Talk about your dreams

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Talk about your dreams

Post by Dean »

Not the interesting ones like becoming the first person to fuck in space but the dumb kind where you're naked and everyone in your Math class looks like your father.

I have a mild interest in dreams and people's dreams. Recurring dreams or recurring themes in your dreams are really the only thing regarded in psychology as being valuable to interpret. Regular dream events or themes demonstrate something that is consistently going through the subconscious and as such can give insight into the person.

An interesting personal anecdote; I only have good dreams. I used to have nightmares at what I assume is the standard rate but I haven't had anything but good dreams in many years. I have many dreams that would seem horrible but I am never frightened in them and usually use them to excersize some physical skill. For instance last night I dreamed I was in a massive mansion/hotel that was slowly being overrun by various zombies, ghouls and haunts. Basically like the final Cabin In the Woods scenes. I spent most of it outmaneuvering or brawling zombies and in the final scene they were coming in from all sides of the enormously spacious central lobby so I jumped onto a huge banner and hand-over-hand climbed it right to the roof. I have frequent dreams about zombies or monsters or whatever but never in them do I feel frightened or upset and spend most of them doing jungle gym stunts. Who knows what it means!
DSMatticus wrote:Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I am filled with an unfathomable hatred.
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Post by DSMatticus »

I'm pretty sure this came up somewhere before.

My highlights are still "the power rangers tried to kill me," "the hamburglar comes after my kneecaps with a baseball bat," and "giant squid attacks the whitehouse."
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Post by talozin »

I've done "giant anthropomorphic ants invade the Earth in flying saucers" and "gunfight with angry vampires during a car chase" but what actually keeps recurring is "oops, you overslept and missed an exam". That was kind of funny the first ten years after I got out of college, but has since become somewhat less so.
TheFlatline wrote:This is like arguing that blowjobs have to be terrible, pain-inflicting endeavors so that when you get a chick who *doesn't* draw blood everyone can high-five and feel good about it.
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Post by fectin »

I usually get RPG-style adventures. Grand fantasy or space-opera.

It's pretty neat.
Vebyast wrote:Here's a fun target for Major Creation: hydrazine. One casting every six seconds at CL9 gives you a bit more than 40 liters per second, which is comparable to the flow rates of some small, but serious, rocket engines. Six items running at full blast through a well-engineered engine will put you, and something like 50 tons of cargo, into space. Alternatively, if you thrust sideways, you will briefly be a fireball screaming across the sky at mach 14 before you melt from atmospheric friction.
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Post by rampaging-poet »

I have actually been keeping a dream journal since last September. I usually dream from a third person viewpoint. Recurring themes include being out camping, a nebulous "enemy", being in whatever video games I'd been playing at the time, and occasional gender-bending. My elementary school shows up more often than most other recognizable locations. I'll have to ask one of the two people I've given copies of the journal for their thoughts too.

One thing that often happens is that I will dream I am watching a movie or TV show before the "camera" switches to following one of the characters. Sometimes I am the character, and sometimes the dream maintains the separation between me and whatever character I'm watching even though my hearing and vision are locked in the show. Even when I am not a video game character, I tend to get in a lot of fights. The closest I've been to being afraid in a dream recently was one where a giant demon appeared and I was only armed with a stick. I fought some skeletons it summoned and did my best to hold it off.

The very first dream in my dream journal included a fight between the Power Rangers and a magical girl that thought they were aliens that had kidnapped her friends. The ending credits were set to the first Valvrave opening and revealed the Red Ranger was actually one of the friends that was missing.

About a month later I had another Power Rangers dream. Each member of the team having a unique way of interfacing with their Zord. The green ranger of that team was a cyborg who opened up the top of her skull to reveal it was empty except for some computer parts. She plugged a cable from the Zord into her electronic brain and started fighting. One of the other rangers had to wind up her Zord to get it started.

On the topic of giant squid, I fought a giant jellyfish with my brother and SO. It had a force field on its cap and would jump onto the shore to try and engulf us before somehow getting back into the ocean. My SO went after it with a spear.

Memorable dreams from before I kept a dream journal include one where the Earth had three moons and I summoned Viking skeletons on Halloween, one where I turned into a flying laser princess to save my SO from interdimensional kidnappers, and one where I had feathered wings and performed in a circus.

I'll be sure to dig up some more highlights (or stupid things) from my journal if anyone's interested.

EDIT: I've also had dreams about talking to people on this message board at least twice. Both times involved myself and random men as visualizations of other users standing in a park near the house where I grew up. There was another more recent dream where either vagrant or Virgil had published an RPG that I bought a print copy of.
Last edited by rampaging-poet on Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:I sort my leisure activities into a neat and manageable categorized hierarchy, then ignore it and dick around on the internet.
My deviantArt account, in case anyone cares.
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Post by name_here »

Usually my dreams start with me in some form of video-game related situation and rapidly descend into incomprehensible acid trip. Unless I have a fever and it's just incomprehensible acid trip all the way.
DSMatticus wrote:It's not just that everything you say is stupid, but that they are Gordian knots of stupid that leave me completely bewildered as to where to even begin. After hearing you speak Alexander the Great would stab you and triumphantly declare the puzzle solved.
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Post by RufusCorvus »

I've had a couple interesting ones that stand out. A lot of the time I have dreams where I just go to work... and then wake up and go to work.

One time I was Albert Einstein's bodyguard in the 1950s, protecting him from Nazi agents. Yes, the 1950s.

More recently, I was helping Jay-Z dig up buried treasure in the Caribbean.

I'll share more if I remember any or have more.

Oh yeah: first post. Kind of a weird place to make my first post, but I feel like I can actually contribute something for once.
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Post by radthemad4 »

I've had a few wacky dreams, but they're mostly extremely mundane, i.e. me watching a movie or playing a videogame (though the contents of these were sometimes interesting). I've never been anyone else as far as I can remember. Though I might not have been an entity at all once or twice, i.e. just sort of seeing weird things happening.

The weirdest one I can remember was probably one where I was playing some sort of flight simulator, then I was suddenly in the plane itself flying it manually, then I jumped out and landed in front of my house (no crash or dust cloud or dented ground or anything). I realized I was dreaming so I tried jumping to the roof. Sadly, it didn't work. Then I think I fought some zombies that were coming out of the ground with a cricket bat and that's all I remember.

There were a lot of times when I realized I was dreaming which was usually followed by a ton of concentration trying to delay waking up, which usually faliled. Man, I really wish this would happen more often and last longer so I can drop my inhibitions, e.g. the time I started climbing buildings Assassin's Creed style for no reason whatsoever other than that I realized I was dreaming and might as well do something.

A recurring element in my dreams is teleportation between places and the fusion of locations (e.g. my house and my old school, or finding one of my high school teachers teaching in a classroom in my University which happened to be a different floor of a friend's house) which I usually don't find weird except in retrospect.

My nightmares usually involve classes or exams somehow. Either being late for, missing, being in the wrong room, etc. I absolutely hate these as they're both highly stressful at the time and extremely boring in retrospect.

One time I entered the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror with long hair, lipstick and A cup boobs under a tshirt. I woke up immediately, gasped, and then patted my chest and crotch before sighing with relief and going back to sleep.

The memory of my worst nightmare still kinda creeps me out. I was roughly 10 I think. It was pitch dark. Suddenly I was holding a lit match. All I could see was my hands. I heard a voice saying, "Put your finger in the fire. See how long you can keep it there. The fires of hell are ten thousand times hotter". The hand that wasn't holding the match extended a finger towards the fire and started moving closer. Woke up right then. I still don't know where the hell my brain got this idea from.
Last edited by radthemad4 on Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:06 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by nockermensch »

I don't dream much anymore, but on my teen years I used to dream a lot. The only noteworthy thing about my dreams, which were otherwise pretty much common, is that they tended to happen inside a large city that was clearly made up of pieces of places I had visited or read about, mixed with fantastic and/or nonsensical architecture. The city was recurrent through various dreams, and I remember one or two semi-lucid events when the dream-me saw a cool building and decided to ignore what the dream was about and just go there to explore. I never tried to learn that city's name. :(
@ @ Nockermensch
Koumei wrote:After all, in Firefox you keep tabs in your browser, but in SovietPutin's Russia, browser keeps tabs on you.
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Post by schpeelah »

Welp, I actually had a dream journal for a while. Abandoned it fairly quickly so I only have ~60 entries.

The general theme was near universally movement and exploration.
Running through corridors of giant buildings and underground tunnels. Whatever it was, it generally had a low hundreds number of levels.
Climbing staircases and elevator shafts.
Flying over large open spaces.
Floating near or inside tall buildings.
Occasionally riding bicycles on dirt roads or driving cars around cities.
Train rides or bus trips a few times. In nearly all cases involved standing near an open door, at some point getting out and chasing after the train on foot. In fact I was always either exploring, chasing after something or running away from something.
Running through sprawling, labyrinthine train stations and trying to get through huge airports on time.

A few locations recurred a couple of times each, The Bus Stop At The End Of The City for instance. It's a bus stop in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills. The important part is that there's nowhere to go but back into the bus.

I don't dream about social interaction. At all. So when I have someone else in the dream, they are monsters or I'm a monster. Generally ghosts or zombies.

Here's the longest entry in the journal:
Girl with a lot of arms, arm shaped shadows crowding my field of vision as it's coming to the end. Controlling water, glowing red, flowing in the air unnaturally. What creatures is she controlling, wolves flies I cannot recall. A ribcage and a skull onto a guy, controlling him. Rips skull and spinal cord, sucks up above into the bone structure in the hole in the sky. He's screaming inside one of the ribcages, his skull's eyes glowing a different color from the others, but he's taken, his jaw falling at my feet. The grass and weeds try to hold me down as I pass through patches on the road, and the single tentacle-like weeds are tough but I can jump over! I can fly! I can make it! My traveling companion is behind/below me on a bike. I fly over beautiful fields, towards the forests and mountains, but storm clouds are coming towards me. I cannot escape, I fly under the clouds. The snowflakes aren't too bad but the yellow flower petals are. They are getting into my mouth and forming a wet mass on me.
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Post by Shrapnel »

My dreams are all weird as shit. Like shroom level shit.

I had one that was Den related.

Okay, so, in the dream I was sitting at home reading Mein Kompf (I happened to remember some of the words and found that they were actual passages from the book. I've never even SEEN a copy of Mein Kompf before, let alone read it. It was some scary shit, man). Anywho, reading Kompf, and then a Hellraiser type dude in a bright neon yellow raincoat appeared in the book and shouted "HAVE YOU SEEN ANY SUGAR!?!" and he grabbed me by the head and yanked me into the internet.

Now's about the time it gets Den related: So upon arriving in the internet, which looks a lot a green grassy field for some reason, I see Frank. At least, I think it's him because my subconscious is telling me that it is, even though he looks more like the Man-scorpion illustration from the 2e Monstoru Menul with Zach Galifianakis's head. He was orange, so at least that was right.

Anyway, Frank began talking in Cyrillic and got really angry for some reason (I think one of the Marilyn Monroe-faced tulips brought up centaur fighters) and so he took out a giant sword with the words "FROM CZECH WITH LOVE" and cleaved a tree down the middle. It should be noted the tree was sausage colored. Totally important.

Speaking of sausages, at that moment a giant buffalo with a tiny penis for a nose rammed me, claiming that MLP was totally awesome, into the ground. I couldn't tell who this was supposed to be, because there's so many to choose from. I think it was shadzar. Yeah, let's go with that. Then I turn to Darth Rabbitt, who was there but not worth mentioning until this point, and say, "Man, don't you hate it when in a nightmare, if your with someone, and then something is about to happen that will scare at least ten years worth of shit of you, and you turn around, and then that person who was with you and was the only thing that could keep you safe is gone?" and of course he's gone and then there's this red light that flashes and makes the noise that Ecco makes when he gets hit in the first Ecco game. That seriously scared the ever-loving fuck out of me.

After that there was some heliotrope-flavored scenes, and I grooved to the colors for a while, then... hmm... how do I describe this? Has anyone seen "Alien from LA"? If not, there's this miner-type dude whose supposed to be Australian, but fails spectacularly at being such. He looks like this:
So that guy appears, but he's not a guy, because he has a blonde ponytail and bow, so he's actually a she. So it looks like this now:
So obviously this is Koumei. He/she/it comes riding in on a majestic pizza cutter, it's mane of fire flaring gloriously. The whole effect looked kinda like a Fabian book cover. Koumei is about to spear me in the chest... when the sun peeks in from my window and burns me eyelids, shocking me awake.

Don't you just hate it when a good dreams end?
Last edited by Shrapnel on Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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Post by Ancient History »

I had a dream last night about being in a bookstore in an unlikely place - I think I literally turned a corner in a hallway from my living room - and I found a bunch of books and comics for sale that don't actually exist.
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Post by DSMatticus »

Ancient History wrote:I had a dream last night about being in a bookstore in an unlikely place - I think I literally turned a corner in a hallway from my living room - and I found a bunch of books and comics for sale that don't actually exist.
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Post by Starmaker »

The night before a specific important appointment, I usually dream about being late for it only to wake up in horror 2-3 hours before scheduled wakeup time. Also, sometimes I leap around the district in low gravity in 30 to 100 ft.-long hops.

I had two platformer adventures on a space station in Spelljammer-style "arcane space" while wearing pajamas and sneakers, but everyone else was similarly dressed so I didn't feel embarrassed at all. (I don't wear pajamas IRL.)
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Post by Kaelik »

I just dreamed about an indigenous tribe of elves? dark elves? who lived in a floating sky fortress. We, the massive "more advanced" human empire launched a bunch of gliders from slingshots to "help" them with someone or another.

Then it transitioned into me riding the train from the sky fortress to the mainland while people were being shaved to prevent disease transmission.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Wiseman »

Most of my dreams are incomprehensible nonsense, though I do have the occasional flying dream or low grav dream.

One one memorable occasion however, a had a dream that told me an awesome idea for a story. Basically, this girl finds her way into a fantasy world and joins a rebellion against a cruel dictator. However, halfway through the story, the rebellion is crushed save for the girl who is the sole survivor. She's captured and forced to marry the villain. Then it time skips several years later where they have a kid, and that kid becomes the new protagonist, and then i woke up.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Ancient History »

DSMatticus wrote:
Ancient History wrote:I had a dream last night about being in a bookstore in an unlikely place - I think I literally turned a corner in a hallway from my living room - and I found a bunch of books and comics for sale that don't actually exist.
I don't know how I'm supposed to do an OSSR of a book that doesn't actually exist.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Ancient History wrote:I don't know how I'm supposed to do an OSSR of a book that doesn't actually exist.
Something like this, I think.
OSSR: Monster Manual VI
I can't recommend this as a gaming book, because there aren't any stats, or at least, there might be, but they are in some sort of squiggulous mumbo-jumbo that's worse than DD+ and its damage codes in unexplained foreign letters.
A lot like that. Actually exactly like that.
But I still have to recommend that everyone everywhere buy it because – hand to god – it has the most fucked up monster illustrations (I'm talking Silent Hill shit), and they move. I don't mean like in pop-up books or even like in Harry Potter photos, I mean they actually slither around inside the book, from page to page, engaging in some sort of actual ecosystem. They give birth and are eaten right there in front of you. I followed one little dude who ate his way out of the mucous-cow his momma had laid eggs in across several pages, watching him chow down on Gigeresque wasp-things and hide from predators until something got him with... heat vision maybe? It wasn't really clear.

Anyway, if you find this book, buy it, because that is entertainment and conversation forever.
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Post by rampaging-poet »

The really weird thing about keeping a dream journal is the number of times I've had dreams where I wake up and record my previous dream in my dream journal. These dreams always involve me waking up in the room I actually went to sleep in. I did have a few similar dreams before I started keeping my dream journal, but the location was inconsistent.
radthemad4 wrote: One time I entered the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror with long hair, lipstick and A cup boobs under a tshirt. I woke up immediately, gasped, and then patted my chest and crotch before sighing with relief and going back to sleep.
I've never been all that scared of genderbending dreams. I'm pretty sure that stems from my taste in reading material and curiosity about what it would actually be like. I only started getting them the year I started reading Ranma 1/2 and most of the webcomics on my list. I had three that I remember from that year. The first was the one where the Earth had three moons - I was genderbent when I got back home for a Halloween party with the Viking skeletons, but I didn't realize it until I woke up. In the second, I was standing naked in a green field as a member of the opposite sex. The viewpoint was first-person, and I actually had a sense of touch. The third involved someone else running around with a genderbending ray gun that I got hit with while trying to take it away.

I don't usually have genderbending dreams very often, but last week I had three of them. One can be attributed to a crappy Ranma fanfic I was writing, but I'm not sure about the others. They tend to contain more non-videogame fantastical elements than my other dreams.
Wiseman wrote: Most of my dreams are incomprehensible nonsense, though I do have the occasional flying dream or low grav dream.

One one memorable occasion however, a had a dream that told me an awesome idea for a story. Basically, this girl finds her way into a fantasy world and joins a rebellion against a cruel dictator. However, halfway through the story, the rebellion is crushed save for the girl who is the sole survivor. She's captured and forced to marry the villain. Then it time skips several years later where they have a kid, and that kid becomes the new protagonist, and then i woke up.
That fantasy story dream sounds pretty cool.

Most of the time when I realize I'm dreaming, I decide the dream wasn't that important and try to fly. This almost invariably causes the dream to throw a divide by zero error, mess up the universe, and either wake me up or kick me into a different dream. There was one dream where something a little different happened though. I was a kid again, and the parking lot of an area in my hometown had been turned into a soccer field. The game had just finished, and I realized I was dreaming. I tried to walk over to a nearby beach, but couldn't make any progress and tried to fly. I didn't immediately wake up, but I could only go straight up and didn't have very good control of my speed. I decided to wake up, but didn't quite manage it and dreamt that I was in my room before waking up for real.

I have had several dreams where flying is actually part of the dream, and while they usually aren't lucid dreams they are a blast.
DSMatticus wrote:I sort my leisure activities into a neat and manageable categorized hierarchy, then ignore it and dick around on the internet.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Before I began my sleep apnea treatments I typically had dreams of violence and monsters. In my late teens I was always running from zombies or being shot at. In my 20s it changed to me fighting monsters and nightmare creatures, delving ruins, and assorted strangeness.

The one dream that sticks with me was a nightmare I had during a vacation during highschool. I was in my mom's rural home town hunting down cultists for some reason; was probably mythos related. There was also some subplot involving an occupying force (or rebels) in the farmhouses and stuff. Eventually I head to the Mennonite church I was forced to attend for Bible school, only to find the place desecrated by cultists who were summoning... something. It was too late to stop them, and reality tore open, calling forth a 6 story tall demonic monster that smashed the church to kindling. My men and I took off in the chopper only to see that there were more of these things rising up as far as we could see. We attempt to flee and the chopper crashes. I wake up scared shitless.

Wrote it down soon after I woke up, which is likely why I remember it.
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Post by OgreBattle »

2014, 03 16 (so I just woke up to this dream)

I'm in some kind of megastructure like Cocoon or a craftworld ship, cavernous hallways with viewports to a sea of darkness with points of light.
I'm clad in Final Fantasy XIV/Amano styled white armor with black and gold trimmings. My helmet is fully enclosed and has a smooth white face with some dark slits for the eyes.
this style

My infantry forces have their backs against a pillar and are facing a charge from these black armored cavalrymen. My regular infantry wear steel colored armor, but the elite ones are white and gold, I move the elites to cover my flanks with the regulars in the center. There's some archers and strangely a group using staff-slings (I've never seen those fielded en mass before so it's curious as to why they appear in my dream).

This is all in some massively indoor environment, the goal is to weather attacks from the black armored foes as I command the ranged units to hit these chains/levers in the ceiling, 8 total, which once struck open up some gate (for my allies to retreat to, it seems)

My army's commanded with gesture based controls, I point, make sweeping motions with my arm, and they follow. Some kind of magic bomb attack strikes my left flank, but it's when I state "My army is crafted of gold and marble" and a close up shows that they have a statue-esque texture to them and I do an "ARISE" motion with my hand:
Like how that guy is raising his hand
And the blasted marble/ivory and gold men get back up and the holes blasted in them repair themselves. The steel armored men though seem to be human, so the ones that resurrect now have marbled/ivory look about them, there's a white band across their eyes like that part is statues.

I get reinforcements, red and black armored warriors with horned helms, like:
They have tall shields, I have them encircled around my right flank so any attacks on my right will be met with a counter charge that pincers them.

Eventually the gates open and there's some down time/cut scenes and now there's some other sorcerous army marching at me, the soldiers seem to be steel automations. I see a group of human troops try to fight them but they're decimated so I step in. I don't seem to wield any weapons but I make an open handed gesture with both arms in an attempt to dominate them, like turn-undead kinda gesture.

It initially works and I try to possess them to my side, but then a giant Cleric looking figure enters. He's wearing a fully enclosed 9th century looking great helm and wears white robes, once he appears my turning attempt on the automation army fails. I strike at him with a sword that I now have, but to no effect, so I decide to retreat as I figure out a way to beat him (new sword? Find the magic artifact thats the source of his resilience?)

Around that point I wake up.
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Post by TOZ »

Dreams? What are those?
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Post by radthemad4 »

Common elements seem to be zombies, power rangers, fights and video games.
rampaging-poet wrote:I usually dream from a third person viewpoint.
I think I've had some of those as well.
rampaging-poet wrote:I've never been all that scared of genderbending dreams. I'm pretty sure that stems from my taste in reading material and curiosity about what it would actually be like.
My dream happened before I heard of Ranma or any other genderbending media, so I guess I freaked out as it was kind of unexpected.
Ancient History wrote:
DSMatticus wrote:
Ancient History wrote:I had a dream last night about being in a bookstore in an unlikely place - I think I literally turned a corner in a hallway from my living room - and I found a bunch of books and comics for sale that don't actually exist.
I don't know how I'm supposed to do an OSSR of a book that doesn't actually exist.
Yahtzee did a Duke Nukem Forever review before it came out as he wasn't expecting it to actually come out. Then did one of the real thing.
Shrapnel wrote:I see Frank. At least, I think it's him because my subconscious is telling me that it is, even though he looks more like the Man-scorpion illustration from the 2e Monstoru Menul with Zach Galifianakis's head. He was orange, so at least that was right.
I think I get that sometimes, somehow knowing something about what's going on.

Has anyone here had any luck with lucid dreaming, or conscious deliberate reality warping in a dream?
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Post by wotmaniac »

@ OP
One of the reoccurring themes that I've had for 20+ years is being compelled to kill my friends/family based on a completely absurd string of pseudo-logic (though, in-dream, the logic seems unassailable).
I always feel extremely bad about having to do it; but my conscience is always clear, as if I'm serving some higher moral cause.

just thought I'd share.
Last edited by wotmaniac on Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
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Post by Maj »

Ess used to always have boring dreams. He would spend hours doing the same thing over and over and over again until he got so frustrated that he woke himself up.

A frequent theme in the dreams I remember (which isn't a whole lot), are horrible things that happen to people I love. It's terrifying.
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