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Post by radthemad4 »

(Sorry for the delay... had some real life shit to deal with)
radthemad4 wrote:"Keep your distance from the big guy. I'll slow him down."
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Tossing caution to the wind, Valzeller charges the Blade-Bearer
"Or... yeah, that works."

On seeing the goblins running. He'll stun one one of the hellhounds and use a fast fire burst to incinerate one of the goblins. He'll then knock over the hellhound by shifting the ground underneath it. After that he'll walk up to it and blast it point blank with wind strong enough to crush it to death. He'll let Valzeller handle the other hellhound and goblin.

After that he'll go up to the cleric.
"Kill or torture me if you want, I'll tell you nothing."
Zeph will try to analyze the man's words.
(16 vs Bluff, Successful Hunch, can sense if he's been dominated)

(16 on Sense Motive should he bluff while responding to Valzeller)

As he walks around the building, Zeph will also ask the stones in the building how long it's been occupied for, whether or not anyone other than the goblins who were just stationed here came by recently (and any information it can tell me about them if so), and whether there are any hidden compartments, rooms, etc. anywhere in the building.
Last edited by radthemad4 on Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

The hobgoblin seems to warm up considerably to Valzeller's animal magnetism, and he starts speaking in a more calm voice:

"Hehehe, I like your attitude, warrior, but I'm just a minor officer, I'm only allowed a small glimpse in the plans of my masters. I couldn't reveal you any detailed information even if I wanted. However I can offer you some insight to show you how stupid your resistance is.

My warband's main force has set up camp at an old human castle in the forest. We serve the mighty sorcerer Wyrmlord Koth. His chief lieutenant is Karkilan, a bull-faced killer as big as an ogre. Had you faced them here today, yours would be the dead bodies in the ground.

But our warband is just one of many! More groups of our brethern are reaving the lands around the human-river-town to prepare for the day of ruin!

You may have won today, but our day is coming! The Red Hand will destroy you all!

Unless you join us that is. Deliver me back unharmed, and I'll recommend you get positions worthy of your abilities. Ones such as you could quickly rise through our ranks. Why protect the weak when you can join the strong?"

Zeph feels like the hobgoblin caster is being sincere and isn't under any kind of domination effect.

The stones tell Zeph that the hobgoblins and hellhounds have been around for a couple of sun cycles. The stones however can't really tell one armored hobgoblin from the other. Some came in, others came out, never more than eight at max. The stones aren't concealing anything.
Last edited by maglag on Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Valzeller will telepathically relay his plan to the other party members:
"I'm going to let this guy take us to his leaders, pretending that we're interested in joining them. I think we should keep him alive long enough to make sure we get there as quickly as possible, but no longer than that."

"Your offer intrigues me," Valzeller says to the hobgoblin cleric. "I'm interested in joining, and I'm sure the others will be too. We'll bring you back to your castle, if you'll lead us there."
(Bluff check result: 27.)
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Post by maglag »

The hobgoblin cleric replies calmly:

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. The forest where our current base is located is across the river, but crossing the waters is very dangerous away from the ferry's area. We lost half of our hobgoblins making the pass, but such is the cost of serving as the foremost vanguard.

You blue warrior could fly over the water, but could you carry all of us with you? And their herbivore mounts as well?

My master told us that a plan was in motion for a safer crossing of the river. Our orders were to scout the land while taking any targets of opportunity we could, so that when the main force arrives, we would be able to guide them. It shouldn't be long now. You'll just have to be patient and wait for some days. Unless you have some way of granting wings to all of us, or making our feet able to walk on water."
Last edited by maglag on Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by radthemad4 »

Telepathically, "We probably can't just take him with us on the ferry. We know to look for a castle, and you can probably spot that from the skies if absolutely necessary. Perhaps we should dispose of him now. Though, if you can think of anything else we could ask, let's get it out of him as we travel."
Last edited by radthemad4 on Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

Knowledge(Local, History or Royalty and Nobility) DC 15
The closest thing to a castle in a forest in the area across the river is Vraath Keep. Formerly a fortress held and manned by a powerful family of soldiers known as the Vraaths, this keep survived te fall of Rhestilor but later succumbed to a senseless feud with local forest giants. For many years the keep has stood in ruins. It is located at the dense Witchwood, overseeing the Dawn Way, the main trade route of the region. The Witchwood itself is a lush, wet woodland interspersed with swampy stretches in the vicinity of the larger rivers.
Knowledge(Local, History or Royalty and Nobility) DC 20
Vraath Keep has a tragic history, as the ruins and skeletal remains attest. For centuries, trade through the Witchwood used the Dawn Way, and the soldiers stationed at Vraath Keep were the primary defenders of the region. Their presence kept the road safe for merchants to travel.

A few years before the fall of Rhest, an ambitious young man named Amery Vraath inherited control of the keep. After the Rhestilor kingdom dissolved, Maery laid claim to the entire Witchwood and sought to rid his new domain of its evil reputation. Chief among his targets was a tribe of forest giants that dwelt deep in the woods. Known as the Twistusks, these forest giants generally kept to themselves, but raided merchants on the Dawn Way from time to time.

The brash young lord gathered together an impressive group of mercenaries and adventurers, and early one summer day led his force against the twistusks. The battle was furious, but in the end Amery's men won the day and forced the twitusks to flee into the mountains. The soldier's burned the steading to the ground and returned to Vraath, victorious.

Yet their victory was short-lived. One week later, the surviving Twistusks returned and attacked Vraath Keep during a tremendous thunderstorm. The giants bombarded the keep all night long with hurled boulders and massive poisoned arrows. When the sun rose, four of the Twistusks lay dead amid the ruined keep, but none of the keep's soldiers or residents remained. Those who had survived were taken away to be eaten by the giants in their own victory feast-all except for Amery Vraath. The young lordling retreated into the vault below his keep after he was shot by a giant's poisoned arrow, hoping to elude death, only to perish slowly of his poisoned wound. Rumors persist that Amery's ghost haunts the ruins, and those that dare to travel the Dawn Way at night say they sometimes hear the sounds of his anguished cries coming from somewhere deep underground. For that reason no effort has been made to try to rebuild or even check the keep for any leftover treasure by the local population, as the whole fortification is considered haunted and cursed.

Last edited by maglag on Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(22 for Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty. And I just realized I forgot an extra +2 to my Diplomacy from my ranks in that--but I'm pretty sure it didn't matter on the one time I used it.)

Valzeller will telepathically relay everything he knows about the keep to the party (which presumably means that everyone can read the spoilered text).

To Zeph:
"Good point. At the very least I'll try getting the location of the other raiding/scouting parties out of him, lest we run into them, or they try to ambush us."

To the Hobgoblin Cleric:
"Unfortunately I cannot take us all across the water. Do you know if there are any other groups of your forces we could meet up with on the long way, and if so, where?"
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by maglag »

"No other scouting groups from our forces made it across the river as far as I'm aware."
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Post by radthemad4 »

(Zeph will meditate to change his tokens for this to Earth 2, Air 3, Ethereal 1 and then go back to configuration on the sheet after this is over)

Telepathically, "I think he's of no further use to us. So let's get rid of him. Personally, I think it'd be funnier if Valzeller pretends to fly him across, and then just drops him from the air instead, but that could draw unnecessary attention. Valzeller... catch."

"Thanks for the intel. But, I don't think you'll be of any more help to us."

Powered Earth channel to bullrush him through Valzeller's threatened area, trip and entangle him.

Bullrush: invis castle is down, rolled 34 on WOTC roller, vs DC of 10 + the target’s Strength modifier + the target’s size modifier (you do not have to roll to hit). If you succeed, you push your opponent back 5 feet. If you succeed by more than 1, you may move your opponent back a single 5’ square for every 2 points your check exceeds the DC.
Trip: rolled 29, vs DC of 10 + your opponent’s Strength + BAB or Balance modifier (whichever is
DC 21 Entangle spell, duration 2 rounds

If he's tripped and still alive (i.e. if he's bullrushed, Zeph will walk over to him and quickened power stronger channel air to blast him with wind against the ground for 32 damage, Fort DC 21 negates.) If he isn't tripped, Zeph will fast minor channel air to do 24 damage on a ranged touch attack, attack roll is 14

Last edited by radthemad4 on Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

The hobgoblin caster is caught by surprise by the sudden "betrayal" and is powerless to be crushed into red paste by Zeph's crushing atmospheric pressure.

(assuming the party continues in their path)
The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchads surround the town.

A group of armed tonwsfok-three in leather, one in mail, all with crossbows and spears-stands guard, watching you warily.

"Halt and state your business, strangers."

Says the the guard in metal armor, a burly man with a curling, waxed mustache.
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Post by Kaelik »

Malakar will Gentle Repose the corpse of the Hobgoblin Cleric and tie it across the back of his horse. When the guards attempt to stop the party, he will halt his horse, but ignore the guards, looking at his fingernails, while waiting for Zeph to talk to them.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by radthemad4 »

(Sense Motive against Bluff 32, successful hunch, can tell if affected by mind affecting anything.)

Unless Zeph senses anything amiss,

"We were told Lord Jarmaath's soldiers require aid, and to go to the ferry to assist."
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Post by maglag »

Zeph doesn't notice anything amiss with the guards. The armored one seems to relax a bit as he replies:

"Ah, I won't deny that we're in a hard spot, and you look like capable sorts. Go over to the Old Toll House-that's the big stone building, there"-and ask for Captain Soranna."

Then he notices the corpse on Malakar's horse:

"Where did you find that? Bands of those murderous savages have been skulking near the town for days now. You're lucky you came through it!"
Last edited by maglag on Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Malakar speaks telepathically to Zeph, Tell him something to make him shut up, I don't want to waste time talking to the minions when we already told us where to find his boss.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by radthemad4 »

"Yeah, one of those bands ambushed us. It was not too far <direction distance> from here. You can take a look if you want, but all you'll find are corpses. I got this spiffy new bow though. I don't think I can actually use it, but I think it looks good on me. (Gesturing at the corpse) Don't worry, this one's dead too, but we still have some use for it. If that's all, then we'll be on our way to see the Captain."
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

"Time is of the essence," Valzeller agrees. "As much as I'd like to regale you with tales of our stunning victory over the band of savage hobgoblin raiders, we need to meet with your captain immediately."
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Post by maglag »

The armored guard excuses himself for the trouble and you pass. The Old Toll House is the largest and sturdiest building in the city, of clear dwarven design. It stand just at the river's margin, next to what looks like the base remains of a ruined bridge.

Knowledge (Local or History) or Gather Information DC 15
This building serves as the town hall, courtroom, jail and town guard headquarters, housing twenty of the guard members. The rest have small houses of their own in and around town.
Right in front of the building there's a small gathering of people, of which stands out a tall, strong-boned woman with simple good looks hidden behind an unsmiling manner. She's clad in a breastplate and with a sheated longsword at her side. Right next to her it's a balding man of about fifty who wearing a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard. He dresses in expensive-looking white and red clothing and uses a fine wood cane for support, but has no jewelery besides a silvery amulet at his neck. They carefully observe you approaching down the street and when you get close the man speaks in an aristrocatic manner:

"Greetings travelers, my name is Norro Wiston, and I'm the Town Speaker for Drellin's Ferry. This is our town guard captain, Soranna. I'll get right to the point, we're in a lot of trouble. Our town is under attack. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for several days now. They've attacked and killed peoplle in the outlying homesteads, and they've been waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way."

The captain continues:
"We've had some trouble with them before-a quick raid on homesteads on the west side of the river, usually not that bad-but this is different. It looks like a large, agressive tribe has moved down out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Frankly, I fear they might be numerous enough to sack the town."

The speaker follows up:
"Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, the road is our lifeblood. If the hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassble to the west, trade won't come this way, and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the invaders from our town, but we've got to keep that road open. "

The captain add:
"We lack experienced forces for this kind of action."

"And we need our dear captain here to oversee the defences. But you look like quite capable people. Can you help us do it?"-finishes the speaker.

Knowledge (Local or History) or Gather Information DC 15
Norro Wiston is about fifty years old, a wealthy landowner whose family has been proeminent in Drellin's Ferry for generations, he's a hard worker and keen businessman who comes by his fortune more or less honestly. Wiston has been Speaker (or head of the town council) for almost ten years, and in that time, Drellin's Ferry has enjoyed peace and prosperity.

Captain Soranna Anitah holds a seat on the council, but she strictly interpets her role in running the town's affair and follows the Speaker's lead unquestioningly. A former merchant's guard captain who traveled widely before settling in Drellin's Ferry.

Knowledge (Local) or Gather Information DC 20
The threat of the Red Hand is something that Wiston is ill suited to counter, and he knows it, but he is hesitant to let anyone else call the shots for the townsfolk.

The captain has a good idea of the sort of trouble the town is in for, and she is worried sick.
Last edited by maglag on Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(Rolled a 16 and a 24 for the first and second Gather Information checks, respectively. Invisible Castle is down but I can provide a screenshot from d20 dice bag if needed.)

Valzeller relays what he knows to the rest of the party telepathically, and waits for their response before saying anything to the captain or the speaker.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by radthemad4 »

"It's why we're here. We interrogated the hob you see back there and found out that the rest of his group is operating out of a castle in the forest. We're enroute there."

Zeph will commune with the wind to attempt to locate the castle.

Obligatory Sense Motive rolls (just ignore these if they're unsuccessful or nothing's unusual):
Against Bluff: 17
Hunch: 25 (Success!)
Against Mind affecting: 27 (Success!)
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Post by maglag »

The captain looks with sudden interest at the corpse on Malakar's horse.

"You managed to extract some intel out of that goblin before he croaked? That's a sign of professionals. If he mentioned a castle, the closest thing in the area would be the Vrath Keep ruins. They're haunted, but the goblins may just not care. Go west on out to the big road, keep's maybe eight miles north of there."

Wiston's smile widens:

"You'll be helping a lot of people by dealing with this problem."

He then hands you some papers with fancy signatures.

"Those will allow you to use our town's ferry without paying."

The captain speaks again:
"That body looks quite fresh, your horses not so much, meaning you fought recently. If you want to rest before departing to the forest, there's the Green Apple inn if you just want something cheap and comfy. If you would prefer something more luxurious, the Old Bridge Inn will provide in return for gold. Or if you don't mind hard beds and simple meals, you can stay today here for free. We have some rooms vacant right now from the poor souls we already lost defending against the goblins."

The wind tells Zeph that there's a big pile of rocks in the middle of the trees roughly on the same area pointed by the captain.
If the party doesn't pause to rest, do you rush ahead to the keep, advance cautiously, or take your time hiding behind whatever cover is available?
Last edited by maglag on Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by radthemad4 »

"Astute observation, Captain. Thanks for the info and the offer, but we'll keep moving for now. We need to find out more about what we're dealing with here. Well met."
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Never one to forget his manners (in "civilized" settings at least) Valzeller salutes Norro and Solana before following Zeph (who I assume is heading out).
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by maglag »

The captain and speaker wave you goodbye before returning to their tasks.

Two enormously thick ropes span the Elsir river here, affixd to a huge wood capstan. A pair of draft horses harnessed to the capstan turns the device, drawing the ropes, to which a large flat-bottomed barge-the ferry-is secured. Another capstan and team on the far bank works a second ferryboat, if needed. When drawn by two horses, the ferry crosses at the Elsir at a rate of 10 feet per round, taking about 6 minutes to make the crossing. The ferry is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide. A stable by the riverbank houses the draf horses, and nearby worksheds hold spare ropes and various other materials for keeping the capstan, barges and hawsers in good repair.

The ferry is operated by Drathgar, who proudly claims to be the great-grandnewphen of old Drellin himself. He employs about two dozen horse-handlers, carpenters and porters to run and maintain the ferry. It usually costs 1 sp to to cross on foot, or 3 sp with a mount. The papers you got allow you to ride for free however.

From nearby talk you learn that long-standing tradition, Drathgar doesn't charge townsfolk for the first two crossings they make in a single day.

Once you've crossed the river, you easily find the Dawn Way. This trade road is generally broad, level, and clear. Every few miles, rudimentary log shelters built by teamsters using the road stand in clearings nearby. A handful of old woodcutters' and trappers' cabins or long-abandoned homesteads lie scattered along the length of the road, about one every 2 or 3 miles. The Dawn Way crosses several creeks and boggy spots on sturdy dwarf-made stone bridges that seem to have stood there for centuries.

You ride for over an hour on your way to the castle, but since leaving the town, you don't meet another talking being. Eventually you reach a valley where a wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this area. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark waters here and there, but many large reaches seem to be little more than open pools of algae-choked water. The thrill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of the flooded section, up to a rickety-looking causeway made of thick planks of wood lasher together with mossy rope. The wooden causeway runs for several hundred feet through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the water. Up ahead you can make out the wreckage of a wagon, lying on its side and half-sunk in the flooded forest, about thirty feet from the causeway. It doesn't seem to have been there for long.

Zeph then notices something lurking in the waters just near the bridge. A dark green reptilian head. The rest of the body is covered by the murky waters. Seems to be waiting in ambush.

(Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15)
It's the head of an hydra.

C is the hydra's head location, party arrived from the south, please pick positions.
Last edited by maglag on Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Malakar, starting in the KL16/17 area shall cast Kelgore's Grave Mist targeted on 7/8/G/H vertice. No save fatigue and 1d6 cold damage each round for the next two minutes. Does not obstruct vision.

To Zeph
Zeph I will fatigue this creature, you act similarly to cripple it's pursuit, the creature is slow but dangerous in combat and a quick healer, let us just bypass the creature.

To Everyone
We should merely bypass this creature, there is no cause to waste time fighting such a monster.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by radthemad4 »

Zeph will be at J16

Telepathically, "Aw, come on. It'd make for some great souvenirs and it could have a treasure chest or something in it. Ugh, fine, we probably shouldn't waste time right now." Zeph dejectedly waves at it with a backhand.

(Power channel water, DC 21 Stun, Fort negates and Fatigues (Exhausts if already fatigued) no save)

"K then, onwards."
Last edited by radthemad4 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
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