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Post by Mask_De_H »

Three games without dying yeah~

A chatlog for Kaelik's sake:
(9:15:37 PM) The topic for #valhalla is: Welcome to #Valhalla. It's a bit like playing Kick the

Can -- it requires stealth, guile, patience, and a small amount of cheating.
(9:15:55 PM) Sulu_Payapa: I WIN
(9:16:37 PM) Juumanistra: Ah, right. It's that night, isn't it?
(9:16:40 PM) Juumanistra: Lemme dig up the dicebot.
(9:18:26 PM) Belldandy [] entered the room.
(9:18:30 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 3d100 beeeeees
(9:18:30 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 3d100 beeeeees --> [ 3d100=118 ]{118}
(9:18:54 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Hmm. Not too many bees
(9:20:47 PM) Mask_de_GM: bees
(9:20:49 PM) Mask_de_GM: my god
(9:22:31 PM) Sulu_Payapa: {:3c
(9:25:40 PM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah, that was wonderful
(9:25:58 PM) Mask_de_GM: Slutty Velma, trap loving Fred, Cockblocking Scooby
(9:34:44 PM) Zine: .... Is everyone dead?
(9:35:59 PM) Sulu_Payapa: We're waiting for one or two players
(9:36:04 PM) Zine: Ah
(9:36:50 PM) Mask_de_GM: Well, uber said Kae probably won't be able to make it
(9:37:06 PM) Mask_de_GM: and uber'll be another ten to fifteen minutes.
(9:55:34 PM) Mask_de_GM: *crickets*
(9:57:30 PM) ***Zine dons Power Armor and Heavy Bolters the crickets to death
(9:59:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: damn
(9:59:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: harsh
(10:00:08 PM) Mask_de_GM: yo Zine, you wanna meat-puppet either Kaelik or Uber's character?
(10:02:08 PM) Zine: Always find an excuse to deploy more Dakka.
(10:03:12 PM) Zine: I'm at work, so can't sadly
(10:07:48 PM) Mask_de_GM: Ah
(10:08:10 PM) Mask_de_GM: It's been an hour since gotime, you wanna keep waiting Sulu?
(10:09:36 PM) NSJavaGuest-0795 [] entered the room.
(10:09:46 PM) NSJavaGuest-0795 is now known as Andrew_Jackson
(10:09:55 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Movie ran a *little* long
(10:12:57 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Man, I was the least-late at only 15 minutes
(10:13:38 PM) Andrew_Jackson: well, kaelik is on the road right now, so he's not going to make it
(10:14:06 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Also, this is probably the last session I can make it for a bit. On

Saturday, I'll be moving. I'll then be crashing with friends until I can find a house. Which may

or may not have Internet up and running when I do.
(10:14:44 PM) Mask_de_GM: Oh, sup
(10:15:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: You guys still want to run tonight?
(10:15:07 PM) Andrew_Jackson: yeah
(10:15:16 PM) Andrew_Jackson: just give me two minutes to grab some snackage since i just got

(10:15:25 PM) Mask_de_GM: Alright cool
(10:16:42 PM) Sulu_Payapa: I'm cool to play
(10:17:29 PM) Mask_de_GM: Well then, let's do it
(10:17:46 PM) Andrew_Jackson: snacks aquired
(10:17:59 PM) Andrew_Jackson: anyways, we had just jumped to the save point?
(10:18:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: Last time on Rosario to Vampire: Sulu, Andrew Jackson, and Varnax went

to explore a dungeon inside of a tree, only to find out that the dungeon *was* the tree
(10:19:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: Now at the pulsating save point, our intrepid heroes? press on further

into the fleshy unknown
(10:20:11 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Bereft of their friendly bartender, who happened to be getting a

drink, the remaining heroes press onward!
(10:20:19 PM) Mask_de_GM: exactly
(10:20:39 PM) Mask_de_GM: Varnax is drinking heavily due to the fact that there are no more

stones present
(10:21:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: So, where do you want to go?
(10:21:46 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Didn't he tell us that the dungeon is a lie?
(10:22:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah
(10:22:04 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Well, we still want to go beat up the Big Boss(tm), right?
(10:22:07 PM) Mask_de_GM: but it's still a dungeon
(10:22:12 PM) Mask_de_GM: it's just fleshy and pink
(10:22:58 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Oh, well in that case it's all right, we can continue
(10:23:50 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "It's not so weird. I'm used to exploring fleshy pink places, just

normally I can only get a few fingers in at most and there isn't a boss at the end. Let's go

onward! For loot! I mean justice and glory. Yes."
(10:24:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: :awesome:
(10:25:01 PM) Mask_de_GM: So you push back down to the "staricase", now revealed to be tiered

vertebrae attached to a dark crimson mass of tightly knotted material
(10:25:28 PM) Mask_de_GM: There are notches in the vertebrae, that look to lead off into various

parts of the tree's body
(10:25:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: and the path seems to go down forever
(10:26:10 PM) Andrew_Jackson: It most definitely does not go on forever. There's always a boss

at the end and you can't have a boss if you can't have an end.
(10:26:36 PM) Mask_de_GM: {damn you and your game logic :D}
(10:26:54 PM) Mask_de_GM: {oh god the smiley has a rape face}
(10:27:36 PM) Mask_de_GM: you see a sign float above your heads, a square with two check boxes:

(10:27:49 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [GO DOWN]
(10:28:07 PM) Andrew_Jackson: I assume Sulu is fond of going down as well, correct?
(10:28:08 PM) Sulu_Payapa: So we descend, and I frequently comment on how boring it is while

punching the mass of tightly knotted material.
(10:28:11 PM) Sulu_Payapa: [GO DOWN]
(10:28:23 PM) Mask_de_GM: You go down deeper and deeper, and the pink floor shifts darker and

(10:28:32 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [GO DEEPER]
(10:28:36 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [HARDER]
(10:28:38 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [FASTER]
(10:28:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: every time Sulu punches the material screams ring out from nowhere
(10:29:31 PM) Mask_de_GM: You go as hard as you can and the floor starts to shiver and twitch,

undulating in an odd manner
(10:29:40 PM) Mask_de_GM: You hear panting and...moaning?
(10:30:07 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [REACH CLIMACTIC BATTLE]
(10:30:07 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Woah, that's really weird."
(10:30:16 PM) Sulu_Payapa: icwutudidthar
(10:30:16 PM) Mask_de_GM: the walls start to perspire a sizzling substance and there's a rushing

sound from underneath you
(10:30:24 PM) Mask_de_GM: what do
(10:30:50 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Hop up onto a vertebrae so as to not get dissolved or boiled.
(10:30:52 PM) Mask_de_GM: {you've got to work a little harder before you get to the climax

(10:31:28 PM) Mask_de_GM: Sulu pops up, only getting a little bit of her frilly Japanese girl

socks eaten through
(10:31:29 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Yeah, that would be... premature.
(10:31:43 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Andrew Jackson follows the trollop's lead since she would know her

way around dark damp places
(10:32:13 PM) Mask_de_GM: Andrew Jackson follows her up and hears a creaking noise. AJ, gimme a

Balance check
(10:32:25 PM) Zine: (BRB)
(10:32:30 PM) Mask_de_GM: {soup?}
(10:32:32 PM) Andrew_Jackson: This is gunna be baaaad
(10:32:35 PM) Zine left the room (quit: [NS] Quit: Leaving).
(10:32:41 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20-12 balance
(10:32:41 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20-12 balance --> [ 1d20=4 ]{-8}
(10:32:49 PM) Andrew_Jackson: On the plus side, I'm riding a flying mount
(10:32:53 PM) Mask_de_GM: excaliburface.jpg
(10:33:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: you also have Resist Elements
(10:33:06 PM) Andrew_Jackson: yes, yes I do
(10:33:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: buuuut...the weight of former presidents and demonic sluts is too much

for the tree's vertebrae and it cracks like a cheap piece of plywood
(10:34:15 PM) Mask_de_GM: Fluffy saves him before he hits the ground, but the piece of bone isn't

so lucky.
(10:34:32 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Oh wow. We broke its neck. I guess these really DO weigh a hundred

pounds each."
(10:34:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: with a great, earthshattering moan, the tree shakes and convulses
(10:35:13 PM) Mask_de_GM: The rushing grows closer and you two are staring a wall of

milky...something coming right for you
(10:35:17 PM) Mask_de_GM: what do
(10:35:26 PM) Mask_de_GM: *staring down
(10:35:43 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Fly up
(10:36:10 PM) Sulu_Payapa: That sounds like a good idea. Upwards, away from the wall of milky

(10:36:23 PM) Mask_de_GM: Alright cool, Fluffy takes you higher and higher, racing the rapidly

gaining fluids
(10:37:28 PM) Mask_de_GM: Give me a Wisdom-based Evasive Maneuvers check AJ
(10:37:50 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+6 wisdom check
(10:37:51 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+6 wisdom check --> [ 1d20=19 ]{25}
(10:37:54 PM) Mask_de_GM: nice
(10:38:23 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Careful, watch the C5 verte- oh, cleared it. Well done. DO A BARREL

(10:38:36 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [APPLAUSE]
(10:39:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: You manage to keep good pace against the fluids, and duck Fluffy into a

spasming orifice that closes shut right before said fluids submerge the "staircase" level
(10:39:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: This level happens to have a group of non-threatening worm-looking

things staring at you in bewilderment
(10:40:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Did you do that?"
(10:40:07 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Oh, hai gaiz"
(10:40:42 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Hello, that's not answering our question"
(10:41:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Did you just bring the World Tree to a towering orgasm?"
(10:41:14 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Maybe?"
(10:41:14 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Um... I think we might have?"
(10:41:59 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Wonderful, we had a pesky adventurer infestation down in the lower

levels, and that stuff you just loosed should take care of that."
(10:42:36 PM) Mask_de_GM: "It'll take a minute, but you should be able to scrounge for their gear

like the filthy vultures you are when the World Tree drains"
(10:43:06 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "That sounds like a brilliant idea!"
(10:43:27 PM) Mask_de_GM: "You can take this path down to the bottom level and avoid the thick of

it, but watch out for antibodies"
(10:44:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: The head wormthing points behind him, to a slick black tube
(10:44:48 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Thank you, good worms!"
(10:44:54 PM) Andrew_Jackson: *Charges forward without fear*
(10:45:04 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Um, wow. That was strange. Let's... go then?"
(10:46:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: {:V}
(10:46:38 PM) Mask_de_GM: You go down the tube, akin to a high-intensity flume ride without an

(10:46:47 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Weeeeeee!"
(10:46:53 PM) Mask_de_GM: and get spat out in a solid white room
(10:47:06 PM) Mask_de_GM: with which there are three monitors
(10:47:11 PM) Mask_de_GM: flickering images
(10:47:17 PM) Mask_de_GM: and an office chair
(10:47:31 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [USE COMPUTER]
(10:47:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: One, two, or three?
(10:47:52 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d3
(10:47:52 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d3 --> [ 1d3=3 ]{3}
(10:48:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: You go to the third monitor and attempt to use it. There's no

keyboard, or tower, since it isn't a computer. It is however, a television which is running a

Programmed Image
(10:49:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: on it, you see three figures: all looking around teenage years, with

crazy colored hair and an odd fashion sense
(10:49:41 PM) Mask_de_GM: they all have pointy ears
(10:49:48 PM) Mask_de_GM: two females, one male
(10:49:59 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Sulu, come check this out. It's either elves, furries, or

something else"
(10:50:28 PM) Mask_de_GM: the male is directing the two females towards an ominous door, much to

the other two's consternation
(10:50:52 PM) Mask_de_GM: one female, with red hair, gets into an argument with the male
(10:51:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: the second opens the door with some sort of spell as they do so
(10:51:41 PM) Mask_de_GM: As the two are about to come to blows, the second girl coughs and

points at the now open door
(10:52:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: they walk through into a room glowing with strange energies
(10:52:11 PM) Mask_de_GM: and the door closes behind them
(10:53:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: above the monitor, you see the phrase "Pre-Boss Save Room"
(10:53:13 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Huh, that's weird."
(10:53:26 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "I bet we should save."
(10:53:46 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "I think those might be adventurers. Look at all the beltandzippers

they're wearing. Yeah, we should save too."
(10:54:24 PM) Mask_de_GM: Quicksave? YES [X] NO []
(10:54:31 PM) Mask_de_GM: Saving...don't turn off the power...
(10:54:36 PM) Mask_de_GM: Save Complete!
(10:54:42 PM) Mask_de_GM: There's a door to your left
(10:54:53 PM) Mask_de_GM: you hear buzzing outside of ti
(10:54:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: *it
(10:55:09 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [OPEN DOOR]
(10:55:31 PM) Sulu_Payapa: All right, let's get this party started!
(10:55:55 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [BUFF BEFORE KICK DOWN DOOR]
(10:56:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: You open the door, and run smack dab into another door
(10:56:03 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [DIVINE FAVOR, BULLS STRENGTH]
(10:56:09 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [KICK DOWN SECOND DOOR]
(10:56:17 PM) Mask_de_GM: [DOOR KICKS BACK]
(10:56:35 PM) Andrew_Jackson: [ROLL INIT VS ANIMATED OBJECT]
(10:56:35 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "You should try turning the handle. Somehow I feel like I've been in

this situation before."
(10:56:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: There's a button next to the door that says "Open Door"
(10:56:54 PM) Sulu_Payapa: PUSH BUTAN
(10:59:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: [RECEIVE OPEN DOOR]
(10:59:51 PM) Mask_de_GM: The door opens to reveal crackling lightning and the wicked smell of

ozone, as the three characters you saw before are fighting some very large, stormy fellow
(10:59:58 PM) Mask_de_GM: and making pretty short work of him actually
(11:00:20 PM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah, the male, a blue-haired kid with a scarf and some goofy pants on

just cut off his head
(11:00:26 PM) Mask_de_GM: well, fuck
(11:00:34 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Wait, I forget, who are we meant to be killing?"
(11:00:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: Nominally, the boss
(11:00:54 PM) Mask_de_GM: but it looks like you got beat to the punch
(11:00:54 PM) Sulu_Payapa: (No, she's asking that out loud)
(11:01:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Who the hell are you two?"
(11:01:20 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "I'm Andrew Jackson. I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum."
(11:01:29 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Hey Prince, they look like adventurers. We should kick their asses

and take their stuff"
(11:01:29 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Would you like some bubble gum?"
(11:01:58 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "The proper recital for my name takes three days. If you don't have

time for that, you can just call me Queen."
(11:01:59 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Is it spearmint?"
(11:02:11 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Do you have a title, 'Queen'"
(11:02:19 PM) Mask_de_GM: says the twintailed redhead
(11:02:20 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "It's cinnamon, sorry mate"
(11:02:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: you notice she's got a tail and wings much like Sulu
(11:02:57 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Wrong answer" mumbles the second girl, as a chill wind whips through

the room
(11:03:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: [INITIATIVE ROLLAN?]
(11:03:16 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20-2 init
(11:03:16 PM) Mask_de_GM: [BAWS FIGHTAN]
(11:03:16 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20-2 init --> [ 1d20=3 ]{1}
(11:03:41 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 1d20+2 Init
(11:03:41 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 1d20+2 Init --> [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
(11:04:57 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+4
(11:04:57 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{11}
(11:05:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+6
(11:05:03 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{18}
(11:05:09 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20
(11:05:09 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
(11:06:18 PM) Mask_de_GM: The redheaded one smirks, "Alright, it's asskicking time. I'll show

you how a real Beauty Queen fights!"
(11:07:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: She glows a malevolent blue-black and dashes forward, a nasty lance

appearing in her hands
(11:08:06 PM) Mask_de_GM: thrusting at Andrew Jackson
(11:08:33 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Oh no!
(11:08:58 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+8
(11:08:59 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{22}
(11:09:31 PM) Mask_de_GM: What's your AC again AJ?
(11:09:36 PM) Andrew_Jackson: 31 flat footed
(11:09:39 PM) Andrew_Jackson: 18 touch
(11:09:41 PM) Mask_de_GM: yeah no
(11:10:04 PM) Mask_de_GM: And swings wide, buffeted by the sheer goodness that Jackson exudes
(11:10:14 PM) Mask_de_GM: Sulu, you're up
(11:11:33 PM) Sulu_Payapa: "Hahaha, that's a hopeless effort! And red hair is ridiculous anyway!

No, try THIS on!"
(11:12:08 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Sulu points at the other two, and a cloud of pink smoke and mist

billows forth, enveloping them, overwhelming their senses with the scent of musk.
(11:12:23 PM) Sulu_Payapa: (Stinking Cloud, DC 20)
(11:13:15 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+8
(11:13:15 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{28}
(11:13:21 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+8
(11:13:21 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{24}
(11:13:50 PM) Mask_de_GM: The guy and the other girl seem to be unfazed, in fact the guy takes a

biig whiff
(11:14:05 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Mmm, smells like what mama used to make."
(11:14:35 PM) Mask_de_GM: "It would be prudent to gank the caster, wouldn't it Catharl?"
(11:14:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Yes it would Rei, yes it would"
(11:15:16 PM) Mask_de_GM: The guy smirks, taps his foot, and leaps tens of feet in a single bound
(11:15:58 PM) Sulu_Payapa: (Once adjacent, they'll need to make DC 17 Will saves against

(11:16:14 PM) Mask_de_GM: landing behind Sulu, before turning back aaaand
(11:16:26 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+6
(11:16:26 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{25}
(11:17:33 PM) Mask_de_GM: swinging straight for Sulu's tail. Everything starts moving very

slowly to her senses
(11:18:01 PM) Mask_de_GM: as the tailstrike is merely a diversion to catch her eyes
(11:18:20 PM) Mask_de_GM: (Delaying Strike, Sulu is *slowed* for 3 rounds)
(11:18:51 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+8
(11:18:51 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{27}
(11:19:01 PM) Mask_de_GM: AC, Sulu?
(11:19:07 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Less than that
(11:19:13 PM) Mask_de_GM: a'ight
(11:19:24 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 2d6+4
(11:19:24 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=3 ]{7}
(11:20:09 PM) Mask_de_GM: the blue haired guy swings back upwards, drawing a glancing blow

against Sulu's buttocks; tearing off a chunk of skirt
(11:20:19 PM) Mask_de_GM: "What, is that thing made out of tissue paper?"
(11:22:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: The girl in the back, apparently named Rei, slides out of the edge of

the cloud towards Andrew's six, on a quickly melting rail of ice
(11:22:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: and speaking of which, you're up AJ
(11:23:03 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Are they all humanoid as far as I can tell?
(11:23:19 PM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah, but they're pretty Evil feeling
(11:23:32 PM) Andrew_Jackson: ok, then I'm going to try and poison one
(11:23:38 PM) Mask_de_GM: go for it
(11:23:43 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Casting poison on the one that's all up in Sulu's business
(11:24:09 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+11 touch attack
(11:24:09 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+11 touch attack --> [ 1d20=2 ]{13}
(11:24:24 PM) Andrew_Jackson: and it's a DC 20 fort save
(11:24:31 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d10 con damage
(11:24:32 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d10 con damage --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}
(11:25:35 PM) Mask_de_GM: Alright, the guy flinches and turns greenish, as the poison courses

through his veins.
(11:25:47 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Urgh, dirty trick for a Paladin"
(11:26:02 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "I'll show you dirty if you strike my girl again!"
(11:26:55 PM) Mask_de_GM: The redhead turns towards Andrew again, an annoyed smirk on her face
(11:27:07 PM) Andrew_Jackson: oh, and snap judgement to see if that guy is actually evil
(11:27:09 PM) Mask_de_GM: "The only one who can abuse the Prince is ME!"
(11:27:12 PM) Mask_de_GM: and yeah
(11:27:18 PM) Mask_de_GM: babyeatingly evil
(11:27:21 PM) Andrew_Jackson: smitan time
(11:27:47 PM) Mask_de_GM: not yet
(11:27:53 PM) Andrew_Jackson: well, next round obviously
(11:27:58 PM) Mask_de_GM: Of course
(11:28:57 PM) Mask_de_GM: The girl glowers at you, and the blue-black aura starts to creep over

Andrew and Sulu, leaving them IN DESPAIR~
(11:29:38 PM) Mask_de_GM: {-2 Morale penalty to Attack, Damage, Save rolls}
(11:29:52 PM) Mask_de_GM: speaking of which, Sulu, go
(11:30:06 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Immune to fear
(11:30:35 PM) Mask_de_GM: {Soulborn's untyped Crushing Despair meld?}
(11:30:44 PM) Andrew_Jackson: is it a fear effect?
(11:31:22 PM) Mask_de_GM: {It's untyped, as far as I can tell.}
(11:31:49 PM) Mask_de_GM: {Yeah, not a [Fear] effect}
(11:31:52 PM) Andrew_Jackson: yep, untyped
(11:31:54 PM) Andrew_Jackson: -2 it is
(11:32:08 PM) Mask_de_GM: Sulu, save us~
(11:33:31 PM) Sulu_Payapa: asawhahuh? Oh right
(11:34:31 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Okay, I make a five foot swindle away from asshat, and then smirk as I

point at him. "You're just burnable trash."
(11:34:39 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Wait, what does [Slow] do again?
(11:34:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: you get a move or a standard
(11:35:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: so that works
(11:35:34 PM) Mask_de_GM: 5ft step is a supplemental action
(11:35:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: sooooo, 5ft step and Fireball?
(11:36:10 PM) Andrew_Jackson: or use a scorching ray at one
(11:36:16 PM) Andrew_Jackson: you have strong magic
(11:36:18 PM) Andrew_Jackson: and CL 8
(11:36:24 PM) Andrew_Jackson: that means 2 6d6 rays
(11:37:00 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Exactly
(11:37:06 PM) Mask_de_GM: light 'em up Sulu
(11:37:24 PM) Sulu_Payapa: So I make a couple of scorching ray attacks at him...
(11:37:31 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 1d20+5 ranged touch
(11:37:31 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 1d20+5 ranged touch --> [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
(11:37:39 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 1d20+5 ranged touch
(11:37:39 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 1d20+5 ranged touch --> [ 1d20=1 ]{6}
(11:37:45 PM) Mask_de_GM: Roll damage for the first
(11:37:45 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled damage for the first --> error: malformed expression
(11:37:47 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 6d6 Fire
(11:37:48 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 6d6 Fire --> [ 6d6=15 ]{15}
(11:38:02 PM) Sulu_Payapa: That was shit. I'm using real dice from now on
(11:38:15 PM) Mask_de_GM: {I'm in ur gamez, stealing ur good rolls}
(11:38:32 PM) Sulu_Payapa: If I had ops, I'd kick that goddess whore.
(11:38:40 PM) Sulu_Payapa: And you for stealing the good rolls
(11:38:54 PM) Mask_de_GM: Sulu breaks free from the slowing effects of Catharl, and lights him up

with some scorchers that set his hair on fire
(11:39:08 PM) Mask_de_GM: "You *bitch*!"
(11:40:48 PM) Mask_de_GM: He growls at Sulu, steps towards her, and swings with all his might at

her gut
(11:41:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+6
(11:41:02 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{13}
(11:41:11 PM) Andrew_Jackson: are all of these guys just using mad tumbling skills?
(11:41:21 PM) Mask_de_GM: no, get your AoO
(11:41:24 PM) Mask_de_GM: for this one
(11:41:29 PM) Mask_de_GM: The first was a leap
(11:41:41 PM) Mask_de_GM: (Thri-Kreen stance)
(11:41:51 PM) Mask_de_GM: The Redhead is flying
(11:42:00 PM) Mask_de_GM: and Rei is just outside of your range
(11:42:18 PM) Mask_de_GM: but he just stepped towards Sulu, so fuck him up
(11:42:20 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+10 blitzing, PA for 3
(11:42:20 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+10 blitzing, PA for 3 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{24}
(11:42:37 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d8+18 damage
(11:42:37 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d8+18 damage --> [ 1d8=1 ]{19}
(11:42:51 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Also a 13 doesn't hit me, if that's his attack roll.
(11:43:35 PM) Mask_de_GM: He goes to swing, but Sulu bounces out of the way, leading him right

into the eager scythe of Andrew's kusari-gama
(11:43:55 PM) Andrew_Jackson: oh, DC 18 will save vs slow if I hit and DC 18 vs not get a chance

to move further
(11:44:07 PM) Mask_de_GM: It tears a great gash from his chest to his shoulder, and he whirls

(11:44:15 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+6
(11:44:15 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
(11:44:25 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d20+6
(11:44:25 PM) Andrew_Jackson: awesome, slow ftw
(11:44:25 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
(11:44:32 PM) Mask_de_GM: and there go my good rolls :V
(11:44:35 PM) Andrew_Jackson: and he stops without moving
(11:44:38 PM) Andrew_Jackson: fuck yeah
(11:45:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: the chain wraps against his leg and pulls him back to his original

(11:45:20 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Get over here!"
(11:45:28 PM) Andrew_Jackson: {Scorpion reference}
(11:45:33 PM) Sulu_Payapa: :3
(11:46:44 PM) Mask_de_GM: Rei blinks at the turn of events, then begins working her mouth in an

incantation, emitting sounds that are akin to a tape rewinding
(11:47:09 PM) Mask_de_GM: A large, hollow snowman appears above Andrew Jackson's head, before

falling to the ground with a crash
(11:47:30 PM) Mask_de_GM: gimme a DC 19 reflex save
(11:47:57 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+8 reflex
(11:47:57 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+8 reflex --> [ 1d20=14 ]{22}
(11:48:33 PM) Mask_de_GM: Andrew Jackson dices up the snowman with deft maneuvering of his

kusari-gama; it sensing the danger before he does
(11:48:39 PM) Mask_de_GM: aaand he's up next
(11:48:53 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Smite on the dude all up in Sulu's business
(11:48:58 PM) Andrew_Jackson: blitzing, power attacking for full
(11:49:02 PM) Mask_de_GM: roll to hit
(11:49:03 PM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled to hit --> error: malformed expression
(11:49:06 PM) Andrew_Jackson: assuming flanking works
(11:49:11 PM) Mask_de_GM: throw the bones to hit
(11:49:14 PM) Mask_de_GM: just do it
(11:49:18 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+14
(11:49:18 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{25}
(11:49:41 PM) Mask_de_GM: You split him from stem to stern, blade drinking deeply of sinner's

(11:49:41 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d8+30 damage
(11:49:41 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d8+30 damage --> [ 1d8=2 ]{32}
(11:49:46 PM) Mask_de_GM: you didn't even need to roll
(11:49:48 PM) Mask_de_GM: he's dead
(11:49:51 PM) Andrew_Jackson: awwww
(11:49:53 PM) Andrew_Jackson: what an overkill
(11:49:55 PM) Sulu_Payapa: haha
(11:49:56 PM) Mask_de_GM: this boss is no more
(11:50:23 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "That's why you don't mess with my woman!"
(11:50:37 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Alright, now I get to be Overlord in waiting! Hey, Paladin dude,

what's your name?" says the redheaded one
(11:51:10 PM) Sulu_Payapa: <%~DESTROYED~%>
(11:51:22 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "My name is Andrew Jackson, and I like bubble gum"
(11:51:25 PM) Sulu_Payapa: Whoops, supposed to be other way round. Red on black
(11:52:31 PM) Mask_de_GM: "That's nice. I'm Anita, Beauty Queen of the Underworld."
(11:52:43 PM) Mask_de_GM: "And now I don't have to work for that jackass anymore"
(11:52:51 PM) Mask_de_GM: "How could I ever repay you?"
(11:53:31 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "Well, a good blowjob or three would go a long way. If you don't

swing that way, then I bet my friend here would have some fun with you."
(11:53:48 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Okay, let's go cowboy."
(11:53:51 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Drop 'em"
(11:54:04 PM) Andrew_Jackson: *After five minutes of removing armor*
(11:54:08 PM) Andrew_Jackson: "There!"
(11:54:19 PM) Mask_de_GM: "Ooh, that's a sucker"
(11:55:03 PM) Mask_de_GM: Before we fade to black, AJ, Sulu, give me a Spot check
(11:55:24 PM) Sulu_Payapa: 1d20+7
(11:55:29 PM) Sulu_Payapa: roll 1d20+7
(11:55:29 PM) Belldandy: Sulu_Payapa rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{8}
(11:55:32 PM) Andrew_Jackson: me as well?
(11:55:35 PM) Mask_de_GM: yes you
(11:55:38 PM) Mask_de_GM: especially you
(11:55:40 PM) Sulu_Payapa: ...again, my boobs get in the way
(11:55:53 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+17 spot
(11:55:54 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+17 spot --> [ 1d20=7 ]{24}
(11:55:57 PM) Mask_de_GM: You have a little bit of Catharl's blood in your eyes, so you don't see

(11:56:12 PM) Mask_de_GM: but Andrew sees Rei tensed up, blushing heavily
(11:56:28 PM) Mask_de_GM: her mouth is moving
(11:56:40 PM) Mask_de_GM: what do
(11:56:59 PM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 1d20+6 sense motive
(11:56:59 PM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 1d20+6 sense motive --> [ 1d20=20 ]{26}
(11:59:08 PM) Mask_de_GM: Her motives are nothing even remotely pure, and you're pretty sure

she's going to tie you up in knots and make you her love slave
(11:59:22 PM) Mask_de_GM: probably literally
(11:59:28 PM) Andrew_Jackson: Does she seem like she is nice to her love slaves?
(11:59:39 PM) Mask_de_GM: Are you a masochist?
(7/20/2010 12:00:02 AM) Andrew_Jackson: I'm an adventurer, of course I have a high tolerance for

(12:00:09 AM) Mask_de_GM: Well then sure
(12:00:16 AM) Andrew_Jackson: well, no objections here then
(12:00:44 AM) Mask_de_GM: She kisses you on the stomach, and you immediately feel like you've run

a marathon
(12:01:06 AM) Mask_de_GM: roll 1d8+4
(12:01:06 AM) Belldandy: Mask_de_GM rolled 1d8+4 --> [ 1d8=5 ]{9}
(12:01:34 AM) Mask_de_GM: and take 9 points of nonlethal damage, with a Fatigued rider
(12:01:58 AM) Andrew_Jackson: swift action, heal it with healing touch
(12:01:59 AM) Mask_de_GM: The redhead grins, "Eeexceleent, I love making Paladins fall." as she

pulls ropes from god knows where
(12:02:05 AM) Sulu_Payapa: Did you by any chance mean Anita rather than Rei?
(12:02:12 AM) Mask_de_GM: nope
(12:02:48 AM) Mask_de_GM: there's a very good reason for paying attention to Rei, but it may

become much less of a good reason depending on what Andrew does now
(12:02:50 AM) Andrew_Jackson: I'm pretty sure that sex isn't evil. I'm a utilitarian paladin,

thus fun things (such as sex) increase happiness in the world.
(12:03:20 AM) Andrew_Jackson: So yeah, I totally wouldn't fall for having wild sex with a hot

(12:03:49 AM) Mask_de_GM: {She doesn't know that}
(12:04:19 AM) Andrew_Jackson: {Which only makes her work harder in the sack because she thinks

she has to try hard}
(12:04:34 AM) Mask_de_GM: So, Anita ties up Andrew Jackson, with no real resistance, then backs

up to admire her handiwork.
(12:05:01 AM) Mask_de_GM: Thanks for the ride, sucker
(12:05:46 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Anita says that?
(12:05:55 AM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah, forgot my quotes
(12:06:13 AM) Andrew_Jackson: I'm guessing she's betraying me?
(12:06:21 AM) Mask_de_GM: She jacks your LindenBucks and bounces back to Rei, who finishes her

(12:06:29 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Knight's move out of there
(12:06:34 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Smite
(12:06:43 AM) Mask_de_GM: Lemme finish
(12:06:45 AM) Andrew_Jackson: k
(12:07:05 AM) Mask_de_GM: She blows a kiss to AJ as the two bamf out of the boss chamber
(12:07:15 AM) Mask_de_GM: leaving behind a token of appreciation
(12:07:24 AM) Mask_de_GM: or mockery
(12:07:25 AM) Mask_de_GM: not sure
(12:07:48 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "Well now. That was surely interesting. Oh hey, there's an unlooted

(12:08:21 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Totes worth it. She'll be back for more."

(12:08:52 AM) Sulu_Payapa: ORT ORT ORT
(12:08:53 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Dibs on the scarf
(12:09:00 AM) Sulu_Payapa: I'll take the seal
(12:09:02 AM) Andrew_Jackson: maybe the shorts
(12:09:05 AM) Andrew_Jackson: yeah, def the shorts
(12:09:09 AM) Andrew_Jackson: *Identify*
(12:10:27 AM) Mask_de_GM: The OVERCOMPENSATING SWORD is a Baatorian Steel Greatsword, with a

malevolent presence inside of it
(12:10:31 AM) Mask_de_GM: {Cursed{
(12:10:46 AM) Mask_de_GM: The SHORTS look comfy and easy to wear
(12:10:52 AM) Mask_de_GM: incredibly comfy
(12:11:05 AM) Andrew_Jackson: That comfy?
(12:11:10 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Sulu, want to argue over the shorts?
(12:11:19 AM) Mask_de_GM: the KAMEN RIDER SCARF exudes badassitude and seems to billow in the

wind of its own accord
(12:11:25 AM) Mask_de_GM: even when there's no win
(12:11:27 AM) Mask_de_GM: *wind
(12:11:31 AM) Sulu_Payapa: Nah, you can have them. I need my pantsu to be visible for the

(12:11:38 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Oh right, of course
(12:11:53 AM) Mask_de_GM: and the IMPERIAL SEAL is cheap looking, like it came out of a cereal

(12:11:57 AM) Sulu_Payapa: WIN
(12:11:59 AM) Mask_de_GM: It still has some majesty to it though
(12:12:54 AM) Sulu_Payapa: SCORE, WE GOT AWESOME LOOT
(12:13:11 AM) Mask_de_GM: take it all? Y/N
(12:13:23 AM) Andrew_Jackson: I think we're leaving the sword
(12:13:37 AM) Andrew_Jackson: but I'm definitely wearing those shorts and scarf
(12:13:38 AM) Mask_de_GM: the sword whimpers, unloved
(12:13:48 AM) Mask_de_GM: it crawls up a wall and prepares a noose
(12:13:55 AM) Sulu_Payapa: I'll take the sword and keep it in my cleavage
(12:13:56 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Fine, I exorcism the sword to get rid of the curse
(12:14:04 AM) Mask_de_GM: "I'm in despair~!"
(12:14:09 AM) Mask_de_GM: oh, alright then
(12:14:13 AM) Andrew_Jackson: roll 6d6 exorcism damage to the spirit inside
(12:14:13 AM) Belldandy: Andrew_Jackson rolled 6d6 exorcism damage to the spirit inside --> [

6d6=19 ]{19}
(12:14:27 AM) Mask_de_GM: The sword twitches and bleeds a little
(12:14:29 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "You're not in despair, you're between my boobs."
(12:14:42 AM) Andrew_Jackson: exorcism doesn't harm what's being posessed, actually
(12:14:44 AM) Andrew_Jackson: just the spirit
(12:14:47 AM) Andrew_Jackson: it's cool like that
(12:14:52 AM) Mask_de_GM: but springs back up between Sulu's tits
(12:14:56 AM) Mask_de_GM: and lemme finish
(12:14:58 AM) Andrew_Jackson: k
(12:15:05 AM) Sulu_Payapa: (brazierre has the Handy Haversack feature)
(12:15:13 AM) Andrew_Jackson: (yummy)
(12:15:29 AM) Mask_de_GM: The sword, *now obviously spiritual in nature* turns to you and cries,

"What if I had died?"
(12:15:55 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "Swords don't die"
(12:15:57 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Just because that mean blue haired person held me you think I'm

(12:16:06 AM) Mask_de_GM: "This one does! And this one wishes to die!"
(12:16:07 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Well, yes"
(12:16:41 AM) Mask_de_GM: "This is endemic of a greater problem, one of assumed appearances."
(12:17:09 AM) Mask_de_GM: "You assumed that I was a hunk of metal with a demon inside of me, so

you just carelessly tossed me into this one's cleavage"
(12:17:12 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "I'm a paladin, I can't be that bright or else I would have picked

a better career"
(12:17:54 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Aaargh, you can't be so surface, then there's nothing else to you?"
(12:18:24 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "I'm not that bright. Would you like to speak to my mount Fluffy?

He makes all my financial decisions for me."
(12:18:26 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Hey, who the hell is this clown and why is he cramping my prime

paizuri real estate?" the heretofore forgotten blue ghost pipes up
(12:18:47 AM) Mask_de_GM: Fluffy chitters smugly at that one
(12:21:13 AM) Mask_de_GM: {Meanwhile, I remember that Devils have regeneration}
(12:21:16 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Sulu, what do you think? It's your boobs"
(12:22:08 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "Huh? Hey, I thought I told you to get out of there earlier. Make some

room for the sword, geez. Swords need comfort too, and nothing is as comfortable as my boobs"
(12:22:14 AM) Mask_de_GM: "I'm not going to share space with this mopey bastard" grunts the blue

(12:22:24 AM) Mask_de_GM: "And you can't make me leave"
(12:23:45 AM) Mask_de_GM: he's not budging Sulu, what do?
(12:24:06 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "Sword, do you like it there? Or do you really desire death?"
(12:24:31 AM) Mask_de_GM: "I could smother myself to death between these breasts, so this will

(12:25:29 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "...not sure I want dead things trapped there. But a weapon is more

useful than a perverted old ghost, so... blue guy, you can stay if you want, but so is the

(12:26:13 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Eh, fuck that noise, the DM will probably forget I even exist next

time we play."
(12:26:34 AM) Mask_de_GM: the ghost flies out of Sulu's knockers and off into the night
(12:27:00 AM) Mask_de_GM: BLUE GHOST has left your party
(12:27:09 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Awww man, he was supposed to be my drinking buddy! Sulu, you're a

(12:27:25 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "New rule: no ghosts who don't do anything useful!"
(12:27:57 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Ghosts are usually good for nothings anyway" muses the sadsack sword
(12:28:12 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Shut up, swordface"
(12:28:38 AM) Mask_de_GM: "By the way, would you care to die with me madam? You are rather

(12:29:24 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "I have no intention of being dead for some time. Say, why don't you

listen to this music thing the vampires had?"
(12:30:34 AM) Mask_de_GM: "Alright miss, but soon you will know the sweet embrace of despair."
(12:30:57 AM) Mask_de_GM: you use the MUSIC PLAYER on the DEPRESSED SWORD
(12:31:02 AM) Mask_de_GM: nothing happens
(12:31:52 AM) Mask_de_GM: the sword is too depressed for it to affect him really
(12:32:57 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "Wow. What a miserable weapon"
(12:33:07 AM) Andrew_Jackson: Can I smite it?
(12:33:15 AM) Mask_de_GM: Between her tits?
(12:33:26 AM) Mask_de_GM: and it's not evil
(12:33:28 AM) Andrew_Jackson: well, move it first
(12:33:30 AM) Andrew_Jackson: it's not?
(12:33:31 AM) Andrew_Jackson: damn
(12:33:32 AM) Mask_de_GM: just miserable
(12:33:32 AM) Andrew_Jackson: nevermind
(12:33:50 AM) Mask_de_GM: it's emanating Wangst like a motherfucker though
(12:34:10 AM) Mask_de_GM: maybe you can go off on an adventure to learn how to smite Wangst
(12:34:19 AM) Andrew_Jackson: NEW PLOT HOOK
(12:35:06 AM) Mask_de_GM: "W-wait, don't do it! I don't want to your hand."
(12:35:27 AM) Mask_de_GM: The sword shakes it's head (tip)? back and forth rapidly
(12:35:59 AM) Sulu_Payapa: "So is the new adventure the quest for the antidepressant scabbard?"
(12:36:13 AM) Mask_de_GM: Yeah sure whatever
(12:36:19 AM) Mask_de_GM: the DM drawls
(12:36:46 AM) Andrew_Jackson: "Off on the quest for the prozac scabbard!"
(12:37:40 AM) Mask_de_GM: You go into a conveniently placed warp point that goes back to the bar
(12:37:49 AM) Andrew_Jackson: scooooore
(12:38:09 AM) Mask_de_GM: You hook Fluffy back up to the bar, shake the sleeping/dead drunk

Varnax, and take off from the tree
(12:38:59 AM) Sulu_Payapa: wheeee
(12:39:16 AM) Mask_de_GM: who looks kinda like this now:

(12:39:18 AM) Andrew_Jackson: [SAVE POINT]
(12:39:28 AM) Mask_de_GM: Saving...don't turn off the power...
(12:39:32 AM) Mask_de_GM: Save Complete
(12:39:49 AM) Mask_de_GM: Are you sure you want to exit? YES/NO
(12:39:55 AM) Sulu_Payapa: haha
(12:40:45 AM) Andrew_Jackson: YES
(12:40:54 AM) Andrew_Jackson: (loving the video game jokes)
(12:41:00 AM) Mask_de_GM: cool
(12:41:35 AM) Mask_de_GM: and thus ends Tome W(i)LD Thing Act One: Journey to the Center of Teh

(12:41:47 AM) Mask_de_GM: g'night everybody.
(12:41:57 AM) Sulu_Payapa: night dood
(12:42:11 AM) Mask_de_GM: hey, we made it three games without it turning to shit
(12:42:16 AM) Mask_de_GM: yayz
(12:42:16 AM) Andrew_Jackson: yay us!
(12:42:24 AM) Sulu_Payapa: woo!
(12:42:26 AM) Andrew_Jackson: yay us
(12:42:50 AM) Mask_de_GM: see you next week, possibly maybe.
(12:43:00 AM) Andrew_Jackson: looking forward to it
(12:43:02 AM) Andrew_Jackson left the room (quit: [NS] Quit: Nightstar's Java Chat
(12:43:03 AM) Mask_de_GM: We should probably be taking chatlogs of this, but I don't know how to

do that
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
Posts: 1995
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:17 pm

Post by Mask_De_H »

Alright, Koumei's tentative. Uber, Kae, you guys still ready?

If so, 30 minutes to game time.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by ubernoob »

I should be there soon. At a friend's house at the moment.
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ArchDemon of Rage
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm

Post by Kaelik »

Computer exploded. Probably not going to install MRIC on this one just to get back into a two player game. Sorry Uber.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
Posts: 1995
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:17 pm

Post by Mask_De_H »

Aw man, that's horrible luck.

Nobody makes it past three games huh?
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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