Kaelik wrote:Clearly you cannot read. Frank explicitly stated that there was no NAP in the first place, and that Endovior agreed to not take provinces, then took them anyway. You can say that Frank is a liar if you want, but saying that he didn't deny breaking a pact just demonstrates that you are a liar.
The terms of our NAP were that neither of us would take territory already held by the other.
I was very specific and clear in stating, multiple times, that this treaty did not apply in any sense whatsoever to neutral or foreign territory.
At no point did I agree not to take any provinces held by Arcosephale or by any Indies.
There was negotiations over a certain few provinces held by Arcosephale.
Those negotiations fell through.
When I conquered the provinces in question, they were held by Arcosephale, and I did have to fight for them.
There were also a trio of neutral provinces in the area as well, which Frank didn't attack over a period of something like five turns after the fall of Arcosephale.
These were >3k pop provinces, including a crappy useless province full of undead.
If Frank had had any interest in those approximately worthless lands, he could've easily had them before I touched them.
He did not.
Having an expansion party present composed of priest-mages supported by my prophet, I went ahead and I took them.
This went unchallenged and unremarked for something like five more turns.
THEN Frank broke pact by conquering the former Arcosephale provinces without even so much as notifying me of his attack.
When challenged, he insisted that he was allowed to take those provinces because of the deal we were making that fell through, that he actually offered me nothing for.
I demurred, and requested that he make good on the deal by actually offering me the province I'd originally wanted from the start of the doomed negotiations by virtue of it being near-ish to my capital and adjacent to my chokepoint-defense fort.
He refused, declared war, and posted here that, by taking the provinces held by Arcos that I'd taken ages ago, I'd somehow broken pact or something; and added my conquest of the worthless neutral lands as further provocation.
Perhaps he was expecting that I'd keep all my troops back in fear and leave the whole of the world to him forever, to await that moment when he'd finally get around to conquering it?
Yeah, that wasn't going to happen ever.
I applaud Frank's strategic acumen.
That was actually a GREAT time to attack me, since I'd just finished repositioning the bulk of my forces to K's border.
I do however, resent the slight against my reputation.
Anyone who still perceives that I am the dishonorable one in this belligerency is welcome to their beliefs.
Kaelik, in particular, can suck a barrel of cocks.
That is all.
(As a footnote, I might add that this is the first actual multiplayer game I've been in. Having outlasted much of the opposition, I'm reasonably pleased with how things went. I never expected to win this going in, and doubly so given that both of my immediate neighbors were veteran players. But I feel as though I've given a good accounting of myself.)