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by Red_Rob
Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:33 pm
Forum: About the Gaming Den
Topic: So long, and thanks for all the fish
Replies: 100
Views: 41062

Again, this is for newbies and lurkers still holding out hope that the Den can be salvaged... ... Anyway, a bit of background: When I left the Den I discovered that my particular brand of posting was in fact fully capable of creating a following. In some respects it was larger and wider than Frank'...
by Red_Rob
Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:04 pm
Forum: About the Gaming Den
Topic: So long, and thanks for all the fish
Replies: 100
Views: 41062

The irony of Zinegata shouting that everyone else is the asshole, all the while continuing with his incredibly obnoxious crusade to shit on anyone and everyone is quite amazing to behold. I mean, Zine was always like this so it isn't a surprise that he appears and immediately starts with his listen-...
by Red_Rob
Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:51 am
Topic: It's Personal...
Replies: 4839
Views: 671312

Congrats Aharon! Nice to get some good vibes in 2020 for a change.
by Red_Rob
Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:33 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: 40k Kill Team review & thoughts
Replies: 9
Views: 2713

Kill team was always a bit of a curiosity for me. 40k has always had a big problem in that actually getting an army big enough to play a game costs in the hundreds of pounds. As an entry cost that is huge, and will likely put off a lot of younger people who don't have that kind of cash or don't want...
by Red_Rob
Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:50 pm
Topic: Moments when a piece of entertainment completely lost you.
Replies: 3789
Views: 526266

Remember Sturgeon's Law. 90% of everything is shit, we just remember the good bits. When compared to only the highlights of decades past what's around now seems worse by comparison, but remember there was plenty of crap back then too. I never get that excited by sequels nowadays, because the odds ar...
by Red_Rob
Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:14 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: Dominions V
Replies: 126
Views: 67942

Yeah, that event seems odd to me thematically. I get the flavour, but the Bishop General you get is a H2 which means he worships your God and can even grant your Gods blessings. I'd expect him to be a good General, so you want to use him, but a Heretic as he preaches the supremacy of Ind's Pretender...
by Red_Rob
Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:47 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Gumshoe seems like it blows
Replies: 75
Views: 15088

Any RPG setting based on a real time/place is going to be filtered through the GM, their knowledge base and whatever sources they are working from anyway, so strict adherence to historical detail is going to fall down at some point. All that matters is the setting providing a sense of verisimilitude...
by Red_Rob
Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:55 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: Dominions V
Replies: 126
Views: 67942

Dominions 5 is now 55% off at Gamersgate: ... -the-faith
by Red_Rob
Fri Aug 23, 2019 5:35 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: How was Tomb of horrors run in 1975? Intended to be beaten?
Replies: 15
Views: 5346

Were there any standards to how judgement was passed, or how players interacted with the rules? There transcripts of how different teams got further than others? I've heard some story of flooding the tomb, or enslaving orcs to set off traps This was the wild and woolly early days of RPG's. Things l...
by Red_Rob
Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:53 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: [OSSR]CyberCthulhu
Replies: 32
Views: 8648

neither wants to lose the flavor of their individual setting, even as they try to bring in aspects from their brother-from-another-dark-mother-with-a-thousand-young. I appreciated this far more than I should. The fact Convergence is basically an excuse to let the players durdle around and then spri...
by Red_Rob
Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:56 pm
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom5] EA Uetés version 0.95
Replies: 23
Views: 11803

Yeah, I have no idea what Hicks is smoking. This is Dominions, a game where Hinnom uses actual Jewish religious titles and imagery applied to baby eating horned monsters . You have to accept that presenting demonic/monstrous creatures dressed in the trappings of the culture that imagined them is not...
by Red_Rob
Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:06 am
Topic: It's Personal...
Replies: 4839
Views: 671312

Oh Maj, that's awful. My heart goes out to you and your son.
by Red_Rob
Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:19 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: Dominions V
Replies: 126
Views: 67942

A lot of Pretender costs got tweaked, particularly to push Monsters up into the same cost bracket as Titans. With a Thrice Horned Boar or Drakon now at 200-250 points and a Titan of Growth at 180 with the Titan having more starting paths and Dom we might see Titan builds starting to show up more. Th...
by Red_Rob
Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:33 pm
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: Dominions V
Replies: 126
Views: 67942

On the flip side Foul vapours got a lot better from Dom4 > 5 due to changes in how aoe effects are processed in the real time engine. It seems that the effects trigger more often, which due to DRN means you can see quite large poison doses relatively quickly. In terms of a beginner nation I think th...
by Red_Rob
Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:52 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: How do YOU run Tome?
Replies: 25
Views: 6518

I can see scaling feats being left as is if you make what level/BAB a feat is gained determine what abilities said feat slot unlocks. So using your lvl1 slot for Combat Style gives you +2 to hit, but you'll have to move Combat Style from your lvl1 slot to your lvl6 feat slot to gain the dazing atta...
by Red_Rob
Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:56 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Alt-white wolf?
Replies: 233
Views: 53679

Looks like it got taken down due to "attempts to silence voices of criticism and enquirey".

Sounds like they got a lot of flack from quarters they maybe weren't expecting.
by Red_Rob
Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:15 pm
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: Dominions V
Replies: 126
Views: 67942

Dominions V is on 25% discount for the Steam Summer Sales until 5th July
by Red_Rob
Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:20 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

For my part I had a fairly lacklustre expansion, probably the result of not having done enough testing with Dom5 and Man specifically. After taking a well defended province that ended up being worth ~60 gold/month I found it was in Marignons cap circle, not only meaning I would need to give it up bu...
by Red_Rob
Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:46 am
Topic: Kickstarter Shilling Thread (non video game projects)
Replies: 106
Views: 67330

My brother and a few of our friends have put together a board/card game we've been working on for the past few years. It's based on competing for challenges using a mechanic somewhat like the Game of Thrones CCG, but also has elements of deckbuilding and direct combat. The game is a fixed set game w...
by Red_Rob
Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:54 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

Third Front! The divine sisterhood are still bravely resisting the foul smelling invaders.
by Red_Rob
Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:47 pm
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

I see, so having beaten back the pike wielders the peaceful sisters of Man turn around to see an infestation of lizards. I guess the Marignonese have won a reprieve whilst we deal with this fresh annoyance. Edit - Oh, and as Marignon just lost over 200 soldiers, anyone wanting a piece of their cap c...
by Red_Rob
Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:30 pm
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

DrPraetor wrote:-- a2w2s3, First of the Communion, Voice of Knife Bright Insight
Just as a note, is there still any need to rename commanders to their paths now the commander token shows them on pretty much every screen? Or is that just a legacy deal?
by Red_Rob
Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:18 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

Actually we prefer the term "Neo pagans" if you would be so kind.

Also, we would prefer you didn't come barging around here waving those pikes around. Makes the place look awfully untidy.
by Red_Rob
Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:15 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Annoying Game Questions You Want Answered
Replies: 5996
Views: 1027414

The biggest problem with having the Gods be defeatable enemies is that typically Gods and their associated religions are big parts of the setting background. If you let the players get to high level and stab Illuvatar in the face you then have to throw out a lot of the material in those books you bo...
by Red_Rob
Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:42 am
Forum: I Gave the Mouse a Cookie...
Topic: [Dom 5] Denizens - 6/6 players, STARTED
Replies: 70
Views: 25989

I'll take MA Man.

I'd be fine with Worthy Heroes.