People dive all the time right now, and 90% of the time it actually works out.
Stuff I've been seeing that I feel like sharing because fuck it:
Shen: Playing Shen is getting a lot more weaker in lane now, but a lot stronger overall due to teams actually planning on the Shen ult for dives and initiates. Most tops are better laners than Shen right now, as everyone wants a split pusher top. I could very well just be worse at laning than the people I'm against at this point, though.
Taric: People ban him sometimes. That's very annoying.
Supports: Thresh is open more often now. Weird supports got phased out again, so its mostly Annie and the usual suspects.
ADCs: Lucian and Sivir are king, Cait is back, Vayne is gone, Jinx/Ez are sometimes picked. I'm still mostly clueless as an ADC and just pick fucking Cait or Jinx and hide way in the back. I am clearly not a diamond level ADC.
Mids: Probably the most diverse role right now for champ selection. Been seeing Annie mid, Syndra, Orianna, Zed, Swain, Gragas...all sorts of champs have been popping up. No real theme going on, which is nice.
Jungle: Aside from Eve being picked/banned every damn game it's the same ol same ol. Actually haven't seen Aatrox in a while, lol "carry junglers will be viable." Riot is a bunch of jokesters.
Top: Split pusher, specifically Rengar, Lee Sin, Tryn, Shyvana, Riven and Shen. That's fucking it most of the time (Nasus is banned).
S4 is still feeling aggressive, which is awesome. Love that the map isn't all wards anymore and you have to pick which area you're watching. So many fights and so much pushing for vision!
Jungle shit:
Making the walls thicker/longer makes the jungler take longer to reach lanes. The jungler taking longer to reach lanes means ganking requires more of an investment, and makes failed ganks even more crippling (right now you usually just lose a camp and some farming time, which just sets you a little behind). If it took longer to reach lanes you would take even more care to avoid wards in the event of a gank, right now you can stumble through wards and just say "fuck it" and run in anyways if you're rammus or shyv or Vi and still have a shot at bothering the laner. Increasing the time it takes to reach a lane by any significant amount crushes that.Kaelik wrote:
I'm not sure how you could possibly be confused or why it would matter. You claimed that if you lengthen the walls, junglers will have to go all the way around Baron (Or Dragon if they are on Blue side) to gank, because the ward will cover everything from wraith wall to Baron wall.
What I am saying is that they already do. You put a ward in the bush by River side of Red and it covers everything between Baron and jungle. So your absurd claim that junglers won't be able to gank mid if you lengthen the walls is fucking stupid.
Except it is often optimal. Farming mids are big right now (mostly Orianna and Syndra, notoriously shit gankers), and they can take wraiths. It's normal for them to do that. You don't farm your wraiths if you have a gold-dependent jungler (Shyvana!), but otherwise you do it. The jungler can make the xp up by camping a lane or farming other camps.Kaelik wrote: No it shouldn't. It should be behind the optimal strategy, which very often isn't that.
The ADC/Support usually farm golems/wight (or white...whatever it's called) before they B after a push as well. It's just a good strategy since the jungler can always be doing something else and lanes really just want gold after they shove out.