[Game] Bakuhatsu High

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Post by Koumei »

Bishounen would be moe, yeah, but the other bit is just Gary Motherfucking Oak having money, and money can buy cheerleaders.

Also, don't do a google image search for anime swimsuit or anime gym clothes while at work.
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Post by Prak »

Especially if you work at a school? (you still work at a school, right?)
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Yes. That said, I didn't do the image search at work, I did it over the weekend while looking for some placeholder pictures - that was just a general thing I noticed. I'm not completely stupid.
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Post by Koumei »

So, watching Senran Kagura, a thought struck me like a shoe thrown at a politician. Instead of having Double-Transformation be flat-out better in every way, with the drawback of needing to take the extra time to transform, would it be better to make it lose the defences granted from Transformation in exchange for the offensive boost?

Basically, in SK they can transform, generally becoming more stylishly dressed (prince/military, gothic lolita etc.) or more naked (gym clothes etc.), the typical clothing ninjas wear. But they can also enter MORTAL KCOMBAT mode, where they put their life on the line. Traditionally, warriors would remove their heavy armour to fight in a speedy method - and to enhance their attack power because their life is on the line: any incoming attack will be deadly! So this double-transformation just makes their clothing disappear, so it's swimsuits only, final destination.

That actually means there's a trade-off: they have some decent resistance in Transformed mode (one enhanced energy resist, and some basic scaling DR), so losing that in exchange for the power boost could work. And gives an excuse for making them less clothed.
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Post by Whipstitch »

I like, and for reasons unrelated to fan service. Playing chicken with your transformation time in order to be pre-buffed is a tricky thing to balance around and so I like the notion of different modes as opposed to always being straight up power ups in exchange for prep time.

Anyway, you could play around with giving some other advantages to skimpy mode as well. Perversely enough, I could see it functioning as a meta-joke defense against characters who excel at clothing damage--you can't destroy what isn't there, and if there's anything the Incredible Hulk taught us, it's that skivvies and jean shorts can survive a thermonuclear explosion, so perhaps this mode could make Magical Girls effectively immune to the Blocked condition.
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Post by Koumei »

I don't know how "Skivvies and jeans survive nuclear explosions" can mesh with "a kick makes someone's shirt explode and their tits pop out". And I assure you the second one is a well-established fact. But that is a possibility, yeah. Maybe even "It's like this other outfit was painted onto your 3d character model and is part of your skin, it's crazy!" as a shout-out to all the games that actually do that.
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Post by Whipstitch »

I'm admittedly pretty comfortable with things not always making sense. Still, even tv tropes refers to the phenomenon as Magic Pants and they are Magical Girls, so it's not like normal people's clothes have to work that way. In-universe you could bullshit it as Magical Girls being able to internalize the vulnerable bits of their costume at the cost of personal protection or just leave it as a 4th wall buster.

Plus, I must admit that half the reason I suggested it is because I've got a pet House Monstrosity sheet I want to play which has Pulverizing Blows as his Body Shaping III trait. Technically, such a change would be to his disadvantage, but at the same time I'm amused greatly by the notion of magical girls stripping pre-emptively to fight him. I mean, really, why delay the inevitable?
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Post by Koumei »

Version 0.4 is up!

Technically version 0 because of cut-off for some reason.

[*]Has a whole heap of placeholder art stolen from the interwebz (mostly anime screenshots)
[*]Has *some* bookmarks (and in-document hyperlinks)
[*]Double-Henshin changed
[*]Dinosaur Wrestler now specifies you get to ignore the rules for fighting really big dudes
[*]Added R-15 to the Conversion Guide

Future Changes:
[*]Actual art of my own
[*]Little perks for Elective Subject Geniuses.
[*]All the bookmarks. And with less stupid names for said bookmarks.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Elective Geniuses now have perks. Also, bookmarks. Bookmarks everywhere.

Incidentally, are there any other Traits or Powers people feel are missing, or any other changes you'd reccommend?
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Post by the_taken »

OK, so I used the thread to make a character last night, and then I read the rules in the PDF and noticed some major differences.

First off is that HP is calculated differently in this thread than it is the first time it is mentioned in the book on page 10, and then the same calculation that is in this thread is mentioned on page 19.

Second, there's no bonus HP for joining different clubs in the book, but there is for joining a club from this thread.

Thirdly, why are the abilities of the different houses not listed with the houses?

That's the things I wanted to bring up for now. Aside from those issues, the subject matter combines with your writing style makes this game seam like a lot of fun.
I had a signature here once but I've since lost it.

My current project: http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=56456
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Post by Koumei »

the_taken wrote: First off is that HP is calculated differently in this thread than it is the first time it is mentioned in the book on page 10, and then the same calculation that is in this thread is mentioned on page 19.
Yeah, pdf trumps thread, however I totally need to change page 19.
Second, there's no bonus HP for joining different clubs in the book, but there is for joining a club from this thread.
That was a previous idea I had, and put it on the thread, but then I decided to change it entirely to the scaling thing in the pdf page 10.
Thirdly, why are the abilities of the different houses not listed with the houses?
One reviewer suggested that, instead of dumping a big list of rules-related powers on their lap while they're still looking through "What I could be", put the power lists at the start of the powers section and just have the Houses thing give a basic conceptual idea.

Each House entry has a link to their Power List anyway, so unless you print it out, that shouldn't be a big deal.
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Post by Koumei »

Tada! It says 04 but it's really version 0.5

[*]Bookmarks, bookmarks everywhere!
[*]More pictures, including two of my own (three if you include the little scribble from before) - it even has a cover picture now!
[*]Fixed the HP bit under Health
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Post by Koumei »

So I'd love to playtest it, but I just don't really have time. I mean, I have loads of time where I'm at a PC, but I obviously can't use IRC at work, and even so, all my faffing around here is just when I'm not busy - running a game requires actually having a block of time guaranteed for not being busy.

So until I can do that, I can't really make any big calls on rules that need changing, but I've had a few other people look over them and there haven't been any fresh complaints or anything.

Sadly, I also can't really do the art at work.
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Post by icyshadowlord »

I'll need to give this a look after work.
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Post by Koumei »

Unfortunately, it needs an update: in my stupidity I accidentally saved the older version of the Word document (on my PC) over the newer version (on my USB stick), undoing some changes.

So I've added all the proper bookmarks again, and made some progress in filling it with links as necessary. But I also need to try to remember what powers I gave Geniuses in Elective Classes and any other changes I may have undone.

When I do that, I'll also put in the new art, and the update will seem pretty substantial.

Updates after that will largely be art, though I could see "looking through powers and cleaning them up, streamlining them a bit" as being a thing.
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Post by Koumei »

So I'm still shitty about having effectively unupdated my work, but making a little progress. I can't remember what abilities I gave to geniuses of most elective subjects though. So! Here's where you guys get to propose ideas for the abilities gained - even if it's "X ability in regards to Y situation" or a brand new power!

I need ones for:
[*]Tech Studies
[*]Home Ec

The others, I already remembered/rethought.
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Post by Whipstitch »

I'd consider ditching Tech Studies and folding the bennies into Science to help keep it a bit more distinct from Health. Miss T'sao could still stick around as one of the two teachers you must impress to get a full A grade in science-- it's really not unreasonable to suggest that Tenkawa handles most of the chemistry and earth science while Miss T'sao is the go-to teacher for engineering and crazy physics. Plus, Tech Studies is the sort of thing that just begs for letting people make their own unique inventions and SCIENCE! already dominates that territory. Just saying "All geniuses in this category get Furious Pressure via their gravity belts they all wear" or something similar feels like a cop out by comparison.

Piloting- Let people add hitpoints per grade level so your tank doesn't go obsolete the second you hit sophomore year.

Music- Playing/singing appropriate music should let you emo blast people.

Hunting & Home Ec- I've got nothing.
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Post by elric225 »

Yo this game is hype but I can't find anything for it online aside from this forum. Is there an irc channel or website or something for this game?
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Post by Chamomile »

No. This game was a homebrew project made by one of the members of this forum because some other members of the forum thought it would be way cool when the creator mentioned the basic concept. You can tell it's not an official product because it's good.
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Post by elric225 »

Chamomile wrote:No. This game was a homebrew project made by one of the members of this forum because some other members of the forum thought it would be way cool when the creator mentioned the basic concept. You can tell it's not an official product because it's good.
Well, A: that's a bummer, but B: that's no excuse. I can think of a bunch of homebrew systems that get their own IRC channels and such for the developers and players to chat and coordinate. Now I don't know how out of date this pdf is, but if theres anything going on with this game then i'm super onboard to help or play or anything.
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Post by Chamomile »

You're right, it's not an excuse, it's an explanation, because we don't need an excuse or a justification. We don't answer to you or need your approval, and if you want to Bakuhatsu High to have enough buzz that an IRC would be anything other than an empty room, that's seriously something you will have to take care of. Because seriously, most of us don't care that much. We're glad the game exists, we know there's a community that's aware of it here if any of us ever wants to run it, and the existence or lack thereof of other communities who would also be aware of it does not concern us.
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Post by elric225 »

Chamomile wrote:You're right, it's not an excuse, it's an explanation, because we don't need an excuse or a justification. We don't answer to you or need your approval, and if you want to Bakuhatsu High to have enough buzz that an IRC would be anything other than an empty room, that's seriously something you will have to take care of. Because seriously, most of us don't care that much. We're glad the game exists, we know there's a community that's aware of it here if any of us ever wants to run it, and the existence or lack thereof of other communities who would also be aware of it does not concern us.
I think you're taking offense where i didn't mean anything like that. For one thing if this website itself is the main community for this game, then you could have said that as opposed to 'there isn't one.' However if this really was never meant to be anything more than something a group of friends passed between each other, then...idk, good on whoevers made this game.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm both surprised and delighted that someone randomly found it and came here to talk about it. Could I ask where you found out about it? The chances of someone googling "Bakuhatsu High" out of the blue are... low.

I have a few other art projects to work on, and other random stuff, but honestly I have wanted to get back onto BH and get it polished up. Various rules and abilities could be simplified, playtesting should happen, and eventually it will be full of art, even though we're talking "the writer of the rules drew this" and not "big art budget".

It doesn't really have an IRC channel, because the year is currently 2013, and dedicating an IRC channel to discussion of a game is an old concept. I prefer to put updates and stuff on the thread so people can come back and find it. And I'm too old-school to use twitfacespaceplace.
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Post by elric225 »

Koumei wrote:I'm both surprised and delighted that someone randomly found it and came here to talk about it. Could I ask where you found out about it? The chances of someone googling "Bakuhatsu High" out of the blue are... low.

I have a few other art projects to work on, and other random stuff, but honestly I have wanted to get back onto BH and get it polished up. Various rules and abilities could be simplified, playtesting should happen, and eventually it will be full of art, even though we're talking "the writer of the rules drew this" and not "big art budget".

It doesn't really have an IRC channel, because the year is currently 2013, and dedicating an IRC channel to discussion of a game is an old concept. I prefer to put updates and stuff on the thread so people can come back and find it. And I'm too old-school to use twitfacespaceplace.
So I was kicking it on /tg/ asking about japanese delinquent rpgs and someone tossed a link for the pdf at me. I've fallen in love with how dedicated this game is to recreating school, with how much like a report card the character sheet is and how character creation is like choosing courses. As for the IRC thing, I think you guys are kinda...like, i don't get why you wouldn't want an irc, unless this game really is just a super tiny thing that nobodies playing. Not trying to drop names, but games like chrome strike and velocity, a rules lite mech game, and a jet set radio knockoff, are both community driven games that really, I don't see what seperates BH from these two, but last time i checked velocity is still using a wiki page to host it's rules, but manages to maintain an irc channel with a dozen+ people coming and going.
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Post by Whipstitch »

Actually, the accurate description would be "incomplete super tiny thing that nobody plays." It is, after all, a niche game on a niche forum* being made in one person's spare time.

*And even here it isn't everyone's bag: you're bound to lose some of the audience when it turns out even some of the male characters turn into busty jailbait prior to their clothes being blown off by space aliens. Such is life.
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