oMage v. nMage

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Re: oMage v. nMage

Post by Koumei »

Whipstitch wrote:Honestly, things like the nWo pic just make me wish Koumei would run After Sundown sometime, since Mexico City already explicitly features luchador luminaries. The fact that she hates White Wolf doesn't hit me as a significant handicap for running a game given that everyone hates White Wolf.
Maybe when I have the time, one day.
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Post by Whipstitch »

Eh, it's probably for the best if nobody indulges me, since god knows I forcefed my shadowrun players plenty of wrestling jokes and a surprising number of Prince references over the years.
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Post by Rawbeard »

And that is a bad thing how exactly?
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Post by ishy »

Is that clear? There are some dudes in the Exarch Realm who do not and probably cannot interact with you in the material world (that is, the place where you actually keep all your stuff and eat sandwiches), and battle lines are drawn over whether we should do things that we guess they will like or do things we guess that they won't. The dudes in the Exarch Realm probably won't tell us either way and may or may not be lying if they did. And people are supposed to be willing to die for this.
Isn't that basically how most real world religions work?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

ishy wrote:
Is that clear? There are some dudes in the Exarch Realm who do not and probably cannot interact with you in the material world (that is, the place where you actually keep all your stuff and eat sandwiches), and battle lines are drawn over whether we should do things that we guess they will like or do things we guess that they won't. The dudes in the Exarch Realm probably won't tell us either way and may or may not be lying if they did. And people are supposed to be willing to die for this.
Isn't that basically how most real world religions work?
Well, yes, but due to the anthropic principle you can believe that people believe in real-world religions, based on the rather compelling evidence that they do. Any fictional propaganda line in a game does not have the advantage of a vast organisation that has hijacked moral authority for centuries, so needs more actual credibility to pass muster.
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Post by Drachasor »

I'm liking this series of posts. Very informative.

I have to say that despite its flaws, I did play oMage for a couple years (various campaigns) and really enjoyed it. We played it at a variety of power levels, though perhaps because my DM was really good I didn't notice its flaws.

We did have a really strong focus on narrative, so perhaps that helped, I don't know. Then again, I'm probably the closest our group had to someone that would push the rules as far as possible, but I always try to avoid going too far. That said, it is more fun to play in a system where I don't have to have my little metagame-checking engine constantly running and trying to figure out what "too far" means.

Though it is nice to play a game where you can do completely insane things now and then. We played one ridiculously high-powered game (I had 5 in Time and Matter, I think). I believe there was some sort of demonic army about to come into the real world through some sort of hole into the Umbra. I was just going to buy some time for us, but I rolled really, really, really well. And so the entire army was frozen in time for 6 months. Very ridiculous, but very fun too.

Hmm, part of what made our Mage games work might have been the fact we played them as a series of 3 campaigns, 9 weeks each.
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Post by Rawbeard »

And so the entire army was frozen in time for 6 months.
I love this :D
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Post by Koumei »

ishy wrote:Isn't that basically how most real world religions work?
I read that before I read what you quoted, so for a brief moment I hoped you were referring to the wrestling jokes and Prince references.
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Post by nockermensch »

Koumei wrote:
ishy wrote:Isn't that basically how most real world religions work?
I read that before I read what you quoted, so for a brief moment I hoped you were referring to the wrestling jokes and Prince references.
@ @ Nockermensch
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Post by Ancient History »

What's All This Then?
Actually Playing Mage


Before you could play Mage of any variety, you had to come to grips with two things: White Wolf's general system of doing stuff, and their magic system. White Wolf's system for doing stuff is pretty much universally acknowledged to be terrible, and the magic system is incredibly complicated, so most people never played Mage. In fact, most people who say that they have played Mage actually haven't – having given up trying to figure out the magic system part way through and “just sort of winged it” for the rest; or having had their minds rebel at how terrible the game mechanics were and replaced most of them with free form and mother may I. Actually, most people who played Mage did both.

oWoD had three major editions (1st, 2nd, and Revised), but the core mechanics were actually spelled out in every splat. Technically, oMage was a stand alone game just as oWerewolf and oChangeling were standalone games, with each giving you the skinny on how jumping and punching and driving a car and stuff were resolved. And here's the thing: it wasn't just copypasta, each game line within each edition actually had subtly (or in some cases, not-so-subtly) different rules for basic action resolution. Anyone who was a long-standing fan of the World of Darkness not only had three editions of rules bouncing around in their head, they had like a dozen or more slight variations bouncing around in their heads. Fuck, even the rules for Mage in the past weren't exactly the same as the rules for Mage in the present within what was nominally the same edition. White Wolf as a company was cagey about the differences: not only did they never release any sort of list of what the rules differences were and why they happened, they didn't even commit themselves to necessarily claiming that the different splats could interact at all. Sure, the vampire books talked about werewolves, and mentioned that they had tribes, and even named some of those tribes, and those were the same names as the tribes of werewolves described in the werewolf game, but the company was officially ambiguous as to whether those were really the same things or just creatures in different settings that happened to have similar names. Ambiguosity means never having to say you're sorry about mechanical mismatches, I suppose.

oWoD's first edition rules were famously completely unplayable. Rein*Hagen had hastily converted a system that was “roll a d10 and add a modifier” to a shallow ripoff of first edition Shadowrun as he understood it based on a conversation in a car using d10s (that is apparently the actual story). So you have all the crappy probability of variable TNs and exploding dice, only it's all with d10s using mechanics that weren't even written with dicepools in mind, and everything is fucked. Each book that came out fiddled with the rules in an evolutionary fashion, with more major changes reserved for timeskip books and new editions. By the time oMageR came out (just nine years after the first book), more than 2 dozen revisions had been made, and the core system was looking like something that was kind of playable. Not actually good, mind you, but vaguely passable for the time.

nMage on the other hand, despite being a four hundred page tome, is not standalone. The basic game mechanics aren't in the book, they are in a generic rulebook for all of the World of Darkness called “The World of Darkness”. nMage couldn't have different game mechanics for basic skill tests and task resolution even if it wanted to. Also, nMage came out shortly before the company went bankrupt and got sold to an Icelandic videogame company, and that company treated the entire tabletop line as legacy ware that they gave zero fucks about (having bought the company to get the IP to make video games). So there was never a second edition of nMage, or a second edition of anything in the New World of Darkness, so the mechanics are extremely static.

nMage manages to have game mechanics that you can't possibly hope to know, not by constantly changing them, but simply by having the mechanics be so long and complicated that neither you nor anyone else can ever hope to master them. On top of the core rulebook of 222 pages, nMage provides a magic chapter (covering much of the magic system) that is 186 pages of dense print. There's just no fucking way that anyone ever figured out what the fuck was going on or how anything was supposed to work. Keep in mind: it's turtles all the way down. We have a half dozen people writing this thing under the direction of a baker's dozen of ego maniacs. There never was a coherent vision, and no amount of deep reading of this thing will ever unravel its mysteries. The contradictions simply are.

Both oMage and nMage were also guilty of splatsploitation, where each sourcebook coming out had more and more rules in it, some of them quite critical to gameplay and others which were later patch-ons to try and fix the rules in the main book/last supplement. In this regard it can generally be said that oMage had it a little worse, because oMage rules could theoretically crop up in any oWoD supplement—and many times they did. This was generally to the detriment of both games, but it was nominally better than the alternative (which was also used), which was to pretend that oMage didn’t exist (or just forget about it) and write entirely new subsystems for each and every new flavor of supernatural that cropped up in each book. This is why you have books like Enchanted talking about how werewolves and changelings cannot be mages (but mages can be kinfolk, enchanted, mediums, and even ghouls, although they later nerfed the ghoul thing about three times to make it a progressively shittier option – kindof like vampire werewolves), and then you have about eight different places talking about hedge magic which doesn’t jive with the other kinds of hedge magic…even though in many cases its damn near the same thing. Seriously, Wraith had a special hedge magic for mediums called Fetishism which was damn near identical to like two other enchanting hedge magic paths in different supplements, but technically they were distinct.

Which brings me to another point, and that is that there was never any real effort on the part of any of the writers to every balance any of the various magical whatsit powers and disciplines against each other. None. The easiest way to prove this is to go look at any version of Vampire, and compare just the first-dot powers in each discipline. It is helpful to use one of the wikis to do this, because actually flipping through the books is tiresome, but take a look: without a doubt, you will come across at least a couple disciplines where the first level powers are virtually identical in purpose or granted ability but one is clearly superior to all others. I like to point at necromantic disciplines for this, because the default first-dot ability for a lot of them is “ability to perceive ghosts in some way, shape, or form.” The fact that this exact ability is actually a two-point merit means nothing, you paid full freight for the ability and if you got the wrong discipline you ended up with the shittier version of it. Them’s the breaks. Actually, depending on the game line, there’s probably three or four merits that let you see/talk to the dead without blowing freebie points on a discipline or spheres, and the costs are all different depending on which splat you’re using. Okay, end segue.

nWoD went the basic route where every single new flavor of supernatural used their own mini-verse of rules specific to them which very explicitly did not play nicely with any other rule set, fill any gaps, or really benefit the greater nWoD-verse in any way. This was a direct consequence, again, of Mummy: the Resurrection and Demon: the Fallen and Hunter: the Huntering, but it did no favors for nMage, since these were supposed to be generic books for adding pannagalans and shit to your game, but it used different magic mini-rules that did not play nicely with the whole mage system.

Storyteller: “Okay, the pannagalan uses its awesome voice to suck your blood from you with sound waves!”
Mage-PC: “Okay, what do I roll to resist? Countermagic?”
Storyteller: “It’s not…magic, no.”
Storyteller: “Well, it’s not blood sorcery, it’s just…y’know, a discipline.”
Mage-PC: “So I can disrupt it with my special Anti-Vampire Rote!”
Storyteller: “No, it’s not that kind of vampire. It’s a special East Asian vampire. Your rote only works against Kindred.”
Mage-PC: “Fuck you.”

A good example about how fucked up both oWoD and nWoD were in this respect is demons (or dragons, or any other mythical critter, but let’s use demons). Now, because underneath it all this is a proper Christian game, every single fucking mini-game had somebody involved that could summon demons. That generally meant example demons, and because this is WoD every example has stats written with respect to the individual system. So demons in VtM have disciplines and blood pools and stuff, and demons in oMage have spheres and maybe some spirit powers for good measure. This was especially bad in the Dark Ages books – especially the first edition, but also all the Renaissance-era Mage books – because there was even less excuse for it. In 1st edition WoD, silly crap like demons between different books varying massively in overall power level and stats they can use is fine, but Dark Ages written after a couple editions were under the old belt, and somebody somewhere should have known better. Then came Demon: the Fallen, and nobody had any more fucks to give, and they went on to write nWoD and did the exact same thing.

The massive splatspoiltation coupled with the variable power/effect costs is a large part of what made the WoD such a crunchy, powermunchkinny system even though the whole point of the GothicPunk world was to be cool and part of the story and have kewl powerz. But the whole system was pretty broken and did not play well with itself.

What was “going on” in oMage was that reality was consensus driven, and magic didn't work because people didn't believe in it. All of reality that you saw was a consensus dream overlay on what was “really going on”, which was glowing conduits of primal energies flowing around like Tron. As a Mage, you had a personal paradigm of wonder working that allowed you to influence the primal energy flows and also to adjust the dream overlay that ordinary people experienced. And to the extent that “observers” noticed you messing with how the dream was “supposed to work”, you got weighed down by “paradox” and the dream fought back against you.

What was “going on” in nMage was that our world is a “Fallen World” (in the “Answers in Genesis” sense of the term), because there is an abyss between it and the “Supernal World”, which you know because of gnostic visions and faith. And the world being fallen means that Soul is missing from the Earth (not to be confused with human souls, of which the World of Darkness recognizes several types), and getting in touch with the Supernal World through gnostic visions and your past life as a European Atlantean gives you the ability to do magic. Because.

As may be immediately obvious, explaining the “why” and the “what the fuck” of Magic in oMage is considerably easier than it is in nMage. Consensus reality may not stand up to reasoned analysis (and is therefore extremely problematic to put into a piece of cooperative storytelling), but the logical progression from reality being a consensus dream imposed from outside to the Mages being able to alter reality at the cost of being fought by the inertia of the dream does make at least intuitive sense. nMage, by contrast requires page after page of diagrams of Atlantean High Speech and Tower Sympathies and shit to explain anything. And I'll be honest: it seriously doesn't explain much.

I hope everything is clear now

oMage and nMage were both the most loose systems compared to the rest of o/nWoD. In V:tM and V:tR, you generally have a straight set of finite powers, usually one per dot – and even that fell apart when it came to Thaumaturgy and other kinds of blood sorcery, and o/nMage was worse because it didn’t even have that nice initial gradation. Really, the problem is that the fundamental concept system both are based on is Ars Magica, which uses a noun/verb system – you get something like Creo Ignem, and that’s “Create Fire” – the details of which you work out like Silver Age superhero comics (which is ironic because the main character in Mark Waid’s Irredeemable is pretty much an old-school Mage.)

Instead of noun/verb system, oMage uses a system of Spheres (or Pillars) which are much more ambiguous in terms of what you can do with them. Instead of being Superman where you adapt your powers to the needs of the plot, you’re now given the Infinity Gauntlet and told to figure out what you can actually do, oops there is no manual.


The inherent deficiency in an ambiguous system is that you can only really do something as far as you can understand the problem – in this case, how the universe works and what your limitations are. That is generally easier within a rational system than shit you just make up, which tends to be full of inherent contradictions; for example if you use your mighty Mage powers to set the value of pi exactly to 3, the universe is going to shit itself. So while you may be Neo in the Matrix bending and breaking rules, the thing is that you are still bending and breaking rules within the context of the system—Neo does not type in the Konami code and reboot the universe, he solves his problems by punching shit. By any logical standard he doesn’t need to punch shit, because he should basically be able to redefine the Matrix entirely just by thinking. So it is in Mage, but in the classic Gnostic viewpoint the Mages are stuck in this material world and let it define them until they reach the stage of enlightenment when they realize they can just piss off and do whatever they want.

Many of the writers of oMage realized the basic problem with the system, but they framed it more as “Oh shit, these characters are overpowered, we need to find some way to limit how they do X” – and they generally did that by way of rotes, which were pre-scripted “spells” that Mages could learn and provided a handy guideline for the power level of various Sphere/dot combinations, so somebody with Forces 1 didn’t just decide to do “infinity plus one” damage from their fireball.

Probably the biggest problem with oMage's paradigm of magic is that consensus reality is totally incompatible with what we actually observe. What we actually see is that the vast majority of people believe in magic and always have. Contrary to the claims of anti-vaxxers, science doesn't march on because everyone blindly accepts science on faith. Science marches on because it produces results in spite of near universal incredulity. So right from the start, oMage comes out about fighting against science without actually having any idea of what science is. This really comes back and undermines the whole way the system is supposed to work. Your goal is to convince people of things that they factually already believe and your primary impediment is the near universal acceptance of political and epistemological views that in reality are extremely fringe. This makes discussing the setting or taking actions in the setting nearly impossible. I can't stress this strongly enough: probably the cornerstone of the setting is an unstated assumption that the psychological makeup and cultural mores of ordinary people is wholly unrecognizable. But you know, other than that, society is supposed to look basically the same as it does. Basically it means that if you spend any time thinking about it at all, you can't actually tell cooperative stories within the framework of oMage at all.

The biggest problem of nMage is that it sucks. Sorry, there just isn't any other way to say it. There's no real conception of what magic is capable of, how magic works, who knows or cares about magic, how the setting interacts with magic, or basically anything at all. Magic is a completely arbitrary set of Atlantean Runewords that do completely arbitrary things, and a half dozen freelancers simply shat words into a stream of consciousness word document until White Wolf stopped paying them to do so at about 145 thousand words – which of course could be split into three short novels if that's what you wanted to do.

Frank isn’t kidding. The idea with nMage is that there is a True Secret Knowledge and you’re in on it, but the actual system is an overly complicated meshugganah. Part of this is, again, tied into the setting. In oMage, you had a Tradition that you were a part of, which helped define your style and approach to magic, and these were largely based on real-world occult practices (with appropriate application of handwavium), and everybody manipulated the same Spheres but with slightly different approaches and specialties. In nMage, you choose one of five Paths which determine your style of magic, and then you choose one of five/six Orders which determine you social/political connections and approach to magic.

In practice this should have worked. Because you could be druidic warrior (Thysrus/Adamantine Arrow) or a street shaman (Thysrus/Free Council) or a crack mage (Thysrus/Apostate) and those would all be viable character concepts. However, it isn’t that simple, because in addition to this you have Legacies (soul-shaping third-option societies with SpecialPowerz), and the rather straightforward spheres are divided between the Subtle Arcana and Gross Arcana, which have nothing to do with whether the effects they generate are Covert spells or Vulgar spells, and rotes in general take a stronger role in the game and for some fucking reason now include spell components.

Actually using magic in oMage revolves around the ancient art of bullshitting. This is because your abilities and the limitations of your abilities don't make any sense or have any consistent definition. When you want to do something, you try to convince the MC that your vague and contradictorily defined abilities apply to whatever you want to do, and then you try to convince the MC that your even more poorly defined limitations don't come into play, and then you try to convince your MC that the effect in question could have a perfectly logical non-magickal explanation. There are guidelines and numbers involved, but basically none of that actually matters because none of the inputs are defined coherently enough for it to make any difference.

To see how this “works”, let's consider the sphere of “Matter”. What it governs is any object or “stuff” that isn't alive and isn't energy. Seriously. Every single thing you would call “a thing” anywhere in the universe is governed by the Matter sphere unless it's alive. There is also “Life” and “Forces”, which cover everything else in the entire universe. There are also six more spheres, despite the fact that every single thing that exists, will exist, or has ever existed is covered by one of the aforementioned three. You can ponder that one while I print up the oMageR rendition of what the first four dots of “Matter” do:
• Matter Perceptions
The most basic understanding of Matter gives a mage a clear insight into the nature of material objects. By scrutinizing a Pattern, the mage can tell not only how massive something is and what it's made of, but whether it's a composite, whether it's damaged in any way, how it might interact with other objects and what could be hidden inside.
Combining Matter and Entropy lets the magician sense weak points and identify the best means by which to break them, Forces tells what energy to bring to bear against objects. With Life magic, the mage can determine the presence and composition of inert matter in living Patterns, like piercings and implants. The use of more ephemeral Spheres lends itself to scrying at range or determining whether a given object is actually a form of Tass.

• • Basic Transmutation
The mage may transmute one substance into another, without changing its shape, temperature or basic state (solid, liquid, gas). The object simply takes on a new composition, at the mage's whim. Complex creations are mare difficult or in some cases impossible; usually, mages are limited to creating or transmuting homogenous substances — a block of wood into a brick of stone, for instance, but not into an alloy of gold and osmium. Naturally, the sorts of possible transmutations depend heavily on paradigm. A Hermetic mage might turn lead into gold alchemically, a Chorister could duplicate the miracle of turning water into wine but a Technocrat is more likely to convert simple elements like hydrogen to helium.
Only simple and inert forms of Matter can be transformed at this level. The mage cannot make radioactive elements. Doing so requires Mastery, as such Patterns shed their essence in the form of Forces. Matter Patterns also tend to have a rigid shape, and this shape cannot be changed with this base understanding. Of course, if the mage turns a rock into butter, he can sculpt or melt it easily. Rare materials are also hard to create.
Metaphysically, such matter is a precious substance, not easily found or made, which reflects in the difficulty of magical duplication. Basic transmutation combines with other Pattern Spheres to let the mage create solid matter from forces or even from living beings. (Of course, anyone can turn a Life Pattern into a Matter Pattern — just kill it). The mage can also conjure a basic object out of Prime energy. With the right understanding of Forces, the mage can impart enough energy to change an item's state while transforming it. He can use Correspondence to pull or push items around and even to reach into them and remove parts. The mage can give a spirit a physical representation or create an object according to a mental image with Quintessence.

• • • Alter Form
Although Matter Patterns are resilient, they are not inviolable, and a mage with enough experience can reshape matter as he desires. This level of skill lets the mage sculpt the object mystically, changing its form or even compressing or expanding certain elements of its material properties. The mage can increase the object's density or disperse it into gas, or he can just make it take on a different silhouette. Broken materials can be rejoined and matter made whole once more, or the mage can pull things apart, separate them into components or make mixtures of matter. With the Pattern Spheres, the mage can easily draw energy out of a Matter Pattern or make it mesh with a living creature. More ephemeral Spheres let the object change in response to thought or even cause it shift randomly into a useful (or harmful) shape.

• • • • Complex Transformation
By tearing out the detailed elements of combined Matter Patterns, an Adept of Matter can rebuild complex Patterns that rely on rare and complex material or on multiple independent pieces with different bases. Assuming that he has the appropriate mundane knowledge, the mage can easily make objects with moving parts or do the opposite in order to turn valuable equipment into useless lumps. Whereas a less experienced mage is limited to making simple items or Patterns of a homogenous sort, an Adept can create alloys, combinations of multiple types of matter and other fine details. Both the level of detail and the complexity of the final object determine the difficulty of the Effect. With Forces or Life magic, the mage can transform creatures or energies directly into complex objects. He can turn a canary into a golden clockwork songbird or a lightning bolt into a silver stylization. Life magic lets the mage blend living and unliving matter, making silk, fresh food and the like. Prime energy can be used to conjure complex matter from nothing — more than one Euthanatos has pulled a gun seemingly out of nowhere.
There are of course some example effects after that, but the bottom line is that this is completely incoherent. Silk is given as an example of a “blend of living and unliving matter” requiring complex transformations combined with the Life sphere. But Wood is given as an example of a simple homogenous inert material that you can get your swerve on with using basic transmutations alone. Much angsting is given over to whether you can conjure stuff out of nothing, but since you are literally surrounded by inert matter all the time, I am at a complete loss as to how to explain that as actually making any difference sideways or lengthwise. And of course it needs to be said that the difference between having two spheres together and simply having more of one sphere is pretty much entirely in the eye of the beholder. A Basic Transmutation can't change an object's shape, but if you also have Forces you can, but with a level 3 Transmutation you can change an object's shape even though that was just described as being a Forces effect. Fuck!

And before you get too excited about the “rare materials” guidelines, here's one of the actual examples of using level 2 Matter:
oMageR, Straw into Gold example wrote: Just like Rumpelstiltskin, the mage can weave base matter into a valuable substance. It remains a homogenous material, but it takes on qualities desired by the mage. Vulgar willworkers may literally turn tears into diamonds and straw into gold. More subtle magicians could improve the quality of an existing object, or "accidentally discover" that an object is more valuable than it first appeared. In this fashion, a mage can turn cheap beer into a decent stout, make generic brands seem of higher quality and cause an ordinary item to actually be made of something valuable
Now you might have noticed that there was that extremely vague note that “Naturally, the sorts of possible transmutations depend heavily on paradigm.” This is because as a player character, you are limited in the kinds of spells you can cast on the fly based on what your character thinks he can do. As in: you have to convince the MC that you've convinced yourself to try harder with a “heart of the cards” speech before you're allowed to attempt something. This is 100% Mother May I, and amounts to either a gratuitous rubber stamp, an impassable barrier, or more likely a capricious MC cock block of arbitrariness where sometimes the Storyteller simply decides your character isn't happy enough and their magic doesn't work.

You might have also noticed that thing about “vulgar” and “subtle” will workings. Actually heck, I'll grab the best quote from one of the other examples of using Matter:
oMageR, Melt and Reform wrote:This Effect makes an excellent way to get out of traps, although it may take some work to be explained as coincidental.
What does that mean? It means that there's a divide by zero error in the cost of casting a spell is what it fucking means! When you use magic, the amount of Paradox you suffer from is based on whether the affect is “vulgar” or “coincidental”. And that determination is based on whether you would hypothetically be able to come up with a convincing Men In Black style explanation of how the effect happened by rational, non-magical means to a hypothetical observer. Where that hypothetical observer is standing is anyone's guess. If you conjure an item, can you make that “coincidental” by reaching into your pocket and pulling it out? Or has this hypothetical observer been watching you long enough to know that there was nothing in your pocket? Or can this hypothetical observer see into your pocket while the item appears? No one fucking knows!

Note also that these vague guidelines are basically the entire thing of the magic system, but they also change unrecognizably in each edition. So if your MC happens to have been playing Mage since first or second edition, they will be basing their arbitrary decisions about what a sphere level is capable of on something that isn't even in the book.

Some exceedingly drunk or high lead designer back in the day probably thought that explaining how your spell was really just a tremendous coincidence was a fine art that would help the player contribute to the game. So I don’t know what they were thinking when they adapted oMage to Mind’s Eye Theatre, which is White Wolf’s Live Action Role-Play thing. Most LARPers of my experience chose Vampire and Werewolf (and, on one memorable occasion I stumbled across Peter Pan fucking TwinkleBell and it turned out that the Changeling LARP had just let out, so I excused myself and went to apply brain bleach), specifically because they didn’t want to be mistaken for playing D&D style wizards in public.
The only redeeming factor is that rock-paper-scissors is as good a deciding tool in the case of Storyteller disagreement as anything I’ve ever run across.

Anyway, oMage did not rely on rotes to the same extant as nMage does. This is not to say there were not a large number of rotes, but the vast majority of rotes are unofficial fan rotes. This is kind of fun because theoretically in oMage, unlike other games, you should be able to steal a sufficiently good explanation for why a power works and present it to your Storyteller as your own idea – it’s like how you can’t patent an idea, only copyright an expression of an idea.

nMage pretty much runs on spells. There are a lot of spells. Like, hundreds of spells. I don't even know how many spells are in this book and I don't give a fuck. There are a lot. There are spells you learn for being in a particular mage group. There are spells that you learn for getting to specific places. And most importantly of all: you can write new spells by comparing the effects to other spells of a similar level.

And you might think this could work fairly well. I mean, for the most part it works OK in D&D, right? Well... the spells it gives you are wildly out of whack. Let's consider the simple act of shooting people with lightning bolts. There are two spells that do that, and one of them is called “Influence Electricity” and is level 2; while another is called “Thunderbolt” and is level 4. The latter allows you to roll your spellcasting test and do one wound for each success rolled. This is equivalent to punching people, basically. If you attack someone in any normal way in this system, you make a roll and do one health level for each success rolled. You're just substituting your casting roll for your firearms (or whatever) skill. On the flip side, the level 2 power references the electrical damage rules in the basic book, and as you're already probably guessing, rerouting the power from a nearby power line into someone does a shit tonne more damage than just punching them does. The guidelines are so fucked that they can't even bother to make the level 4 electrical attack spell do more (or even nearly as much) damage as compared to the level 2 spell.

See above for my note about the general discrepancy in 1st dot powers. Another thing you run across in oMage but less so in nMage is, well, inefficiency. It turns out that knowing Science! tends to give you a bonus to actually making shit work, which is why genius proto-Technocracy Craftmasons invented wooden cyberlimbs that took higher Spheres and more Quintessence to create than the full-blown anime cyberlimb magical artifacts in Demon Hunter X. Even in the Dark Ages contemporary times when men think witches can steal their penis and they can take herbal supplements to naturally enlarge their malehood, the Increase/Decrease Penis rotes that use Life and a working knowledge of basic anatomy are probably going to be cheaper and more effective than, say, the ones trying to actually steal a penis using Entropy or something.

We’re really only scratching the surface of the mechanics here, because we really should talk about artifacts, Arete/Gnosis, Mana/Quintessence, and the bizarre fucking cosmologies. So let’s do that next time.
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Post by Koumei »

Ancient History wrote: [img][/img]
I hope everything is clear now
It all makes sense now!
Frank wrote:Probably the biggest problem with oMage's paradigm of magic is that consensus reality is totally incompatible with what we actually observe. What we actually see is that the vast majority of people believe in magic and always have. Contrary to the claims of anti-vaxxers, science doesn't march on because everyone blindly accepts science on faith. Science marches on because it produces results in spite of near universal incredulity. So right from the start, oMage comes out about fighting against science without actually having any idea of what science is. This really comes back and undermines the whole way the system is supposed to work. Your goal is to convince people of things that they factually already believe and your primary impediment is the near universal acceptance of political and epistemological views that in reality are extremely fringe. This makes discussing the setting or taking actions in the setting nearly impossible. I can't stress this strongly enough: probably the cornerstone of the setting is an unstated assumption that the psychological makeup and cultural mores of ordinary people is wholly unrecognizable. But you know, other than that, society is supposed to look basically the same as it does. Basically it means that if you spend any time thinking about it at all, you can't actually tell cooperative stories within the framework of oMage at all.
I think this goes back to the fact that, for all of their posturing as something designed to be new-age and edgy and offending the sensibilities of Christian concern groups, the fact is that the makers are really up to their waists in Christian beliefs. We've seen it with so many things (the WoD uses the Bible as a history book, the nWoD Vices and Virtues bullshit), and this is just the "Christians are a minority belief constantly under attack from the big meanies of science who have convinced all the media to report their lies" persecution complex.

For a company that made a game where you play as the demons and they're the good guys (for a given definition of the word good), the fact is they're really good little Christians. The fact is, in Demon you are playing as demons as portrayed in the Bible, after a literal war against Jehova, and it isn't a book about strange creatures that ignorant people call demons, or about the Djinn or anything.

Incidentally, a question. Does nMage anywhere mention hubris as being a great bad thing that will bring paradox and ruin upon you? That one Mage game I played (circus sexy times), the ST used that term a lot almost interchangibly with "it causes paradox". Is it just the ST not really understanding Mage (like everyone else), or did they make that a big thing and in my efforts to stay sane I skipped that chapter?
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Post by fectin »

I actually don't hate that the spheres are incoherently ordered. Just because something is harder doesn't make it more effective. Even in real life, steering a car into someone is a lot easier than lifting that car and throwing it, and yet steering it is also generally more effective.

"But what of balance?" you might inquire. I would would respond to that by staring at you as though you had just asked about balance in a White Wolf game, and should be ashamed and uncomfortable.

(In fairness, I've only played oMage, only one campaign, and it was mostly about running a dinner theatre)

edit: The typos! Oh the typos!
Last edited by fectin on Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:50 am, edited 7 times in total.
Vebyast wrote:Here's a fun target for Major Creation: hydrazine. One casting every six seconds at CL9 gives you a bit more than 40 liters per second, which is comparable to the flow rates of some small, but serious, rocket engines. Six items running at full blast through a well-engineered engine will put you, and something like 50 tons of cargo, into space. Alternatively, if you thrust sideways, you will briefly be a fireball screaming across the sky at mach 14 before you melt from atmospheric friction.
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Post by Whipstitch »


i couldn't help myself
bears fall, everyone dies
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote: Incidentally, a question. Does nMage anywhere mention hubris as being a great bad thing that will bring paradox and ruin upon you? That one Mage game I played (circus sexy times), the ST used that term a lot almost interchangibly with "it causes paradox". Is it just the ST not really understanding Mage (like everyone else), or did they make that a big thing and in my efforts to stay sane I skipped that chapter?
Hubris is supposed to be a central theme of nMage. Says so right in the introduction. Hubris is supposed to be the opposite of Wisdom, which is the Magely morality system. The morality system is a way to achieve budhahood and ascend to the Supernal Realm, while acting in Hubris pushes you away from the Supernal Realm and also makes you go crazy because it's a nWoD morality system.

The primary in-setting act of Hubris is, however, the creation of the Tower of Babel Celestial Ladder. Which the Exarchs used to ascend to the Supernal Realm which they now rule. So I don't really understand how the Hubris thing is supposed to work. You're supposed to reject Hubris to get to the Supernal Realm, but the only people who canonically ever got to the Supernal Realm specifically did so with lots and lots of Hubris.

Paradox also happens because of Hubris somehow. But it's not that your Paradox happens because of your Hubris, it's that Paradox exists at all Because of the Fall. And the Fall happened because of someone else's Hubris. For which you are being punished with Paradox and they are not.

It... doesn't make a lot of sense.

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Post by TheFlatline »

Ancient History wrote: We’re really only scratching the surface of the mechanics here, because we really should talk about artifacts, Arete/Gnosis, Mana/Quintessence, and the bizarre fucking cosmologies. So let’s do that next time.
Oh fuck I totally forgot about cosmology interaction.

Basically, all supernatural shit is just quintessence to Mages, which is the "stuff that dreams are made of" more or less.

Werewolf Cairn? Fucking quintessence fountain. Vampires? Quintessence fountains with legs. Changelings? Lots of quintessence, but you don't want to harm them because whenever they call on the Weird, all your magic becomes coincidental for the scene and you trip fucking balls as a god among men while... they dance in the corner or hit you with brambles or something. Wraiths? More quintessence.

If you have Prime you have the "fuck you your energy is mine" power, to the point where a mage with prime 5 can specifically dissolve you and use you to power even *more* powerful magic. And yet this is supposed to be street-magic level shit.

Let's not forget they had to get overly-harsh with paradox and vulgarity because the way matter is written a starting character with Matter 3 can turn Cain into a lawn chair. In fact, "vampire into lawn chair" was a longtime joke for the Mage community. Let alone if you have mind 2 up and running before an encounter with a vampire which basically lets you bypass all the dominate/presence/mind-fuck powers out there.

But... Vampire fans are nothing if not loud and whiny. It doesn't matter that the instant you throw a mage into a vampire game it goes to shit and vice versa. They bitched and complained that this made vampires pointless and super-weak, and so they got their way and Mage was nerfed successively as time went on. Then somewhere around revised Vampire fans turned their attention to the idea that a starting character Garou could seriously like kill a pack of neonate vampires. You know, like how dare werewolves fulfill their entire purpose and concept of being walking blenders? And that was just "wrong" and "offensive" to the loyal vampire players. They didn't use any actual setting analogy or comparison, they basically said "Vampire is the most successful line, so they should be able to stand up against mages and werewolves and anything else out there." WW players responded with the joke "How does a vampire beat a werewolf? Go read a book for 50 years: something else will kill the werewolf sooner or later."

This was when I basically dropped out of the White Wolf message board. The RPG-penis envy had just gotten to much to stand, and the quality of the posts were dropping off severely anyway.

So when nWOD released Werewolf, it's arguable that a well constructed vampire could probably wipe the floor with the new Werewolves, because they went from combat monster beasts down to slightly buffed humans that could only remain in war form for like 30 seconds at a time. But it shut the fucking vampire jerkoffs up.

In fact, most of the nerfings that I saw during my time playing WoD games heavily were instigated by Vampire fanboys bitching that the suckheads weren't the pinnacle of bad-assitude.
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Post by vagrant »

Since there weren't actually rules for interaction between the different splats, you could also run into the fun scenario where the Vampire-loving STs would invent the craziest excuses for your mental defenses not to work.

'Mind 2 totally doesn't protect you from Dominate cause there's no psychic link established! Matter doesn't work against vampires because they were previously living! Neither than life, you need to have both! And prime, cause vampires are magic!'

Have I mentioned how much I hate WoD?
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Post by virgil »

Man, I remember the debates early in my gaming career on the whole Vampire vs Mage thing. I argued about the explicit option for a mage to make his flashlight count as true sunlight, while the vampire-lover said the vampire burning was vulgar to send the mage into Quiet AND it wouldn't work because the mage would get eaten by an Elder.

We even did the age-old technique guaranteed to settle all debate, we each made starting-level vampires and mages to duel each other.
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Post by Ancient History »

Power of the Spheres
An everlasting Jawbreaker


Building on the successful use of clan symbols in Vampire, oMage and nMage had runes of their own. They were too complicated and abstract to ever really take off.

oMage's cosmology extends infinitely into the umbra, bringing in weirder and weirder shard realms and demon worlds. nMage's cosmology is just a translucent ceiling through which you can catch glimpses of an unreachable Supernal World which we are assured is “really sweet”.

oMage divided magic up into nine spheres: Correspondence, Entropy, Forces, Life, Matter, Mind, Prime, Spirit, and Time. nMage divided magic up into ten arcana: Death, Fate, Forces, Life, Matter, Mind, Prime, Space, Spirit, and Time. Entropy in oMage is like decay but also chance, so in a very real way you could say that they just hacked Entropy up into Fate and Death (and renamed “Correspondence” to “Space” of course). As previously noted, the spheres (or arcana if you prefer) of Life, Matter, and Forces control everything in the universe, leaving the other six or seven somewhat puzzling. Prime, Mind, and Spirit (and Death, if you're into that) control purely magical things that don't actually exist, and Time, Correspondence (or Space), and Entropy (or Fate), control the interactions between things – in a way that doesn't make a lot of sense when you consider that you can in fact change the relationships between things by changing the properties of the things themselves.

Of the magic of the unreal, the distinctions aren't terribly clear. What is the difference between Mind and Spirit? Mind is already broken away from any actual materialist thing in that it is not Forces, Life, or Matter. It is the “self” of a living being that is distinct from its physical form, the electrical impulses in its brain, or its biological nature. You know, it's soul. Or it's “spirit” if you will. So the fact that there's also an entire sphere devoted to spirits is fairly brain breaking. It's one of those things that can pass muster if and only if you don't think about it very hard: Mind is what you're thinking, and Spirit is your glowing blue energy self that lives on after you die. But what, exactly, is doing the thinking if not your brain (Life) and not your glowing blue energy self (Spirit)? Dualism is a pretty flawed philosophy, but most people and major religions in the world subscribe to it, but within dualist philosophy “Mind” is just a word they use for “Soul”. Just by having Mind and Spirit be different Spheres (or Arcana if you prefer), Mage both old and new requires you to accept not only Dualism, but a third substance orthogonal to both of the others. It's a form of Trialism, but not like any Trialism that anyone has ever proposed. It's not only philosophically indefensible, it's not even something that the authors were ever consciously putting forward. This is exceedingly problematic, because arguing about the philosophical implications of the cosmology is about 99% of casting spells in oMage (or designing new spells in nMage).

oD&D had a rather substantial chunk of its early cosmology concerned with the fact that only certain entities (i.e. humans) had souls and everything else had spirits, and this was important. oMage had a sort of vaguely similar concept going on – and I say vague because it is one of those few things that seems remarkably almost consistent across game lines, but was never ever spelled out clearly in any of them.

So, for example, you had Wraiths. Dead humans could leave a Wraith. Dead mages could leave a Wraith. Dead vampires could even leave a Wraith. Werewolves weren’t supposed to leave Wraiths unless they fucked up superbad; Faeries pretty much didn’t leave Wraiths. If you pulled the soul out of a live human being, you treated it exactly as a fucking Wraith. So you could pretty much say “okay, soul == wraith.” Well, sort of. Because then there’s something wiggy that comes up – the Shadow in Wraith, the Beast in V:tM, couple other games had their own name for it – and basically, there was a part of people that was like all the dark, nasty shit they’d ever done. And that could become a wraith too. Really, Mummy and Wraith had rituals and shit for that.

The big thing is that wraiths – wherever they came from – were sometimes treated as “spirits,” and sometimes they were not. This was mainly a big deal for Vampires and Sorcerers who had separate powers for dealing with “spirits” as they did for “ghosts.” Most of the stuff the Spirit sphere dealt with was supposed to be like elementals, nature spirits, demons and shit. Unless the Storyteller decided wraiths were a fair target today. When the Storyteller hadn’t had a blowjob recently and decided Spirit wasn’t going to work, then the players had to get creative with Entropy and Mind and Prime and try to work shit out. So oMage never had a really cohesive Death schtick, but it had a large number of really creative necromancers.

nMage learned its lesson from oMage and separated things out into Death (for ghosts) and Spirit (for spirits), and never the fucking twain will meet. The only problem is that they couched the terminology in incomprehensible Atlantean mysticism gobbledygook:
In Atlantean metaphysics, the function of Death is to root the soul in the material world, to give it an anchor for its sojourn in the world. Death draws the soul down into matter and density with an inexorable gravity. But it also releases the soul in time by decaying the body to which it is tied, freeing the soul to return to the Supernal World with the memories of all its bodily experiences. These memories, entered into the Book of Stars, lend weight and fresh meaning to the ethereal heavens.

In the current age of the Fallen World, most have forgotten this core truth, and use the power of Death for debased reasons. Necromancers manipulate the shades of the departed for selfish gain. The Atlanteans did not believe that ghosts were conscious beings. They were not even “beings,” but things. They were shells left behind by the soul, still bearing the imprint or form of the soul. They mimicked consciousness, still “wearing” the personality and behavior of the departed soul. Atlanteans also believed that the soul could never ascend back to its source as long as its shell was still intact and bound to a worldly anchor. In essence, to manipulate the shell was to also affect the soul that once owned it. Much of the instinctive terror that this Arcanum evokes is attributed to its power over the soul.
So, everybody living today is a Thetan on vacation, taking snapshots to be entered in Eru Ilúvatar’s giant photobook in the blazing world. Awesome. Absolutely useless and kind of a “all your Erf religions are wrong!” kinda thing, though. Oh, and when you die, you may leave a ghost behind, and that ghost thinks and acts like it’s you, and what it does effects you. I’m not sure who thought that was a great idea, because we’re getting into some serious philosophical shit here and all I want is a zombie army.

Prime is another weird one. As previously noted, the core conceit of oMage is that every single thing and event is actually pulses of Tron energy behind the scenes. Prime is the sphere (or arcana) concerned with messing directly with the colored lights that generate everything. So there's no practical reason why Prime couldn't be used for everything. Going by the examples of use, it's much like trading power now for more power later – with the low levels of Prime being pretty much useless and the high levels of Prime allowing you to do anything that any other Sphere (or Arcana) could do. But the game is actually about arguing about how things work with the MC, and within that context Prime is simply the best or worst Sphere (or arcana), because your Storyteller will either let it do anything you could conceptually do by tampering with the underlying source code of everything (namely: anything at all), or they will not let you do anything that has been reserved for another Sphere in the same way that Matter cannot be used to transmute things that are alive because that is Life's shtick. And since literally everything besides some trivial metamagic bullshit is reserved for one of the other eight spheres or nine arcana, if the Storyteller goes that route a Prime specialist is a very sad panda indeed.

Most often of course, the Prime specialist will bump into a capricious Storyteller who through simple cognitive dissonance will alternately allow and disallow broad applications of Prime, making it far more powerful yet far less reliable than any other sphere (or arcana). But the bottom line of course is that this is a fourth substance. We've gone from simple, intuitive, but logically indefensible Dualism and squared that shit. You have your physical substance, your mental substance, your spiritual substance, and your primal substance, and these are all different things that don't really interact with each other.

Supply lines are getting longer, and harder to maintain.

Prime is a funky one when it interacts with the other games, because somebody did actually sit down and right out how much quintessence you could harvest from a werewolf Cairn or distill from vampire blood—though it usually worked the other way around—though to the best of my knowledge no mage ghoul prime specialists ever ran around thinking how clever they were being since by soaking up blood points from Master they were in effect overcoming their usual quintessence cap.

nMage replaced Quintessence with Mana. This is both to bring it back into line with regular fantasy gaming, and it looks like Sorcerer Revised from oMage was the dry run to see if players were accept such a fundamental change…and of course, nobody had a problem with it, so they embraced it. This is, I would submit, an actual example of how far the two games had diverged from a conceptual viewpoint. Quintessence comes directly from the medieval metaphysics that gave birth to Ars Magica, mana is a rather generic fantasy term for spell points ever since Larry Niven invented that shit back in ’69. oMage could get away with not spending 168 pages on its core mechanics because it didn’t need to go into the ancient Atlantean plotwank for every single thing, nMage that is all there is.

Case in point, let’s talk about Chaos Magic. This is an actual thing that developed out of stuff that people who read Kenneth Grant but didn’t really dig Kenneth Grant were doing, mainly in Britain. It’s a bit high-minded but practical, where you could try to do a healing by channeling Tsathoggua or you could worship John Lennon as a god because he had taken on all the attributes of Osiris, and the basic idea is that the various trappings you wrapped your rituals about in didn’t make much difference as long as you really believed in them and poured yourself into them. Considering that the previous thousand years of ceremonial magic had all been about exacting repetition and magical mystery plays, this was a rather big thing, and a fairly substantial influence on oMage—no matter how your PC couched their magic, the same basic thing was happening. The mechanics were important, the trappings not so much. In nMage, it’s almost the reverse—they emphasized the Atlantean angle so much, they lose out on all the flavor of real-world occultism they could have tapped into.

Chaos Magic is also not the same as Chaos Theory or Wild Magic—the latter of which is just a D&D thing because somebody had read some CT. The basic idea most people take away from the latter is that in an infinite universe there is a non-zero probability that anything could happen, which in oMage turns means that there was a chance any effect could be coincidental, which means any Sphere that dealt with probability was going to attract players like flies to shit…in oMage that meant Entropy, in nMage that meant Fate.

For nMage, the big new entrant isn't Fate, it's Death. Sure, Fate is stupid, and a total trainwreck because its purview includes both “Fate” and “Probability”. I mean, the game is simultaneously preaching and rejecting predestination and that is fucked. But really we need to talk about Death and how ridonkulous it is.

First of all, you're probably thinking that Death and Spirit sound suspiciously like they are exactly the same fucking thing. And... yeah. They kind of are. To the point that the authors just don't even fucking try and the spell “Soul Jar” is simply on both the Death list and the Spirit list at the same level. Because fuck you.

But to the extent that they are different, it is that you have both a soul that is your “spiritual self” (that gets reincarnated from Atlantis and awakens into magic and shit) and a soul that is your “ghostly self” (that turns into a ghost when you die). And this may not surprise you at this point, but those are different substances that don't interact with each other. For those keeping track at home, we are now up to five, meaning that they reject materialism four times over, but also at a level of complexity that Descartes and Aristotle simple cannot follow.

While it didn't get its own sphere in oMage, the fifth substance was totally there. You had a ghost soul that went off to become a Wraith, but you also had an Avatar shard that was the reason you were awakened as a Mage in the first place and they were not the same.


For most of the oWoD, you could pretty much separate the important bits of the cosmology into the material world and the Umbra (subdivided how you wanted), with some fiddly bits like Hell and Arcadia floating off somewhere in the aether. This didn’t matter much for Vampire because they were pretty stuck in this world and maybe the Underworld (Dark Umbra), but it meant that Mages and Werewolves should have been bumping into each other all the damn time.

Of course, this all changed near the end of oWoD, because between the Sixth Great Maelstrom and the Avatar Storm, Mages were pretty much stuck on Erf.


Meanwhile, oMage had each of the nine planets be its own world called a “Shard World”. There was also an Umbra, a Dark Umbra, and a Deep Umbra. And the other planets had their own Umbras called “Shade Worlds”. The nine planets don't include Earth, but do include Pluto and Luna. No, I have no idea how that's supposed to work considering that Pluto isn't even a planet and wasn't discovered until 1930. Also, there were Spirit Worlds, which you got to through the Umbra.

Separating the universes was a Gauntlet, which was explicitly the same Gauntlet that divided Earth from the Umbra in Werewolf. The Dark Umbra was the Underworld from Wraith the Oblivion. Hell was explicitly one of the Spirit Worlds. Because no one anywhere was allowed to have anything special that they got to interact with that wasn't explicitly part of the Mage's tool set.

If you do go through the end of the oWoD cosmology nonsense, it gets weirder – I blame Demon: the Fallen – because the Underworld was supposed to be sort of the outskirts of hell, kind of like the Tron-line outskirts of a black hole.
The Underworld saw the most use because it was at least nominally consistent between game lines, and included all sorts of hidden kingdoms for dead civilizations (the Flintlands for Native Americans, for example, and the ancient Aztec/Mayan underworld, and the Egyptian city whose destruction heralded Mummy: the Resurrection, yadda yadda yadda). The farther off you wander in the Underworld, the weirder shit gets until you come across a bunch of pseudo-heavens and hells called the Far Shores, which is populated by people that said “fuck it, I’m just going to build my own afterlife right here and no-one can stop me.”

I distinctly remember that Kindred of the East had specific rules about Mages visiting their particular hells that were unpleasant, but of course those weren’t the real Hell.

The nWoD Mage universe is still extremely cluttered, but it's explicitly not the playgrounds that the other splats play in. There's the Twilight, there's five quasi-supernal worlds called Stygia, Pandemonium, Aether, The Primal Wild, and Arcadia (which is not the Arcadia that the Changelings play in, because fuck you); there's a parallel-to-Earth Shadow Realm, and The Abyss. Also, there are three flavors of Astral Space, which are totally different from the Astral Projection of Vampires. Again, because fuck you.

nMage goes on at quite a bit of length about these alternate universes, but somehow fails to ever give me a reason to give a first, second, or third fuck about any of them. It's actually an achievement of sorts. If I dropped that many words on a world known as “Pandemonium”, I would expect there to be plot seeds and reasons to go there and enemy factions based there or something. Part of how this is achieved is simply by straight up copypasta:
nMage, Arcadia Description in Fate wrote:Arcadia, the enchanted realm inhabited by fickle spirits of immense beauty and cruelty.
nMage, Arcadia Description in Time wrote:Arcadia, the enchanted realm inhabited by fickle spirits of immense beauty and cruelty.
But even when it's not simply regurgitating the same text at you over and over again, it seems resolutely unwilling to tell you anything about these worlds that would make you care about them in the slightest. It never gives you more than a sentence or two in actual description of the setting before it drifts right back into heaping more rules bloat and contradictory spell descriptions. When it talks about demesnes that are tainted by the Aether, it doesn't tell you much of anything about the Aether or why you'd care about it, it goes straight for the jugular: apparently Forces and Prime spells get an inconsequential dicepool bonus when cast in that area. To show you how bad it gets, let's look at the actual glossary entry for one of these worlds:
nMage, Lexicon wrote:Stygia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Death and Matter. Mages who walk the Moros Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.
Note that the Lexicon gives you zero details of what this world is actually like. You don't even get a single fucking adjective, because the authors are too busy squeezing in fiddly shit details about their overly complex magic system.

Okay, I don’t think we quite covered everything we wanted to in this posting—it’s easy to go off on tangents and lose your place. So, some final thoughts.

oMage had a lot of different ways to accomplish planar travel, from glowing gateways and “Beam Me Up, Scotty” magitech to astral projection and probably “dimensional attunement” if someone had been reading too many Flash comics that week. Any way up, once you got there it pretty much sucked, because you were in an alien environment where the rules were not quite what they were back home—so magic was easier, but you were dealing with fucking Totem Spirits and demons made out the ectoplasm of dead wraiths and fomori that were the elemental spirits of smog or something. It was rarely pleasant.

But there was one exception! There was a kind of Astral Space inside of computers, a cyberspace that you could go and visit and do Mage/Computer stuff. It was a very Cyberpunk concept, and it was mainly a thing done in the early 90s and then more or less completely forgotten about, which is a shame. Oh gods, and yes, oMage had the Sons of Ether, who would send all sorts of weird ElectroPunk craft up into space and apparently there were aliens and shit up there, which was never really explained and that’s maybe for the best. Either way, both of those ideas were scoured from nMage, either out of embarrassment or because nobody could figure out how to work it in to the whole Atlantean cosmology.
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Post by Ice9 »

Unless I totally misread it, people in nMage don't have a "spirit" - buildings and roads and shit have spirits; people have minds, and might leave behind a ghost when they die. Mages also have a Prime pattern thingy. People might also have souls, but there's no magic that interacts with that. So - still excessive, just not quite as much.
Last edited by Ice9 on Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surgo »

I'll be honest here, this whole thing has made oMage sound like a blast to play as a short-term campaign.
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Post by hyzmarca »

virgil wrote:Man, I remember the debates early in my gaming career on the whole Vampire vs Mage thing. I argued about the explicit option for a mage to make his flashlight count as true sunlight, while the vampire-lover said the vampire burning was vulgar to send the mage into Quiet AND it wouldn't work because the mage would get eaten by an Elder.

We even did the age-old technique guaranteed to settle all debate, we each made starting-level vampires and mages to duel each other.
Did you remember that converting a sphere of lead into a sphere of uranium-238 of the same diameter is possible using matter 2, and teleporting that sphere is possible using Correspondence 2? And that doing both at the same time could easily be mistaken for an unknown suicide bomber activating a suitcase nuke?

A flashlight that burns vamps might be vulgar, but the Technocracy has already established nuclear weapons as part of the Consensus. And it's so easy to make them.
Last edited by hyzmarca on Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Ancient History wrote:

Meanwhile, oMage had each of the nine planets be its own world called a “Shard World”. There was also an Umbra, a Dark Umbra, and a Deep Umbra. And the other planets had their own Umbras called “Shade Worlds”. The nine planets don't include Earth, but do include Pluto and Luna. No, I have no idea how that's supposed to work
That's actually an easy one. You're thinking with science, but they're using astrology, and astrology is based on this:
ignore the pink-haired one
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Post by Ancient History »

No, that's silly. Because oMage specifically includes planets (and the moon) including Pluto, which wasn't discovered until 1930, and pretty much completely ignores the constellations of the zodiac.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Mage both old and new requires you to accept not only Dualism, but a third substance orthogonal to both of the others. It's a form of Trialism, but not like any Trialism that anyone has ever proposed.
Christianity totally has trialism. There's a version where the spirit is the result of the soul's interaction with the body and is functionally the mind. There's another version where the soul is the mind and the spirit is what goes to heaven or hell, and every mention of an 'immortal soul' is just theological trolling. I'm sure there are other variants.

Some of it has to do with why souls in hell can't repent; they no longer have minds to change. Some of it has to do with the faith's belief in ghost-hauntings, despite the soul supposedly going directly to its reward or punishment at (or even before) death, so they introduced a third thing that could hang around and perform jump-scares independent of that.
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Post by Koumei »

Ancient History wrote:No, that's silly. Because oMage specifically includes planets (and the moon) including Pluto, which wasn't discovered until 1930, and pretty much completely ignores the constellations of the zodiac.
Okay, so we'll remove the bit about zodiac/astrology: Mage is, much like most things, based on Sailor Moon, albeit corrupted from the original texts.
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