Templar [Tome of Who Fucking Knows]

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Templar [Tome of Who Fucking Knows]

Post by TarkisFlux »

I think the idea of a divinely ordained warrior has a lot of traction, but the narrow vision of the paladin has been a bit stale for a while now. Even the Kantian Paladin and various other den rewrites have been thoroughly trapped in LG. My problem with those approaches is that in DnD land there's lots of different faiths to go out and champion or fight for. And the various adaptions for those faiths and causes have never been particularly good ones. So there's lots of idea space left to use there, and the cleric doesn't fill it so well IMO.

I co-wrote a martial 2/3s divine caster over on the wiki to fill the void, work with a variety of alignments and faiths, and replace the paladin along the way. They don't have a particularly wide selection of spells (which should be mostly relegated to utility anyway), and they don't get a pile of bonus feats. What they do get is a bunch of selectable vows to convey the "divinely ordained" aspects of their character and allow them to cover lots of different faiths. And a choice of fighting styles as well to allow them to cover the "warrior" part of things and fill a combat role or two reasonably well.

So it should be a rather broad class that's able to fill many roles within a variety of parties, while staying solidly within the divinely ordained warrior design space. They are also possibly on the low end of recent Tome classes, but whatever. If that sounds like an idea you want to discuss, I invite you to check it out on the wiki. Feel free to leave comments here though, because I'm here anyway.

Here be the link: The Templar

Note that there are some spell things going on there that might look weird if you're not expecting them. Like the full list caster thing, and that a number of spells have been lowered in level, possibly in ways that you will dislike. It was done to further differentiate divine casters from arcane ones and to fit against MS's redone cleric. No spell gained by the templar will arrive earlier than the cleric will get it, and most spells will be 2+ levels delayed. Spells are not their primary shtick after all.
The wiki you should be linking to when you need a wiki link - http://www.dnd-wiki.org

Fectin: "Ant, what is best in life?"
Ant: "Ethically, a task well-completed for the good of the colony. Experientially, endorphins."
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