Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #5: City of Thieves

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Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #5: City of Thieves

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Terror stalks the night as Zanbar Bone and his bloodthirsty Moon Dogs hold the prosperous town of Silverton to ransom. You are an adventurer, a sword for hire, and the merchants of Silverton turn to you in their hour of need.

Your task takes you to the dark, twisting streets of Port Blacksand in search of vital information without which the ultimate defeat is impossible. Thieves, vagabonds and creatures of the night lie in wait to trap the unwary traveler and often your only choice is to kill or be killed! Then beyond the port lies the most fearsome adventure of all - the tower stronghold of the Prince of Night himself, Zanbar Bone!


Before embarking on your adventure, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You have in your possession a sword and a backpack containing provisions (food and drink) for the trip. You have been preparing for your quest by training yourself in swordplay and exercising vigorously to build up your stamina.

To see how effective your preparations have been you must first use the dice to determine your initial SKILL and STAMINA scores. [references to the book's character sheet cut]
Skill, Stamina, and Luck

Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. This is your SKILL score.

Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result. This is your STAMINA score.

Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. This is your LUCK score.

(I miraculously rolled a SKILL 12, STAMINA 24, LUCK 11 character for the Let's Play just before posting. Holy Shit, this is almost the best possible character we could get. We're going to kick Zanbar Bone's ass!)

For reasons that will be explained below, SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK scores change constantly during an adventure. You must keep an accurate record of these scores. [advice on writing them down in provided space cut] Although you may be awarded additional SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK points, these totals may never exceed your Initial values, except on very rare occasions, when you will be instructed on a particular page.

Your SKILL score reflects your swordsmanship and general fighting expertise; the higher the better.
Your STAMINA score reflects your general constitution, your will to survive, your determination and overall fitness; the higher your STAMINA score the longer you will be able to survive.
Your LUCK score indicates how naturally lucky you are. Luck - and magic - are facts of life in the fantasy kingdom you are about to explore.
(For Battles, I'm writing down my own synopsis of how they're supposed to work because in the early titles the explanation is awkwardly worded.)

1. Roll two dice. Add your opponent's SKILL score to the roll. The total is your opponent's Attack Strength.
2. Roll two dice again. Add your SKILL score to the toll. The total is your Attack Strength.
3. If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher than yours, the opponent has inflicted damage on you - deduct 2 points from your STAMINA.
4. If your attack strength is higher than your opponent's, you have inflicted damage upon your opponent. Deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA.
5. If both Attack Strengths are equal, both attacks have missed. Start the next Attack Round from step 2, above.
6. Continue this combat until either your opponent's or your STAMINA is reduced to zero.

(I will roll battles whenever we enter one, and show turn-by-turn rolls if that is desirable.)
On some pages you may be given the option of running away from a battle should things be going badly for you. However, if you do run away, the creature automatically gets in one wound on you (subtract 2 STAMINA points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice. Note that you may use LUCK on this wound in the normal way (see below.) You may only Escape if that option is specifically given to you on the page.
Fighting More Than One Creature
If you come across more than one creature in a particular encounter, the instructions on that page will tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimes you will treat them as a single monster, sometimes you will fight each one in turn.
On occasion, you will be called upon to Test Your Luck. When this occurs, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, then you have been Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, then you have been Unlucky and you will be penalized. Each time you Test your Luck, you must subtract one point from your current LUCK score. Thus, you will soon realize that the more you rely on your LUCK, the more risky this will become.
Using Luck in Battles
You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. Roll two dice; if the total score is equal to or less than your LUCK score, you have been Lucky. If the total is higher than your LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever your result, you must deduct 1 point from your current LUCK score. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed him, and you deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than normal.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. Remember to deduct 1 point from your LUCK whatever the result. If you are Lucky, the wound was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is more serious: deduct 1 extra STAMINA point.

(Won't use this unless instructed to by y'all; LUCK is freakishly important out of combat in this, that much I do remember.)
Restoring Skill, Stamina, and Luck
Your SKILL score will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally, a page may give instructions to increase or decrease your SKILL score. A Magic Weapon may increase your SKILL, but remember that only one weapon can be used at a time! You cannot claim 2 SKILL bonuses for carrying two Magic Swords. Your SKILL score can never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed. Drinking the Potion of Skill (see later) will restore your SKILL to its Initial level at any time.

Stamina and Provisions
Your STAMINA score will change a lot during your adventure as you fight monsters and undertake arduous tasks. As you near your goal, your STAMINA level may be dangerously low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful!
Your backpack contains enough Provisions for ten meals. You may rest and eat at any time except when engaged in a Battle. Eating a meal restores 4 STAMINA points. [another bit on writing things down cut] Remember that you have a long way to go, so use your Provisions wisely!

Remember also that your STAMINA score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Strength (see later) will restore your STAMINA to its Initial level at any time.


Additions to your LUCK score are awarded through the adventure when you have been particularly lucky. Details are given on the pages of the book. Remember that, as with SKILL and STAMINA, your LUCK score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Fortune (see later) will restore your LUCK to its Initial level at any time, and increase your Initial LUCK by 1 point.
You will start your adventure with a bare minimum of equipment, but you may find or buy other items during your travels. You are armed with a sword and are dressed in leather armor. You have a backpack to hold your Provisions and any treasures you may come across.

In addition, you may take one bottle of a magic potion which will aid you on your quest. You may choose to take a bottle of any one of the following:

A Potion of Skill - restores SKILL points
A Potion of Strength - restores STAMINA points
A Potion of Fortune - restores LUCK points and adds 1 to Initial LUCK

These potions may be taken at any time during your adventure (except when engaged in a Battle.) Taking a measure of potion will restore SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK to their Initial level (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to your Initial LUCK score before LUCK is restored).

Each bottle of potion contains enough for one measure, i.e. the characteristic may be restored once during an adventure. Make a note when you have used up a potion.

Remember also that you may only choose one of the three potions to take on your trip, so choose wisely!
(So, before we start: Skill Potion, Stamina Potion, or Luck Potion? I'm assuming we're handling death as we did in the last Let's Play, hence why there's no poll this time.)
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by shau »

Let's stick with a potion of fortune.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Luck, getting lucky means bonus stuff. We can always eat garbage for stamina
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Post by Koumei »

Definitely Luck.

Your name shall be Dirk von Facestabber. The third.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Koumei wrote:Your name shall be Dirk von Facestabber. The third.
We hear and we obey.

I have a letter from ol' Dirky:
Sir Dirk Von Facestabber III, Esq. wrote:I think the Potion of Fortune would be a most useful panacea, as I have discovered in my many years of adventuring experience.

Clearly, Lady Koumei Von Lezzington III, you are wise in the ways of ducks and science.


Sir Dirk Von Facestabber III, Esq.
Thirtieth Epoch of the Twelfth Imperial Age
A Thursday
Last edited by Shrapnel on Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Is this wretched demi-bee
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You are an adventurer in a world of monsters and magic, living by quickness of wit and skill of sword. You earn your gold as a hired warrior, usually in the employ of rich nobles and barons on missions too dangerous or difficult for their own men. Slaying monsters and fearsome beasts in pursuit of some fabled treasure comes as second nature to you. Being an experienced and highly skilled swordsman, you allow nothing to stand in your way on your quests. Your success on a mission is always assured and your reputation has spread throughout the lands. Whenever you enter a village or town, the news of your arrival spreads through the citizens like wildfire, as few have ever met a dragon slayer before.

One evening, after a long walk through the outlands, you arrive at Silverton, which lies at the crossroads of the main trading routes in these parts. Great wooden wagons hauled by teams of oxen are often seen rumbling slowly through the town laden with herbs, spices, silks, metalware, and exotic herbs from far-off lands.

Over the years Silverton has prospered as a result of the rich merchants and traders stopping there en route to distant markets. Its wealth is quite apparent, with ornate buildings and richly dressed people aplenty. But as you enter the town gates, something strikes you as being not quite right. The people look nervous and on edge. Then you notice that all the windows on the buildings have great iron grills bolted over them and the doors have been strengthened too. Although you prefer your own company to that of others, you decide to stay in Silverton for the night to find out who or what is troubling the people.

As you walk down the main street, a single note from a bell rings out from a tall tower ahead. Then a man shouts, almost desperately, "Nightfall! Nightfall! Everybody indoors!" You see people scurrying around with anxious faces, and looking surprised when they see you. Across the street you see a tavern with the words "The Old Toad" painted on its signboard. As you enter the tavern, a whisper runs through the locals as they recognize you - some put down their mugs and stare. You are somewhat surprised that none come over to you to hear tales of adventure. Walking over to the counter you ask the old innkeeper for a room and a hot tub, but he ignores you and shuffles over to the great oak door, pushing six large iron bolts into place. Only then does he turn to you and say quietly, "That will be five copper pieces for the room and one more for the tub, in advance if you please. You reach into a leather pouch and toss the coins on the counter. He hands you an iron key, but at that very moment there is a loud knocking at the door followed by a voice shouting, "Open up! Open up! This is Owen Carralif." The old innkeeper shuffles over to the oak door again and slides open the bolts. Then a fat and balding man dressed in rich scarlet robes bursts into the tavern, looking around frantically. He sees you and walks quickly in your direction, huffing and puffing. He is a man certainly not used to haste - you notice great beads of sweat on his forehead in the pale candlelight of the room. As he nears you, he calls out urgently, "Stranger, I must speak with you. Please sit down. It is important that I speak with you."

When he turns to the innkeeper to snap his fingers for food and drink, you can see that he is obviously of some standing in the town, but his face is full of anguish and sorrow. Being curious, you decide to hear what the man has to say. He pulls out a chair for you at a table, bidding you to sit down and the innkeeper bustles in with a tray laden with hot broth, roast goose and mead. The man in the scarlet robes sits opposite in silence, watching you as you feast as though examining you for some purpose of his own. Finally, as you push your plate away, the man leans forward and says, in a low but anxious voice, "Stranger, I know of you and seek your aid. My name is Owen Carralif and I am the mayor of Silverton. We are in great trouble and danger. We are living under a curse and it is I who must rid us of it. Ten days ago two messengers of evil rode into town on huge black stallions. Stallions with fiery red eyes! It was impossible to see the faces of the riders for they rode long black hoods pulled over their faces. Their voices were cold and each word spoken ended with an unnerving hiss. They asked for me by name and when I came to greet them, they wanted to take my beloved daughter Mirelle to stay with their master, Zanbar Bone! No doubt you know that he is the Night Prince. Of course I refused their demand and without another word they turned and rode slowly out of the town, heads down and shoulders hunched. I knew that beneath the cloaks were hidden the skeletal and soulless bodies of Spirit Stalkers. Zanbar Bone uses them as his messengers as they will complete their mission or die in the attempt - and they do not die easily. Only a silver arrow through the heart will release those evil beings from their eternal twilight existence. Who knows what it would take to kill Zanbar Bone! Anyway, that same night after the Spirit Stalkers left, our troubles began. The Night Prince was angry and determined to harm us. Six Moon Dogs came, each stronger than four men, each with razor-sharp fangs. They stalked through the town, entering homes through open windows, and killing the poor people inside.

In the morning we counted twenty-three dead. So we barred our windows and bolted our doors, yet each night the Moon Dogs return and we are unable to sleep for fear that they might find a way into our homes. Some people are now talking of sending Mirelle to Zanbar Bone. Those whimpering traitors, I should have them flogged! But what good would that do? There is but one hope and that rests with you, stranger. There is a man named Nicodemus, who for reasons I'll never understand, lives in Port Blacksand. The place is commonly called the City of Thieves as it is the home of every pirate, brigand, assassin, thief and evil-doer for hundreds of miles around. I think he lives there just to get some peace from the likes of us. He is a wise old wizard and is unlikely to come to much harm even in Port Blacksand, for his powers are great. He alone is capable of defeating Zanbar Bone. He used to be a friend of mine many years ago. We need him and beg you to bring him to us - none here dares enter Port Blacksand. You will be well rewarded if you help us, stranger. Take these 30 Gold Pieces for your journey, and take this sword to use and keep."

As Owen Carralif rises, he pulls back his scarlet robe, revealing the finest broadsword you have ever seen. He hands it to you and, touching the edge of the blade, you are surprised to see a droplet of blood fall from your finger. You then examine the marvelously ornate gilded serpents twining around the hilt. You have never wanted anything so badly in your life before. You stand up and hold out your right arm to Owen. He shakes it eagerly, saying, "You must set off at the first light of dawn - the Moon
Dogs will be gone by then. I will be forced to stay the night here also, so let's drink to our destiny and may the gods be with us."

For the next hour Owen talks about your coming journey, explaining in detail how to reach Port Blacksand. Later you gather up your backpack and furs and climb the wooden stairs to your room. You sleep uneasily despite the security afforded by your new broadsword as you are more than once woken by the sniffing, scratching and howling of the roaming Moon Dogs outside. By dawn, you are already awake and dressed, and determined to reach Port Blacksand quickly to find this man Nicodemus. As you leave the tavern, a black cat scurries past your feet and you almost trip; a bad omen perhaps?
The walk to Port Blacksand takes you west some fifty miles across plains and over hills; fortunately without any harmful encounters. Eventually you reach the coast and see the high city wall surrounding Port Blacksand and the cluster of buildings projected into the sea like an ugly black mark. Ships lie anchored in the harbor and smoke rises gently from chimneys. It looks peaceful enough and it is only when the wind changes that you smell the decay in the breeze to remind you of the evil nature of this notorious place. Following the dusty road north along the coast to the city gates, you begin to notice fearful warnings - skulls on wooden spikes, starving men in iron cages suspended from the city wall and black flags everywhere. As you approach the main gate a chill runs down your spine and you instinctively grip the hilt of your broadsword for reassurance. At the gate you are confronted by a tall guard wearing a black chainmail coat and iron helmet. He steps forward, barring the way with his pike, saying "Who would enter Port Blacksand uninvited? State your business or go back the way you came." Will you:

Tell him you wish to be taken to Nicodemus?
Tell him you wish to sell some stolen booty?
Attack him quickly with your sword?

(I assume arrow in the knee jokes will not go well with this Riften Guard.)

Adventure Sheet:
Dirk Von Facestabber III
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 24/24
LUCK: 11/11
Equipment: Broadsword, Leather Armor
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restore LUCK to full and increase Initial Luck by 1 when used)
Provisions: 10 meals
Gold Pieces: 30
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by OgreBattle »

>>sell booty

It's City of Thieves, ain't it?

... I just don't want anyone to steal our magic razor sword
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Post by Username17 »

I don't think we have any booty to claim to be selling, so we should probably just ask to see the Wizard.

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Post by Red_Rob »

So the Mayor of Silverton is quite willing to send 23 people to their deaths and risk the lives of everyone else to protect the honour of his daughter? And when the people dare to question this state of affairs he threatens them with flogging? What a bastard. I hope he turns out to be evil and we get to kill him at the end.

But here and now, Frank makes a compelling argument. Let's just ask for the Wizard. What can go wrong?
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Post by Endovior »

Yeah, let's go see the wizard.
FrankTrollman wrote:We had a history and maps and fucking civilization, and there were countries and cities and kingdoms. But then the spell plague came and fucked up the landscape and now there are mountains where there didn't used to be and dragons with boobs and no one has the slightest idea of what's going on. And now there are like monsters everywhere and shit.
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Post by Ancient History »

"Oh, we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...a wretched hive of scum and villainy."
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(Yeah, Mayor Owen seems to be a grade-A prick. We can kick his ass later; the bastard is paying us well for this and Dirk von Facestabber III takes his work seriously.)

The guard replies that he will send for an escort to take you to Nicodemus. He reaches up to a small bell on the wall of the guardhouse and rings it three times. Almost immediately two other guards come running out of the house, and you are surprised when they each grab hold of one of your arms. The guard with the pike looks up to the sky and laughs, saying, "So you want to see Nicodemus, do you? How would you like to see the inside of a dungeon instead? Guards, take this fool away to be shackled, and throw away the key." Will you:

Allow yourself to be taken away?
Attempt to fight the guards?
Try and bribe the guards?

(Apparently these guys don't like their friendly neighborhood wizard. I suppose the book would be halfway over already if they did.)

Adventure Sheet:
Dirk Von Facestabber III
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 24/24
LUCK: 11/11
Equipment: Broadsword, Leather Armor
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restore LUCK to full and increase Initial Luck by 1 when used)
Provisions: 10 meals
Gold Pieces: 30
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by violence in the media »

I say we hand out stabbings like candy. Though given these books, I imagine we'll be overrun with guards and killed or eventually conveniently KOed and wind up in the dungeon anyway.
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Post by Username17 »

My impression is that they are railroading you into the dungeon, and thus the only question is how much money and stamina you lose along the way. I say go quietly. I don't think the books do 3 on 1 fights at all.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Three-on-one fights totally happen, and you have the SKILL of a young tyrannosaurus! Fight!
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Just as the guards are about to lead you away, you try with all your might to pull your arms from their grip. Roll two dice. (8.) If the number is less than or equal to your SKILL score (it is) you succeed.

You turn on the two guards who were holding you and, before they realize what is happening, you smash their heads together, knocking them unconscious. You dash into the city.

Through the main gates you see that the rubbish-filled streets of the port are narrow and cobbled. Old and decrepit buildings line them closely, with their upper stories overhanging menacingly. You may:

Go west down Key Street
Head north along Market Street
Go east down Clock Street
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by violence in the media »

Ha HA! Have at you, lowly town guards! You face Dirk Von Facestabber III, a DRAGON-SLAYER!
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Post by Dr_Noface »

I love how we have never wanted anything as badly as our sweet sword.
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Post by OgreBattle »

hahah, I wasnt expecting to just KO them like that, I thought they'd get their arms lopped off and everything castastrifucks

Key street, Key street sounds like it'll give us an item needed to complete the adventure
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Post by Korgan0 »

Market street, we can get some gossip and maybe some supplies.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Cock Street, I say, Cock Street!
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Some freak from a menagerie?
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Post by Username17 »

Korgan0 wrote:Market street, we can get some gossip and maybe some supplies.
Second Market Street. We will probably lose our money soon, and it would be nice to buy some stuff first. Why we decided to go here without a silver arrow or a bow to kill a dude who:
  • Does not in fact live in this city.
  • Can only be killed with a silver arrow through the heart.
Is totally beyond me. But it sounds like Market Street would be the place to buy a silver arrow, which is something (and indeed so far the only thing) we definitely need.

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Post by Whatever »

Frank: it's just a fetch quest, where the object to be fetched is "the powerful wizard Nicodemus" and the reason is "because undead bandit king".
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Post by Shrapnel »

We need to find a fat ass fairy to turn our arrows into silver arrows...

Also, I'm changing my vote to Market Street, also, mainly because that's the power of democracy.
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Walking north along the street you see the entrance to a small herbalist's shop to your left. Looking through the window you see a wooden counter with a pair of scales on it, and many sacks of different herbs crowding the floor. There is a small archway leading out of the back of the shop to another room. There is an "Open" sign on the door but the shop is empty.

Do you wish to enter the shop or continue walking north up Market Street?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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