[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

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Which of the below are you most interested in playing?

Poll ended at Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:23 pm

Shrine of the Salamander (Issue 2 adventure)
Hand of Fate (Issue 10 adventure)
Ascent of Darkness (Issue 11 adventure)
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Dreams of Darkness (Issue 14 adventure)
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Barbarian Warlord (Issue 17 adventure)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

You stride down a short passage into an enormous cavern strewn with the countless bones of hapless victims. Forewarned, you draw your weapon, moments before an immense grey-green warty monster stalks into the chamber from a side-cave. The thing is roughly humanoid with razor-sharp talons and a wattled maw full of broken tusks. Tiny red eyes gleam in the depths of its skull and, upon seeing you standing boldly on the cavern floor, it races forward with a roar of fury. It is a TARATOR, a cavern beast from the bowels of Titan, and you must fight it to the death. Or, you could cast a magic spell:

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to cast ROK as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

Deduct 1 STAMINA point. Do you have any stone dust with you? If not, return to 66 and choose again. If you have some stone dust, you throw it over the charging Tarator and cast your spell. Within seconds, the beast's movements become slower and it starts to turn a pale grey in colour. Too late it realizes what is happening and before long, the hideous Tarator of the Tunnels of Ooze has been transformed into a stone statue, its face frozen forever in a snarling rictus of defiance. Cross the stone dust off your Adventure Sheet.

You have defeated the Tarator! Add 1 LUCK point for your victory. Searching the creature's lair - a shallow cave adjoining the main cavern - yields little other than 3 Gold Pieces and a Giant Tooth, which you can add to your Adventure Sheet if you wish. Two tunnels leave this cavern and head deeper underground. You can go west, or north.
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: John Constantine
LUCK 10/10
Equipment: Warhammer, Lantern, Cloth SkullCap, Small Pebbles (x11), Sand (x4), Stone Dust (x3), Rope (x2), Galehorn, Lumps of coal (x5), Jar of Bees, Potion of Healing (restores STAMINA to initial value), Potion of Transformation, Giant Tooth
Provisions: 7
Gold: 10
Boons: Galehorn, SkullCap, Giant's Tooth, Potion of Firewater
1) Anyone entering the maze of tunnels that forms the Crystal Mine itself, must first turn left and then travel in a clockwise direction if they wish to remain safe.
2) The Horntoads' favourite food is the humble bee. If in future we find ourselves in the presence of a beehive and wish to try and catch some, deduct twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
3) Xak may be the name of the Croaking Caves Salamander? If in future we have the chance to speak the name Xak, add twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
4) Zared the sage dwells in a cavern full of giant fungi. If in future we find ourselves in such a place and wish to contact Zared, add fifty to the paragraph number we are on at the time, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go west to take a stand against the raging forces of fascism.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, might as well try west.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

You follow a short, dark tunnel littered with bones that leads west, until it intersects a large corridor running from south to north. Reasoning that going south will lead you back to the beach, you turn right and head north.
Again, the directions have actually been pretty consistent for mappers. Since we went east to get to the Tarator's lair, going west from there means we backtracked to the same spot, and now have to go the only remaining direction, which means...
You are advancing down a cave-tunnel leading north when you notice that the walls around you appear to be shaking and trembling violently. Suddenly, with a loud cracking noise, one of the tunnel walls is torn asunder and a gigantic insect-like monstrosity with a spoked carapace and a long, grasping claws erupt out of the very rock itself. The sound of your footsteps has attracted the attention of a BADDI-BEETLE, a ferocious predator that infests the Baklands of Kakhabad! Without warning, the creature spits a viscous blob of acid in your direction. Roll two dice and Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 101. If you are Unlucky, turn to 135.
...that we have to face this thing again.

Dice roll = 3 (Lucky).

The creature's acidic saliva misses you and hits a wall, where it begins to sizzle and dissolve its way through the rock. Meanwhile, the beetle heaves its black chitin-clad bulk out from its burrow and scuttles down the tunnel to attack you with its serrated and claw-like mandibles! Defend yourself!


If you wish to flee from the Baddu-Beetle and Escape by running northwards up the tunnel, turn to 45. Fight the battle as normal, except that every time you wound the beetle, it will respond by angrily spitting virulent acid at you. Roll one die and consult the following table to see whether this acid spit hits you:

Roll Effect
1 - Hits you in the face. Lose 3 STAMINA points and 1 LUCK point.
2 - Hits your weapon arm. Lose 2 STAMINA points and 1 SKILL point.
3 - Hits your other arm. Lose 2 STAMINA points.
4 - Hits your leg. Lose 1 STAMINA point.
5-6 - Misses.

If you slay the Baddu-Beetle, turn to 80.
What do we do here? Straight battle? Use LUCK? Flee (we found out from the last attempt that fleeing would lead to a 2-point penalty in the upcoming SKILL test)?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: John Constantine
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Warhammer, Lantern, Cloth SkullCap, Small Pebbles (x11), Sand (x4), Stone Dust (x3), Rope (x2), Galehorn, Lumps of coal (x5), Jar of Bees, Potion of Healing (restores STAMINA to initial value), Potion of Transformation, Giant Tooth
Provisions: 7
Gold: 10
Boons: Galehorn, SkullCap, Giant's Tooth, Potion of Firewater
1) Anyone entering the maze of tunnels that forms the Crystal Mine itself, must first turn left and then travel in a clockwise direction if they wish to remain safe.
2) The Horntoads' favourite food is the humble bee. If in future we find ourselves in the presence of a beehive and wish to try and catch some, deduct twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
3) Xak may be the name of the Croaking Caves Salamander? If in future we have the chance to speak the name Xak, add twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
4) Zared the sage dwells in a cavern full of giant fungi. If in future we find ourselves in such a place and wish to contact Zared, add fifty to the paragraph number we are on at the time, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Arrrgh, I had a brain lapse. I vote to use Luck to deal extra damage twice.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

Baddu-Beetle 15, John Constantine 14. JC is at 18.
BB 16, JC 15. JC is at 16.
BB 14, JC 10. JC is at 14.
BB 11, JC 13. Luck test roll = 9 (Lucky). BB is at 5.
BB uses acid spit: die roll = 1. JC is at 11 STAMINA, 8 LUCK.
BB 14, JC 11. JC is at 9.
BB 16, JC 16. Tie.
BB 10, JC 14. Luck test roll = 3 (Lucky). BB is at 1.
BB uses acid spit: die roll = 3. JC is at 7 STAMINA.
BB 18, JC 13. JC is at 5.
BB 17, JC 17. Tie.
BB 11, JC 17. BB is killed!

Coincidentally, we somehow emerge from this fight with the exact same (low) STAMINA as the last time. We even scored the exact same penalties from the acid spit, which I'd count as lucky on our part since we somehow any evaded SKILL penalty from this fight for a second time.
Restore 1 LUCK point for slaying the Baddu-Beetle - a truly difficult foe! You see that the creature's tunnelling has churned up plenty of material here that is useful for casting spells. Add any of the following to your Adventure Sheet if you wish: four small pebbles, stone dust, and some sand. You head north along the tunnel.
LUCK is at 8 after the bonus.
The tunnel ends abruptly at a vertical sinkhole that leads up to the surface and down to the depths. In fact it ends so abruptly that you teeter for a moment on the edge, in serious danger of falling down into an unknown doom. Roll two dice and Test your SKILL. Add two to the result if you have just Escaped from the Baddu-Beetle. If you are successful, turn to 103. If you are unsuccessful, turn to 119.
Dice roll = 11(Fail)! Our luck on the dice seems to have finally run out.
You fall down the sinkhole and hurtle screaming through space to land with a splash in a pool of disgustingly foul-smelling water. Roll one die and deduct the result from your STAMINA score to reflect the injuries you suffered in the fall. Judging by both the stench and the presence of several bloated Horntoad carcasses, bobbing gently about in the ripples caused by your landing, you must now be in the dreaded Croaking Caves themselves!
That fall can actually potentially kill us, since our STAMINA is only at 5!

Die roll = 6! Yep, our luck on the dice definitely run out.

(Also, even if it didn't kill us, the fall seems to have fast-forwarded us to the Croaking Caves, which means we missed our chance to look for Zared in the Tunnels of Ooze again.)

How do you want to proceed? All 3 boons may be applied here: the Galehorn can rewind you back to a specific point of your choice; the Potion of FIrewater can be used to retcon the SKILL test earlier and give you an automatic pass; or the Giant Tooth can absorb the damage we just took and let us proceed onwards from here.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I half vote to use the Giant Tooth to absorb the damage, and to eat 4 Provisions to restore our hero's Stamina.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by Thaluikhain »

Makes sense.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

Having negated the damage of the fall with his boon, John Constantine then restores his STAMINA to 21 after consuming 4 meals.
You are standing in the filth of the Horntoads' latrine. A fouler, more loathsome place you could not possibly imagine. Lose 1 STAMINA point just for the sheer awfulness of your surroundings. And yet there is life here. Slugs, worms, rate, cockroaches, maggots, flies and indescribable tentacled things, are just some of the fauna lurking about in the muck.

And there are bigger things too! Alerted to your presence, the blubbery bulk of an enormous SLIME EATER hauls itself out of the putrid sludge and reaches for you with muscular arms. Blowing sulphurous steam from short breathing tubes on top of its head, the monster opens its great trough of a slavering mouth in anticipation of eating fresh meat! You will have to fight the creature:


If you wish to flee from the latrine and Escape via the sole exit, turn to 142. If you kill the Slime Eater, turn to 93.
STAMINA is down to 20 again.

Do we want to try and kill the creature, or flee and get out of the smelly latrine ASAP?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: John Constantine
LUCK 8/10
Equipment: Warhammer, Lantern, Cloth SkullCap, Small Pebbles (x15), Sand (x5), Stone Dust (x4), Rope (x2), Galehorn, Lumps of coal (x5), Jar of Bees, Potion of Healing (restores STAMINA to initial value), Potion of Transformation, Giant Tooth
Provisions: 3
Gold: 10
Boons: Galehorn, SkullCap, Giant's Tooth, Potion of Firewater
1) Anyone entering the maze of tunnels that forms the Crystal Mine itself, must first turn left and then travel in a clockwise direction if they wish to remain safe.
2) The Horntoads' favourite food is the humble bee. If in future we find ourselves in the presence of a beehive and wish to try and catch some, deduct twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
3) Xak may be the name of the Croaking Caves Salamander? If in future we have the chance to speak the name Xak, add twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
4) Zared the sage dwells in a cavern full of giant fungi. If in future we find ourselves in such a place and wish to contact Zared, add fifty to the paragraph number we are on at the time, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I say we try to kill the creature.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by Thaluikhain »

Kill it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

Slime Eater 12, John Constantine 19. SE is at 9.
SE 13, JC 17. SE is at 7.
SE 15, JC 19. SE is at 5.
SE 16, JC 13. JC is at 18.
SE 16, JC 11. JC is at 16.
SE 18, JC 13. JC is at 14.
SE 17, JC 14. JC is at 12.
SE 16, JC 17. SE is at 3.
SE 12, JC 16. SE is at 1.
SE 13, JC 14. SE is killed.
The corpse of the Slime Eater falls backwards into the slime with a splash, where it is immediately set upon by a feculent host of smaller creatures. You have already decided that there is nothing further to be gained in this abominable grotto, and move to leave via the lone exit tunnel. However, two tings have happened to you here whose effects you cannot ignore.

Firstly, all of the food you may be carrying has been spoiled and contaminated. Cross all and any Provisions off your Adventure Sheet as they are now tainted and inedible.

Secondly, you have contracted a dread Wasting Disease through exposure to the germs in the latrine. The effects of this plague are especially virulent when you are subjected to intense physical activity, such as a battle. For the rest of your adventure, you must deduct 1 STAMINA point every time you are involved in combat, whether you win or Escape. Note these details on your Adventure Sheet.

You leave the latrine of the Horntoads.
Horntoads' latrine: deadlier than the sewers of both Khare and Blacksand.

That did not go well at all...
The corridor you are following meets up with an intersection of many other passageways. Hornoads are generally illiterate, so there are no words to indicate where the passages lead, just crude symbols gouged into the rock. Where will you go next? Bear in mind you cannot return to any place you have already visited, no matter how briefly.

The flame-like symbol
The circle within a circle symbol
The half-full semi-circle symbol
The wavy lines symbol
Even though it may be hard for players who arrived by the same way as us to realize it (at least for the first time it happens), we'd actually already been to the third location listed above: it leads back to the latrine. So we're only choosing between the remaining 3.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: John Constantine
LUCK 8/10
Equipment: Warhammer, Lantern, Cloth SkullCap, Small Pebbles (x15), Sand (x5), Stone Dust (x4), Rope (x2), Galehorn, Lumps of coal (x5), Jar of Bees, Potion of Healing (restores STAMINA to initial value), Potion of Transformation, Giant Tooth
Provisions: 0
Gold: 10
Boons: Galehorn, SkullCap, Giant's Tooth, Potion of Firewater
1) Anyone entering the maze of tunnels that forms the Crystal Mine itself, must first turn left and then travel in a clockwise direction if they wish to remain safe.
2) The Horntoads' favourite food is the humble bee. If in future we find ourselves in the presence of a beehive and wish to try and catch some, deduct twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
3) Xak may be the name of the Croaking Caves Salamander? If in future we have the chance to speak the name Xak, add twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
4) Zared the sage dwells in a cavern full of giant fungi. If in future we find ourselves in such a place and wish to contact Zared, add fifty to the paragraph number we are on at the time, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
5) Caught a Wasting Disease - must lose 1 STAMINA every time we are involved in combat, whether we win or flee from it.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Since I have no idea what the symbols mean, I'll just go for the first one. Try the flame.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Man, getting sick and losing every Provision is *brutal*.

I also vote to go to the passage with the flame-like symbol.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

The odour of wood-smoke comes trailing down the tunnel towards you. You have arrived at a kitchen of sorts. Herbs, vegetables, and meat are lying on tables around the centre of the cavern and hanging from the walls. At the far end of the cave is a fireplace, the smoke from which exits through a natural vent in the ceiling. Suspended over the fire is a blackened pot full of bubbling broth, and standing next to it is a very odd-looking creature. It has a humanoid torso and legs, but its head is a solid blob of quivering jelly and its eyes float loosely about in the front of its face. Hanging down from its head on all sides are numerous long tentacles. These appear to be its hands (as it has no others) and it grips a ladle and stirring spoon. It stares at you apprehensively, waiting for you to make the first move.

You can fight this strange creature, or cast a magic spell:


Or, you can leave it well alone, and return to the junction instead.
So apparently flame symbol represents kitchen. Well, we did just lose all our food, so this may be a convenient find for us...or is it?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to cast ROK, since the creature could be fire-resistant.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by SGamerz »

Deduct 1 STAMINA point. Do you have any stone dust with you? If not, return to 51 and choose again. If you have some stone dust, you throw it over the creature and cast your spell. Within seconds, its movements become slower and it starts to turn a pale grey in colour. Too late it realizes what is happening and before long, the creature has transformed into a rather bizarre stone statue. Cross the stone dust off your Adventure Sheet.
Flayers are actually one of FF's creations that I like. Despite the physical similarities to Mind-flayers, their distinguishing feature of being culinary experts make them feel far less of a direct rip-off compared to Brain Slayers. I was actually disappointed that there's no option to trade or barter with it peacefully for food here (like it it was possible to do against one of them in Sorcery), since they're usually not an outright hostile species.
With the inhuman cook out of the way, you are free to ransack the Horntoads' kitchen. There are no valuables here however, other than 1 Gold Piece, which you can add to your Adventure Sheet. On the other hand, there are plenty of different kinds of food, some of which you recognize. Which will you try first? Bear in mind you cannot try something more than once.

A bowl of Whortle Soup
A bag of Vittles
A plate of Gloister and bread
A haunch of Mutton Fish
Or will you leave this area?
Which one do we sample first?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: John Constantine
LUCK 8/10
Equipment: Warhammer, Lantern, Cloth SkullCap, Small Pebbles (x15), Sand (x5), Stone Dust (x3), Rope (x2), Galehorn, Lumps of coal (x5), Jar of Bees, Potion of Healing (restores STAMINA to initial value), Potion of Transformation, Giant Tooth
Provisions: 0
Gold: 11
Boons: Galehorn, SkullCap, Giant's Tooth, Potion of Firewater
1) Anyone entering the maze of tunnels that forms the Crystal Mine itself, must first turn left and then travel in a clockwise direction if they wish to remain safe.
2) The Horntoads' favourite food is the humble bee. If in future we find ourselves in the presence of a beehive and wish to try and catch some, deduct twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
3) Xak may be the name of the Croaking Caves Salamander? If in future we have the chance to speak the name Xak, add twenty to the paragraph number we have turned to, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
4) Zared the sage dwells in a cavern full of giant fungi. If in future we find ourselves in such a place and wish to contact Zared, add fifty to the paragraph number we are on at the time, and consult this new paragraph number instead.
5) Caught a Wasting Disease - must lose 1 STAMINA every time we are involved in combat, whether we win or flee from it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to try the Mutton Fish, as fish is always one of the healthier options in stories.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #2 - Shrine of the Salamander

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.

(Oh, a Flayer...yeah, I like that it had no arms, just tentacles. Might not have seemed Illithid-ish except for the name.

Also, we've walked straight from the latrine pit into the kitchens. I think we've just caused a massive health problem for everyone in the area(
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