Rewriting Some Classes

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Post by JonSetanta »

I love this Ninja you did.

Just like Tome Monk, it's a warrior class (or gish) easy to understand while containing its own combat mechanics.
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Post by Red_Rob »

I've always loved the Gadgeteer and now one of my players is looking to play one in an upcoming campaign, so I guess I'll use this as an excuse to clarify a few things regarding author intent and expected power levels and such. I know I could just figure out this stuff on my own, but I wanted to know what Koumei's thoughts were before I went off in that direction and maybe tighten up a few things for other players that want to use it.

Firstly, it mentions that non-gadgeteers are not automatically proficient with Gadgets. Is this intended to do anything with Gadgets that aren't weapons or armor? Should the Defibrillator or Proximity Detector be useable by another party member, hireling or Summoned monster without penalty?

Secondly, should Gadgeteers be able to trade blueprints like Wizards trade spells? I would lean to no given how beneficial it would be. Perhaps Gadgeteers write their blueprints in their own uncrackable code like Da'Vinci and only they can understand them.

Finally, some points regarding the gadgets. The damage dealing ones seem to be on the weak side compared to other classes, was this intentional? In particular I noticed the following:

Shotgun seems a lot worse than Flamethrower. D10 to D4 per level, Save vs. Nauseated to Save vs Deafened and less than half the area? Being used twice is nice, but it still seems clearly inferior. It definitely doesn't need a ref save at D4 damage/level. I would either bump it to D6/level, or lose the ref save. It could probably allow you to go "both barrels" and use both charges at once over the same area and the Flamethrower would still be a contender.

Is the gadgeteer supposed to be immune to the Flare Lantern when he uses it, or just get the extra reflex save? Same for the Flashbang Generator.

Harpoon can be used as a Swift action once wound and deals D6 piercing/level out to 60'? Seems better than some dailies. Even compared to the Shock staff at 1D6/3 levels this is a lot more damage.

The Steam Spray deals D4/2 levels with a ref save for half - the save-or-suck is nice but at this point you have to wonder if it is worth it doing damage at all. If the shotgun damage is bumped this could do D4/level without overshadowing it or being overpowered.

Pressure Jetpack could be insane at level 4 when you get it, given the amount of melee only monsters at that point. Flight for an hour is pretty boss when wizards only get it for 1 min/level a whole level later. This + Crossbow seems pretty ridonkulous.

Is a 5' step sufficient to charge the Static Blade or were you thinking a move action?

The Shotgun is more bearable when Charged, although I'd still be tempted to bump it to D6 or lose the save. 20' cone isn't going to get more than 2 enemies usually and 10 average damage (save for half) at level 4 is pretty sad for a class feature. Ditto for the Frost Blaster and Flamethrower, which even at 1/encounter needs at least D6/level to be worth using, given it takes two hands and you'll waste a round switching weapons after using it.

The Turbine laser currently gets charged at the start of the day and carried round ready to fire. How about if the capacitor burns out 1 minute after gaining it's first charge if not fired? This means it only gets charged when you need to use it.

Makai cannon's damage is okay seeing as it's tagged onto a save-or-lose. Elemental Microwave on the other hand seems to have been battered to death with the nerf-bat. Full round action to activate then standard action to fire? D6 per 2 levels damage and 4 Int, with a save for half, and then if they fail that save they get another save or they are confused? So basically with this you spend multiple rounds and lots of dice rolls doing fuck all until you randomly get a save or lose off? I guess it's pretty boss against animals with the Int damage, but still. Compare this to the Aero-Amplifier at D6 Sonic/level and a save or prone and knockback. Reliable, decent effect and decent damage. I'd say the microwave needs reworking somewhat.

Charged Gatling gun seems a little weak what with taking a round to get started. With the Ref saves the damage is going to be spread out amongst team bad-guy which is usually suboptimal. I'd say this can stay at 15 dam/3 levels like the daily at least.

That should cover most of the ones that are likely to come up I think. I'm interested to know whether you agree or whether you think the other class features make up for the lack of good damaging gadgets.
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Post by Koumei »

Red_Rob wrote: Firstly, it mentions that non-gadgeteers are not automatically proficient with Gadgets. Is this intended to do anything with Gadgets that aren't weapons or armor? Should the Defibrillator or Proximity Detector be useable by another party member, hireling or Summoned monster without penalty?
It only applies to Weapon and Armour Proficiencies, so unless they're a Gadgeteer or Jester, they'd take a -4 penalty to smack someone in the face with the Defib but could otherwise use it just fine.
Secondly, should Gadgeteers be able to trade blueprints like Wizards trade spells? I would lean to no given how beneficial it would be. Perhaps Gadgeteers write their blueprints in their own uncrackable code like Da'Vinci and only they can understand them.
The intent is that they have their own secret codes, or the way they work it out is just a bit weird and so it only works when they build it.
Shotgun seems a lot worse than Flamethrower. D10 to D4 per level, Save vs. Nauseated to Save vs Deafened and less than half the area? Being used twice is nice, but it still seems clearly inferior. It definitely doesn't need a ref save at D4 damage/level. I would either bump it to D6/level, or lose the ref save. It could probably allow you to go "both barrels" and use both charges at once over the same area and the Flamethrower would still be a contender.
IIRC the Shotgun is "charged" (at will with a reload) whereas the Flamethrower is Daily, hence the awesomeness. If I'm misremembering then... I dunno, if they're both charged, then the flamethrower is a bit much, if they're both daily, then yeah, lose the Ref save on the shotgun, it's automatic damage.
Is the gadgeteer supposed to be immune to the Flare Lantern when he uses it, or just get the extra reflex save? Same for the Flashbang Generator.
He should be, yes.
Harpoon can be used as a Swift action once wound and deals D6 piercing/level out to 60'? Seems better than some dailies. Even compared to the Shock staff at 1D6/3 levels this is a lot more damage.
True, I'd change it to a flat 3d6 plus Magic Item Bonus (+1 per 3 hd).
The Steam Spray deals D4/2 levels with a ref save for half - the save-or-suck is nice but at this point you have to wonder if it is worth it doing damage at all. If the shotgun damage is bumped this could do D4/level without overshadowing it or being overpowered.
Yeah, if you drop the save on the shotgun, bump this to d4/level.
Pressure Jetpack could be insane at level 4 when you get it, given the amount of melee only monsters at that point. Flight for an hour is pretty boss when wizards only get it for 1 min/level a whole level later. This + Crossbow seems pretty ridonkulous.
Fair enough. Would you suggest shorter duration or later level?
Is a 5' step sufficient to charge the Static Blade or were you thinking a move action?
Move Action or Charge, yeah.
The Shotgun is more bearable when Charged, although I'd still be tempted to bump it to D6 or lose the save. 20' cone isn't going to get more than 2 enemies usually and 10 average damage (save for half) at level 4 is pretty sad for a class feature. Ditto for the Frost Blaster and Flamethrower, which even at 1/encounter needs at least D6/level to be worth using, given it takes two hands and you'll waste a round switching weapons after using it.
Yeah, fair enough.
The Turbine laser currently gets charged at the start of the day and carried round ready to fire. How about if the capacitor burns out 1 minute after gaining it's first charge if not fired? This means it only gets charged when you need to use it.
Makai cannon's damage is okay seeing as it's tagged onto a save-or-lose. Elemental Microwave on the other hand seems to have been battered to death with the nerf-bat. Full round action to activate then standard action to fire? D6 per 2 levels damage and 4 Int, with a save for half, and then if they fail that save they get another save or they are confused? So basically with this you spend multiple rounds and lots of dice rolls doing fuck all until you randomly get a save or lose off? I guess it's pretty boss against animals with the Int damage, but still. Compare this to the Aero-Amplifier at D6 Sonic/level and a save or prone and knockback. Reliable, decent effect and decent damage. I'd say the microwave needs reworking somewhat.
Sure, change it to: when used, it's instantly a Fort Negates on: Confusion 1 minute and 1 Int Damage per 2 hit dice?
Charged Gatling gun seems a little weak what with taking a round to get started. With the Ref saves the damage is going to be spread out amongst team bad-guy which is usually suboptimal. I'd say this can stay at 15 dam/3 levels like the daily at least.
Sure, fill your boots.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Koumei wrote:IIRC the Shotgun is "charged" (at will with a reload) whereas the Flamethrower is Daily, hence the awesomeness. If I'm misremembering then... I dunno, if they're both charged, then the flamethrower is a bit much, if they're both daily, then yeah, lose the Ref save on the shotgun, it's automatic damage.
They are both Dailies at level 1, then you get charged versions later. The shotgun damage being physical, and so running into DR, means it really doesn't need a save anyway.
Pressure Jetpack could be insane at level 4 when you get it, given the amount of melee only monsters at that point. Flight for an hour is pretty boss when wizards only get it for 1 min/level a whole level later. This + Crossbow seems pretty ridonkulous.
Fair enough. Would you suggest shorter duration or later level?
Actually, just making it take one or both hands to control (kind of like the jetpack from Thunderball should mean it is useful for mobility and some tricks without allowing no-risk archery.
Elemental Microwave on the other hand seems to have been battered to death with the nerf-bat. Full round action to activate then standard action to fire? D6 per 2 levels damage and 4 Int, with a save for half, and then if they fail that save they get another save or they are confused? So basically with this you spend multiple rounds and lots of dice rolls doing fuck all until you randomly get a save or lose off?...
Sure, change it to: when used, it's instantly a Fort Negates on: Confusion 1 minute and 1 Int Damage per 2 hit dice?
That sounds reasonable for a single target attack at level 8, especially as it takes a Full Round to fire.
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Post by Sigil »

IIRC I asked koumei about the charged shotgun (as Utterfail) and it can be fired as an attack action, which makes it better than its d4 would indicate, as at 8th level you could do it twice with a full attack (16d4!).
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Post by Red_Rob »

Sigil wrote:IIRC I asked koumei about the charged shotgun (as Utterfail) and it can be fired as an attack action, which makes it better than its d4 would indicate, as at 8th level you could do it twice with a full attack (16d4!).
Yeah, I saw it fires as an attack action in the description. The thing is you only get 16D4 if you start your round within 20' of the opponent, and they aren't threatening you (ranged weapon!), and they don't have any DR. Then also allowing the target two saves to reduce the damage seems unwarranted, particularly when you think that 16D4 is only an average of 40hp. Looking at a random selection of CR8 monsters a Behir has 94hp, a Stone Giant 119hp and a Destrachan 60hp, so it's not like the Gadgeteer will be blowing away creatures left and right if you drop the save.

Although, it being a ranged weapon with an area effect throws up a few questions. Can you use Rapid shot to gain additional attacks? Could a Medium creature wield two Shotguns made by a Small Gadgeteer using TWF? Does the damage scale as normal weapons do for gadgets made by a larger or smaller Gadgeteer? One of the other players is playing a HoA Gunslinger so I can see some questions regarding the interaction of class features referencing guns and weaponlike gadgets. The Gadgeteer gets more Charged gadgets than they can comfortably use at later levels so I'm assuming the idea is they pass out rocket boots and shotguns to the party for doubleplusfuntimes.
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Post by Sigil »

That's pretty much how the gadgeteer I played got used, as a support character eith moderate damage potential.
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Post by Koumei »

Red_Rob wrote: Actually, just making it take one or both hands to control (kind of like the jetpack from Thunderball should mean it is useful for mobility and some tricks without allowing no-risk archery.
Good idea, actually, jetpacks should require hands. Do that.
That sounds reasonable for a single target attack at level 8, especially as it takes a Full Round to fire.
Yeah, against some things it becomes totally awesome, but using it against one dude in a mob is wasteful and you should use your shotgun or flamethrower or prinzooka then.

As for Shotguns as ranged attacks, perhaps they should work as Use Activated things and thus avoid all the dual-wielding and Rapid Shot. That said, with the double-barrel, Rapid Shot would let you go blam-blam in the early levels when you don't get two attacks, it wouldn't let you make three shots when you get 2 attacks +1 from RS.
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Post by Aryxbez »

So, the Gadgeteer needs some tweaking here and there - such as to tone the power down, for one.
Pardon, but were the problems with what I believe was the *original Gadgeteer?* Seems like compared to the one I'm referencing, this class got a slight boost in its features (Specialty Field & Invention aside, given they've been removed here). Extend-O-Fist got boosted from original, Gained a new Good Gadget "Steam Hammer", Immunity to [Mind Affecting] 12 levels earlier (19th way too late anyway), and so on.

Given their removal, I can guess it has something to do with Speciality Field & Invention possibly escalating inventions to be rather powerful at later levels maybe?

*refers to this:
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

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Post by Koumei »

Yes, Specialty Field was the real problem.
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Post by Sigil »

On the Swashbuckler's Witty Reparte.
Wittty Repartee (Ex): as she gains levels, the Swashbuckler gains various abilities that fall under the title of "Witty Repartee". These all work only when directing all attacks against one foe that round, and prevent her from making Attacks of Opportunity against other opponents until her next turn:
I'm assuming that you choose one of the options to use if you qualify, and that they don't all trigger at once, but the wording is vague. Are they all supposed to happen at once for a mega attack?
Last edited by Sigil on Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I had intended for them to all stack up, but that seems a bit excessive and boring, and also annoying to make a whole bunch of Bluff checks each round. In retrospect, if I cared enough I'd change it so each round you use it, you select one from Attack+Damage, AC, Saves, then add +1/+CHA, and that takes care of the first two bonuses. Then the rest would actually let you choose various things to confound your foe, such as double threat/double multiplier, add STR/CON damage, and things like that.

If each "ability" there has two choices (except the numerical thing at the start that has three options), you can basically make a simple two-column little chart thing and put tokens on it that you slide across.
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Post by Sigil »

It's not excessive in the sense of being too powerful, but it will be a lot for someone to keep track of. I'll just allow them all to stack following the original intent, and if my player forgets to add some shit up, oh well.
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Post by Koumei »

Somebody paid me to write more stuff, and expressed interest in "Something with a casting mechanic like Kaelik's Spirit Shaman". We talked about stuff and settled on rewriting the Witch, which is a bit of a mess as it stands. Here is my first draft of the New Revised Witch, Now With Pathfinder Influence.

Incidentally if anybody can think of a way to make more of Bayonetta's things aside from the hair work, I'm all ears. Witch Time would be a pretty cool thing to include.

The Witch

Many fantasy settings have witches – they are a staple. Usually, they are evil and fly on broomsticks, cackling and cursing/poisoning the heroine into a coma or death. Sometimes they are good witches, given to undoing curses and ailments, blessing the lands, and providing a lot of useful knowledge. Sometimes they are just unmarried women who are too clever or uppity for their own good, living away from society deep in the woods. There are also the ones who are considered evil because they’re witches, but they don’t do evil deeds. There is a fair amount of room for what a Witch can do, while still fitting a theme.

The witch in Dungeons & Dragons is an arcane spellcaster with ties to nature, who is particularly effective at bestowing and removing afflictions – there is emphasis on Necromancy, Transmutation and Enchantment spells that you cast on other people to make life hard, but with a side order of Illusions, Abjurations that punish others for hurting her, Conjuring things that people don’t like and so on. They also have a number of abilities that rely on cauldrons, and then can use their Witch Boons to gain a variety of other abilities – allowing people to “build your own witch” that meets their own vision of a witch. Providing that vision is a full caster.

Hit Die: 1d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Decipher Script, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Use Magic Device
1+0+2+0+2Animal Talk, Spellcasting2--------
2+1+3+0+3Witch Boon3--------
3+1+3+1+3Brew Potion, Resist Nature’s Lure42-------
4+2+4+1+4Witch Boon43-------
6+3+5+2+5Witch Boon433------
7+3+5+2+5Mass Brewing4332-----
8+4+6+2+6Witch Boon4333-----
9+4+6+3+6Cauldron Scrying43332----
10+5+7+3+7Witch Boon44333----
12+6/+1+8+4+8Witch Boon444333---
14+7/+2+9+4+9Witch Boon4444333--
16+8/+3+10+5+10Witch Boon44444333-
17+8/+3+10+5+10Elixir of Youth444443332
18+9/+4+11+6+11Witch Boon444444333
19+9/+4+11+6+11Elixir of Life and Death444444444
20+10/+5+12+6+12Witch Boon555555555

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Witch is proficient only with Simple Weapons. She is not proficient with any form of Armour or Shields, and suffers Arcane Spell Failure if she is not proficient with the armour or shield she is using.

Animal Talk (Ex): a Witch can improve the attitude of an animal (or indeed, worsen it if she so pleases). She may use the Handle Animal skill to communicate with them as though using Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Intimidate with intelligent Humanoid creatures. Furthermore, instead of making a creature friendlier to herself, she may instead make it unfriendly towards others – a roll of 10 + the creature’s hit dice being enough to make it Unfriendly (and likely to lash out if approached), and 25 + the creature’s hit dice being enough to make it Hostile (and likely to hunt them down and pick fights) towards the given target. In this case, it must be able to see or smell the target, or she must present it with something that smells strongly of them, such as hair, recently worn clothing, or a severed limb.

Spellcasting: the Witch casts Arcane spells drawn from the Witch list (shown below), and only drawn from this list – she is unable to gain spells from other lists by means such as “Attune Domain”, with the exception of any Witch Boon that adds spells to her list. Each Spell Level also includes a section for "If Mister Cavern feels like including Pathfinder material" that can also be safely ignored otherwise. Once between each two sunsets, she may perform her own personal rites and think about witchcraft in a way suitable to her own viewpoints for an hour. During this process, the player selects daily spells known from the Witch list according to the table above. She then “knows” those spells and has access to them, able to spontaneously cast those spells at will until she changes her selection. The other spells are still on her class list, thus she can use items without having to prepare the spells as known for the day.

The ability score a witch uses for spellcasting is her Intelligence, and it determines the Save DC for all spells but does not grant bonus spells – use the table above and nothing extra.

Using Meta-Magic does not increase the time it takes for a Witch to cast a spell.

The Witch suffers from a special limitation to her magic: if a spell has a duration other than Instantaneous or Permanent, then casting it again before the previous duration expires instantly causes the prior duration to end.

Witch Boon: at every even level, the Witch gains a special Boon. She selects one from the list below, and provided she meets all the requirements for it, she gains the ability described.

Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): upon reaching level three, the Witch gains a +4 Bonus to all Saving Throws against the Spell-Like Abilities of Fey creatures.

Brew Potion (Su): when using a cauldron, a third-level Witch may brew potions of her spells. Each day she may spend a full hour brewing a potion, casting the spell as part of the process, and at the end of it she has created a potion, regardless of Spell Level. The potion lasts until the next sunrise, at which point it turns into water, but on the plus side, she need not spend money or experience points (unless the actual spell requires it to cast).

Mass Brewing (Su): upon reaching level seven, the Witch may make a number of potions when brewing them from her cauldron. If she creates two potions, they cannot be the highest level Spell available to her and they are made at a Caster Level of her own minus two. Alternatively she may create four, at two Spell Levels lower than the highest available and -4 to the Caster Level, or she may create as many as eight, at three Spell Levels lower than the highest available and -6 to the Caster Level. The one Spell is chosen (along with any variables), and it all requires the one hour.

Cauldron Scrying (Sp): once per day, the ninth-level Witch may use a cauldron full of liquid to cast Greater Scrying with a Casting Time of one hour, a Caster Level equal to her Witch level, and a Save DC of 10 + half her character level + her Intelligence Bonus.

Elixir of Youth (Su): upon reaching level seventeen, the Witch is able to brew a special elixir. This requires constant churning and mixing, with various ingredients added at various times, in a process lasting from sunset to sunrise. When it is complete, it creates enough for a single dose – anybody who consumes it who is older than an Adult has their age wound back to early Adulthood for an entire season, with further doses merely adding another season each time. After it ends, they revert back to their true age (which can result in sudden death if they use this to extend their lifespan then forget their medicine or walk into an Anti-Magic Field). This negates the changes to physical ability scores.

Elixir of Life and Death (Su): at level nineteen, the Witch learns how to make the most potent of potions. This requires constant churning and mixing, with various ingredients added at various times, in a process lasting from sunset to sunrise. When complete, it creates a single dose of this potent brew, which must be consumed before the next sunset or it will lose all potency and become stagnant water. If force-fed to the dead or Undead within this timeframe, they return to life with no level loss, full regeneration of limbs, and no lasting problems. If given to the living in this time, they benefit from a Heal, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil, Greater Restoration and Regeneration effect. Alternatively, she may silently curse it with a Free Action, upon which it becomes a deadly poison if consumed before the time expires. The Save DC is 20 plus her Intelligence Bonus, with a failed save resulting in instant death – a creature immune to [Death] effects instead suffering 2d6 points of Constitution damage on every round for one minute.

Witch Boons
Alternate Forms (Harmless Animal/Humanoid)
With a Standard Action at will, the Witch may transform herself into a Humanoid form – though it is a physical change and not an illusion, it only functions as a disguise and does not change her abilities. She may only take on the form of a specific individual if she first takes some part of that person, even their hair, and boils it in her cauldron for an hour before consuming some of the resulting liquid. She may also transform into a Mouse/Rat, Frog/Toad or Rabbit. She retains her normal hit points and personality, but other than that, her entire character sheet is replaced by the creature entry. In either form, she may use a Swift Action to change back to her natural form. Changing forms is a Supernatural Ability.

Monstrous Forms
Requirements: Alternate Forms, level 6
The Witch gains access to an array of new forms available to her. Twice per day, she may transform into an Ogre, a Troll, an Ogre-Mage, any kind of Hag (aside from Nighthag) or a Dog, Wolf, Bat, Badger, Shark, Viper, Constrictor, Crocodile, Bear, Horse, Pony, Lizard, Wolverine, Dire Toad, or Eel. However, she can only take the form of a creature if her level is at least two higher than its Challenge Rating. Aside from her hit points and personality, this works via complete character sheet replacement. Changing back is still a Swift Action, or if she runs out of time – transformation only lasts for one hour per two levels.

Truly Monstrous Forms
Requirements: Monstrous Forms, level 10
The Witch gains access to additional forms, drawing from the same uses per day as Monstrous Forms, which increases to three times per day. She may now become any Dire Animal, an Assassin Vine, a Greenvise, a Briarvex, a Hill Giant, a Stone Giant, a Frost Giant, a Fire Giant, a Cloud Giant or a Storm Giant. The previous Challenge Rating limit remains.

Bibbity Bobbity Boo
Requirements: level 12
Once per day, the Witch may cast Animate Objects as a Spell-Like Ability. If cast on plants (not creatures of the Plant Type), they may grow up to Colossal Size while affected by this, and have their shapes changed somewhat – typical examples include turning pumpkins into carriages, flowers into mops, cabbages into horses and apples into huts. This lasts until the next “corner of the day” - Sunset, Midnight, Sunrise, Midday.

Brew Oozes
Requirements: level 4
The Witch may create creatures of the Ooze type that have an Intelligence score less than three, providing her level is at least two higher than its Challenge Rating. The resulting creature is not innately loyal to her, but also won’t particularly pick a fight with her – many Oozes will sit there or go wandering in search of something edible, and she can always just point them out in a direction to follow, or leave enough disposable things lying around for them to eat in order to guard (and partially consume) her house. Creating an Ooze requires letting her cauldron bubble away for a number of days equal to the Challenge Rating (though she only has to stop by and stire or heat it once per twelve hours), with ingredients that work out to the cost of the Challenge Rating times 1,000 GP. Even then, by gradually adding chunks of corpses, she can offset the cost at the rate of one Medium corpse per 1,000 GP.

Curse of Living Death
Requirements: level 14
Once per day as a Supernatural Ability the Witch may place a curse upon an item – either to afflict the next person other than her who handles the item, or naming a specific individual and it will only afflict that person when they handle it. At either rate, if the target fails a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus), they fall into an “eternal” slumber, as though through a Temporal Stasis spell. Aside from the usual means of removing this effect, the Witch must specify some form of contingency that is possible, however unlikely. If the contingency is met, the effect ends, however it is brought to the Witches’ attention.

Delayed Magic
Whenever the Witch casts a spell that affects a single target, she may choose to delay the effects for up to one day per level. The length of delay is chosen at the time of casting, and cannot be altered afterwards. When the delay ends, all effects take place suddenly as though just cast then – including the beginning of the duration.

Evil Eye
With a Swift Action at will, the Witch may target an enemy within Close Range that she can see – even if they have Concealment. The target must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus) or be Shaken for as long as they can see the Witch. If already Shaken they become Frightened, and if already Frightened they Cower. This Supernatural Ability is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect, and cannot be used twice against the same creature in the same day.

Evil Gaze
Requirements: Evil Eye
Although not a true Gaze ability, the Witch can still affect more people at once. She may use her Evil Eye ability to affect all within a 50’ Cone, still using a Swift Action to activate, and everyone in the area attempting to save (and they still cannot be targeted twice in the same day, whether normally or via this area attack). Those in the area may elect to avert their eyes as with a normal Gaze attack – they lose their Dexterity Bonus to AC for one round, but are allowed a Reflex Save (same DC) which, if passed, provides immunity to the effects.

The Witch gains a Familiar, almost exactly like a Wizard does. She uses her Witch level to determine its abilities. She may select more powerful animals as though she had the Improved Familiar feat, providing the creature is still (before the transformation for being a Familiar) of the Animal or Vermin type – for instance, a third-level Witch could take a King Cobra or a second-level one could take a Small Monstrous Centipede. Additionally, she may take a Swarm if high enough level – a Spider Swarm at level four, a Bat or Rat Swarm at level six, a Locust Swarm at level eight, a Bone Rat or Centipede Swarm at level ten, a Swamp Strider, Corpse Rat or Ephemeral Swarm at level twelve, a Needletooth, Dread Bloom or Bloodmote Cloud Swarm at level fourteen, a Shimmerling or Hellwasp Swarm at level sixteen, or a Brood Keeper Larva Swarm at level twenty.

If the Familair dies or is released, the Witch is Stunned for one round (with no saving throw) and then Staggered for one round after that, but suffers no other ill side effects. She may summon another at the next Full Moon.

Spooky Familiar
Requirements: Familiar
The Witches’ Familiar is particularly eerie. Each turn, it may make a Demoralise attempt on behalf of the Witch, using her own skill ranks, feats and ability scores. Additionally, any creature other than the Witch that shares its space or is in an adjacent square suffers a -2 Morale Penalty on Attack Rolls, Skill Checks, Damage Rolls and Armour Class.

Requirements: level 6
The Witch can Fly, as the Spell, at will. This is a Supernatural Ability that requires she use some form of object for flight – broomsticks are a popular choice, but it could just as easily be a rug, a bathtub or a saddle that has no horse. In order to use an object for flight, she must first bond with it by spending at least a full day no further than thirty feet away from it, and in doing so severs the bonds of flight with any other object. When flying on such an object, she may be required to make Ride checks (or Balance if she prefers, at the same DC) for anything that would require someone on horseback to do so.

Forms of Mist and Mud
Requirements: level 6
Three times per day, the Witch may turn herself into a cloud of mist, fog or swamp vapours, duplicating a Gaseous Form spell, with a Caster Level equal to her own level.
Three times per day, she may turn herself into a pool of viscous mud, duplicating an Amorphous Form spell, with a Caster Level equal to her own level.
Either transformation is a Spell-Like Ability.

Friend of Creepy Crawlies
The Witch may use her Animal Talk ability to converse with Vermin, even Swarms. Additionally, they innately see her as more of their own kind and will not attack her unless provoked, or ordered to (such as a Familiar or Animal Companion by their master, or a Summoned creature). Magical Beasts that are Vermin creatures “with a template applied that turns them into a Magical Beast” count as Vermin for this, as do Ankhegs, Bebiliths and Formians.

Summon Creepy Crawlies
Requirements: Friend of Creepy Crawlies
When casting a Summon Nature’s Ally Spell, the Witch may select any of the following creatures from the Summon Monster Spells of equivalent level, albeit without the planar Templates: Giant Bee, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Bombadier Beetle, Giant Stag Beetle, Giant Wasp, Giant Praying Mantis, Monstrous Centipede (any size), Monstrous Spider (any size), Monstrous Scorpion (any size).

Green Thumb
The Witch may use her Animal Talk ability to converse with creatures of the Plant Type, and is never harmed, slowed or inconvenienced by naturally occurring plants (such as regular briar patches, but not the vines of an Entangle Spell). Furthermore, all regular plants grow particularly healthy and resilient within a mile of her, avoiding any blights, droughts or bushfires of the region, and grow especially large and bountiful within a hundred feet. This requires her to spend at least one phase of the moon in the area, so is typically noticed when staying roughly in the one location.

Rise of the Triffids (requires Green Thumb)
Requirements: Green Thumb
The Witch may summon a Twig Blight with Summon Nature’s Ally I, a Needlefolk with Summon Nature’s Ally II, an Assassin Vine or Wortling with Summon Nature’s Ally III, a Wood Woad with Summon Nature’s Ally IV, a Dread Blossom Swarm with Summon Nature’s Ally VI, a Treeant with Summon Nature’s Ally VIII or a Battle Briar or Greenvise with Summon Nature’s Ally IX. As normal, it may use higher level spells to summon multiple creatures.

Hag Laughter
Requirements: level 8
With a Full Round Action at will, the Witch may break into a bout of terrifying laughter. All creatures within thirty feet that are able to hear her must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus) or suffer 1d6 points of Wisdom damage and be afflicted with Cackle Fever. The daily Save DC is the same as the initial Save DC for this ability.

Once this Supernatural Ability is used on a creature, whether successfully or not, they are immune to further attempts for the rest of the day.

Witch Cackle
Requirements: Hag Laughter
With a Full Round Action once per day, the Witch may descend into maddening cackling. All creatures within earshot that are suffering from Cackle Fever (whether from her Laughter or another source) must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus) or suffer 1d6 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage and be subject to Tasha’s Hideous Laughter for one round per level of the Witch. This is a Supernatural Ability.

Hag Hair
At will, the Witch may grow her hair out and control it to function somewhat like an extra limb. It can reach out to 10 feet, plus another 5 feet per 3 levels (to a maximum of 40 feet at level 18), and can be used as a rope affected by Animate Rope, or a natural Slam attack (1d6 damage for a Medium creature). In either case, it uses her Intelligence score in place of its Strength score and her Caster Level in place of her Base Attack Bonus. Additionally, when making a Full Defense action, it grants her a Shield Bonus to AC equal to her Intelligence Bonus.

Having hair is not a Supernatural Ability, but growing it beyond its normal length and animating it is.

Hag’s Offence
The Witch grows hard, gnarled nails that grant two Natural Claw attacks at 1d4 damage for a Medium creature. Additionally, her teeth grow into sharp, crooked fangs that allow a Secondary Natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 damage if Medium. In a turn in which both claws hit, she may Rend the target for another 2d4 points of damage, plus one and a half times her Strength Bonus. These are treated as Magic Weapons with an Enhancement Bonus equal to her level divided by three (round up). The natural weapons are indeed natural, but the magical enhancement is Supernatural.

Requirements: Hag’s Offence
The Claw attacks of the Witch carry Filth Fever, and the Bite carries Demon Fever. A creature can indeed be afflicted by both at once. In both cases, the natural weapon must deal at least one point of damage, and the Save DC (both initial and recurring) is 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus. Any given creature need only save against each disease once per round, no matter how many attacks hit.

Hands of a Healer
The following spells are added to the class list for the Witch: Cure Light Wounds (first), Cure Moderate Wounds (second), Cure Serious Wounds (third), Cure Critical Wounds (fourth), Heal (seventh)

Hidden Foe
The Witch is Immune to Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Law, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts and Telepathy. Additionally, she may add her Intelligence Bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks in place of her Charisma Bonus.

Requirements: Hidden Foe
The Witch cannot be located by magic, other than by using spells such as See Invisibility or True Seeing to see her when she is Invisible – she cannot be located by Scrying, her disguises cannot be magically pierced (other than actual invisibility), contact cannot be made with her mind and so on.

Item Creation Feat
Select any one Item Creation Feat for which the Witch meets the requirements. She gains that as a Bonus Feat. Unlike most Boons, this may be taken multiple times, each time granting a different Iteam Creation Feat.

Magical Hut
Requirements: level 8
The Witch may summon an actual hut she can live in, as a Supernatural Ability. It is effectively a Huge Object, and may walk about on giant chicken legs or something like that, as an Animated Object, made of wood, with a Speed of 40 feet. If destroyed, she can summon another after the next New Moon. Additionally, it may grow edible candy around the outside which is delicious but tends to lure both ants and children – either one being equally annoying but also equally useful for a Witch. It does not have to grow candy if she doesn’t want that.

At level ten, it may be a Gargantuan object, still with a Speed of 40 feet, and at level thirteen it may grow to Colossal size, maintaining its Speed of 40 feet.

Mystic Herbology
Three times per day, the Witch may harvest an edible plant (typically fruit of some kind) or fungus and, with a Standard Action, infuse it with magic. It either becomes tainted with poison (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus), selecting any Ingested Poison or Drug that has a DC equal to or less than the actual Poison DC of this ability, or it bestows a Neutralise Poison effect, her choice. These items will last until consumed, or the next sunrise, whichever comes first. This is a Supernatural Ability.

Gaze of Poison
Requirements: Mystic Herbology
Once per day, the Witch may glare at a body of liquid, or a container, or a person who has containers of liquid on them, and subtly poison the liquids. This extends out to Line of Sight, but cannot taint more than one 5’ cube per level. Unattended non-magical liquid gets no save, Magical liquids are allowed a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus) and the person holding an attended liquid may attempt a Will Save on its behalf. Such liquids still have their usual effects, but also carry the effects of an ingested poison, just like with Mystic Herbology, using the same means of determining the Save DC.

This Supernatural Ability cannot be used to target “the blood and saliva in someone”, but it’s probably fair to target “A Water Elemental”. Doing so doesn’t hurt the elemental but applies the poison to the first person who contacts it.

The Witch gains the Dream Haunting ability of a Night Hag, however she may also step into a dream harmlessly, guarding it from intrusion and thus preventing effects such as Dream Haunting, Nightmare spells and similar. She also has the Dreamtelling ability (as the Feat in Heroes of Horror, page 122), and adds the following spells to her class list: Restful Slumber (level 1), Dream Walk (level 4), Manifest Desire (level 4), Manifest Nightmare (level 4), Dreaming Puppet (level 5), Dream Casting (level 6), Dream Sight (level 7). Finally, when casting spells in a Dreamscape or a Nightmare Realm, her spells function normally without a chance of mishap.

The Witch is immune to Poison and Disease, including magical ones, and is not even a carrier of diseases so cannot be a vector of contamination for others (though can still create these effects via Spells). Additionally, any time she brews a Potion, she may elect to have it also remove the Sickened and Nauseated conditions from the imbiber.

Aura of Purity
Requirements: Purity
The Purity ability of the Witch extends out to all creatures within ten feet from her, and also clears the air (or, if underwater, the water) in this area, negating dangerous gases such as Stinking Cloud, Acid Fog, Incendiary Cloud, Freezing Fog and Cloudkill. Fogs and mists that do not cause harm are unaffected by this.

Soul Stealer
If a creature dies while suffering from a Curse bestowed upon them by the Witch, their soul is trapped in their corpse (assuming one remains) until the next sunrise or subjected to any effect that would remove the Curse in question. Before then, if able to touch the corpse, she may spend a minute trapping it within a bottle or jar, and can then consume it at her leisure.
When doing so, she regains a number of lost Hit Points equal to the target’s Challenge Rating times ten, and heals Ability Damage or Drain equal to its Challenge Rating. Doing so also grants her knowledge of the victim’s personal history and important memories (but not skills, levels, feats etc.) and cures a single ailment that afflicts her.

Creatures cannot be brought back from the dead while their souls are trapped, and the Witch must be slain to free any souls she has eaten.

Stolen Words
Any time the Witch bestows a Curse onto a target, she may also steal their voice. They are rendered mute, unable to speak or sing (or use Verbal Components), and she may impersonate their voice perfectly. These effects last until the Curse is removed, however if the Witch is slain, it returns instantly.

Swamp Creature
The Witch gains the ability to see through fog, mist, miasma, mud, murky water, seaweed and so on. Furthermore, she gains a Swim Speed of 60 feet, becomes Amphibious, and her movement is never impeded by naturally occurring terrain underwater such as mud, silt, powerful currents or entangling plants.

Sympathetic Magic
When casting a Spell that targets an individual, if the Witch is holding a lock of their hair, a tooth, a piece of bone or a similar part of the target’s body, she counts as being in physical contact with the actual target and thus can affect them with Touch Spells from any range.
Spell List
First Level
Animate Fire, Animate Rope, Animate Water, Animate Wood, Beget Bogun, Bestow Curse I, Blood Wind, Breath of the Jungle, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Cloudburst, Command, Curse Water, Delay Disease, Enrage Animal, Faerie Fire, Karmic Aura, Magic Mouth, Message, Omen of Peril, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reaving Aura, Remove Curse I, Remove Fear, Rot of Ages, Sleep, Spirit Worm, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Wood Wose
*Pathfinder: Alchemical Tinkering, Beguiling Gift, Bungle, Dancing Darkness, Darting Duplicate, Delay Disease, Diagnose Disease, Discern Next of Kin, Obscure Poison, Poisoned Egg, Remove Sickness, Sow Thought

Second Level
Arcane Turmoil, Augury, Bestow Curse II, Binding Winds, Blackrot, Blindness/Deafness, Briar Web, Calm Emotions, Command Undead, Countermoon, Creeping Cold, Decomposition, Delay Poison, Desecrate, Earth Lock, Earthbind, Escalating Enfeeblement, False Life, Ghoul Glyph, Healing Sting, Hideous Laughter, Infernal Wound, Inky Cloud, Kelpstrand, Malevolent Miasma, Portal Alarm, Reduce Animal, Remove Curse II, Remove Paralysis, Speak With Animals, Summon Swarm, Touch of Idiocy, Warp Wood, Winter’s Embrace, Summon Nature’s Ally II
*Pathfinder: Anonymous Interaction, Aristocrat’s Nightmare, Beastspeak, Burdened Thoughts, Climbing Beanstalk, Commune With Birds, Lesser Curse Terrain, Disfiguring Touch, Disrupt Link, Dress Corpse, Fool’s Gold, Haunting Mists, Mad Hallucination, Mud Buddy, Passing Fancy, Pox Pustules

Third Level
Bestow Curse III, Charm Monster, Circle Dance, Contagious Fog, Corpse Candle, Creaking Cacophony, Crumble, Deep Slumber, Downdraft, Fear, Heatstroke, Hypothermia, Junglerazer, Karmic Backlash, Mind Poison, Plant Growth, Ray of Exhaustion, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse III, Remove Disease, Reverse Arrows, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Shrink Item, Sign of Sealing, Sink, Skull Watch, Spell Vulnerability, Summon Nature’s Ally III, Thornskin, Vine Mine, Weather Eye
*Pathfinder: Accept Affliction, Agonizing Rebuke, Aggravate Affliction, Assume Appearance, Blood Scent, Cackling Skull, Claim Identity, Garrulous Grin, Healing Thief, Insect Scouts, Isolate, Jealous Rage, Matchmaker, Plant Voice, Pocketful of Vipers, Rain of Frogs, Spellcurse

Fourth Level
Backlash, Bestow Curse IV, Blight, Bloodstar, Caustic Mire, Chain of Eyes, Command Plants, Confusion, Greater Creeping Cold, Finger of Agony, Horrid Sickness, Insect Plague, Know Vulnerabilities, Languor, Melf’s Slumber Arrows, Miasma of Entropy, Neutralise Poison, Nightmare Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Poison, Poison Vines, Remove Curse IV, Summon Nature’s Ally IV, Unholy Blight, Wood Rot
*Pathfinder: Curse Terrain, Earsend, Enchantment Foil, False Future, Forgetful Slumber, Hunger for Flesh, Insect Spies, Mad Sultan’s Melody, Moonstruck, Named Bullet, They Know, Virulence

Fifth Level
Animal Growth, Awaken, Bestow Curse V, Crushing Despair, Dream, Echo Skull, Graymantle, Hidden Lodge, Illusory Feast, Jungle’s Rapture, Mass Contagion, Mirage Arcana, Panacea, Poison Thorns, Remove Curse V, Repel Vermin, Retributive Image, Swamp Stride, Symbol of Pain, Transmute Rock to Mud, Transmute Mud to Rock, Unhallow, Waves of Fatigue, Summon Nature’s Ally V, Symbol of Spell Loss, Wrack
*Pathfinder: Deceitful Veneer, Feast on Fear, Old Salt’s Curse, Pessimism, Plague Carrier, Poisonous Balm, Sleepwalking Suggestion, Slough

Sixth Level
Animate Objects, Bestow Curse VI, Cloak of the Sea, Greater Command, Commune With Nature, Mass Contagion, Drown, Enveloping Cocoon, Eyebite, Geas/Quest, Hide the Path, Karmic Retribution, Miasma, Ooze Puppet, Ray of Entropy, Remove Curse VI, Greater Sign of Sealing, Smoky Confinement, Spectral Touch, Stone to Flesh, Summon Nature’s Ally VI, Symbol of Fear, Tunnel Swallow, Wall of Thorns
*Pathfinder: Baleful Shadow Transmutation, Cloak of Dreams, Cruel Jaunt, Curse of the Outcast, Greater Curse Terrain, Dust Ward, Epidemic, Green Caress, Night Terrors, Overwhelming Poison, Phobia, Plague Storm, Swarm Skin, Symbol of Sealing, Unwilling Shield, Vengeful Outrage

Seventh Level
Animal Shapes, Animate Plants, Bestow Curse VII, Creeping Doom, Ghost Trap, Hiss of Sleep, Power Word: Stun, Remove Curse VII, Retributive Enervation, Shifting Sands, Slime Wave, Swamp Lung, Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Weakness, Symphonic Nightmare, Waves of Exhaustion, Summon Nature’s Ally VII
*Pathfinder: Artificer’s Curse, Black Mark, Mass Hunger for Flesh, Greater Insect Spies, Pox of Rumours, Verminous Transformation, Vision of Doom

Eighth Level
Antipathy, Bestow Curse VIII, Control Undead, Horrid Wilting, Maddening Whispers, Maze, Mind of the Labyrinth, Red Tide, Remove Curse VIII, Shifting Paths, Summon Nature’s Ally VIII, Symbol of Death, Sympathy, Veil of Undeath
*Pathfinder: Curse of Night, Supreme Curse Terrain, False Resurrection, Frightful Aspect, Prediction of Failure, Symbol of Insanity

Ninth Level
Bestow Curse IX, Cast in Stone, Control Plants, Mass Drown, Eye of Power, Hindsight, Instant Refuge, Magic Miasma, Remove Curse IX, Shadow Landscape, Summon Nature’s Ally IX, Wail of the Banshee
*Pathfinder: Cursed Earth, Curse of Fell Seasons, Maze of Madness and Suffering, Scribe’s Binding, Soul Bind, Symbol of Strife, Symbol of Vulnerability
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Post by Koumei »

Here are the Bestow and Remove Curse spells - which have deliberately been designed to absorb several other spells to cut the spell lists down a small amount and encourage taking these actual spells for their flexibility.

Bestow Curse Necromancy
Level: varies
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None (see individual choices)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You place a curse on the subject, selecting one effect depending on the Spell Level.
Bestow Curse I:
*The subject lose 1 Language known, or the ability to speak of a certain topic
*The target’s alignment only detects as a different one, chosen by the caster
*A distracting itch causes a -4 Morale Penalty on all Skill checks
*The target suffers from a constant Bane effect
*The target shrinks awkwardly and clumsily, as though by Reduce Person but suffering a -2 Penalty to Strength and Dexterity instead of the normal changes
*Each turn, the target suffers a 10% chance to lose their action and do nothing

Bestow Curse II:
*The subject automatically fails any attempt to improve attitudes of other creatures with Skill or Ability checks.
*If the target was aquatic, they no longer are, and now only breathe air. If the target was not aquatic, they now are, and only breathe water.
*The target always suffers from Heavy Encumbrance regardless of their Strength or actual carried gear
*The subject suffers from cowardice, becoming Shaken for 1d4 rounds every time they are required to roll Initiative
*The subject gains Light Blindness or loses any special forms of vision (Low-Light, Dark Vision etc)
*The target becomes addicted to a drug of the caster’s choosing
*Weapons are drawn towards them, providing a -2 Luck Penalty to Armour Class and denying them any Miss Chances, Cover or Concealment against attacks. There is also a 20% chance any attack aimed at an adjacent target (other than their own) will instead be redirected to them – roll to attack normally.
*The target suffers a Delusions of Grandeur effect
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse I list

Bestow Curse III:
*All other creatures within 30 feet can listen in on the target's thoughts if they choose – and are faintly aware of the thoughts to begin with, so know they can listen in properly.
*Every new person they meet is Unfriendly to them on the roll of 3+ on 1d6, and Hostile on a 1-2
*The target suffers a -6 Penalty to a single Ability Score (minimum 1)
*The subject takes a -4 Penalty on Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, Ability Checks and Skill Checks
*Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to lose their action and do nothing
*Everybody who knows the target forgets him, even the closest allies – and will forget anew every single day
*The target suffers from a Bothersome Babble effect
*The target contracts a single disease, instantly suffering the effects, and cannot be cured while the Curse remains, having to save at the Save DC of the Curse (ie DC 13 + Intelligence Bonus for Bestow Curse III)
*The target suffers from a Miser’s Envy effect
*The target suffers from a Prickling Torment effect
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse II list

Bestow Curse IV:
*Any armour or shield worn by the target doubles all Armour Check Penalties, Armour Stealth Penalties and Arcane Spell Failure, and only offers half the Armour Bonus (round down, after applying Enhancement Bonuses)
*The target ages physically, treated as permenantly Exhausted and gaining a -6 Penalty to Spot, Listen and Search checks
*One limb ceases to function completely
*The target loses the ability to speak or understand any language, and loses all Weapon, Armour and Shield Proficiencies
*A single Attuned magic item reverses its Bonus, turning it into a Penalty of the same Type (so a +4 Sword would have a -4 Enhancement Penalty). It also cannot be un-Attuned until the Curse is removed.
*The subject loses a single Immunity, form of Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance or Regeneration
*All the subject can eat is the flesh of their own kind, and they must also drink at least one mouthful of blood of their own kind each day, or suffer from dehydration
*The target must save against a Baleful Polymorph effect, using the Save DC of this spell (ie DC 14 + Intelligence Bonus if cast using Remove Curse IV). As long as the Curse remains, they cannot be returned to their normal form, and even if they successfully save, they must save again every sunrise until they fail.
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse III list

Bestow Curse V:
*The target is treated as having zero ranks in all skills, and has no feats of any kind
*Easily spooked, every time the subject is required to roll Initiative they are Stunned for one round
*The target becomes Vulnerable to one Energy type of the caster’s choosing, taking 50% more damage than normal
*The target cannot be healed or regain lost hit points without magic, and even then, has Spell Resistance equal to the Caster Level of the Witch, plus twelve, against healing magic.
*The target suffers a Feeblemind effect which cannot be reversed or restored while the Curse remains in effect. Unlike normal, they are allowed a Will Save to negate it.
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse IV list

Bestow Curse VI:
*Every item the character touches or handles animates (as per Animate Object) and attacks them
*Whenever the target attacks another, they treat the others has having cast the Karmic Aura, Karmic Backlash, and Karmic Retribution spells (at a Caster Level equal to that of the Witch)
*The target is rendered unable to sleep, gradually suffering from sleep deprivation
*Every six hours, the target must pass a Will Save or fall asleep until the next interval – potentially sleeping for the rest of their life if they continually fail saving throws.
*The target is affected by Flesh to Stone, but is allowed a Fortitude Save as normal. Their form will not return to flesh while the Curse remains.
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse V list

Bestow Curse VII:
*The target suffers an Insanity effect that cannot be removed while this curse remains. A Will Save is allowed to prevent this, however even if they pass, they must simply attempt to save again every single day until they fail.
*The subject takes a -10 Penalty to a single ability score or -6 Penalty to two scores (minimum 1)
*The subject suffers a -8 Luck Penalty on Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, Skill Checks and Ability Checks
*All damage the target deals to others is also dealt to them in return
*Each turn, the subject has a 75% chance to take no actions
*The target suffers from a Solipsism effect that cannot be removed while this curse remains, however they are allowed a Will Save to negate this.
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse VI list

Bestow Curse VIII:
*Every time combat begins or initiative is rolled, the character collapses and falls Unconscious for 1d4 rounds
*The target suffers from Otto’s Irresistable Dance, which will not end until the Curse is removed.
*The target is affected by a Binding effect, though they are allowed a Save to negate this.
*The target suffers a Trap the Soul effect, though they are allowed a Save to negate this.
*The target is Nauseated for one round every time they suffer any damage
*The target contracts a new disease every single day, and cannot recover from them or heal the effects of them until the Curse is removed
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse VII list

Bestow Curse IX:
*The target suffers an Imprisonment effect, though they may save normally.
*The target suffers from Programmed Amnesia
*Any damage dealt by the target to other creatures and objects is always the minimum amount, whereas any damage suffered by the target (including self-inflicted) is always the maximum. Worse still, other creatures may attempt a Coup de Grace against the subject at will, regardless of how helpless the target is (or isn't), and they intrinsically know this. When within reach and having the actions to spare (usually a Full Round Action), such creatures must pass a Will Save (DC 19 + Intelligence Bonus) not to take this opportunity to end a life.
*The target loses a major class feature such as Spellcasting, Rage (and all related powers) or Sneak Attack, or a Special Attack granted by their race
*The target suffers from an Eternity of Torture, though a saving throw is allowed.
*Two effects from the Bestow Curse VIII list
Bestow Curse cannot be Dispelled, but can be removed by a Remove Curse Spell of equal or higher level. The regular (non-Witch) “Remove Curse” spell is considered to be fourth-level for this purpose, Break Enchantment is considered fifth-level, Limited Wish can function as Remove Curse VII and Miracle and Wish can both function as Remove Curse IX.

Remove Curse Abjuration
Level: varies
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or Item touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell instantaneously removes all curses on an object or a creature, providing the curse originates from a Spell (or duplicates a Spell) of an equal or lower level. For effects which are not related to a spell but have a Caster Level or originate from a creature with hit dice, the effect is removed providing this number is no more than twice the Spell Level of the Removal.

Remove Curse IV and higher can also duplicate the effects of Break Enchantment, with Remove Curse VI and higher able to remove non-Dispellable effects up to their own Spell Level.
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Dec 29, 2019 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Rewriting Some Classes

Post by Koumei »

The Alchemist

This isn't related to any previous class I wrote called the Alchemist. Honestly, this is just revising the PF one a bit, to take it from "playable, but basically you're waiting for level 8 so you can just do a stupid amount of damage in a boring way to delete a few enemies per day" to more of Tome-level "has the toolbox for all sorts of things" (but without the sheer offensive power a lot of Tome classes ended up having). As cool as it would be to make an Alchemist with a very custom spell list, maybe with "you can boil a potion/oil/elixir of X down to figure out how to make Y recipe because it's close enough", and creating stuff like "Tempest in a Teacup" and "all the stuff from the Atelier ___/Mana Khemia games", this isn't that.

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105gp) and recipe book and a standard outfit
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (any) (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (architecture & engineering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Proficiencies: the Alchemist is proficient with Simple Weapons, Light Armour, and Bombs
Base Attack Bonus: Medium (as Rogue)
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude and Reflex
LevelClass Features
1stAlchemy, bomb 1d6, brew potion, mutagen, throw anything
2ndDiscovery, poison resistance +2, poison use
3rdBomb 2d6, swift alchemy
5thBomb 3d6, poison resistance +4
6thDiscovery, swift poisoning
7thBomb 4d6
8thDiscovery, poison resistance +6
9thBomb 5d6
10thDiscovery, poison immunity
11thBomb 6d6
13thBomb 7d6
14thDiscovery, persistent mutagen
15thBomb 8d6
17thBomb 9d6
18thDiscovery, instant alchemy
19thBomb 10d6
20thGrand Discovery

Alchemy (Su):Alchemists are not only masters of creating mundane alchemical substances such as alchemist’s fire and smokesticks, but also of fashioning magical potion-like extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect, an alchemist prepares his spells by mixing ingredients into a number of extracts, and then “casts” his spells by drinking the extract. When an alchemist creates an extract or bomb, he infuses the concoction with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator. When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. He must hold the potion for 1 round to make such a check.

An alchemist can create three special types of magical items—extracts, bombs, and mutagens. Bombs are explosive splash weapons, and mutagens are transformative elixirs that the alchemist drinks to enhance his physical abilities—both of these are detailed in their own sections below.

Extracts are the most varied of the three. In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the alchemist’s level as the caster level. Unlike potions, though, extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion normally could not.

An alchemist can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day. His base daily allotment of extracts is the same as the Spells per Day of the Wizard. In addition, he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day. When an alchemist mixes an extract, he infuses the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from his own magical aura. An extract immediately becomes inert if it leaves the alchemist’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping—an alchemist cannot normally pass out his extracts for allies to use (but see the “infusion” discovery below). An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before becoming inert, so an alchemist must re-prepare his extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work—most alchemists prepare many extracts at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it’s not uncommon for an alchemist to keep some (or even all) of his daily extract slots open so that he can prepare extracts in the field as needed.

Although the alchemist doesn’t actually cast spells, he does have a formulae list that determines what extracts he can create. An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his formulae list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so). An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist. The alchemist uses his level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level. Creating extracts consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (alchemist extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An alchemist can prepare an extract of any formula he knows, providing he has the available extract slot. To learn or use an extract, an alchemist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the extract’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an alchemist’s extract is 10 + the extract level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. An alchemist may know any number of formulae. He stores his formulae in a special tome called a formula book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares an extract but not when he consumes it. An alchemist begins play with three 1st level formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional forumlae equal to his Intelligence modifier, as well as all Fundamentals (the alchemical equivalent of Cantrips. At each new alchemist level, he gains two new formulae of any level that he can create. An alchemist can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements. An alchemist can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An alchemist does not need to decipher arcane writings before copying them.

Bomb (Su): this functions exactly the same as the Bomb ability for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Brew Potion: At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.

Mutagen (Su): this is unaltered from the ability of the same name for the Pathfinder Alchemist, although it's probably okay to let players swap this out for the Infusion Discovery if they want to be more of a useful doctor/pharmacist than a Jeckyl/Hyde.

Throw Anything (Ex): All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.

Discoveries: these function the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist, although some extra ones will follow, designed to expand the spell list so you can do pollution or object transmutation or whatever. The standard list of discoveries can be found here.

Poison Resistance and Immunity: these function the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Poison Use: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Swift Alchemy: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Swift Poisoning: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Persistent Mutagen: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist, except that if Mutagen was swapped out at level one, this ability is not gained because it wouldn't do anything.

Instant Alchemy: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist.

Grand Discovery: this functions the same as for the Pathfinder Alchemist. The list of Grand Discoveries can be found here.

Alchemist Formulae List the majority of those from levels 1 through 6 are simply taken from [url= ... -alchemist]here[/ur]
Resistance, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Light, Penumbra, Oath of Anonymity, Chameleon Scales, Root, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Purify Food & Drink, Stabilize, Virtue
(D&DWiki) Dazzle Ward, Incubate, Lavation, Repel Liquid, Safety Goggles, Altimeer, Detect Disease, Detect Mineral, Detect Radiation, Detect Voltage

First Level:
(Added by Koumei) Inflict Light Wounds, Lesser Vigor, Fastidiousness, Punishing Armor, Stunning Barrier, Authenticating Gaze, Skim, Bestow Planar Infusion 1, Bed of Iron, Preserve, Restore Corpse, Sculpt Corpse, Enlarge Tail, Face of the Devourer, Mirror Polish, Poisoned Egg, Spirit Share, Blood Wind, Nightshield, Corrosive Grasp, Deep Breath, Appraising Touch, Babau Slime, Horrible Taste, Cutting Hand
(D&DWiki) Fireproofing, Retort, Warforged Heart

Second Level:
(Added by Koumei) Inflict Moderate Wounds, Obscure Object, Radiation Ward, Suppress Charms and Compulsions, Telekinetic Strikes, Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile, Dress Corpse, Sentry Skull, Amplify Stench, Ashen Path, Fleeting Defect, Greensight, Lesser Angelic Aspect, Avoid Planar Effects, Balor Nimbus, Body Blades, Extend Tentacles, Fuse Arms, Protection From +/- Energy, Stone Bones, Ectoplasmic Feedback, Bladeweave, Shadow Mask, Death Armor, Shroud of Undeath, Belker Claws, Body of the Sun, Fearsome Grapple, Razorfangs
(D&DWiki) Noncompliance, Eyebeams, Bone Spurs, Lesser Fire Breath, Float

Third Level:
(Added by Koumei) Inflict Serious Wounds, Greater Stunning Barrier, Create Soul Gem, Necromantic Burden, Forced Mutation, Golden Guise, Lightning Conductor, Monstrous Extremities, Threefold Face, Vigor, Attune Form, Girallon's Blessing, Grace, Hamatula Barbs, Mesmerizing Glare, Mind Poison, Bite of the Wererat, Dragonskin, Tremorsense
(D&DWiki) See Through Fog, Enhance Potion, Merform, Restructure

Fourth Level:
(Added by Koumei) Inflict Critical Wounds, Medusa's Bane, Bestow Planar Infusion 2, Deadman's Contingency, Horrific Doubles, Instant Fake, Umbral Infusion, Cloud Shape, Hellmouth Lash, Ride the Waves, Greater Blindsight, Delay Death, Iron Bones, Life Ward, Panacea, Planar Tolerance, Sheltered Vitality, Treasure Scent, Bite of the Werewolf, Sharptooth, Voice of the Dragon
(D&DWiki) Retributive Discharge, Greater Flame Breath, Lion's Roar, Enlarge Monster, Mimic Morph, Monstrous Form, Reduce Monster, Vampire Skin

Fifth Level:
(Added by Koumei) Break Enchantment, Life Bubble, Daywalker, Angelic Aspect, Geniekind, Greater Vigor, Life's Grace, Revivify, Lesser Ironguard, Acid Sheath, Bite of the Wereboar, Greater Blink, Draconic Might, Dragonsight, Gutsnake, Nightstalker's Transformation, Xorn Movement
(D&DWiki) Spell Dampen, Absorb Undead, Fire Breath, Blessing of the Nine, Evince Lineage, Fiend Form, Greater Restructure, T-Rex Shape

Sixth Level:
(Added by Koumei) Harm, Repulsion, Cloak of Dreams, Pschic Asylum, Ether Step, Energy Immunity, Revive Outsider, Imperious Glare, Opalescent Glare, Revive Undead, Spectral Touch, Bite of the Weretiger, Cloak of the Sea
(D&DWiki) Shout of Typhon, Antibite, Diamond Body

Seventh Level:
Emanation of Clarity, Spell Turning, Dimensional Bounce, Walk Through Space, Greater Arcane Sight, Retrocognition, Vision, Bestow Planar Infusion 3, Project Image, Simulacrum, Subjective Reality, Temporary Resurrection, Greater Age Resistance, Awaken Construct, Elemental Body 4, Ethereal Jaunt, Form of the Alien Dragon 2, Form of the Exotic Dragon 2, Form of the Dragon 2, Ice Body, Legendary Proportions, Magical Beast Shape, Ooze Form 3, Particulate Form, Plant Shape 3, Greater Polymorph, Shadow Body, Greater Shapechanger's Gift, Statue, Bestow Grace of the Champion, False Resurrection, Regenerate, Repulsion, Evil Glare, Ironguard, Awaken Undead, Kiss of the Vampire, Bite of the Werebear, Body of War
(D&DWiki) Arcane Aura, Primeval Flame Breath, Ishara's Fiery Transfiguration, Lightning Tentacles, Blood Jorum, Spiritual Channeling, Asura, Blinking Mirror Image, Iron Body

Eighth Level:
Mind Blank, Protection From Spells, Greater Spell Absorption, Seamantle, Moment of Prescience, Clone, Greater Angelic Aspect, Form of the Alien Dragon 3, Form of the Exotic Dragon 3, Form of the Dragon 3, Frightful Aspect, Giant Form 2, Iron Body, Undead Anatomy 4, Resurrection, Greater Restoration, Cloak of Chaos, Counterbalancing Aura, Divine Vessel, Holy Aura, Nine Lives, Shield of Law, Soulseeker, Speak With Soul, Greater Spell Immunity, True Prognostication, Unholy Aura, Stormrage, Veil of Undeath, Lightning Ring, Ghostform
(D&DWiki) Recreation, Rising Giant Robot, Awaken Warrior Spirit, Imbue Will, Greater Consumptive Field, Art of the Gigantes, Art of the Lilliputian, Energy Subjugation, Spawn Eye Tyrants, Syl's Greater Fabricate

Ninth Level:
Impenetrable Veil, Spellbane, Bilocation, Foresight, Overwhelming Presence, Ride the Lightning, Winds of Vengeance, Astral Projection, Etherealness, Fey Form 4, Fiery Body, Shapechange, Greater False Resurrection, Judgment Undone, Vile Death, Replicate Casting
(D&DWiki) Mantle, Eye of the Gods, Comet Flight, Memento Mori, Preserved Clone, Project Apparition, Bestow Sentience, Data Form, Greater Fire Breath, Outlast the Ages
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