primarily notable in that this includes otherwise mammalian traits like manes and whiskers. They of course have some special info about how they interact with the Beast Courts, which includes being able to make changing shape harder for other eastern shifters when in Archid form. Apparently Mokole cannot take the Past Lives background? This is the first I'm hearing of this, and goddamnit WW, you need to put chargen up front, or at least refrain from putting rules info in the "Auspices, Tribes and Breeds" chapters before you explain this shit. ZLs often have Purebreed, and your guess as to what that means for a race of weresaurians is as good as mine. Like Gumagan they have specially worded thresholds for their Mnesis background. The book goes on about how ZL archid forms resemble eastern dragons, but then the picture of a ZL in his three forms has an archid that looks like a dinosaur with an impressive feather crest and some hair glue onto its chin, rather than an eastern dragon-

Seriously, it looks like Doctor Dinosaur is trying to hide from Robo in China

Zhong Lung have their rage assigned by Auspice, like Garou, which is notable, because every other stream gets their rage based on their Suchid form, even the Makara who use seasonal auspices too. I have no clue what White Wolf was doing with this fucking book, and neither did they.

In continuing the "we have different words for everything" theme, Mokole call their moots "Gathers," which should just be the basic goddamned term, and then each breed can have a dialect guide at the back of their book that says things like "we call gathers moots," and we get a quick intro to how a Mokole will formally introduce themselves, they have a personal name, which is probably going to be something florid, like "Cinnamon in His Light," and they will state their auspice and clutch (pack). So a Mokole would formally introduce themselves as "Cinnamon in His Light, Gathering the clutch of Towers-Above-the-Kings"

Mokole are a little bit better to their human kin than Garou, but Kin are still primarily regarded as breeding stock, given to arranged marriages, but there is the possibility of Kin being considered true Mokole if they awaken as mages or learn spirit Gifts.

The book shifts back to narrative when it gets to "what Mokole think of other breeds" and it reminds me of something that's been bugging me- the book tries to give the characters natural dialects/accents, and it comes off as kitschy and ethnocentric, since it's dealing exclusively with aboriginals and Africans, and the Canadian Garou character isn't written with a Canadian accent.

There are a couple more pages, I'll finish them up in the morning.
Last edited by Prak on Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Prak »

Quickly finishing Noonday

For some reason the writers think that the section on the Duties informs us that some Mokole who go through their first change on their own will fall to the Wyrm but later "return to the Rite of Passage" and "manifest monstrous, non-reptilian parts."

No further information is given about playing a redeemed Wyrm-tainted Mokole with non-reptilian parts. Which is a shame, especially since you need a lot of non-reptilian attributes just for Eastern dragon archid forms.

Oh, and apparently Mokole who break the duties get eaten. The dragon-shifters don't fuck around, people. Except for the fact that each law has a corollary, and the first law is "Cull the Fallen," which has a corollary of "don't hunt unlawful prey," like, you know, Garou. So basically tons of Mokole have broken the first duty and should have been eaten. Damnit, WW.

Also, this is apparently the perfect place to inform the reader that Zhong Lungs are fucking pervs and "have made endless 'pillow book' and 'springtime pictures' about the art of love." I mean, sure, they're talking about Mokole being concerned with replenishing their numbers, but fucking still.

And apparently "food and money were distributed more equally in the old days when human Kin were tribal." Now I want to make a Bernie Sanders-supporter socialist hipster Mokole who frequently says "feel the bern!"

Beast Court Mokole get their own list of Duties, that's given much less space, and that's the chapter.
I've been thinking about running an WoD Japan game, since Japan/Asia is so much its own thing in WoD, and I figure I'd probably have less baggage, but I don't know what a good source for "Japan in WoD" is. Thoughts?
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by talozin »

The hoarding gold thing makes sense if you think of it as "shit, if someone gets hold of this stuff they could really fuck me up, I better minimize the amount there is in circulation."
TheFlatline wrote:This is like arguing that blowjobs have to be terrible, pain-inflicting endeavors so that when you get a chick who *doesn't* draw blood everyone can high-five and feel good about it.
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Post by Prak »

Or if they horde it as a shrine to Sun. Yeah, it's not like it doesn't make any sense, it just doesn't immediately gel with the mokole thing.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

talozin wrote:The hoarding gold thing makes sense if you think of it as "shit, if someone gets hold of this stuff they could really fuck me up, I better minimize the amount there is in circulation."
I was thinking something similar. The other being "Hahaha! Adventurers think I'm hoarding gold because they imagine I I love it! The fools!"

Regarding Australia and African Mokole,

For the most part; most of the bullshit middle-America racism and stereotyping about these regions doesn't surprise me. The authors are attempting to paint broad swathes of canvas that they seemingly know little about and have inferred themselves via hearsay and prejudice; instead of critical thinking, or research.

Regarding accents,

They tend to arise as an aspect of a local dialect (which only arise due to some form of cultural isolation), growing up Bilingual in Canada I noticed that the superficial Canadian accents aren't very different from American ones. Mostly because I grew up in the GThA, and 10-12million people in a narrow coastal belt will create more pressure upon the inhabitants to speak in a more formal, and normalized, fashion. However, I also had a babysitter from PEI for many years, and the various Eastern Canadian maritimes accents are notably different from general Canadian English.
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Post by OgreBattle »

but I don't know what a good source for "Japan in WoD" is. Thoughts?

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Post by Prak »

When I'm working on my Werewolf Redux that lets all shapeshifters do the Mokole Lego-Crinos thing, I'll have to remember Tanuki nutsacks.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Mord »

Humongous Nutsack: can be used as a melee attack for STR+2 bashing (aggravated vs homophobes).
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Post by phlapjackage »

So THAT explains the japanese commercial from years ago where the raccoon shakes his giant nuts at a little red riding hood...I had just put it in the "weird shit japanese a/v does" category...

Koumei: and if I wanted that, I'd take some mescaline and run into the park after watching a documentary about wasps.
PhoneLobster: DM : Mr Monkey doesn't like it. Eldritch : Mr Monkey can do what he is god damn told.
MGuy: The point is to normalize 'my' point of view. How the fuck do you think civil rights occurred? You think things got this way because people sat down and fucking waited for public opinion to change?
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Post by hyzmarca »

phlapjackage wrote:So THAT explains the japanese commercial from years ago where the raccoon shakes his giant nuts at a little red riding hood...I had just put it in the "weird shit japanese a/v does" category...

Tanuki are raccoon dogs. They look like raccoons, but aren't related to them in any way, and are, in fact, canids.
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

phlapjackage wrote:So THAT explains the japanese commercial from years ago where the raccoon shakes his giant nuts at a little red riding hood...I had just put it in the "weird shit japanese a/v does" category...

Raccoons are infamous for their gigantic nutsacks in folklore, they even hide themselves with them and use them as gliders.
If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself.
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